Madden NFL 16 News Post

This week’s episode is a deep dive into the modifications and improvements in this fall’s upcoming Madden NFL 16. Host Rich Grisham is joined by two of the leading designers of Madden’s Connected Franchise Mode, including Creative Director Kolbe Launchbaugh and Designer John White. The three discuss a host of additions and changes to CFM, including the updated goals framework, new scouting and draft options, updated commissioner tools, and a host of other items.


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Run Time: 54 minutes

Game: Madden NFL 16Reader Score: 7/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 24 - View All
Madden NFL 16 Videos
Member Comments
# 1 howboutdat @ 05/29/15 04:29 PM
i have now lost all hope in CFMs future . Its all about the casuals now, and im just not going down that road. So done with this game already .
# 2 The JareBear @ 05/29/15 04:46 PM
For those of us unable to listen right now can someone summarize it?
# 3 mestevo @ 05/29/15 04:46 PM
Notes below about goals and confidence, which is what I'm probably looking forward to the most outside of the reworked player card and any gameplay improvements (we've still got a lot to learn about this title). Looking forward to these as someone who likes to often just jump into a game and mostly run the recommended plays as if a coordinator is doling them out. I REALLY like that it looks like we're going from getting simply '10 passing yards' and then a 'Alex Smith 4/6 112 yards' - usually neglecting the receiver, etc. - to a much richer set of statistics on a play by play basis if you're a coach.


Dynamic Drive Goals
(there are still 2 goals systems)

- the weekly/season/milestone goals (still present, upgrade, changed a little bit)

Dynamic Drive Goals
- Augment the seasonal/weekly goals
- Goals better messaged (progress in ticker)
- As a coach/owner you see updates for all positions (LE w/ tackle goal, can see progress)

Dynamic goals more situational
- Correct confidence (no examples given, assuming things like 'get a first down' similar to how we see teams in a rut finally getting over the hump)
- Considers the various aspects of the game and providing goals based on that
- Example: after a pick, capitalize on a turnover by scoring
- no downside, they're goals/objectives for token xp/confidence

- rebalanced and retuned, more forgiving but has to be paid attention to. system isn't as aggressive.
- dynamic goals can key off confidence to provide goals to help where needed
# 4 JayD @ 05/29/15 06:21 PM
Please stop concentrating on XP and just work on the broken parts of CFM that have been around for a couple of years. Pretty sure the majority don't care about earning XP from stupid in game goals that forces you to change the way you play the game.
# 5 mestevo @ 05/29/15 07:55 PM
Originally Posted by JayD
Please stop concentrating on XP and just work on the broken parts of CFM that have been around for a couple of years. Pretty sure the majority don't care about earning XP from stupid in game goals that forces you to change the way you play the game.
They don't force anything and can be ignored, there's no downside.
# 6 bcruise @ 05/29/15 07:58 PM
Originally Posted by mestevo
They don't force anything and can be ignored, there's no downside.
Yeah. I don't like that the season goals are still tied to regression, but the dynamic in-game ones are all-reward, no risk.
# 7 mestevo @ 05/29/15 08:03 PM
Originally Posted by bucky60
Hard to ignore XP when that's the mechanism used for progression.
Post was complaining about the 'stupid game goals'

Even then, I let the AI do a lot of my progression and just play the game. My OCD is waning and just want to enjoy the game.
# 8 ggsimmonds @ 05/29/15 08:32 PM
Originally Posted by mestevo
They don't force anything and can be ignored, there's no downside.
Except for the resources that were devoted to their implementation.
# 9 jfsolo @ 05/29/15 09:00 PM
Originally Posted by bucky60
Then go ahead and enjoy the game. But the guys not wrong about disliking XP/goals and how that inherently changes the way one plays, if they want the team to progress. Sounds like it's even a goal of the designers since EA is stating it changes the way one plays the game.

Dude, I have nothing against you enjoying playing Madden.
It doesn't inherently change the way one plays, it's just that many people can't help themselves and allow their meta knowledge to affect their play style. I played through more than 10 season in CFM in Madden 15 and I never let any goals influence how I played in any game. I played my style, adjusted to whatever game situation occurred and let the XP chips fall where they may. The players who progressed the best/got the most XP did so because my style and play calling allowed them to make the most plays.

Not liking this system is a completely reasonable stance to have, but it really is a User choice to allow it to influence your play style in any way.
# 10 oneamongthefence @ 05/29/15 09:34 PM
Originally Posted by jfsolo
It doesn't inherently change the way one plays, it's just that many people can't help themselves and allow their meta knowledge to affect their play style. I played through more than 10 season in CFM in Madden 15 and I never let any goals influence how I played in any game. I played my style, adjusted to whatever game situation occurred and let the XP chips fall where they may. The players who progressed the best/got the most XP did so because my style and play calling allowed them to make the most plays.

Not liking this system is a completely reasonable stance to have, but it really is a User choice to allow it to influence your play style in any way.
I agree. And many of the goals sound like stuff you would do anyway. If your worried about goals being easily attained just bump difficulty/sliders. Those who want to throw for 700 yards a game are gonna do that any. The only way to really counter that is have a wear and tear system that accounts for snaps played hits taken etc.
# 11 howboutdat @ 05/29/15 11:42 PM
Originally Posted by Markdoe
This interview was a joke, right? A prank or somthing correct? Please somebody tell me they're kidding? Next gen is seeming to be so not worth it. I'm sorry... Just my opinion. But a let down one. Money and greed is ruining everything once again it seems. Sad face.
agreed @markdoe , im done with this game already. Have fun to all the casual gamers.seems all EA cares about at this point.
# 12 Hooe @ 05/30/15 12:42 AM
So I get that there's obvious disappointment with the lack of any real meaty bones tossed to the hardcore Madden CFM user this year. I do. Being perfectly clear, I'm disappointed about that fact as well. There were things I wanted to see that apparently won't be in Madden NFL 16.

However, I think we should be careful about conflating "accessibility improvements" with "Madden doesn't care about the hardcore user at all whatsoever anymore". A fair number of things that have been added to the mode this year - most notably the new user interface (which was desperately needed IMO), but also the reimagined scouting workflow, additional options for online league management, and asserted adjustments to the balance of Confidence (and say what you will about dynamic goals, I'm not going to count it here for sake of argument) - are things that anyone can enjoy, hardcore gamer or casual player.

The ability to get around Connected Franchise mode faster and obtain relevant team-building decision-making information more quickly by itself definitely will make engaging with the mode more enjoyable and improve the experience overall, even if not necessarily deeper or more authentic.
# 13 Senator Palmer @ 05/30/15 02:10 AM
I actually liked a lot of what I heard in the podcast, like free practice mode, but it's what I didn't hear that's leaving me a little empty. No training camp/position battles, no restricted free agency, option years on contracts, assistant coaches... any word on practice squad?
# 14 zmonkey @ 05/30/15 03:42 AM
I believe there's a gameinformer article floating around saying a lot of that stuff hasn't been changed. I hope trade logic is fixed if absolutely nothing else, the way it works (or doesn't work) now makes franchises that last longer than 3 years untenable.
# 15 4thQtrStre5S @ 05/30/15 09:44 AM
I am thinking that adjustments behind the scenes, that haven't been revealed as of yet, such as game play and mechanics behind creating the randomized draft classes may solve a bunch of issues.

I am waiting for E3 for the bulk of details on the game; and since I have already pre-ordered the game, I am confident that this iteration will be better than M15, overall..
# 16 PeoplesChampGB @ 05/30/15 09:52 AM
Originally Posted by CM Hooe
So I get that there's obvious disappointment with the lack of any real meaty bones tossed to the hardcore Madden CFM user this year. I do. Being perfectly clear, I'm disappointed about that fact as well. There were things I wanted to see that apparently won't be in Madden NFL 16.

However, I think we should be careful about conflating "accessibility improvements" with "Madden doesn't care about the hardcore user at all whatsoever anymore". A fair number of things that have been added to the mode this year - most notably the new user interface (which was desperately needed IMO), but also the reimagined scouting workflow, additional options for online league management, and asserted adjustments to the balance of Confidence (and say what you will about dynamic goals, I'm not going to count it here for sake of argument) - are things that anyone can enjoy, hardcore gamer or casual player.

The ability to get around Connected Franchise mode faster and obtain relevant team-building decision-making information more quickly by itself definitely will make engaging with the mode more enjoyable and improve the experience overall, even if not necessarily deeper or more authentic.
I completely agree with this post. I like what they did, don't get me wrong, but when they said that CFM got most of the love this year I was expecting more than just new layouts and tuning. Maybe that's my fault for high expectations but I am having trouble blaming myself on this one.

They are really going to have to make up on the gameplay portion.
# 17 StefJoeHalt @ 05/30/15 10:19 AM
Originally Posted by CM Hooe
So I get that there's obvious disappointment with the lack of any real meaty bones tossed to the hardcore Madden CFM user this year. I do. Being perfectly clear, I'm disappointed about that fact as well. There were things I wanted to see that apparently won't be in Madden NFL 16.

However, I think we should be careful about conflating "accessibility improvements" with "Madden doesn't care about the hardcore user at all whatsoever anymore". A fair number of things that have been added to the mode this year - most notably the new user interface (which was desperately needed IMO), but also the reimagined scouting workflow, additional options for online league management, and asserted adjustments to the balance of Confidence (and say what you will about dynamic goals, I'm not going to count it here for sake of argument) - are things that anyone can enjoy, hardcore gamer or casual player.

The ability to get around Connected Franchise mode faster and obtain relevant team-building decision-making information more quickly by itself definitely will make engaging with the mode more enjoyable and improve the experience overall, even if not necessarily deeper or more authentic.

CM, yes I'm one of the many disappointed. I do see ur half glass full look..but dynamic goals not only scare me but really upset me..i WOULD rather have a ticker for games going on in ur CFM or "live NFL ticker"..what's worse is after 15 and the positive step forward in presentation towards "TV style"..this one thing on face value completely kills the immersion factor.

Practice squads don't bother me..reason being is the current free agent pool is the practice squad..all practice players by rule can be signed by another team as long as they are signed to the 53 man roster so no biggie there..but, 45 game active roster kills me..formation subs outside of the game KILL ME..lack of position battles kill me..no training camp kills me..no injury updates IE OLinemen kill me..no talk on better roster management by the CPU kills me..fixing of sliders kill me

At the fine age of 37 I get what EA needs to do to make money..stay the course..but they in my eyes didn't throw us any bone for the Franchise guy..

I'm at the point where if they do 75% casual gamer 25% hardcore I'm ok with it, cause I have nothing else..but this was just goose egg..

What I will say...IF and its a big one..the depth chart can be used properly and allow for proper subs along with proper working auto subs sliders that u don't need to have a adjust outside of the CFM..that is a positive..but again if the CPU can't manage the roster properly this new format may be a disaster..also I hope new interface has untied the setting from Main Menu and CFM..this cause all types of issues inside CFM

Just as a caveat..if game play improvement is huge and I mean huge..then I can live with the above if it is built upon..but again that is a huge IF

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
# 18 jpdavis82 @ 05/30/15 11:15 AM
Originally Posted by Markdoe
There'll be no word on it till it's released..maybe minor stuff and lies that never work out properly. You know like penalties, or unrealistic player ratings that don't reflect on field results. Who knows maybe a couple more disappearing players during connected whatever. Perhaps Bo Jackson comes out of retirement for the Los Angeles Rams with a hip that can do stiff arms.. Then silence. Around January it'll be like Madden 16 never existed. Then boom... Madden 17. A whole new bunch of malarkey that'll be spewed. Usually recycled things. And we will then forget this conversation ever happened, mark my words. Like clockwork.
Marked👍 I'll be here for sure on this one
# 19 jpdavis82 @ 05/30/15 11:21 AM
Originally Posted by StefJoeHalt
CM, yes I'm one of the many disappointed. I do see ur half glass full look..but dynamic goals not only scare me but really upset me..i WOULD rather have a ticker for games going on in ur CFM or "live NFL ticker"..what's worse is after 15 and the positive step forward in presentation towards "TV style"..this one thing on face value completely kills the immersion factor.

Practice squads don't bother me..reason being is the current free agent pool is the practice squad..all practice players by rule can be signed by another team as long as they are signed to the 53 man roster so no biggie there..but, 45 game active roster kills me..formation subs outside of the game KILL ME..lack of position battles kill me..no training camp kills me..no injury updates IE OLinemen kill me..no talk on better roster management by the CPU kills me..fixing of sliders kill me

At the fine age of 37 I get what EA needs to do to make money..stay the course..but they in my eyes didn't throw us any bone for the Franchise guy..

I'm at the point where if they do 75% casual gamer 25% hardcore I'm ok with it, cause I have nothing else..but this was just goose egg..

What I will say...IF and its a big one..the depth chart can be used properly and allow for proper subs along with proper working auto subs sliders that u don't need to have a adjust outside of the CFM..that is a positive..but again if the CPU can't manage the roster properly this new format may be a disaster..also I hope new interface has untied the setting from Main Menu and CFM..this cause all types of issues inside CFM

Just as a caveat..if game play improvement is huge and I mean huge..then I can live with the above if it is built upon..but again that is a huge IF

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
At the very beginning of the blog it mentions this is just the beginning for CFM. Kolbe has a lot of things planned for the future. This year CFM seems to be, based on what we've seen so far, a necessary overhaul in ui and tuning to try to lay a much better foundation for CFM in the future. I'm a little disappointed so far too, but I want them to make sure things are done properly first before they add a bunch of new stuff.
# 20 PeoplesChampGB @ 05/30/15 11:32 AM
Originally Posted by jpdavis82
At the very beginning of the blog it mentions this is just the beginning for CFM. Kolbe has a lot of things planned for the future. This year CFM seems to be, based on what we've seen so far, a necessary overhaul in ui and tuning to try to lay a much better foundation for CFM in the future. I'm a little disappointed so far too, but I want them to make sure things are done properly first before they add a bunch of new stuff.
JP, not trying to call you out, but I have seen posts of yours saying that in essence Madden 16 was going to turn a lot of heads this year. Were you stating that just based on gameplay alone or were you stating that on the total package of the game? Just wondering considering the status of CFM that they just unveiled and you stating that you are disappointed so far. It just seems conflicting to me and I would appreciate some clarification. Thank you.

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