I am impressed with the roster over all, but they are missing quite a bit of famous old school wrestlers. Might be in a future DLC.
I would love to see the following in a DLC:
Sid Vicious
The Sandman
Demolition tag team
The Road Warriors tag team
Doom tag team - Ron Simmons & Butch Reed
Harlem Heat tag team - I think they are future DLC
The Head Shrinkers tag team
Mr Perfect
Val Venis
Big Bossman
Steve Blackman (How they have Ken Shamrock in the game and not his biggest rival ?)
Kurt Angle - 1990s version
Tommy Dreamer
Dean Malenko
The Hardy Boys tag team
The Steiner Brothers tag team
They've already announced all the DLC. From your list, they're adding Stevie Ray (with Harlem Heat assets, which I assume to be their entrance, titantron, and attire), Mr. Perfect, and The Big Boss Man. They're also adding Dusty Rhodes, Arn Anderson, Scott Hall (along with some Outsiders assets), Roddy Piper, Larry Zbyszko, Tatsumi Fujinami, The Bushwackers, and The Natural Disasters for the men, and Trish Stratus, Lita, and Alundra Blayze for the women. That's a pretty solid list, IMO.
Is there a trick to climbing the ropes? I hold the button and my guy always seems to stop on the middle buckle.
Finally won a couple of matches tonight (Normal difficulty) after starting out losing to Bo Dallas as The Rock (ouch). Finn Balor (demon paint) took down Zack Ryder and then I replayed the WM 31 main event. Boy is it fun using Brock Lesnar; he's got a nice array of suplexes and throws. I totally dominated Roman Reigns and took my time in doing so.
Edit: should add that in both victories, I only had to hit my finisher once to score the 3-count.
I'm going to check out Universe Mode tomorrow. I know there are a few bugs right now, but I'm not too concerned with them.
This submission system has me completely flustered. The online manual does a terrible job of explaining how it works and the words don't match with the action(s). Read the 2K forums and of course we got the "GET GUD" crowd, yet I haven't seen one single video showing their elite skills.
Yeah I was never good at submissions in UFC 3 or in EA's UFC. And it's strange because it's not that hard a concept to grasp. All you have to do is if you are the red bar try and overlap the blue bar and if you are the blue bar you stay away from the red bar. But it's difficult trying to actually get the CPU to submit. Maybe we have to actually work the body part to orange or red damage?
Yeah I was never good at submissions in UFC 3 or in EA's UFC. And it's strange because it's not that hard a concept to grasp. All you have to do is if you are the red bar try and overlap the blue bar and if you are the blue bar you stay away from the red bar. But it's difficult trying to actually get the CPU to submit. Maybe we have to actually work the body part to orange or red damage?
If you work the body part to orange or red OR the opponent just has very low health, their bar becomes larger and it's easier to keep your bar touching theirs.
I promise that's not sexual innuendo and just a piece of advice.
Hey guys. I've made a video incase anyone was wondering what the Special Edition version looks like.
Unboxing of the Special Edition WWE 2k16.
- WWE 2k16 Game
- WWE 2k16 Season Pass
- Stone Cold Pop! Vinyl Figure
- Two Playable Versions of The Terminator
- Slam Attax Trading Cards
- Attitude Era Disk 1 *not seen in video
I just had a no stamina bar having Brett Hart kick out of a Stone Cold Stunner and beat me with a Sharp Shooter. I was thinking NO WAY the CPU can kick out of that finisher with no bar left. But yet the CPU did.
I just had a no stamina bar having Brett Hart kick out of a Stone Cold Stunner and beat me with a Sharp Shooter. I was thinking NO WAY the CPU can kick out of that finisher with no bar left. But yet the CPU did.
This is such a weird thing. I say this because it doesn't happen all the time. One match it will take 2 or 3 finishers to put someone away and the next it will take 1.
I'm wondering if some wrestlers finishers are more powerful than others. I have noticed in just a couple tests I did that Brock only needed one F5 to end the match. And Dolph needed two.
I also had an interesting match with Dean Ambrose vs. Rollins. It was a great match. I hit him with dirty deeds and he kicked out, but then I put him into Ambrose's submission special (can't think of the name of it now) and he submitted.
I think the finisher situation needs some tuning and hopefully 2K realizes this and tunes it in a patch.
The finishers definitely need tuning, General Adnan (I kid you not) kicked out of 2 finishers against me. I was playing as the Warrior, then to add insult to injury he submitted me.
I just had a no stamina bar having Brett Hart kick out of a Stone Cold Stunner and beat me with a Sharp Shooter. I was thinking NO WAY the CPU can kick out of that finisher with no bar left. But yet the CPU did.
If CPU Bret Hart had a Finisher icon, it's possible that he was leveraging the Resiliency ability. By default, Bret has Resiliency Lvl 2 which will give him two opportunities to trade finisher icons for free kickouts at any point the match.
Not saying that's what happened as I obviously didn't play your match, but worth considering.
That said, it does seem pretty tough to put guys away this year; most of the time one finisher isn't really getting it done regardless of opponent (which is actually pretty consistent with current WWE programming in main event matches, all things considered). Maybe combining changing finisher damage to maximum with an adjustment to the momentum bar charge rate will do the trick?