NBA Live 16 News Post

GameBlast has posted some more early NBA Live 16 gameplay footage. Check it out and post your thoughts. For those of you that have missed out on the recent news about the game, we've highlighted some of them below.For more news and media on the game, check out the NBA Live 16 page.

Game: NBA Live 16Reader Score: 5.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS4 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 4 - View All
NBA Live 16 Videos
Member Comments
# 1 blingballa333 @ 07/05/15 07:47 PM
My eyes are bleeding

I wish, just once, someone knowledgeable was on the sticks.
# 2 coolcras7 @ 07/05/15 09:02 PM
Originally Posted by blingballa333
My eyes are bleeding

I wish, just once, someone knowledgeable was on the sticks.
Why do people keep saying that, everyone who picks up the game for the first time will be playing the same as you figure out the new controls, player movement etc....

Edit: i think this video was already posted.
# 3 El_Poopador @ 07/05/15 09:14 PM
Originally Posted by coolcras7
Why do people keep saying that, everyone who picks up the game for the first time will be playing the same as you figure out the new controls, player movement etc....

Edit: i think this video was already posted.
I think he was more saying that he wishes someone who tries to play realistic basketball was playing in the video, versus the guys who just run around with R2/RT held constantly and don't try to run any semblance of an NBA offense/defense.
# 4 blingballa333 @ 07/05/15 09:31 PM
Originally Posted by El_Poopador
I think he was more saying that he wishes someone who tries to play realistic basketball was playing in the video, versus the guys who just run around with R2/RT held constantly and don't try to run any semblance of an NBA offense/defense.

Those guys could hardly even run in a straight line.
# 5 HoosierDaddy @ 07/06/15 11:40 AM
Ugh! I'm sorry, but that was uggggly..
# 6 The 24th Letter @ 07/06/15 12:03 PM
It was indeed ugly, but I noticed the same as TLK.

It looks like you can finally shoot gaps and take angles.

People spout "control!" about Live all the time, but how much control do you have if you can't take angles, a huge part of basketball?

It's pretty exciting to see that.
# 7 Rockie_Fresh88 @ 07/06/15 12:09 PM
I thought that actually looked good. I can see the improved physics. Foot planting looks good . Passing looks improved. I liked the way the Green drive looked . It didn't look canned at all . I don't like how the players reacted after that drive though . I also like the block by Barnes and that didn't look like a player getting stuck in an animation. Other thing though passes need better animations when right next to each other. Those guys never let off the turbo but the game looked smooth .
# 8 menloe24 @ 07/06/15 02:36 PM
"NBA FINALS" logo painted on the court i missing. Details! Details please!!! It makes a huge difference.
# 9 SolidSquid @ 07/06/15 03:05 PM
Graphics are improved but there's still that EA cartoonish look to it.
# 10 Dantecamp21 @ 07/06/15 03:12 PM
Originally Posted by menloe24
"NBA FINALS" logo painted on the court i missing. Details! Details please!!! It makes a huge difference.
The NBA banned the Finals and Playoffs decals that used to grace the courts this year due to player safety. The material (vinyl) caused slippage. So they actually got it right.

Do your homework before bashing the game.
# 11 Hustle Westbrook @ 07/06/15 03:38 PM
Originally Posted by menloe24
"NBA FINALS" logo painted on the court i missing. Details! Details please!!! It makes a huge difference.
There was no Finals/Playoffs logo on the court this year.
# 12 Behindshadows @ 07/06/15 03:39 PM
It has better speed and movement, but hunchback returns...

EA has an issue with hip and waist movements, don't understand the issue..fix it..it's basic human anatomy.

And they don't get elbow joint movement and bending, that is why the models move so inaccurate and stiff like.

3 simple fixes and they will move like real people and less like a robotic game.

As the guy who says cartoonish models, I personally know what you mean by it from a art standpoint and I agree.

They need the skintextures and model builds like the UFC game and this game would be a 1000x improvement on visuals..
# 13 scottyp180 @ 07/06/15 03:45 PM
Originally Posted by menloe24
"NBA FINALS" logo painted on the court i missing. Details! Details please!!! It makes a huge difference.
I don't think "NBA finals" was painted on the court this year. I remember watching the finals this year and noticing they were missing. I could be mistaking though
# 14 Big_Mig_11 @ 07/06/15 04:37 PM
All Finals and Playoff logos moved to the base stands of the baskets for player safety (as stated above). They got it right.

About the gameplay...ouch. I am just not seeing anything enjoyable about that game. The Curry animation after the 3 looked real good though
# 15 arkhamRejek @ 07/06/15 06:01 PM
Movement is the biggest turn off in this game, also the rim still doesn't look or feel right to me at all.

Other than that a huge leap from previous years. This is what Elite 11 should have been
# 16 scottyp180 @ 07/06/15 06:31 PM
To me the animations still look weird. The movements looked a bit too speedy but that could be because of the offscreen video. Also possible this is an older build. With that said it is a noticeable improvement over last year.
# 17 rockchisler @ 07/06/15 07:16 PM
Originally Posted by arkhamRejek
Movement is the biggest turn off in this game, also the rim still doesn't look or feel right to me at all.

Other than that a huge leap from previous years. This is what Elite 11 should have been
Interesting you say that about the rim because 2k net rim ball physics is trash. Live gets it right.
# 18 lilmikey201 @ 07/06/15 07:20 PM
movement still looks blah everyones too fast
# 19 hawley088 @ 07/06/15 07:25 PM
Originally Posted by rockchisler
Interesting you say that about the rim because 2k net rim ball physics is trash. Live gets it right.
this 100%

i would like to know where 2k recorded their sounds because ive never heard a net or rim that sound like the way it does in the game
# 20 oldman @ 07/06/15 07:43 PM
Man I have been hoping since the reboot that Live would get back to its glory days. This footage looks better than what we have seen but like someone else said, why are guys like this playing? I want to see some footage with sim folks playing the game.

Off ball movement looks better. Looks fluid, it doesn't look as robotic.

I liked the finish at the rim and how the all kind of set there for a second. I have thought for the last few years that Live's rims have looked weird and I still do. They look to thick.

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