Madden NFL 17 News Post

The team of Brandon Gaudin (play-by-play) and analyst Charles Davis have been spending more time in the EA Sports studio lately, with plans to continue throughout the NFL season. These commentary updates will arrive in Madden NFL 17 according to their schedules.

With that said, let us know what you're hearing in the latest update.

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Member Comments
# 21 Cowboy008 @ 08/24/16 05:25 PM
I really hope with the updates that are coming with the commentary that we get some more lines for those people who play CFM.
# 22 jmurphy31 @ 08/24/16 05:29 PM
Not to be too critical and I am sure to be in the minority but are these updates a waste of time. I mean think about. All the commentary they added last week after week 1 is probably no longer being used or will be outdated pretty soon. Unless your playing just play now games some of the new dialogue will never be heard in a CFM and may ot even make sense in it if it is being used. Would it be better to add more commentary that could be used in different situations during a game and not just specific ones based on real life

If they're adding both I am ok with it, but if they are just adding real life stories, I think I'd rather have other lines being recorded.

Again I may be in the minority but I like CFM specific stuff over real life lines (always have...even before this year)
# 23 Datninja619 @ 08/24/16 05:30 PM
Are you guys in CFM and having these updated commentaries or just Play now.
# 24 jkra0512 @ 08/24/16 05:30 PM
Originally Posted by Bootzilla
I played as the Bills and they mentioned Karlos Williams being let go and that Reggie Bush isn't a power back and that their rookie back (can't remember his name) may have to take on that role.
That is sweet! As a Bills fan, this makes me happy.
# 25 azdawgpound @ 08/24/16 05:31 PM
Still playing game but more new lines heard they talked about players coming off pup list also heard then say it's almost end of August time for fantasy football and davis talked about what Qb's to take.

Also meantioned how they had a extra ref in 2nd pre season game and it's something if it works right will be in the NFL in 2017.

Good stuff!!!
# 26 m1ke_nyc @ 08/24/16 05:31 PM
Played a game Texans-49ers and they talked about how Osweiler struggled in pre season week 1 then bounced back in week 2 and how getting more time with the offense and becoming more familiar with Bill O'Briens system has helped him. They also mentioned the extra ref for week 2 and said if it happens in pre season we'll likely see it in the regular season. Something along those lines.
# 27 fballturkey @ 08/24/16 05:37 PM
The one complaint I have about the commentary is that some of the lines go on for so long and don't get interrupted that I'm still listening to them talk about whether I'll run or throw on third down after third down is over. They need an interruption system.
# 28 ShaiLeGran @ 08/24/16 05:39 PM
Put a smile one my face to hear that the guy who does the half time comments didnt even have time enough to finish his Snickers cause I skipped it
# 29 m1ke_nyc @ 08/24/16 05:40 PM
Originally Posted by fballturkey
The one complaint I have about the commentary is that some of the lines go on for so long and don't get interrupted that I'm still listening to them talk about whether I'll run or throw on third down after third down is over. They need an interruption system.
Agreed, this is probably the only issue I've noticed with commentary. Overall it's great though.
# 30 scottyp180 @ 08/24/16 05:47 PM
Heard a funny line about how this is madden launch week and players critical about their ratings. I forget the exact line.
# 31 jpdavis82 @ 08/24/16 06:03 PM
Just got this from Christian

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
# 32 RexDEAFootball @ 08/24/16 06:30 PM
Originally Posted by pjburrage
Had the prompt to download the update, downloaded it (or I assume I had), but I'm not hearing anything. No Commentary at all, tried on both my UK and US PSN accounts.

Delete Application and Reinstalling.
No do not do that. Do this:
1. From the XB1 Menu go to settings.
2. Select Display and Sound.
3. Select Audio Output.
4. Select HDMI or Optical.
5. Select Stereo Uncompressed.
# 33 TheDutchDad @ 08/24/16 06:40 PM
Ok - We've all given EA some crap in the past on how they have handled their games, but this, this I have to say is really cool. Great attention to detail, updates, etc..

Hey, can you Madden devs talk to your brethren at the Fifa studios and give them some pointers on how to liven up Career Mode and take it in the CFM direction?

Well done EA...keep it up.
# 34 slick1ru2 @ 08/24/16 06:54 PM
Love the commentary. 3rd preseason game they mention the release of Madden that week. Awesome upgrade to the commentary.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
# 35 grgmths1433 @ 08/24/16 06:56 PM
I was playing against the Vikings and they was talking Adrian Peterson never played in a preseason in the last 5 years. They was going on and said I don't blame him because he has nothing to prove. That was nice!
# 36 Black Bruce Wayne @ 08/24/16 07:07 PM
I love when you skip the Halftime show, and Gauldin makes remarks about you skipping it
# 37 jkhaalis991 @ 08/24/16 07:20 PM
Ok...I haven't posted on this site since October 2015....but I had to login to give props to EA on upgrading the commentary. The 2 announcers just flow so smoothly together....feels like I'm actually watching the real game. I NBA 2k commentary was great, but this might make them 2nd best in that department.
# 38 BEARYChi @ 08/24/16 07:35 PM
I was playing with the Bears in "Play Now" and they were talking about the Preseason Injuries including Jeremy Langford's injury... It is so refreshing to hear. I'm loving the Commentary so far.
# 39 raidertiger @ 08/24/16 07:41 PM
I hope these lines are used in Franchise if it actually happens for season 1 (AD struggling for example).
# 40 Resurrection403 @ 08/24/16 07:54 PM
Stuff like this is why I bought Madden again for the first time in a while.

You need to reward when a company works hard for your business and doesn't get lazy. It's why I dont support the EA fifa devs and purchased Madden.

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