EA Sports UFC 2 News Post

EA Sports UFC 2 is available today in stores! We are currently working on a first impressions piece and our review (which should be live late tonight or tomorrow!).

This year's game features a plethora of improvements, including dynamic grappling, a new Ultimate Team mode, and new game modes.

Want to learn how to play EA Sports UFC 2? EA Sports created several gameplay tutorial videos, which you can find here.

Make sure you get some fights in, try out the other features in the game and post your impressions here!

Game: EA Sports UFC 2Reader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS4 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 17 - View All
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Member Comments
# 81 Pappy Knuckles @ 03/17/16 09:03 PM
Just had a 3 round match with JB a few minutes ago. Very close fight that was basically all stand up. Real clock setting and we almost went the distance, but I dropped his Hall with Nick Diaz with 2 seconds left. I respect his hands now, but he can move to the back of the line. Don't call me out in group me again lol.

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# 82 jb12780 @ 03/17/16 09:09 PM
Those Stockton boys have iron chins.

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# 83 aholbert32 @ 03/17/16 09:22 PM
Originally Posted by BegBy
I'll concede I need to get better, but that literally furthers my point. It's hard to get better when as a human player I have to manage stamina, look for visual clues that signal things to block/reverse and also deal with trying to avoid getting hit too many times or gassing from trying to obtain "grappling advantage" by striking myself. The window for blocking/reversals is too short in my opinion.

I stand by my statement. The ground game is just a poor representation of actual grappling. I just played as Souza vs Whitaker and he quite literally shut down every single thing I tried. He rolled me like he was putting on a clinic. Always with a stamina advantage, somehow. Always perfect. Controller vibrations to help signify transitions would help greatly because in real grappling (you said you find BJJ sweeps in half gaurd IRL easy if your opponent isn't actively blocking) you don't rely on a .3 of a second visual clue that your guy has got something up his sleeve. You rely on the feel and movement of his body.

It's a pretty Rock 'em Sock 'em simulator, however.
I just disagree and alot of your complaints can be explained by you not understanding the system and thats OK. You arent supposed to be able to master a new grappling system after 3 days. I know I didnt.

I'll go point by point.

Stamina management isnt that much of a concern if you are on top unless you are spamming transitions. Perm stamina isnt an issue while grappling because grappling barely takes any perm stamina (something I have a big issue with). Temp stamina is easy to regenerate if you are patient and not spamming transitions.

As for it being a poor representation of grappling, this game is the closest to actual grappling that a video game has ever shown. EVERY previous grappling system was turned based before UFC 2. In UFC 2, both players can be offensive at the same time, defensive at the same time, work for subs at the same time....just like in real life.

Could it be improved...sure. But there isnt a game thats done it better.
# 84 Hiro1 @ 03/17/16 10:07 PM
Originally Posted by aholbert32
I just disagree and alot of your complaints can be explained by you not understanding the system and thats OK. You arent supposed to be able to master a new grappling system after 3 days. I know I didnt.

I'll go point by point.

Stamina management isnt that much of a concern if you are on top unless you are spamming transitions. Perm stamina isnt an issue while grappling because grappling barely takes any perm stamina (something I have a big issue with). Temp stamina is easy to regenerate if you are patient and not spamming transitions.

As for it being a poor representation of grappling, this game is the closest to actual grappling that a video game has ever shown. EVERY previous grappling system was turned based before UFC 2. In UFC 2, both players can be offensive at the same time, defensive at the same time, work for subs at the same time....just like in real life.

Could it be improved...sure. But there isnt a game thats done it better.
I agree the ground game is extremely fun for me. Of course I'm an online guy who's trying to mentally out smart another human being instead of the CPU. I haven't enjoyed playing against the CPU in any sports game since online came to consoles.

In other news I'm undefeated with Rousey lol. I can't for the life of me get an armbar, but I guess I'll take decision wins in div 4.
# 85 aholbert32 @ 03/17/16 11:15 PM
Originally Posted by BegBy
I mentioned stamina not just the mounted point of view. I didn't think I would have had to clarify that. Also I primarily mentioned it because I think it's a safe bet that stamina will be addressed in a patch and I'd hate to get into bad habits and have to adjust later. Grappling IRL is very taxing. Hugely so, as I'm sure you'd agree. I truly believe a patch will do a better job of representing that in game.

Aside from that I still think the CPU reacts far too well, far too often and that higher level grapplers should have a much, much larger advantage on the ground. There is practically no difference in any of the fights I have watched or played. The difference between guys like Werdum, Palhares, Jacare, etc and Pat Barry should be profound. Like, off the charts profound. It's just not in game. That said, you may be right in that I am not seeing it because I can't actually do it.

As far as not understanding what I'm doing - I agree you're right. I can say that I see the CPU go for a move, I then react accordingly by pressing the buttons to either reverse or stop said actions. I know it isn't complicated, but it's inarguable I am doing it incorrectly. I'd like to understand it better though. Maybe it would help me to actually do it more successfully.
You make some good points. I just dont believe its a drastic as you think it. The difference between a guy like Maia and Pat Barry on the ground when the CPU is using them is huge once you get the controls down.

For example, I've probably spent 60 plus hours playing the game so I'm decent on the ground. Last week I fought AI Maia with Tim Kennedy and I was dominated on the ground. He swept me, transitioned to back and choked me out.

Only the top AI controlled grapplers and BJJ guys can keep me on the ground. So you will see a difference eventually.

Last thing: I'll never say never but I'm not super confident there will be changes to perm stamina on the ground at all. Maybe temp stamina but I identified the perm stamina grappling issues during the beta and nothing was done. Fingers crossed that they do something.
# 86 hogfan @ 03/17/16 11:46 PM
Enjoying the stand up so far, but I can't block a transition to Save my life.

I'm not preloading. I successfully denied 1/transition, but that was with Verduum and the CPU was Pat Barry.
I can't get the feel for it at all. In the skill challenges, I know which way the CPU is trying to transition, but even though I hit the controls as soon as they move, I haven't been successful.

I don't have a problem with a learning curve (enjoying the growth in my striking and striking defense), but I'm no closer to success in blocking transitions now than I was when I started the game.
# 87 Pappy Knuckles @ 03/18/16 02:14 AM
To GameDevUFC and whoever else involved with the game that posts here:

I can't stress this enough, but something has to be done about stamina on spinning kicks. Every McGregor I go against plays like a ****ing fool, and there's no reason for them not to do it a million times per match because they never slow down. I'm 13-4 in ranked, so I'm handling them okay, but this is just ridiculous. Please do something about this. I posted a clip of one of my McGregor encounters in the video thread so you can see what I'm talking about.
# 88 Don Jon @ 03/18/16 02:58 AM
I love that in event mode, the mat stays bloody from fight to fight. Idk if it saves the blood after each fight, but its pretty cool seeing the blood spots all over the rink heading into the main event.
# 89 rafaelpaolo84 @ 03/18/16 05:37 AM
Speaking of event mode, every title fight that you put in is recognized by the game as the main event. I just ran an event with 3 title fights, and each fight, Buffer introduced it as the main event, with the spotlights and everything. It's a minor quirk, but it takes away from a mode that's already lacking in immersion.
# 90 Hayman19 @ 03/18/16 09:11 AM
Is there a reason why the score cards for split decisions are not announced??? Was it removed because of a bug or something? There isnt a smooth transition from Bruce Buffer announcing the winner so it seems to me like it was bugged and removed.

One of the most tense moments in MMA is waiting for the scorecards and hearing hearing a split decision after a 5 round title fight. How this is not in the game is baffling to me.

I really hope this gets added back in.
# 91 aholbert32 @ 03/18/16 09:16 AM
Originally Posted by Hayman19
Is there a reason why the score cards for split decisions are not announced??? Was it removed because of a bug or something? There isnt a smooth transition from Bruce Buffer announcing the winner so it seems to me like it was bugged and removed.

One of the most tense moments in MMA is waiting for the scorecards and hearing hearing a split decision after a 5 round title fight. How this is not in the game is baffling to me.

I really hope this gets added back in.
Its a bug and its been reported.
# 92 Hiro1 @ 03/18/16 11:02 AM
Originally Posted by Pappy Knuckles
To GameDevUFC and whoever else involved with the game that posts here:

I can't stress this enough, but something has to be done about stamina on spinning kicks. Every McGregor I go against plays like a ****ing fool, and there's no reason for them not to do it a million times per match because they never slow down. I'm 13-4 in ranked, so I'm handling them okay, but this is just ridiculous. Please do something about this. I posted a clip of one of my McGregor encounters in the video thread so you can see what I'm talking about.
Lol and everyone who plays with him taunts like him as well. I use wrestler/Brawlers so I basically try to get inside lean back from the high kick and shoot for the single. Unfortunately in divisions 3 and especially div 4 guys mix body and head kicks well so it's more difficult to deal with.

The most frustrating thing was taking Mcgregor down and the guy triangle chocked me 45 seconds later. I think EA made Mcgregor too slick on the ground.
# 93 COMMISSIONERHBK9 @ 03/18/16 12:06 PM
do u think we can get patch a random button for choosing fighters offline? u can do it online but not offline.
# 94 Thetruth9012 @ 03/18/16 03:16 PM
Are devs looking for clinch? Why almost all guys have mt tai clinch just by attempting clinch its too dominant position like full mount, is this will be fixed ?

Can we create a topic with wish list in next patch ?

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# 95 HartmanTeets6 @ 03/18/16 03:35 PM
After playing the Beta and then playing this game for roughly 12 hours here are my impressions:

1) Stand up is much improved. Yes, people still spam body kicks, but there are ways to defend against it. Although not realistic, it is even more fun to beat these people. I love that the jab and straight are much more useful punches in this years' game.

2) The ground game is improved, but still leaves a little to be desired. I'd like to see a little more of a difference between the ELITE and the good or even not so good grapplers on the ground. Also, did the creators of the game pretend to never see McGregor on the ground?!?! lower those stats please.

3) Career mode is garbage. I'm a 50/50 career/online player in this game, but I can't be in this version. The career mode was literally given 0 thought. They could take this mode in so many different directions and they didn't do any of them. You can only change classes once, and never move back? How about giving us a camp and letting us create multiple people a-la Ultimate Team? Hopefully this is in the works for 2018's game.

4) Stamina is bad (spam kickers I alluded to) and ground game, although I understand the concept of making it more video game like in this aspect. Doesn't mean I'd rather them do this than make it realistic.

Overall I actually love the game. Is it perfect? No. Is it my favorite game to date for xbox 1? Absolutely. I don't want to seem too negative, I love this game and will play it online until the next one, just like I did w/ the last one.
# 96 Don Jon @ 03/18/16 03:58 PM
Let me start out by saying online I get killed, so I'm not that good at the game. This is all against Cpu on pro(the highest difficulty)in event mode.

I think we need a house rules thread against cpu. Either that, or ea needs to make some things less effective. Right now, I can't punch anyone on the ground, or else they get stunned, and it's an easy tko. Also clinch knees seem to do to much damage, and so do combos. The first punch stuns them,and you can get a few too many punches in, easy ko. I just did the worst fw, against Connor McGregor, and won 3/4 fights.

Again not bragging, just concerned that a guy who just picked this game up, and isn't doing anything unrealistic, can beat the best striker, with the worst striker on the "highest" difficulty. With ease I may add.
# 97 urlacher51 @ 03/18/16 04:15 PM
Are fighters suppose to lose a little stamina after certain or all take downs, like the L1+L2 take downs the wrestlers use. This might be different online but against the cpu it doesn't seem like they lose any stamina and if they do it seems very little. In ufc 3 these take downs did damage to the body and it would show.
# 98 kaletore11 @ 03/18/16 04:20 PM
I'm finishing my career with a female bantamweight fighter, and this will be my last opponent.

Good freaking luck to me.
# 99 Pappy Knuckles @ 03/18/16 04:24 PM
Just lost a 5 round championship match against a 33-3 Cruz guy online. Sterling let me down. I couldn't hurt Cruz. Good *** fight, though. I keep changing people every fight. I'll get my stable together over time.

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# 100 Gotmadskillzson @ 03/18/16 06:23 PM
Originally Posted by urlacher51
Are fighters suppose to lose a little stamina after certain or all take downs, like the L1+L2 take downs the wrestlers use. This might be different online but against the cpu it doesn't seem like they lose any stamina and if they do it seems very little. In ufc 3 these take downs did damage to the body and it would show.
Another pet peeve of mines about this game. Take downs don't seem to do any damage what so ever. Don't seem to matter if it is a power take down or regular. With no reward for doing such things, why even bother going for a power take down ?

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