Damn you all for making me want to head out and get this game...
I haven't bought a game I think since the first Smackdown vs Raw.
I haven't loved playing a wrestling game since No Mercy.
Please tell.. will I be satisfied?
You sound an awful lot like me, bro. And I would say that you will enjoy this. 2K really did a good job this year with both the roster and animations. Like others have said, the pacing is just right. They did such a good job that I am just playing random matches with superstars I know nothing about instead of my usual diet (from 2K15) of The Rock, Stone Cold, Taker and Shawn Micheals. It's only been 3 matches but I'm starting to feel Seth Rollins. Cant wait to get the controls down and set up my Universe. Wrasslin is back!
really on the fence of getting this game I haven't played a wrestling game since Smackdown vs Raw 2009 but so far from the impressions in this thread, everything seems to be positive!
Really regretted getting last years game, didn't like it at all. These gameplay impressions are making me want this years version now. I'd like to hear more impressions of MyCareer if possible fellas!
I LOVE the new submission and kick out meter. I don't feel like I'm gonna lose on a fire men's carry any more.
Played 2 matches online. First match had some decent lag, tough to play and even tougher to get out of the pin. Second match was much much better. Virtually lagless. I never got pinned though so I can't comment on wether there's always lag u just don't notice till the meter. Gotta test it more tonight.
I'm more interested in impressions with MyCareer, anyone got any of those? Ever since the 4 Horsewomen news, I've been on the fence about this game, but if MyCareer is much better than last year then that's my selling point.
Haven't had too much time with the game, but my initial impressions are as follows:
- Addition of the Pin Escape rating will help create separation between wrestlers. This should help alleviate the Santino's being able to take tons of punishment and still kick out from a pin.
- Game play seems more fluid and feels more refined over last year.
- Universe mode options seem plentiful and once they patch the title glitch (a post on 2k site saying they were working on a patch), it should enhance the experience.
- Not exactly sure if the personality traits work "in ring" , but if they do it will definitely help distinguish the different wrestlers.
- User Interface is better IMO. I like the idea of having a "list" of wrestler than having to choose by graphic.
- The graphics. Some models look the same if not worse than last year. John Cena looks horrible.
- Announcing...while it's good, it needs plenty of work. Seems like they get out of sync with what is happening in ring.
- The sound isn't as good...the crowd is quite and some moves don't make any noise.
- Same old sliders again. Not sure how much they really affect the game. We need newer and improved ones.
That's all for now until I can get deeper into the game. Overall, I think it's what WWE 2k15 should have been.
Sorry...didn't see a Q&A thread but what is the "MyPlayer Kick Starter" that comes with the deluxe edition? I'm guessing it's a boost to your MyCareer person but don't want to miss out on something cooler if it's not.
EDIT: Nevermind...found it. It's exactly what I thought.
I must be one of the few who is pretty disappointed with the game.
- The commentary is still awful and I don't think you can turn it off.
- The crowd noise does not sync well. Hearing the glass shatter when Austin enters and not hearing any crowd reaction until a few seconds later when it shows him is a major buzz kill.
- Good thing they're fixing the problem with title matches on Universe Mode because that's a big mode killer right now.
- For advertising "the largest roster ever", I feel like it's very mediocre, especially in regards to legends. I think overall WWE 13 still has a better roster. Why isn't Road Dogg in this game? No Eddie? Scott Hall? Goldberg? All of these guys appeared within the last 2 years. And they went too far with taking Hulk out of the game, as you can't even choose the names "Hollywood" "Hulk" or "Hogan" in CAW mode.
- CAW mode is frustrating. The preview pics of selecting an item are so small that it's hard to tell how it's going to turn out and the slow load times make it for a frustrating experience.
I'll need to play it some more. The gameplay is on point and fun, I will give it that. Through my first 2 hours of playing it late last night though, I'm not seeing a huge difference from 2K15.
CAW mode is frustrating. The preview pics of selecting an item are so small that it's hard to tell how it's going to turn out and the slow load times make it for a frustrating experience.
For most items, if you hit the Square button (X on XBOX One) while hovering on it in the thumbnail gallery, you can see a rendered preview a basic version of that item (i.e. without material options) on a dummy model. The previews load much faster than actually selecting the item to put it on your CAW, and they are absolutely much better than the little preview thumbnails which are incredibly small.
Also, if I recall correctly Scott Hall is appearing as a DLC character.
For most items, if you hit the Square button (X on XBOX One) while hovering on it in the thumbnail gallery, you can see a rendered preview a basic version of that item (i.e. without material options) on a dummy model. The previews load much faster than actually selecting the item to put it on your CAW, and they are absolutely much better than the little preview thumbnails which are incredibly small.
Also, if I recall correctly Scott Hall is appearing as a DLC character.
Awesome, that should help big time! Thank you sir.
15 felt sluggish and stale. Gameplay didn't feel organic or lively. Felt like wrestling with robots. 16's gameplay feels much improved. The flow of the matches is great, I feel like I can put on a 5 star match finally. The AI is challenging. Love the limited reversals and new wrestler traits. Adds a lot.
The only negative so far for me in the gameplay department is sometimes the animations of the moves play out way too fast. But that's just nitpicking.
I also don't like the new submission meter. But I should be able to get used to it.
As far as the roster goes. I'm fine with it. I'm more of a current roster guy. Don't care much for the legends. It's awesome having NXT guys in. Had an amazing tag match with the Vaudviallans vs Enzo and Cas. Even got a trophy that match saying something like "this match will never end" and it was a blast the whole time. Guys got tired and then got their wind back and got tired again.
I also like how the wrestlers sometimes get frustrated with the counts and stuff like that.
I do think finishers need to be more powerful. Seeing too many kickouts. But I think there is a slider for that.
And I haven't even tried My Career yet.
Overall I think its a big improvement over 15. Especially in gameplay. Which is the most important thing for me.