Madden NFL 16 News Post

A new tuning file has arrived for Madden NFL 16, this one is concentrated on the risk/reward factor for WR/DB interactions.

The much anticipated patch is coming very soon, so we will continue to wait for an official release date.

With that said, let's keep the discussion in the comments on point with a discussion on the tuning update and what it's doing to the game.

Let us know what you are seeing!

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Platform: PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 24 - View All
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Member Comments
# 121 kingsofthevalley @ 09/05/15 10:15 PM
Lord have mercy, sheesh people let's get some consistency here!!! Everyone is saying completely different things. Tuner didn't do anything, yes it did, run game changed, run game didnt, etc, etc what's it gonna be? I have a set of sliders already and the game is cool to me, think I'll pass on the tuner. About to drive me insane , make a command decision already lmao!!!
# 122 NDAlum @ 09/05/15 10:19 PM
People might play one game see a one handed grab and run to their computer and post the catches are still out of control.

The nature of the Internet

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# 123 Find_the_Door @ 09/05/15 10:23 PM
Game feels more planted/stiff - less floaty (good thing). I like that the defense actually attacks the ball. I also appreciate the defense has a pass rush for once too.

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# 124 dk6663 @ 09/05/15 10:45 PM
Originally Posted by booker21
If you have doubts. Go to file manager and loaded manually.

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Thanks. I totally powered down, restarted and it prompted a reload..
# 125 DeuceDouglas @ 09/05/15 10:48 PM
Originally Posted by Find_The_Door
I like that the defense actually attacks the ball.
This has been the thing that I've noticed the most on my end. Before the tuner, defense on All-Madden felt almost exactly like M15. My guys were always trailing receivers by five plus yards and no matter what I changed the settings to the players wouldn't react at all. But now it at least feel like my guys are attacking rather than just playing around what the offense does. I still need to play more games and I haven't noticed any changes in the running game as some others have but from just a pass defense perspective, I love what they did.
# 126 DreSki @ 09/05/15 11:43 PM
Originally Posted by NDAlum
People might play one game see a one handed grab and run to their computer and post the catches are still out of control.

The nature of the Internet

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I think personally people just are basing their arguments about the tuner over 1 game, not seeing the result in that one game they were looking for and run back to the forums saying the tuner didnt do anything or that the run game is op now or that aggressive catches are still op. Its just not the case for me personally.

Also people need to understand that animations that trigger in the game are dice rolls and that a catch animation in the game is just that. A catch animation in the game. The game if i had to guess doesnt register if a WR has one or two hands on the ball when a animation triggers. The animation dice roll triggers an animation and its either a catch or it isnt based on WR and DB ratings and a dice roll. If someone dropped a video of a no name WR catching a deep ball with 2 hands over Revis they wouldnt like it but probably accept it. If said WR caught the same exact long ball for the same yards but it just so happened that a 1 handed catch animation played out the next time they instantly are up in arms about it saying the game caters to casuals. I dont understand the logic
# 127 JoshC1977 @ 09/05/15 11:45 PM
Beyond the "dice roll" for the DB/WR interactions (and improved safety play), I could swear that tackling feels better. Even at default, I am seeing far fewer "suction tackles" than before the tuner - which might explain why people think the run game is "easier". Tackles definitely feel more dynamic than they did before...and overall, the gameplay feels better. EA definitely did a good job with this one.
# 128 takki @ 09/05/15 11:46 PM
I'm loving the tuner. I need to test it out more but it feels balanced now. I can actually intercept the ball now and I haven't seen a double coverage deep ball work yet. I actually feel afraid to throw to elite CBs like DRC now.

Lots of rage quits as cheesers try to throw deep into 2 man under and get picked everytime.

I can't be more pleased with how the team quickly responded to the community and made the change.
# 129 OhMrHanky @ 09/06/15 12:29 AM
Originally Posted by NDAlum
People might play one game see a one handed grab and run to their computer and post the catches are still out of control.

The nature of the Internet

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Lol. I can't find this clip I took today (game dvr not cooperating with me). It would fit in perfect here. I ran 4 verts at the end of the half. I got Hankerson 1 on 1 in the middle of the field. I threw a high lob to him. The defender grabs his left arm and is called for PI, but it doesn't end there. Dude catches the ball one handed with his other hand WHILE his other hand is being grabbed. He catches it and shrugs of the pass interference and walks into the end zone. Now, a lot of people would look at that and say, 'yeah. Nothing's changed.' But, I've overall only seen a few one handed catches since tuner (a few by DBs, actually. Lol). It is what it is, and at the end of the day, I loved that play. It looked sensational and could happen. But, if I showed the clip, people would be outraged! Lol.

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# 130 zrohman @ 09/06/15 02:14 AM
I've had AJ Green drop SEVERAL 1 on 1 passes in my connected franchise. I officially have NO deep game. You cannot win a lob 1 on 1 anymore. It ALWAYS gets tipped away. This is ridiculous.

Where's the thread about this being UNDERPOWERED?

People can't play with actual strategy so they complain.... You can't win anymore.
# 131 sooner1 @ 09/06/15 02:22 AM
Originally Posted by zrohman
I've had AJ Green drop SEVERAL 1 on 1 passes in my connected franchise. I officially have NO deep game. You cannot win a lob 1 on 1 anymore. It ALWAYS gets tipped away. This is ridiculous.

Where's the thread about this being UNDERPOWERED?

People can't play with actual strategy so they complain.... You can't win anymore.
Not true, Ive done it many times since tuner.
# 132 lowndsy @ 09/06/15 04:57 AM
Loved game before love it more now!

Playing all madden coach mode on practice CFM with Cowboys currently 3-4 played 3 games post tuner lost away last drive of game to Giants and lost close game to Eagles also away then beat the Lions at home blew them away in 4 qtr after tight game up till then. There seems to be a real good flow to games I could not stop Murray running on me he ran hard and broke a couple of big plays which I had not seen post tuner also scored 80 yd screen on me which I had also not seen it felt right as he was best HB I had played. Giants beat me as Romo through 2 int's and fumbled also 1st one I had seen in scoring areas I also missed field goal so I could of beat Giants but things happen realistically that stopped it. Gota say when the CFM fixes are in not sure I will be able to hold down my job and play this. Ooh after thought I am still getting sacked every time I PA pass so currently do choose them plays.

# 133 zackebarsch10 @ 09/06/15 05:41 AM
Originally Posted by OhMrHanky
And, I have Julio jones, so post-patch is slightly disappointing for me as I want to see at least one per game from Julio and I don't care whether it's one handed or not, actually.

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Julio made 11 catches with 25+ yards in 15 games last season. Only T.Y. Hilton had more than 16 last season (17). Maybe you aiming for the wrong numbers.

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# 134 simfballcritic @ 09/06/15 09:54 AM
This tuner update only addresses the Risk/Reward factor with DB/WR interactions, that's it. Just like the poster stated, keep this thread relative to the topic. I only say this because the Devs look at these post to gather feedback. Just trying to provide some feedback guys.
# 135 yankees028 @ 09/06/15 10:23 AM
I love it and the fact ea is finally basing a hand off real life. Not throw it up 8 times a game and catch it 8 times. In tried last night to Calvin Johnson I went 1/6 on deep jump balls and threw 1int. I will take those stats all day. People need to learn how to play real football. Not the Madden cheese football so many people have grown so used to
# 136 Gorilla Glass @ 09/06/15 12:05 PM
lol at folks online.

This update has spawned many quitters due to the inability of users being bailed out, using the aggressive catch.

# 137 Brandwin @ 09/06/15 12:19 PM
Originally Posted by zrohman
I've had AJ Green drop SEVERAL 1 on 1 passes in my connected franchise. I officially have NO deep game. You cannot win a lob 1 on 1 anymore. It ALWAYS gets tipped away. This is ridiculous.

Where's the thread about this being UNDERPOWERED?

People can't play with actual strategy so they complain.... You can't win anymore.
Weird I don't see that issue at all.
# 138 azdawgpound @ 09/06/15 12:40 PM
Played 3rd game this time against arod and pack... Arod went deep 4 times 2 times he got td's other 2 were int by me so I am seeing the risk reward.

Before those 4 passes were prob 4 td's.

Since the tuner it seems I'm getting more int's... 4 against Stafford 1 against borles and 2 against arod.

I'm liking this tuner alot liked game before like it better now.
# 139 UtahUtes32 @ 09/06/15 01:20 PM
Originally Posted by JoshC1977
Beyond the "dice roll" for the DB/WR interactions (and improved safety play), I could swear that tackling feels better. Even at default, I am seeing far fewer "suction tackles" than before the tuner - which might explain why people think the run game is "easier". Tackles definitely feel more dynamic than they did before...and overall, the gameplay feels better. EA definitely did a good job with this one.
I agree, tackling is much better.
# 140 OhMrHanky @ 09/06/15 01:55 PM
Originally Posted by zackebarsch10
Julio made 11 catches with 25+ yards in 15 games last season. Only T.Y. Hilton had more than 16 last season (17). Maybe you aiming for the wrong numbers.

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Eh, that's prob true. And, while I am an absolute sim guy, I suppose this is 1 of a few areas that I lean slightly towards arcade, I guess. I'm controlling the plays, I'm controlling Matt Ryan, If im making the right reads every game, I still expect to hit Julio deep once and I expect that beast of a WR to go get it! Maybe, I just like Julio too much and the fan in me wants to see that every game as well. But, you're right, in real life, he doesn't make a great catch every game. Although, even with the Falcons poor play the last few seasons, it 'feels' like he makes at least one per game. The other aspects I lean slightly towards arcade are hit stick and stiff arm. I wouldn't mind seeing stronger stiff arm animations where lynch or a Steven Jackson just punch someone in the mouth (which they do in real life). And, I could go for a few more bone shattering hits. But, the more I play, the more I seem to more naturally be in a better position to lay the wood. So, that's working out alright.

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