MLB The Show 16 News Post

MLB The Show 16 arrives for everyone today, so we have started a new topic so everyone can join in with their impressions. Play a few games and post your impressions here!

Game: MLB The Show 16Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PS4Votes for game: 23 - View All
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Member Comments
# 121 jw9036 @ 03/29/16 10:58 PM
I can't understand MLB The Show all pitching motion. especially pitching motion of Masahiro Tanaka, damn it!!... and rosin-bag~~



# 122 MC2 @ 03/29/16 11:05 PM
I'm sure this has been posted but the black for accessories isn't very dark, and teams with black as a team color such as the Marlins, is darker than the regular black.
# 123 econoodle @ 03/29/16 11:20 PM
couple spring training fast play games and more thoughts:

+ i like the pitcher osd showing avg vs. lefties and righties when he enters a game.

+ i like the fish eye view because of the full view of the stadium, but the warped look to the batter, not so much. Still a fun view. Might stick with modified offset.

- did they get rid of the dynamic difficulty speed setting? where you could set how fast you move up a level>?

more to come
# 124 yungkingston @ 03/29/16 11:36 PM
Purchased the MVP Edition:

Gameplay is crisp.
Sounds are crisp.
Lighting is crisp.
Alot of new animations.
Presentation is above average.

Graphics look weak for a PS4 system.
There is a gang of bugs throughout the game.

Bottom Line: Is the game still worth a purchase?......YES!
# 125 Jolly Roger @ 03/29/16 11:53 PM
- Just played my first game, Bucs vs. Dads.

- Liking the ball off the bat. Feels like the ball goes where it's supposed to based upon pitch location and swing.

- Transition to night looks good now; no longer looks like you're playing on Mars or in some sort of Terminatoresque day of reckoning.

- I like fisheye; I feel like I'm seeing the ball well.

- Breaking pitches seem more realistic and less exaggerated. Appreciated.

- Lots of new gear additions; the licensed catching gear is a huge addition.

- J-Hey hit one back up the middle in the area of Tyson Ross's head. Ross ducked down smoothly and the ball went into center field like it should have for a base hit. Noice.

- Ripped one down the third base line with Cervelli. Ball went all the way to the wall. Cervelli in at second. Lot of people have been asking for that.

- Only negative is I hit into a double play where the second basemen takes the catch and just "one-timer" whips it to first. I was hoping the fielding would be a little more down-to-earth but I can live with that.
# 126 econoodle @ 03/29/16 11:59 PM
Originally Posted by Chad0034
Thanks for mentioning this. How exactly do you turn this off? I dislike it taking up the bottom corner of the screen and I don't really happen to be using this at all.

I was unaware it could be turned off.
sure thing.

goto GAMEPLAY OPTIONS then GENERAL then hit r2 or l2 to bribng up the advanced options and the third option is SWING PITCH INFO
# 127 econoodle @ 03/30/16 12:06 AM
Originally Posted by countryboy
my biggest pet peeve right now is not being able to throw warm up pitches with my starting pitcher. Wish that wasn't taken out.

I loved getting into a groove with their pitches before starting the game.

same. i liked getting some confidence going with certain pitches.
wonder why so many of the little [some important] things were taken out this year?

all in all having fun.

knocked out a few ST games on fast play, tomorrow ill go full on broadcast presentation in season and give my unbridled thoughts within.
# 128 Grinder12000 @ 03/30/16 12:14 AM
- I really dislike the player attributes circular graphs for the player ratings. Just give me numbers, please. Or a choice.
I see no reason for these - everything is pretty but in reality harder to use.
# 129 dran1984 @ 03/30/16 12:25 AM
It seems they have taken out the ability to see the opposing teams bench during the game. It's hard to play match-ups if you don't know who is available on the other teams bench.
# 130 Dynasty Legend 99 @ 03/30/16 12:26 AM
My Initial Takeaway:


-Visually Stunning, Played the Opening Day Game against the Orioles with the Twins at Oriole Park and I have to say that the Ballpark and Field look beautiful. The Helmet's Material really jumps out at you and really looks good.

- Played Veteran Hitting (ZONE) and All-Star Pitching (METER) and felt like I was rewarded for Correct Placement of my Reticle as well as my pitches. Homered with Rosario to Right and Sano to Right. Also gave Chris Davis the "Ol' Sombrero"

-I like the Interface a lot, not too much different but new enough to feel fresh and thats all I want.

- I didn't experience any Framerate issues at all; the game felt silky smooth all the way through.

-Really liking the New Arrows Throwing Meter, feels very organic.

-Machado made a One Step Dive to the ground then Flipped over and threw me out across the Diamonds and I almost lost it, beautiful.


-I like the New Commentary Additions, But I still feel like Steve and Eric haven't been changed enough but Matty V was awesome (Love the TV' esque Bass to his Voice)

- Brad Brach pitched 3 innings out of the Bullpen for the O's, all though this isn't unheard (Happens often enough) and probably was a product of Manager Hook only being at 5, I feel the system is still flawed. I could be wrong.


I really love what I am seeing, felt way different than the "Install game" and was much more inspired by this game. This year's game is really special, don't give up on it especially if you felt spurned by 15 at times.
# 131 isherdish @ 03/30/16 12:28 AM
I am new to the game. Bought the PS4 specifically for this actually, but I am slightly disappointed. I was only able to get in one game so far, but hybrid presentation has just been average for me because it doesn't always give replays of the important moments. For instance, the computer had the bases loaded with one out and I got them to hit into a double play and there was no replay for it. Also, I didn't get a replay for an rbi single. On hybrid mode, I would prefer less reaction shots and more replays.

Perhaps going to broadcast mode will have more replays but then I will be button mashing through all the reaction shots... Still a fun first game, but was hoping somehow the game would draw me in more than it did initially.
# 132 ped3328 @ 03/30/16 12:49 AM
Originally Posted by fairplayleagues
Matt Joyce made the Pirates and played 93 games for angels last year and made the pirates team this year, he should not be a created player made by them he should have his real player model as same goes for about 79 other players. I think what happen is they put all the legends this year into FREE AGENT 3 and that holds 60+ slots when free agent 1 & 2 only hold 40 so those being now in free agent 3 are taking slots from players that would be on the game etc...The legends should have there own area some where instead of free agent 3, same as last year real players started getting taken off the game because they had nowhere to put them when they had to add newer rookies onto the game.
I'm with you 100 %. I wonder how many gamers play or use Legends in the first place. We are deprived of players that were SCEA generated last year and are or could eventually be on the 40 man roster during the season. Of course, adding players during the season means that more SCEA generated players are taken out of the game because 60 Legends occupy a whole slot. Indeed, Legends should have their particular slot so that potential regular players could be used without being created. One particular player comes to mind: Jeff Manship. He was taken out of the game early last season, only to resurface with the Indians and enjoy a great year. He wound up being created but his face was nowhere near what he looks like, plus the fact that his name was not in the audio. Unfortunately, there will more Jeff Manships this year.
# 133 augmental @ 03/30/16 12:52 AM
What is the point of the 'New' Roster Update section under the Community tab? You can't actually download anything there as far as I can tell. Is it updates on what SCEA did to change players?
# 134 Dolenz @ 03/30/16 01:05 AM
Loving the ability to play a series in RTTS. Speeds things up so much.

Loving Conquest mode in Diamond Dynasty

Not loving the slow servers.

And I feel like benching Curtis Granderson on my Diamond Dyansty team because I am sick and tired of hearing about his socks every single game. I like the added flavor and trivia but it plays way too often.
# 135 Smallville102001 @ 03/30/16 01:06 AM
Originally Posted by teebee
Someone needs to explain to SCEA what a foul tip is vs a foul ball because it's screwed up again this year #TheLittleThingsWrong

What do you mean? What has ever been wrong with it in this game? I am confused what you are talking about.
# 136 JaFFiTh @ 03/30/16 01:19 AM
I've played like 4-5 innings. Overall it looks good, plays a bit too quick (throws) for my liking but thank God for the sliders lol. Various hits which is good... fish cam is neat, nice being able to see the runners.

But like some people said.. hair on some players does look like old Gen. It's all blur. Same for facial hair. With all the PBR and updated graphics, the hair took a huge step back.

Another thing I noticed. Lots of new SCEA players who should be white seems to be darker skin now.. like 3 or 5 dark. Not cool!

I guess with all the hype.. it wasn't what I thought. Don't get me wrong it's still one of the best game but messed up on some little stuff. Still a great game (big big thank you for finally adding current team uniforms in player editor, best feature!)

Sent from my SM-G900W8 using Tapatalk
# 137 Speedy @ 03/30/16 01:20 AM
The sound of the ball hitting the bat...

So good....
# 138 TNKNGM @ 03/30/16 01:32 AM
Just a few suggestions for the people who have complaints:

1) The game just released - give it some time and play a bunch of games to get used to it before jumping to conclusions (10 games minimum)

2) The game just released - give the slider makers some time to play 10 to 20 games and develop some amazing slider sets

3) The game just released - give the SCEA dev team a little time to come up with the 1st patch.......these guys have a golden track record of improving the hell out of the game every single year

4) The game just released - wait for the OSFM rosters to release and add a TON of enhancement to the game

All these things have a tendency of working themselves out and there is a reason this game sets the bar for sports games every single year
# 139 Phil Parent @ 03/30/16 01:48 AM
Since they added 3D models to the editor, I feared lag or slow down, but haven't seen any as I'm doing the generic'd base roster file.

Points for having Could Have Been Me as a song.

I like the new interface. It will require some time getting used to, but I like it.
# 140 ty5oke @ 03/30/16 01:58 AM
Adding WAR is nice and all but they really need to look at their formula again.

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