Not trying to be a jerk, but the unis you posted are different from those released. Just a quick look shows that the 'claw logo' isn't in/on those on the official site.
Hmph. Knowing how off their unis were in past 2Ks, how do we know these are acutually accurate portrayals of the actual uniforms?
Did they show screenshots almost 2 months before launch on the others? LD said 2 weeks ago on his stream that they already had the design. This has been in the works
Idk what you guys are looking at saying it looks like 2k15 , welp guess have to wait for the trailer to come for those " OMG this looks so much better "
Idk what you guys are looking at saying it looks like 2k15 , welp guess have to wait for the trailer to come for those " OMG this looks so much better "
Its the same dark look that makes people say it looks like 2k15, besides the scanning of bodies, faces, and shoes, the overall graphics of this game isnt impressive, they need to make the lighting brighter just too dull looking.
IMO it doesn't look dark tho , go hook up 2k15 with the raps and look at Lowry and D . Both look a lil lighter and better in the screen shots . As long as the players skin tones match real life I'm happy . We need to stop with conclusion jumping when we haven't even seen the game in motion yet . Maybe it's just me but the 2k16 pics look fine
Those 2k15 pics look lighter than the actual game because of the close up. But from full view the game looks dark. This can be the same case for 2k16, even though those closeups look kind of dark. You can see from the pictures that in real life its actually a lot brighter.
Shoes look great, finally. Players look good but it looks like 2K is going for the "warmer" look (red'ish skin tones), unless that's just the reflection of the court colors.
The only positive I got from those screenshots was the jersey folding (Lowry in the white jersey) compared to just "tearing" in past games... Other than that, everything looks the same. The faces look the same and the skin texture looks the same.
Anyone saying "them body scans doe" is obviously clutching at straws. It looks the same!
I can't tell a thing about those body scans from those pics.
Really? Because it's easy to tell the difference in the way arms look compared to 2k15. You can already tell players don't have that "Durant Body." Guys like Lowry have a little more beef in their arms and from here it looks similar to 2k14 which was nearly spot on arm wise with guys like Lowry and Harden.
I'm gonna take a wild guess and say the main 2 pics have been run through a filter as the ones that look snatched from gameplay look pretty much on point. The shoe scans look amazing and the uniforms looks so much tighter/better. It's obvious around the arm/neck hole and the waist area. The shorts also don't look as baggy.
Look at Kyle's calves compared to Derozan's...I can't believe how some of you can say body scans aren't an obvious change or the models look the same. Kyle actually looks stocky now, from his arms to his legs...the difference is huge.
Look at Kyle's calves compared to Derozan's...I can't believe how some of you can say body scans aren't an obvious change or the models look the same. Kyle actually looks stocky now, from his arms to his legs...the difference is huge.
Finally someone sees the calves! Probably the most obvious difference.