Madden NFL 16 News Post

Last night, during Game Changers Radio, Kolbe Launchbaugh, Creative Director of Madden NFL 16, advised everyone to wait until the upcoming patch (no estimated date yet, but we have seen "less than six weeks" thrown around by the development team) arrives before starting their CFM.

He talks about it at roughly the 13 minute mark.
  • They are aware of everything the community is bringing to their attention
  • They are addressing many of those items in a patch coming soon (no estimated date given)
  • You should wait until the patch is released before starting your CFM, as some of the fixes will require client side and server side fixes
No details have been given on what fixes are being implemented as of yet, but for now, it would be wise not to start your Madden NFL 16 CFM yet.

As for what could be in the patch. This is all speculation but here are some of the known CFM issues:
  • Ratings boost from drive goals making some players go over 100 overall. There is no workaround right now, drive goals are always on even if you don't keep notifications going on your screen.
  • Regression being overly harsh on offensive linemen (seems to be more pass blocking than anything else) that causes their ratings to fall quite drastically. This appears to stem more from SuperSim or simulating games as linemen give up too many sacks and then regress.
  • Rookies coming in that are not scaled to the new speed/deep accuracy ratings Madden is using on default rosters. So many new rookies can come in after season one and be better than most everyone else in the game at certain things. (This one seems like it would obviously be a reason you have to start your franchise over because rookies are put in your Year 1 CFM from the start of the season.)
Other issues we are tracking but haven't confirmed on staff ourselves:
  • QBs getting too many carries during a game (in SuperSim but not regular sims).
  • Re-signing players to really crazy bargains (that is, superstars taking major discounts).

Game: Madden NFL 16Reader Score: 7/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 24 - View All
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Member Comments
# 261 khaliib @ 08/26/15 07:11 PM
Originally Posted by bspring3
Basically as you successfully perform drive goals, your players in-game confidence will increase to the point that attributes will in fact go over 100 for certain players. This leads to high performance boosts.
So my question would be....

A) Are we missing out on animations that are programmed to function with the 100+ ratings?


B) There are no different animations programmed to trigger above 99 and does not impact gameplay from an animation point.

Honestly for me, if the game can function with ratings above 99, I say use them to further help separate players.

Of course that means contracts have to be reprogrammed probably and a few other areas.
# 262 Bull_Market @ 08/26/15 07:12 PM
Originally Posted by bkrich83
No one is ok with it, nor is anyone apologizing for it. Clearly given this statement and your previous post giving "examples", you're confused.
I don't think anyone is "OK" with it, some are just more tolerant of this type of stuff more so than others. I lean towards the extreme not tolerant end of the spectrum.
# 263 GOBLUE_08 @ 08/26/15 07:17 PM
Originally Posted by Sphinx
Your opinion is valid and right. We have the right for the game we pay for, however we as consumers need to try and understand the complexities of software development and QA. It's never as cut and dry as we would like. The game is not perfect, CFM is buggy, but it's not unplayable. Just undesirable. I hope you continue to express your concerns, it's the only way things .
Exactly this, and the reality of it is, the people doing the QA may not even really like football, there job is to find bugs that make the game literally unplayable. And with a game as complex as this, there are too many variables involved to catch everything. That's why they do the early access trials. Let the community have full access to all modes, tear it completely apart, gather feedback and go from there.
# 264 BadAssHskr @ 08/26/15 07:20 PM
I was originally going to play through, then i got home from work and read the updated front page.

Im a bit more unhappy now. It seems to me as yesterday was release, that this would be classified as a "round the clock" until fixed time frame thing.

I don't know much about how it all works other than the patch has to be tested and approved, then go through ms/ps4 certification or what not. Is there an expedite option from with in?

I all of a sudden just feel that this needs remedied asap. Is EA really stuck, assuming the fix is in, or do they have any inside pull on the issue?
# 265 jfsolo @ 08/26/15 07:25 PM
Originally Posted by bkrich83
The confidence stuff I can live with, it's basically in every sports game out there. I am right there with you on the dynamic goals, XP stuff. I don't want to play an RPG, I just want to sit down and play a game of football.

I know some people hated it, but I liked the somewhat pre-determined progression/regression system of Head Coach. Actually I thought that was the best franchise mode top to bottom of all time for console games. Why they went away from it, I will never get. If I could get Head Coach's off the field depth and design with the current version of Madden on the field, I may never leave the house.
When Head Coach failed from a sales standpoint, and had mediocre reviews as well, they seemed to go scorched earth in terms of making the decision that almost nothing from that game would be integrated into Madden. IMO, that was an unbelievably short-sighted and erroneous take-away from what happened with HC.

Draft Champions, MUT, a Head Coach-like franchise mode, and the ever improving gameplay, would have all reviewers and all but a tiny minority of football gamers, totally in love with Madden.
# 266 ninertravel @ 08/26/15 07:35 PM
I l franchise mode for years, then came CFM in madden 13 that ruined it all for me, first off I skipped that year completely because it didn't have 32 team control

Since then they still have not fixed the following, that USED to be in games pre madden 13

Pre existing injuries are not in the game, yet their is a option for it, roster updates won't have for Example Nelson on IR, meaning roster spot taken away for me to have accurate real life rosters, and there is no more 55 man rosters that give us 2 extra slots, simple fix give us a injury editor like MLB the show does.

Still the Depth charts get screwed up! so all the work I do means nothing, and LS that are TE STILL and I mean STILL can't be put on a CFM depth chart. Why the hell bother having LS in the game if they can't even player the positon????? but don't worry they are lower rated players so most teams will release them anyway because they are not on a depth chart and because they are lower rated players they will DISSAPEAR

70% of players disappearing after pre season, so I can spend weeks days making 75 man rosters for 32 teams, guess what? most of those players will be erased soon as the regular season starts, and only overrated higher rated players will stay on the rosters, ZERO way to get around this, add to the fact pre existing injuries option is useless because the roster updates never have them in your more of a chance of losing a lot more players disappearing because you can't keep them on the roster

You can only create rookie players now, you can't edit the EXP years of a player so if you wanna create a 10 year Vet that EA don't have in a rosters Forgotten, he's going to be playing for Rookie of the year as a mid 30 year old player.

It's getting to the point where I know these things never will be fixed

You gotta play play now mode to get the perfect rosters and LS playing where they should be and not have disappearing players quite sad
# 267 Instant C1a55ic @ 08/26/15 07:43 PM
Originally Posted by ninertravel
I l franchise mode for years, then came CFM in madden 13 that ruined it all for me, first off I skipped that year completely because it didn't have 32 team control

Since then they still have not fixed the following, that USED to be in games pre madden 13

Pre existing injuries are not in the game, yet their is a option for it, roster updates won't have for Example Nelson on IR, meaning roster spot taken away for me to have accurate real life rosters, and there is no more 55 man rosters that give us 2 extra slots, simple fix give us a injury editor like MLB the show does.

Still the Depth charts get screwed up! so all the work I do means nothing, and LS that are TE STILL and I mean STILL can't be put on a CFM depth chart. Why the hell bother having LS in the game if they can't even player the positon????? but don't worry they are lower rated players so most teams will release them anyway because they are not on a depth chart and because they are lower rated players they will DISSAPEAR

70% of players disappearing after pre season, so I can spend weeks days making 75 man rosters for 32 teams, guess what? most of those players will be erased soon as the regular season starts, and only overrated higher rated players will stay on the rosters, ZERO way to get around this, add to the fact pre existing injuries option is useless because the roster updates never have them in your more of a chance of losing a lot more players disappearing because you can't keep them on the roster

You can only create rookie players now, you can't edit the EXP years of a player so if you wanna create a 10 year Vet that EA don't have in a rosters Forgotten, he's going to be playing for Rookie of the year as a mid 30 year old player.

It's getting to the point where I know these things never will be fixed

You gotta play play now mode to get the perfect rosters and LS playing where they should be and not have disappearing players quite sad
Yes they are. I started a cfm and Ryan Clady was on IR.
# 268 ninertravel @ 08/26/15 07:48 PM
Does he count for a IR spot or a roster spot??

last year the ONLY player they had on IR was Lee from the cowboys they didn't give us anymore pre existing injuries on roster updates I elect they do the same

and ooops my post actually wasn't suppose to be in this threat sorry was meant to be in the franchise 33 page thread to many topics read today! lol
# 269 Instant C1a55ic @ 08/26/15 07:50 PM
Originally Posted by ninertravel
Does he count for a IR spot or a roster spot??

last year the ONLY player they had on IR was Lee from the cowboys they didn't give us anymore pre existing injuries on roster updates I elect they do the same

and ooops my post actually wasn't suppose to be in this threat sorry was meant to be in the franchise 33 page thread to many topics read today! lol
I couldnt even find him on the roster, however I didnt look much into it. I just remembered he was injured and restarted.
# 270 bkrich83 @ 08/26/15 08:09 PM
Originally Posted by Bull_Market
I don't think anyone is "OK" with it, some are just more tolerant of this type of stuff more so than others. I lean towards the extreme not tolerant end of the spectrum.
Which is certainly your prerogative.
# 271 bkrich83 @ 08/26/15 08:11 PM
Originally Posted by BadAssHskr
I was originally going to play through, then i got home from work and read the updated front page.

Im a bit more unhappy now. It seems to me as yesterday was release, that this would be classified as a "round the clock" until fixed time frame thing.

I don't know much about how it all works other than the patch has to be tested and approved, then go through ms/ps4 certification or what not. Is there an expedite option from with in?

I all of a sudden just feel that this needs remedied asap. Is EA really stuck, assuming the fix is in, or do they have any inside pull on the issue?
My fear is if they rush to fix, they break something else.
# 272 Instant C1a55ic @ 08/26/15 08:14 PM
Originally Posted by bkrich83
My fear is if they rush to fix, they break something else.
Dont jinx it!

But yeah, that is my fear. I still have around 3 hours left in my trial, and my disc copy is still sealed, but I am determined to stay positive.
# 273 reyes the roof @ 08/26/15 08:22 PM
Originally Posted by Bull_Market
Whats worse? Consumers who know this is EA's way of doing business yet continues to purchase their products. We have a decade of data with these guys, its the same every year.

Thank God for this site, I was almost lured in, again. As customers, we need some accountability as well.
Every year I tell myself I'm not buying it and I get lured in within the first week of release because I want to play football. I was considering getting it tonight until I saw this thread
# 274 fisherjoecowboy @ 08/26/15 08:26 PM
Man, this is disappointing. I've played Madden since about 02 as a franchise mode junkie. After the glory years of 05-08, my dad and I put down Madden in favor of NCAA's dynasty mode. I ignored Madden until NCAA got the axe, and found myself purchasing '15, playing somewhat but ultimately disappointed. Whenever I played I was left with a bad taste in my mouth for whatever reason or flaw.

I decided to step up and maybe join an online league this year and get active in the online community, something I'd never done. I was skeptical(XP and goals don't belong in franchise mode, and the scout system looked simplified and OP) but preordered the game. Upon launch I love the gameplay, it's at a better stage than it's ever been imo, but my precious Franchise mode is broken. It's unacceptable meanwhile Draft Champions and MUT looks flawless. I would think Franchise mode would be the backbone of ANY sports game, but not anymore. I reluctantly continue to buy because of my love of the game. Looking at all these issues and hearing the actual ****ing developers tell us the game is broken and we don't know when it'll be fixed... I tell ya.
# 275 eric7064 @ 08/26/15 08:27 PM
I'm honestly shocked any of these bugs are in the game. This is not a shot at EA. But honestly there are CFM developers who just focus on this part of the game. For months they test this mode out. OS found the majority of these bugs on the first day of EA Access Trial. I get the whole it went from so many people to millions but honestly some if these bugs are just clear as day.
# 276 sabres32 @ 08/26/15 08:32 PM
Just a complete bummer. I'm dying to play. The only reason I buy Madden is because of franchise mode. Only thing that works in my favor is that I usually have to wait 2 weeks before I found the perfect slider set before I begin. I guess I can take this Time to practice but I'm just bummed out regardless.
# 277 Instant C1a55ic @ 08/26/15 08:37 PM
Originally Posted by fisherjoecowboy
Man, this is disappointing. I've played Madden since about 02 as a franchise mode junkie. After the glory years of 05-08, my dad and I put down Madden in favor of NCAA's dynasty mode. I ignored Madden until NCAA got the axe, and found myself purchasing '15, playing somewhat but ultimately disappointed. Whenever I played I was left with a bad taste in my mouth for whatever reason or flaw.

I decided to step up and maybe join an online league this year and get active in the online community, something I'd never done. I was skeptical(XP and goals don't belong in franchise mode, and the scout system looked simplified and OP) but preordered the game. Upon launch I love the gameplay, it's at a better stage than it's ever been imo, but my precious Franchise mode is broken. It's unacceptable meanwhile Draft Champions and MUT looks flawless. I would think Franchise mode would be the backbone of ANY sports game, but not anymore. I reluctantly continue to buy because of my love of the game. Looking at all these issues and hearing the actual ****ing developers tell us the game is broken and we don't know when it'll be fixed... I tell ya.
WOW, like some of us just dont know how to read. How is the mode broken? Can you not start a CFM and play it until the patch drops? I am sorry, does yours freeze or not load?

I am not making excuses for the developers, but it just kills me that people actually swear when these guys dont need to address the issues or tell us things will be patched. Man, I am surprised mods around here are letting you guys get away with some of the stuff that is being said.

This is not our site, we have the privilege to post here and read the stuff going on. Some of you probably don't care with what I have to say, but mark my words, one of these years, EA wont be posting on this site anymore because a lot of you are ungrateful and aggressive.
# 278 Bull_Market @ 08/26/15 08:41 PM
Originally Posted by Instant C1a55ic
WOW, like some of us just dont know how to read. How is the mode broken? Can you not start a CFM and play it until the patch drops? I am sorry, does yours freeze or not load?

I am not making excuses for the developers, but it just kills me that people actually swear when these guys dont need to address the issues or tell us things will be patched. Man, I am surprised mods around here are letting you guys get away with some of the stuff that is being said.

This is not our site, we have the privilege to post here and read the stuff going on. Some of you probably don't care with what I have to say, but mark my words, one of these years, EA wont be posting on this site anymore because a lot of you are ungrateful and aggressive.
Do you have to be so literal and rigid? You know what he means by broken. If a developer says "Don't start this mode" what does that mean?
# 279 SmashMan @ 08/26/15 08:46 PM
Originally Posted by Bull_Market
If a developer says "Don't start this mode" what does that mean?
It means he's answering the question of "Do we have to restart our franchises?" every year when a sports game gets patched. The answer is yes, so he's telling people to wait.

Franchise mode is totally playable, the results are just not optimal right now. Maybe the 'broken' guys should use a more accurate word to describe the issue.
# 280 bkrich83 @ 08/26/15 08:50 PM
Originally Posted by Bull_Market
Do you have to be so literal and rigid? You know what he means by broken. If a developer says "Don't start this mode" what does that mean?
You'll have to forgive us, but those of us who've been around here forever will tell you the term "broken" is the most overused and inaccurate term used in the forums here. At this point I generally ignore people who use the term and write them off as agenda posters, but some still bristle at the usage of it in situations like this.

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