MLB 15 The Show News Post

OSFM 2015 V.2 rosters are available now for MLB 15 The Show.

To download the roster, follow these simple directions:
  • Tab over to the Community tab
  • Go to Vaults
  • Roster Vault
  • Browse Rosters
  • Find the #OSFM2015 V2 roster, created by RIDINDWNKINGSL dated 05/24/15 Download it, save it, enjoy it.
First off I wanna thank everyone who contributed to this set. This version is a completely new base roster than V1. What that means is its based off one of the newest SCEA updates with all ht, wt and body type fixes. So this was another massive project requiring hundreds of hours and I think you will agree it shows. The updates, fixes, corrections and cosmetic changes from V1 to V2 are too massive to list. I hope you enjoy it.

It is another 25 man roster because I wanted to get it out tonight instead of delaying it a day.

Here are some highlights:
  • International Free Agents-FA1
  • 2015 Top 20 MLB draft Prospects in FA1
  • hundreds of new players, equip edits and position changes
  • up to the minute transaction updates
  • features all SCEA created players from updates
  • SCEA ratings adjustments are in as well as OSFM formulas used in past rosters
This is not another opening day set rather based on current season or within last few days.

In the vault
#OSFM2015 V2

Game: MLB 15 The ShowReader Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS Vita / PS3 / PS4Votes for game: 31 - View All
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Member Comments
# 321 Bobhead @ 08/09/15 09:46 PM
Originally Posted by NYGiants4Natic
which is why god gave you fingers to enter it manually...Problem solved
Uhh... except you cant? There's no salary editor in MLB The SHow.
# 322 WaitTilNextYear @ 08/10/15 01:00 AM
Originally Posted by Bobhead
Uhh... except you cant? There's no salary editor in MLB The SHow.
False. You can indeed edit years and total value of a contract. You can't do this in a game mode though. It would need to happen before starting up a mode.
# 323 TBennz @ 08/10/15 11:42 PM
Must say I disagree with a lot of the new updated player rankings, especially my Blue Jays.

They completely took away Tulowitzki's power (both sides of the plate) plus they lowered Donaldson to 67 contact and 68 power against righties. I must say the whole lefty/righty thing is way overplayed in this game. Sure, some guys have more success hitting off lefties than they do righties, but there's no way Donaldson should be a 90+ hitter against lefties and a 67 hitter against righties. He faces Righty pitching about 90% of the time during the year and he's an AL MVP candidate.

So frustrated.
# 324 PatrickBatman @ 08/12/15 01:41 PM
For those of us who can't go online through the game, we need an offline version of the latest current roster file(PS3 for me) so we can put it on USB and load it into the game.

This has been asked multiple times in the 20+ pages I sifted through looking for a possible link and no one has came though yet Plus it just seems like a good idea you know for when like the game servers are down etc.

# 325 raneman85 @ 08/12/15 06:37 PM
Sadly the PS3 and offline users are not their target customer base. True for all video game titles.
# 326 PatrickBatman @ 08/15/15 02:12 PM
I believe I found what I need http://www.operationsports.com/forum...ks-inside.html. Thanks for your help everyone (SARCASM ).
# 327 WelshDragon69 @ 08/20/15 07:19 PM
Greetings. I'm about to start a new RTTS, is this the best roster for that purpose? If not, suggestions for an accurate, updated roster? Going to play CF/OF if that matters. Thanks in advance!
# 328 porsche511 @ 09/17/15 09:29 AM
Thank you all very much
# 329 Arjot @ 12/28/15 08:28 PM
wheres the community tab?
# 330 MatrixTN @ 12/28/15 09:09 PM
Originally Posted by Arjot
wheres the community tab?
Frontend main menu, R1 once
# 331 Gagnon39 @ 12/29/15 03:29 PM
I'm trying to find the best place to ask this question and I don't really want to start a new thread so hopefully I can get an answer here.

I could swear that I've heard/read that rosters will be transferable from MLB 15 to MLB 16 which would make the creation of OSFM rosters much, much faster. Is this the case or will the rosters have to be created as they always have once the game comes out? If my question is confusing, let me simplify it. What is the projected release date of the OSFM rosters for MLB 16?
# 332 mortemessenger @ 01/01/16 07:49 AM
Does Anyone have a Brian Moran CAP? or his attributes from the OSFM roster in 14. I did not play the show in 14 and been searching everywhere for one. He was a rule 5 draft pick for the Indians this year. Thanks ahead of time.
# 333 Bondsfan @ 01/02/16 03:17 PM
Originally Posted by Gagnon39
I'm trying to find the best place to ask this question and I don't really want to start a new thread so hopefully I can get an answer here.

I could swear that I've heard/read that rosters will be transferable from MLB 15 to MLB 16 which would make the creation of OSFM rosters much, much faster. Is this the case or will the rosters have to be created as they always have once the game comes out? If my question is confusing, let me simplify it. What is the projected release date of the OSFM rosters for MLB 16?
I've wondered the same thing. Surprised that a "OSFM recruiting" thread hasn't popped up yet. Hoping OSFM is still gonna be a thing this year.
# 334 Scott @ 01/02/16 03:23 PM
Originally Posted by Bondsfan
I've wondered the same thing. Surprised that a "OSFM recruiting" thread hasn't popped up yet. Hoping OSFM is still gonna be a thing this year.
It'll still be a thing...No sense doing a recruiting thread when teams are still actively trading...
# 335 Knight165 @ 01/02/16 07:49 PM
Originally Posted by Scott
It'll still be a thing...No sense doing a recruiting thread when teams are still actively trading...
It's a thing.

I'm waiting to hear from Ridin'.....and the thread will be up soon enough after.

# 336 ShowTyme15 @ 01/02/16 09:05 PM
Originally Posted by Knight165
It's a thing.

I'm waiting to hear from Ridin'.....and the thread will be up soon enough after.

I actually have a ton of teams completed already in 15. If you want to take a look at what I have done so far let me know (I can put it in the vault). It could help out a ton of people working on OSFM/Hybrid or any other roster for 16. It'll give them a head start so all they have to do is import/export when 16 comes out.

Teams completed

Blue Jays
White Sox

The only changes that will need to be made are ages of the players when the 2016 season starts. Equipment is already completed for every player and will only need to be changed if they add more equipment options in 16 or if a specific player changes brands in spring.
# 337 Knight165 @ 01/02/16 09:16 PM
Originally Posted by ShowTyme15
I actually have a ton of teams completed already in 15. If you want to take a look at what I have done so far let me know (I can put it in the vault). It could help out a ton of people working on OSFM/Hybrid or any other roster for 16. It'll give them a head start so all they have to do is import/export when 16 comes out.

Teams completed

Blue Jays
White Sox

That would be great.
That's what I(and others like MauerMorneau) are and plan on doing.
That would be an awesome head start.
Thank you!

# 338 ShowTyme15 @ 01/02/16 09:17 PM
Originally Posted by Knight165
That would be great.
That's what I(and others like MauerMorneau) are and plan on doing.
That would be an awesome head start.
Thank you!

Okay cool sounds good. I'll put what I have in the roster vault in the next 10 minutes.
# 339 ShowTyme15 @ 01/02/16 10:27 PM
I also have a roster with extra players for various teams as well.
# 340 sxaalex @ 01/03/16 10:03 AM
what about mlb ,milb players service time for 2016 and do you follow minor league teams. http://www.baseballamerica.com/t/transactions

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