MLB The Show 16 News Post

The official MLB The Show 16 Twitter account has been answering quite a few questions about their upcoming game recently, we've listed some of them below. We should be hearing much more about the game, including developer Twitch streams in the weeks to come.

If you can say Will you be bringing back ability to change ticket prices and concession food prices?

No those won't be coming back for 16 but there are great new features and changes coming to franchise mode. Stay tuned!

Can you still play your RTTS character from 15 to 16 like people did from 14 to 15?


Player tattoos coming this year?


Will we be able to carryover out franchises from 15 into 16 like we could last year?

Yes of course

Will there be content missing on the PS3 version compared to PS4?

The PS4 versions has some features and upgrades the PS3 doesn't we'll reveal them all in due time.

Will stubs transfer from mlb 15 to mlb 16

No they will not

Can you guys add a "Beat up umpire" button in The Show 16'???

No that's never going to happen

Will the throwback players be added to the PS3 version?


Are the top 100 prospect going to be in the default roster?

No the minor league players do not have a Players Union there for their likeness cannot be included in the game in any form

Will we be able to make customizable fields?


Any word on Ken Griffey and or Mike Piazza being in MLB 16 the show?

Not at this time

Will online franchises transfer to new game from '15???

No online franchises don't transfer year-to-year

Will 16 bring back Rivalry Mode? That was the best way to play offline games against friends.


Is Joe Buck an announcer on MLB 16 the show? That would be great!

No he isn't

What are the chances of adding a third uniform slot in DD for 2016?

Very slim this year


No you start over every year

What is the cut off date for your final rosters that will ship on disc?

February, but there is always a launch day roster update

When will we learn more about new game modes? I want to pre-order but am reluctant to spend $99 with so few details.

In a few weeks

Could we possibly see a create a stadium in mlb 16?


Will there by any chance be an expansion mode like in all star baseball?

Not this year

Will you add new brands in MLB 16??? Like New Era or Adidas??

There will be new brands added to MLB The Show 16 but we aren't revealing them just yet.

Can we finally have the option to turn injuries off for franchise mode? Amazes me how a simple feature isn't in there.

Sorry brain fart you can do this in MLB The Show 15 GAMEPLAY OPTIONS.....INJURIES....ON/OFF/MANUAL

Are you guys going to put an argue button to the Umpire and more on field brands?

No and yes

Will 16 have online co-op like 13 did?

No it will not

Uniform slots?

Available uniform slots are the same as last year.

Will the open and closed dome feature be on ps3?Also, will you be adding more team jerseys such as the blue jays canada day one?

PS4 Only for closed roofs

Game: MLB The Show 16Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PS4Votes for game: 23 - View All
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Member Comments
# 181 wanzalla13 @ 01/18/16 01:10 AM
Originally Posted by Kalkano
Haven't seen anyone else ask, so I will:

Sounds of the Show on PS4?

Same I'm waiting on

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# 182 authentic @ 01/18/16 01:28 AM
Originally Posted by ryan36
Just because things weren't mentioned doesn't mean there aren't any improvements, do we really expect a big reveal via twitter?
This, I think most people are just voicing what they're looking for though. I'm so pumped for the release, I'm just hoping we see some improvements that are long overdue. The unfortunate part is, not everyone is going to get what they want. As long as there's an effort in improve single player game modes I'll be happy. This mostly has to do with gameplay and Franchise mode. I'm just a little irritated playing and seeing the RF playing left handed power hitter's like they're a pitcher. This has been in the game since the PS3 era started. If they fixed position placement in the outfield, a lot of the bloop hits we're looking for would happen. We'll see, I'm hoping for a great improvement. I'm just excited to see a MLB come out of the box with the Cubs as a top team.
# 183 Blzer @ 01/18/16 01:29 AM
The slow-motion thing is definitely going to be on the back of the box as that's something for the casual gamer (and I don't doubt some of us on here might enjoy it as well), but there are always nice little things here and there that are worked on with these games that we'll be impressed about.

Sometimes it's under-the-hood tweaks, sometimes it's the little presentation things, and sometimes they are a lot bigger. We know that we are getting different running styles based on the player type, and if that is effected in the field or when redirecting as a baserunner, that's pretty big in itself. I would like to see more regarding momentum while throwing, and all of that is still possible to tell us about. They weren't even at CES, so we still have lots more to hear. Nobody has a clue what that fan dominance thing was about either (notice how I remember zero names in that trailer lol).

I'm sitting pretty waiting patient on them coming to us. Am I optimistic? Well, yes. I mean, I don't even know what we're looking forward to, but I still expect great things. They did ask us about a new defensive camera, so I would go ape **** if we actually got a proper broadcast fielding camera. I mean, I'm just fine waiting on the goods from them. Now that everything is really devoted to PS4, let's just see what they bring us. Don't call this Twitter topic real "news."

Originally Posted by wanzalla13
Same I'm waiting on

# 184 Godgers12 @ 01/18/16 02:11 AM
Is this the year we finally get sortable league season,career, positional stats? For a sport as reliant on numbers as baseball is to still not have them is inexcusable IMO.
# 185 Russell_SCEA @ 01/18/16 02:12 AM
Originally Posted by ryan36
Just because things weren't mentioned doesn't mean there aren't any improvements, do we really expect a big reveal via twitter?
Hey you with the common sense that needs to stop.
# 186 Clappington @ 01/18/16 03:50 AM
I've just been waiting on the day to have some sort of created player online mode type like 2k myplayer online.
# 187 Longoria333 @ 01/18/16 06:40 AM
Some of you guys are so bitter and ready to jump to conclusions. Like spoiled children. I, for one, am so glad they finally added the closed roof option I'll probably buy the game for that reason alone. I love these series. I bought a PS4 solely because of it. The amount of time I spent playing it and the fun I have with it each year is well worth the 60 bucks. I can't wait to start my franchise and play every game. Discovering the new features along the way. This game made me love baseball as a sport even more.

I'm also really looking forward to the Dev twitch streams as I enjoyed them a lot last year.
# 188 Sip_16 @ 01/18/16 09:57 AM
Originally Posted by MythicalGnome
Spoiled children would presume we have been getting what we want and a lot of it. Not the case. On my list I have been waiting about oh 5 years for what I want and it probably will not be there again.

I'd call that more in the line of starving children not spoiled, bud.

We'll see if the improvements are there. It's getting annoying that after any criticism we need a post that drives home the fact that not everything has been revealed, the devs are the best in the world, and everything will be alright. Maybe not even annoying just funny how people have to defend when there is really no need to.

Any rational person KNOWS that the blogs and such will reveal what is going on no?
There are many things that many of us would like to see with this game. OS is a small portion of the market that buys this game, there is probably more in depth ideas and more critical criticism here than the general public or casual players.
With anything, not everyone is going to be happy, it is what it is, like to me an offline franchise player that plays every game I would love detailed stats, ever improving animations, gameplay improvements. (vague but didnt want to get into detail)

To others there are online factors, or jersey corrections, or stadium creator etc. I know every year I don't get all the things with the game i want but i love it every year more as it gets better every year. They do what they can, and they get crapped on way to much for how much they interact with this community and actually use the feedback.

Again I dont get the constant complaining they can't do everything.
# 189 Kalkano @ 01/18/16 12:20 PM
Originally Posted by Mercury112491
The question has been answered over and over and over again.

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Sorry, but I've never seen any response other than "that's up to Sony", which is simply dodging the question. San Diego Studios is part of Sony. They've talked to the parent company, and know what's going on. If it's never going to happen, rip the bandaid off already. It's been long enough...
# 190 markpmitch @ 01/18/16 02:01 PM
The reason sounds of the show is up to Sony is because you can't import music onto the PS4 like you could the PS3. I'm pretty sure that's the only reason it's not there... It'd be cool if they could incorporate the use of Spotify into sounds of the show. Maybe that's something that could happen at some point
# 191 Kalkano @ 01/18/16 02:56 PM
Originally Posted by markpmitch
The reason sounds of the show is up to Sony is because you can't import music onto the PS4 like you could the PS3. I'm pretty sure that's the only reason it's not there... It'd be cool if they could incorporate the use of Spotify into sounds of the show. Maybe that's something that could happen at some point
I know that. But like I said, San Diego Studios knows what, if anything, Sony is doing about it. I know they may not be ALLOWED to pass that information on, but that doesn't help the mounting frustration. Like I said, rip the bandaid off already.

Also, Spotify does nothing for me. For one thing, they won't have the vast majority of the music that I want to use. I also won't pay for music that I already own.
# 192 Perfect Zero @ 01/18/16 03:28 PM
Originally Posted by Kalkano
I know that. But like I said, San Diego Studios knows what, if anything, Sony is doing about it. I know they may not be ALLOWED to pass that information on, but that doesn't help the mounting frustration. Like I said, rip the bandaid off already.

Also, Spotify does nothing for me. For one thing, they won't have the vast majority of the music that I want to use. I also won't pay for music that I already own.
It could be like a situation with my employer. Without disclosing whom I work for, my company provides for a srevice, while a sibling company under the same parent organization bills for the service. Even though we work technically for the same organization, by law we can't even talk to each other. Now, it may not be law, but it could be the same idea.
# 193 Spokker @ 01/18/16 03:41 PM
My guess is that developers would have to have access to USB storage while a game is running. Does anyone know of any PS4 game that allows access to USB storage during a game?

Even if they have access, they would have to reprogram Sounds of the Show to look for music there, and then tell the game what to do when the USB stick is pulled during a game.

It's just my speculation, but it doesn't seem like a trivial thing.

I think a good compromise would be to partner with Spotify to deliver real life walkup songs. Spotify would supply the music and licensing while The Show would have a trial code for Spotify in the case and the Sounds of the Show menu would say, "presented by Spotify" or something.

They would only need the first 30 seconds of each song.
# 194 countryboy @ 01/18/16 04:13 PM
This thread is entertaining
# 195 goillini03 @ 01/18/16 04:20 PM
Originally Posted by babaker14
This game is stagnating and will continue to until another entity comes along to provide competition. And again I don't get the whole no stadium creator because of the classic stadiums but we will give you the same classic stadiums every year.
Looking forward to this year's game. I only buy it every three years because it feels like the same game, but this is my year in the rotation.
# 196 Spokker @ 01/18/16 05:24 PM
Originally Posted by countryboy
This thread is entertaining
What are you referring to?
# 197 bronxbombers21325 @ 01/18/16 05:27 PM
Originally Posted by babaker14
This game is stagnating and will continue to until another entity comes along to provide competition. And again I don't get the whole no stadium creator because of the classic stadiums but we will give you the same classic stadiums every year.
I don't understand why you don't get it, it was explained really well. I'm about 99% sure that Ramone was only using classic stadiums as an example, he didn't say that classic stadiums were preventing a stadium creator from being there. He was saying that tasking someone with the two year process of making a stadium creator would take them away from their normal duty, and make other parts of the game suffer. Also you keep saying the same classic stadiums we always get. We havent had classic stadiums in the game for several years now.
# 198 redsox4evur @ 01/18/16 05:41 PM
Originally Posted by bronxbombers21325
I don't understand why you don't get it, it was explained really well. I'm about 99% sure that Ramone was only using classic stadiums as an example, he didn't say that classic stadiums were preventing a stadium creator from being there. He was saying that tasking someone with the two year process of making a stadium creator would take them away from their normal duty, and make other parts of the game suffer. Also you keep saying the same classic stadiums we always get. We havent had classic stadiums in the game for several years now.
Ummm yea, your last sentence is a lie...don't forget about us guys on the PS3 that have had classic stadiums.
# 199 bronxbombers21325 @ 01/18/16 05:47 PM
Originally Posted by redsox4evur
Ummm yea, your last sentence is a lie...don't forget about us guys on the PS3 that have had classic stadiums.
I think it is pretty well known that this discussion is about the PS4 version of the game. Acussing someone of making up lies is a little strong don't you think?
# 200 Scott @ 01/18/16 05:52 PM
Guys, please settle down. Way too much hostility.

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