NBA Live 16 News Post

Shacknews has posted a new NBA Live 16 gameplay video featuring 10 minutes of the Rising Star mode.

Game: NBA Live 16Reader Score: 5.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS4 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 4 - View All
NBA Live 16 Videos
Member Comments
# 61 Pyzzle @ 09/14/15 01:18 AM
I desperately hope one of these games get actual NBA arena atmosphere down while I'm still alive. Having someone throw down a big dunk and hearing Breen say "Oh-ho, (so and so) THROWS it down" while the crowd erupts would be incredible. There has to be a better way to do commentary than the way they're currently doing it.
# 62 Basketball Nate @ 09/14/15 01:25 AM
Originally Posted by LO6IX
The game doesn't look bad in this stream


Some shotclock cheddar tho
Yeah, I see some better basketball in the stream, I wonder if the game is patched?
# 63 Daddy123 @ 09/14/15 01:39 AM
Why does D'angelo Russell look like that?
# 64 TGsoGood @ 09/14/15 01:42 AM
I don't think selling the game for $20 helps to make this game better. Consumers will have the same criticism of the game no matter if it's $20 or $60. As an added value, the demo is free and you can play exhibition games or Pro-Am online and the progress will carry over to the full game.

If you are comparing this game to only the last two NBA Live games then you can see the progress that has been made.

In my opinion the game is worth the asking price only if you already own an Xbox 1 or PS4. This is not a game that will make you buy a new console. This game will not provide a hardcore simulation of NBA basketball, but I don't think it is trying to. I think Live is trying to reach the broadest audience possible by giving a solid representation of the NBA, an experience that may not be totally immersive to hardcore fans but still fun.
Also there will be no need to spend real money beyond the initial $60 to purchase virtual currency to acquire gear and progress your player.

I do understand the criticisms of some of the animations but I think this game will be fun in an online setting with multiple players.
# 65 mrprice33 @ 09/14/15 01:56 AM
Originally Posted by Daddy123
Why does D'angelo Russell look like that?

Not all rookie scans are in the game. They will be before launch.

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# 66 Hopsin @ 09/14/15 01:57 AM
This game play looked decent.. But my problem is how long have we stressed animations? Animations Animations Animations. That and CPU teammates etc is the only thing holding this game back.
Live honestly needs to invite people midway through the cycle to get HONEST opinions. And take those and actually change, because right now it seems the developers aren't getting the message. (No offense).
I just want to see a great Live game again. (Not saying this won't be, but eh..)
# 67 Da InFaMoUs NY @ 09/14/15 01:59 AM
passing, catch animations, dribble animations when running, sound effects, cartoon/plastic graphics, commentary and in the paint animations are all awful. obviously its better than last year but that's not hard to top.
# 68 mrprice33 @ 09/14/15 02:04 AM
Originally Posted by Hopsin
This game play looked decent.. But my problem is how long have we stressed animations? Animations Animations Animations. That and CPU teammates etc is the only thing holding this game back.
Live honestly needs to invite people midway through the cycle to get HONEST opinions. And take those and actually change, because right now it seems the developers aren't getting the message. (No offense).
I just want to see a great Live game again. (Not saying this won't be, but eh..)

Trust me, that's happening. But it's not like you just snap your fingers and animations appear. They take a ton of time. They're adding things every year but some things need to be outright replaced. It'll take some time. Whether or not what's here is compelling is up to the individual, but the message has been heard.

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# 69 Hopsin @ 09/14/15 02:07 AM
Originally Posted by mrprice33
Trust me, that's happening. But it's not like you just snap your fingers and animations appear. They take a ton of time. They're adding things every year but some things need to be outright replaced. It'll take some time. Whether or not what's here is compelling is up to the individual, but the message has been heard.

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That's good to know, it almost seemed like the message wasn't getting through, seeing legacy issues since 14 still making it's way to 16. I personally want to see this game compete, it's just the track record isn't great at all.
# 70 mrprice33 @ 09/14/15 02:17 AM
Originally Posted by Hopsin
That's good to know, it almost seemed like the message wasn't getting through, seeing legacy issues since 14 still making it's way to 16. I personally want to see this game compete, it's just the track record isn't great at all.

It's not. To me, this is the first Live this gen that should even be seriously considered. I know a lot of people on these boards had fun with 15; I'm not one of those people.

In my review last year, I compared Live to an NBA team that was rebuilding. 14 was like the 7-59 Bobcats. 15 had a high lottery pick that showed some signs of being good, but the game as a whole was still in the cellar.

This year is a little different. There is a future here, now. I just hope they have enough time to see it to fruition. I don't advocate people spend their money unless they think it's warranted, but if you have the opportunity to give the game a chance, I can say from experience that you should.

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# 71 Rob. D @ 09/14/15 02:22 AM
Originally Posted by Hopsin
That's good to know, it almost seemed like the message wasn't getting through, seeing legacy issues since 14 still making it's way to 16. I personally want to see this game compete, it's just the track record isn't great at all.
14... dude I'm seeing animations similar to Elite 11... Just go look at the passing animations from that game. Some of them... especially that overhead 2 hand pass, is in 11 just like 14. Seems like they are dressing up that engine when maybe it needed to be replaced years ago. I'm supporting because they have made progress but get some guys in there and mocap mocap mocap an work on animation blending please lol
# 72 stillfeelme @ 09/14/15 02:33 AM
Originally Posted by mrprice33
It's not. To me, this is the first Live this gen that should even be seriously considered. I know a lot of people on these boards had fun with 15; I'm not one of those people.

In my review last year, I compared Live to an NBA team that was rebuilding. 14 was like the 7-59 Bobcats. 15 had a high lottery pick that showed some signs of being good, but the game as a whole was still in the cellar.

This year is a little different. There is a future here, now. I just hope they have enough time to see it to fruition. I don't advocate people spend their money unless they think it's warranted, but if you have the opportunity to give the game a chance, I can say from experience that you should.

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Mr. Price thanks for giving insight on the game and feedback. I felt the exact same way about 14 and 15. I thought they would be further along in year three but there is a foundation at least. I typed in the 14 thread that it would take 3 years to get on a respectable level if they kept the whole team together and if EA didn't shift focus. I am not sure they are where I expected. Maybe my expectations are high.
# 73 2_headedmonster @ 09/14/15 03:00 AM
Originally Posted by mrprice33
Trust me, that's happening. But it's not like you just snap your fingers and animations appear. They take a ton of time. They're adding things every year but some things need to be outright replaced. It'll take some time. Whether or not what's here is compelling is up to the individual, but the message has been heard.

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This series has had nothing but time to add animations.
# 74 strawberryshortcake @ 09/14/15 03:01 AM

Originally Posted by mrprice33
Trust me, that's happening. But it's not like you just snap your fingers and animations appear. They take a ton of time. They're adding things every year but some things need to be outright replaced. It'll take some time. Whether or not what's here is compelling is up to the individual, but the message has been heard.

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MrPrice, I'm curious to know why the person in charge of motion capture or animation doesn't look at wonky animations and simply say "we're not putting this in the game and we've got to redo this motion capture." The above Jeff Teague drive to basket animation does not even look natural. It just reminds me of everything that is live. It looks like a person who is not athletic motion captured it. That is the biggest problem I see with Live. The team motion capture animations that looks wonky but they still elect to keep it. They need to remove wonky animations that does not look realistic.

Having fun with the FIFA16 demo, I don't see wonky animations. They all look life like to a certain extent with the exception of some of the running animations. Running animations still needs work. Even though Live10 was supposedly one of the better Live releases, it is still flooded with wonky animations. At least Live16 looks better as far as player movement is concerned.

One thing that I like about Live is that honestly you don't really know if a shot is going in or not. There are many instances in the other game that you know it's going to be a missed and the same animation would play out, especially those where you're around the rim.

Secondly, I do like the fact that Live16 (and even Live15) players down in the box actually extends their arms and go after a rebound.

Third, blocked shots and steals look to be more physics and timing base. With the other game, especially with steals, even if you reach in without touching the ball handler, more often than not it's called a foul. Reason being is that hand tracking and hand to ball interactions seems more based on timing in Live.

Fourth, Both games seem to have "issues" with passing. Live16 looks like you can pass the ball to anyone anywhere on the court (including cross court passes) successfully (barely any tipped passes or steals in the passing lanes) while the other game can make passing a little bit too challenging even with passing that one can normally make with ease.

I wish Live16 would have more animations where the defender attempts to go for passing lane steals. EA Live can still keep the success rate up for passing, but I would like to see animations that at least look like the defenders are aware of the ball location during passes.
# 75 jasonator @ 09/14/15 03:29 AM
This will be good in IOS/Android game!
# 76 magicman32 @ 09/14/15 03:37 AM
They still got a lot of work to do. They are so far behind

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# 77 stephie @ 09/14/15 03:55 AM
Originally Posted by LO6IX
Why did Pro-Am look 10x better? Very disappointing. I will play the demo but I don't see myself purchasing the game for $80. I'll just renew my EA Access subscription once this is added to the vault in Feb/March or whenever.
That the about us Canadians,we gotta buy this game for $80 .i m gonna wait for it to go to $40 this year like i did for live 15.
# 78 Playmakers @ 09/14/15 04:01 AM
Originally Posted by bballshawn24
good except for.

Awkward, dribbling passing animations and there needs to be more contact on drives/layups
I'm waiting for someone to say it's too early they still need time to work on the floaty passing, goofy offensive post play and dribbling that looks like yo-yo type dribbling

all things that have remained consistent every year now

Now I don't know a damn thing about creating videos games but with that being said how hard can it can be to finally fix the low post goofy animations and ymca looking passing game?

Game looks decent and we can probably get a few months of solid gameplay out of it but the animations IMO are still light years behind every other sports game on Next Gen at this point.
# 79 Playmakers @ 09/14/15 04:05 AM

Originally Posted by 2_headedmonster
This series has had nothing but time to add animations.
# 80 Walt Frazier @ 09/14/15 04:09 AM
Originally Posted by Playmakers
I'm waiting for someone to say it's too early they still need time to work on the floaty passing, goofy offensive post play and dribbling that looks like yo-yo type dribbling

Game looks decent and we can probably get a few months of solid gameplay out of it but the animations IMO are still light years behind every other sports game on Next Gen at this point.

Yeah, these are all constant problems. That video looks 'okay', but you have basketball competition way beyond okay. They need to be 'great' to succeed.

The animations look really poor...and I just do not understand why. FIFA 16 looks amazing and has some of the best animations ever...so, why does this game look so outdated?

Madden is great this year..FIFA demo is great....

Yet RM Golf is really weak and LIVE looks a generation behind still. I don't really get how the same company can be so good at some sports games / so poor at others.

I know budgets etc play a part...but surely the FIFA guys could at least help the LIVE team to get basic animations right etc?

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