Madden NFL 17 News Post

The team of Brandon Gaudin (play-by-play) and analyst Charles Davis have been spending more time in the EA Sports studio lately, with plans to continue throughout the NFL season. These commentary updates will arrive in Madden NFL 17 according to their schedules.

With that said, let us know what you're hearing in the latest update.

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Member Comments
# 101 noplace @ 09/02/16 01:12 AM
Kudos to EA on this very refreshing.
# 102 w00dy Hayezz @ 09/02/16 08:40 AM
Originally Posted by extremeskins04
I'm not hearing any new commentary lines in Play the Moment. Is it only in Play Now games? I thought it was in CFM too.
I think they are working on a big one for CFM.
# 103 PhillyPhanatic14 @ 09/02/16 09:05 AM
Originally Posted by w00dy Hayezz
I think they are working on a big one for CFM.
Any evidence to back this up? Don't wanna get my hopes up without it cuz that would be awesome.
# 104 GiantsFan2013 @ 09/02/16 09:44 AM
Does anybody know if this works for players too? Like say a UDFA player breaks through and has a big impact on a team, will they get his name in the game when he makes plays, not just talk about him?
# 105 Slim4824 @ 09/02/16 09:47 AM
Originally Posted by PhillyPhanatic14
Any evidence to back this up? Don't wanna get my hopes up without it cuz that would be awesome.
It was mentioned in a tweet.

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# 106 malky @ 09/02/16 02:36 PM
Originally Posted by extremeskins04
I'm not hearing any new commentary lines in Play the Moment. Is it only in Play Now games? I thought it was in CFM too.
Exactly, don't really hear anything NEW in CFM at all, but it must be in that massive patch EA is working on.

Play now updates are cool, but if the commentary is not going to be updated with fresh or expansive lines to your franchise, then I'm not really understanding the big deal of new commentary downloads every week for just play now.
# 107 mcavner @ 09/02/16 02:49 PM
We also need them to take out some commentary in cfm. I've played a couple of different cfm's and in the second season both times they've mentioned how Amari Cooper caught six TDs last season and could improve on that total this year. Yes, he did... b/c that was two years ago. Would like the cfm commentary to get more immersive for that kind of thing. It's pretty stout already, to be fair, but every now and again it's obvious that the commentary is a few years behind my franchise.

Also, about halfway through the season the commentary switches abruptly from mentioning my generated QB is a rookie to stating he has a lot of years in the league. Needs a happy medium there, guys.
# 108 DeuceDouglas @ 09/02/16 02:54 PM
In the game I played earlier they started talking about Week 3 injuries and mentioned Brandon Oliver and Benjamin Watson. Ironically a minute later they started talking about the great preseason Teddy Bridgewater was having and how good he's looked.
# 109 ojai4keith @ 09/03/16 04:42 PM
After a week of playing have gotten really tired of Charles Davis talking.
He talks over plays way too much with useless comments. Where is Phil Simms when I need him.
# 110 MakaveliLPC @ 09/03/16 05:27 PM
Are They just adding commentary about the real life season? Basically things that would be useless in fantasy CFM? Or are they adding all types of new commentary. Really hope it's the latter
# 111 apollon42 @ 09/03/16 06:06 PM
Originally Posted by MakaveliLPC
Are They just adding commentary about the real life season? Basically things that would be useless in fantasy CFM? Or are they adding all types of new commentary. Really hope it's the latter
It looks like they are just adding real life commentary. I haven't heard anything else new.
# 112 Datninja619 @ 09/07/16 03:01 AM
I'm playing a game now and they mentioned how teams are cutting down rosters and what surprises happened. They mentioned Paul Kruger, Ruben Randel, and Terrance Knighton and how Terrance said 'it's been real" on social media.

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# 113 Northernwolf @ 09/07/16 08:42 AM
I have to say the commentary keeps surprising me.
I have played the game for 2 weeks now, and every now and then Gaudin and Davis say something new I had not heard before.
Some repetitive sentences but it does not bother me as much. I hope they keep adding more as the season progress, because it has been an absolute blast.

I want more CFM specific chatter, more generic names (for our Rookies and player Franchises).

Other than that: I hope they keep this up. It is miles apart from what we used to get.
# 114 Rocket32 @ 09/07/16 10:07 AM
Originally Posted by rich8682
Will commentary updates take effect after I start my offline cfm?

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Not exactly 100% sure on this but I'm pretty sure new commentary updates effect already existing cfm's.
# 115 azdawgpound @ 09/07/16 10:54 AM
I've played 5 games if my cfm and I haven't heard anything like they say in play now games...RG3 had huge game threw 5 tds no ints..the following week not one word about it.

But we was undefeated and keep talking about that...between the no new commentary and the silence of no updates on injuries almost makes it not worth to play cfm.
# 116 The Kid 24 @ 09/07/16 11:54 AM
Originally Posted by azdawgpound
I've played 5 games if my cfm and I haven't heard anything like they say in play now games...RG3 had huge game threw 5 tds no ints..the following week not one word about it.

But we was undefeated and keep talking about that...between the no new commentary and the silence of no updates on injuries almost makes it not worth to play cfm.
CFM commentary update is coming later... There was a Dev tweet about it.
# 117 ojai4keith @ 09/07/16 03:52 PM
Sorry I hate it. Had turn it off by turning down volume. Charles Davis driving me crazy keeps on repeating same stupid stuff like Like tall QBS.
# 118 Cycloniac @ 09/07/16 04:04 PM
Originally Posted by PredatorKingdom
I'm liking the new commentary already although I've played the game for a week now and am hearing the same stuff sometimes I have no real complaints about it like in the past. I like the back-and-forth between Gaudin and Davis.

The only request I have right now is that they need to say the damn names of the rookies in franchise mode.

Also, they need to cutdown on the length of some of the exchanges. Davis's comments tend to be too long-winded sometimes, even though I like his insights.
# 119 shugknight @ 09/07/16 04:13 PM
I really hate the stupid, "He needs a nickname, how about ...."
# 120 The Chef @ 09/08/16 12:22 PM
Only 2 comments that get under my skin are the whole "it's another boomer" when punting or when handing off to the HB and they pull that whole "another carry for the afternoon work horse".

I really hope the commentary updates start effecting on going CFM's as the commentary in that has gotten highly repetitive now that I've just wrapped up my second season. I saw someone mention above that a commentary update for CFM is in the works and I can't wait as I'm about to turn off the commentary and just listen to the game like I'm in the stands.

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