Madden NFL 16 News Post

Last night, during Game Changers Radio, Kolbe Launchbaugh, Creative Director of Madden NFL 16, advised everyone to wait until the upcoming patch (no estimated date yet, but we have seen "less than six weeks" thrown around by the development team) arrives before starting their CFM.

He talks about it at roughly the 13 minute mark.
  • They are aware of everything the community is bringing to their attention
  • They are addressing many of those items in a patch coming soon (no estimated date given)
  • You should wait until the patch is released before starting your CFM, as some of the fixes will require client side and server side fixes
No details have been given on what fixes are being implemented as of yet, but for now, it would be wise not to start your Madden NFL 16 CFM yet.

As for what could be in the patch. This is all speculation but here are some of the known CFM issues:
  • Ratings boost from drive goals making some players go over 100 overall. There is no workaround right now, drive goals are always on even if you don't keep notifications going on your screen.
  • Regression being overly harsh on offensive linemen (seems to be more pass blocking than anything else) that causes their ratings to fall quite drastically. This appears to stem more from SuperSim or simulating games as linemen give up too many sacks and then regress.
  • Rookies coming in that are not scaled to the new speed/deep accuracy ratings Madden is using on default rosters. So many new rookies can come in after season one and be better than most everyone else in the game at certain things. (This one seems like it would obviously be a reason you have to start your franchise over because rookies are put in your Year 1 CFM from the start of the season.)
Other issues we are tracking but haven't confirmed on staff ourselves:
  • QBs getting too many carries during a game (in SuperSim but not regular sims).
  • Re-signing players to really crazy bargains (that is, superstars taking major discounts).

Game: Madden NFL 16Reader Score: 7/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 24 - View All
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Member Comments
# 221 bspring3 @ 08/26/15 05:59 PM
Originally Posted by JAFranz33
Here are just a few examples of people who don't seem to have a problem with this.

You mean where I said these bugs were not a good thing but I don't think they are game breaking..that constitutes them being ok?

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# 222 bcruise @ 08/26/15 06:00 PM
Originally Posted by JAFranz33
Here are just a few examples of people who don't seem to have a problem with this.
Did you even read Trojan's post that you quoted?

I think it's fair to take a position of gratitude for their effort while also stating from a bottom-line perspective that a performance failure like this is not acceptable.
# 223 848 @ 08/26/15 06:00 PM
This might be a dumb question, but it's hard to keep up with all the name changes they make year to year....

Do these issues affect the Franchise mode? is CFM just the online portion of franchise this year? Because before CFM was both online and offline....now they are back to Franchise for offline

I'm just confused on whether or not this affects the offline franchises...I'm guessing it does
# 224 bxphenom7 @ 08/26/15 06:03 PM
Good old EA smh. At least they were upfront about it.
# 225 ChaseB @ 08/26/15 06:05 PM
Originally Posted by ajk49er
thanks for putting this together

not sure if there is an active list or not on that OP, but I think the coach packages not working is something that should be on there. you can spend the points, but once you click out of the staff screen and back in, you see that your points were not actually spent(or saved if you will). so I had 15k to spend, I spent the 15, then came back to the staff screen and still have 15k and none of the packages I bought are actually purchased.

I know its probably on the long list
The coach packages, meaning boosts you're spending on your players or your staff?
# 226 redsox4evur @ 08/26/15 06:05 PM
Originally Posted by JAFranz33
Here are just a few examples of people who don't seem to have a problem with this.
How does my post say I am ok with this? I said show me a game created in the last WITHOUT bugs? That doesn't give my opinion at all. And TBH, I started a mock franchise last night because I wanted to see if I could reproduce this bug and also just as something to do until the initial 53 man roster is complete. And I planned on starting that right when week 1 came but now I have to wait to deal with broken draft classes, a huge regression bug, and drive goals make my guys into demi-gods so I can't start my real franchise until those issues are resolved.
# 227 ChaseB @ 08/26/15 06:05 PM
Originally Posted by 848
This might be a dumb question, but it's hard to keep up with all the name changes they make year to year....

Do these issues affect the Franchise mode? is CFM just the online portion of franchise this year? Because before CFM was both online and offline....now they are back to Franchise for offline

I'm just confused on whether or not this affects the offline franchises...I'm guessing it does
This impacts all franchises. CFM is their name for franchise mode, both offline and online.
# 228 kehlis @ 08/26/15 06:06 PM
Originally Posted by JAFranz33
Here are just a few examples of people who don't seem to have a problem with this.

Not one of those quotes is someone saying this bug is okay.
# 229 aholbert32 @ 08/26/15 06:08 PM
Originally Posted by JAFranz33
Here are just a few examples of people who don't seem to have a problem with this.

Did you actually read some of the posts you provided? The first one the guy says its unacceptable.

The second one acknowledges that all games need a patch.

The third one says they arent a good thing but he can adjust.

The fourth discuss the severity of the bugs.

Same with the 5th who goes on to discuss how its based on personal perspective when calling a bug "game killing"

The 6th is the guy discussing a work around.
# 230 dubplate @ 08/26/15 06:10 PM
Originally Posted by bcruise
The problem with the draft thing is that the rookie ratings are generated at the start of the season (so you have something to scout). Thus it's going to affect everyone's first draft class even if you don't finish the season before the first patch releases. That's why he's saying to wait.

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Damn. I didn't think of that. This whole thing is nonsense and should have been caught ahead of time.
# 231 mixxx01 @ 08/26/15 06:15 PM
Originally Posted by Smallville102001
The Encroachment one is driving me nuts in 2 games I have seen that happened like 9 times and great I didn't know about the QB thing and the re-signing thing so we have even more problems then I thought.

I believe IR works properly. Can someone confirm otherwise?

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# 232 Sphinx @ 08/26/15 06:16 PM
Originally Posted by JAFranz33
Here are just a few examples of people who don't seem to have a problem with this.
Yeah, no. I no where say I am "OK" with the bugs. I have said over and over again that all games have bugs. The severity of the bug is determined by the user it affects. With that being said, I would not say I am okay with bugs, however I am understanding of them and appreciate they development team acknowledging them and updating us when they can.
# 233 Formula1Racing @ 08/26/15 06:17 PM
Originally Posted by Bull_Market
Whats worse? Consumers who know this is EA's way of doing business yet continues to purchase their products. We have a decade of data with these guys, its the same every year.

Thank God for this site, I was almost lured in, again. As customers, we need some accountability as well.
Bingo!!I I've leaned my lesson, Stop buying Madden since M13. Madden became a MUT/online game only. That's where all their full efforts are because that's where the $$$ is.

Come on people, it is so obvious, we been asking for offline features/presentation stuff since the Xbox360/PS3 days and we still get the same scraps for offline. But MUT, well, they keep adding and improving MUT. I'm done with Madden. Not buying anymore until I see major improvements but I doubt that will ever happen. So sad.
# 234 bkrich83 @ 08/26/15 06:19 PM
Originally Posted by JAFranz33
Here are just a few examples of people who don't seem to have a problem with this.
You took those as people saying the Bug is ok? Reach more.
# 235 Sphinx @ 08/26/15 06:21 PM
Originally Posted by Formula1Racing
Bingo!!I I've leaned my lesson, Stop buying Madden since M13. Madden became a MUT/online game only. That's where all their full efforts are because that's where the $$$ is.

Come on people, it is so obvious, we been asking for offline features/presentation stuff since the Xbox360/PS3 days and we still get the same scraps for offline. But MUT, well, they keep adding and improving MUT. I'm done with Madden. Not buying anymore until I see major improvements but I doubt that will ever happen. So sad.
I don't think it's a lesson to be learned. I enjoy football, I enjoy watching it on Saturday's (Michigan!) and I enjoy it on Sundays. Because of this I have a high tolerance for games that may not be perfect but are fun to play. This is why, year in and out I purchase madden. Perhaps I am a sheep or maybe I am a huge fan of this dumb sport and am incapable of ever being athletic enough to play it, so I enjoy the video game aspect each year.
# 236 ChampIsHere42 @ 08/26/15 06:21 PM
So all day yesterday theyre trying to shove it in people's faces about how good of reviews the game is getting and now come out and say this? What a joke! I'm pretty sure the last time a Madden game was released and didnt a patch to make the game fully playable was back on the PC! (Madden 2000) How can you release a game and then say well you might not want to play the biggest feature in our game until we get a patch out?! ...Never fails...
# 237 redsox4evur @ 08/26/15 06:22 PM
Originally Posted by Formula1Racing
Bingo!!I I've leaned my lesson, Stop buying Madden since M13. Madden became a MUT/online game only. That's where all their full efforts are because that's where the $$$ is.

Come on people, it is so obvious, we been asking for offline features/presentation stuff since the Xbox360/PS3 days and we still get the same scraps for offline. But MUT, well, they keep adding and improving MUT. I'm done with Madden. Not buying anymore until I see major improvements but I doubt that will ever happen. So sad.
How much did they change MUT this year? And how much did they change CFM this year? MUT=0 Change, none whatsoever. While there was a list of things changed to CFM. Let me list it for you, combine results, new draft watchlist, ENTIRELY new scouting system, ability to give money to owners, reset confidence, drive goals. Here is what changed that the SIM community asked for. I'll bold them for you. 5 of the 7 things I listed there were things that the SIM community wanted that got added to CFM in this cycle.
# 238 Sphinx @ 08/26/15 06:23 PM
Originally Posted by JAFranz33
So, because all games have bugs, you are ok with the franchise mode not working and are content with waiting a month to play it? How many other products work in this way?
I am not waiting a month to play it. You my friend have a choice to play it as is and enjoy it or wait a month or however long it takes for the issues to be resolved. These are choices you get to make, I choose to play the game as is and enjoy it for what it is, an imperfect game that is enjoyable.
# 239 bkrich83 @ 08/26/15 06:26 PM
Originally Posted by JAFranz33
Great cliche. All I am asking is that why is it OK for a product to be released without working the way it is intended to, meanwhile people are ok with it and apologizing for it?
No one is ok with it, nor is anyone apologizing for it. Clearly given this statement and your previous post giving "examples", you're confused.
# 240 kehlis @ 08/26/15 06:26 PM
Originally Posted by JAFranz33
So, because all games have bugs, you are ok with the franchise mode not working and are content with waiting a month to play it? How many other products work in this way?
I'm not sure where the breakdown is here.

No one is saying they are okay with it but many have said why it either doesn't affect them immediately or the wait is okay for one reason or another.

If you are one who starts your franchise day one and want to be mad about it no one is telling you you can't.

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