NBA 2K16 News Post

It's an NBA Finals Rematch with the Golden State Warriors and Cleveland Cavaliers squaring off in this NBA 2K16 gameplay video. In this video, the Cavs are at full strength against the formidable Warriors led by Steph Curry. We pick up the action at the opening tip and get just over three minutes of total gameplay to enjoy. Watch the gameplay video and leave a comment on what you see!

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Game: NBA 2K16Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 45 - View All
NBA 2K16 Videos
Member Comments
# 1 CashmereThinker @ 09/14/15 11:10 AM
So all y'all (each YouTuber) just gonna upload the same gameplay footage?

# 2 Smirkin Dirk @ 09/14/15 11:11 AM
Watch that standing dunk off the crisp Kyrie pass.
# 3 SouthBeach @ 09/14/15 11:15 AM
Even though he missed, that stepback from Steph was beautiful.
# 4 Sundown @ 09/14/15 11:15 AM
Curry stepback airball?

# 5 rmason1992 @ 09/14/15 11:17 AM
that airball step back was beautiful
# 6 lvnba @ 09/14/15 11:45 AM
Kyrie spin is soooo smooth. And the K-Love dunk give some hope to the ones that saw many big missing clear baskets under the rim last year.
# 7 grantelbart @ 09/14/15 11:45 AM
Awesome to finally see some gameplay videos!

Why is he selecting plays but doesn't run them?
# 8 franzis @ 09/14/15 11:49 AM
In five offensive possessions LBJ touched the ball just once?
# 9 redsox4evur @ 09/14/15 11:49 AM
Originally Posted by KGDunks
Happy with the gameplay, but seriously what's with all the coloured socks?
I think they are the new Stance socks.
# 10 The 24th Letter @ 09/14/15 11:50 AM
Oh my goodness at that Kyrie play....wow....

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
# 11 VDusen04 @ 09/14/15 11:51 AM
Originally Posted by KGDunks
Happy with the gameplay, but seriously what's with all the coloured socks?
The NBA partnered with Stance socks this year, so those are the types of socks that'll be floating around on various teams. There's colored designs, but I also think standard white or black are still options.

# 12 Hassan Darkside @ 09/14/15 11:57 AM
That CPU Kyrie spin move on Curry at 1:33 was sick. You could see his AI awareness realize how Curry was defending him and counter with a spin move that gave him the entire lane.
# 13 Da_Czar @ 09/14/15 12:10 PM
Originally Posted by franzis
In five offensive possessions LBJ touched the ball just once?

When you have a dynamic game play system everything is not scripted out. For instance that first play wasn't for Love it was for LBJ but love was left open. Do you want a smart AI or one that follows a set script ?

I see this is going to come up a lot. Remember I said a 48 min gameplan. So first quarter with 3 all star caliber players the offense is spread around to get everyone going.

But any time defense makes a mistake the AI is smart enough to attempt to take advantage.

Every thing is fluid and dynamic. When you enable intelligence you remove ability to forcefully determine outcomes. Any of those guys can get hot and have the offense focused on them.

By default this means that everygame your not going to agree with top scorers of the opposition. But how you choose to defend will naturally affect the outcome. Also mismatches and pnr coverages and hot streaks = dynamic.
# 14 Sundown @ 09/14/15 12:10 PM
So it seems like Curry's airball is actually at least partly caused by a late release. That's promising, because it likely means his actual release is even quicker. In the video he shoots at the top of the arc with a little hang, whereas he shoots on the way up in real life. Hopefully a correctly timed release has his shot look even more spot on than it already does.
# 15 CashmereThinker @ 09/14/15 12:33 PM
Originally Posted by Sundown
So it seems like Curry's airball is actually at least partly caused by a late release. That's promising, because it likely means his actual release is even quicker. In the video he shoots at the top of the arc with a little hang, whereas he shoots on the way up in real life. Hopefully a correctly timed release has his shot look even more spot on than it already does.
I'm not betting on it.

I mentioned in another thread a few months ago that 2K would still manage to screw up Curry's quick release even AFTER motion capturing him lmao.
# 16 CEOHaize @ 09/14/15 12:33 PM
Originally Posted by Da_Czar
When you have a dynamic game play system everything is not scripted out. For instance that first play wasn't for Love it was for LBJ but love was left open. Do you want a smart AI or one that follows a set script ?

I see this is going to come up a lot. Remember I said a 48 min gameplan. So first quarter with 3 all star caliber players the offense is spread around to get everyone going.

But any time defense makes a mistake the AI is smart enough to attempt to take advantage.

Every thing is fluid and dynamic. When you enable intelligence you remove ability to forcefully determine outcomes. Any of those guys can get hot and have the offense focused on them.

By default this means that everygame your not going to agree with top scorers of the opposition. But how you choose to defend will naturally affect the outcome. Also mismatches and pnr coverages and hot streaks = dynamic.

Preach! This right here is what I've been waiting for in sports games.
# 17 ataman5 @ 09/14/15 12:55 PM
Sorry if it will be like i'm spamming but those bullet points should be emphasized as much as it could with all the videos released:

Super Positives:

- Gameplay has gotten TIGHT all over!
- You can see how Smooth will the CONTROLS be!
- You can't notice who is USER who is CPU, AI has gotten way better.
- True Physicality, Speed and Footplanting all the time

* All in all as Mike Wang suggested i can clearly see this game will play just as good as it looks like a movie.

Damn we still have 10 more days! I feel as excited as a 10 day contracted player.
# 18 ataman5 @ 09/14/15 01:20 PM
Originally Posted by Da_Czar
When you have a dynamic game play system everything is not scripted out. For instance that first play wasn't for Love it was for LBJ but love was left open. Do you want a smart AI or one that follows a set script ?

I see this is going to come up a lot. Remember I said a 48 min gameplan. So first quarter with 3 all star caliber players the offense is spread around to get everyone going.

But any time defense makes a mistake the AI is smart enough to attempt to take advantage.

Every thing is fluid and dynamic. When you enable intelligence you remove ability to forcefully determine outcomes. Any of those guys can get hot and have the offense focused on them.

By default this means that everygame your not going to agree with top scorers of the opposition. But how you choose to defend will naturally affect the outcome. Also mismatches and pnr coverages and hot streaks = dynamic.
Also to add to what Czar already very clearly explained is that you don't see superstars take over the game from the begining to the end, they step up when they are needed so this also lead to another variance between how great 2k16 is for; "within the game" and "game to game" variations as it's overly emphasized in the living trailer and all gameplay devs blog.
# 19 Thetruth9012 @ 09/14/15 01:44 PM
I dont feel that ORACLE ARENA its sad;/
# 20 Eman5805 @ 09/14/15 01:52 PM
Loved the Kyrie spin move. And that was AI controlled? Never seen them do that and not looked cheated. Very smooth, natural, and something Kyrie would absolutely do IRL.

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