MLB 15 The Show News Post

OSFM 2015 V.2 rosters are available now for MLB 15 The Show.

To download the roster, follow these simple directions:
  • Tab over to the Community tab
  • Go to Vaults
  • Roster Vault
  • Browse Rosters
  • Find the #OSFM2015 V2 roster, created by RIDINDWNKINGSL dated 05/24/15 Download it, save it, enjoy it.
First off I wanna thank everyone who contributed to this set. This version is a completely new base roster than V1. What that means is its based off one of the newest SCEA updates with all ht, wt and body type fixes. So this was another massive project requiring hundreds of hours and I think you will agree it shows. The updates, fixes, corrections and cosmetic changes from V1 to V2 are too massive to list. I hope you enjoy it.

It is another 25 man roster because I wanted to get it out tonight instead of delaying it a day.

Here are some highlights:
  • International Free Agents-FA1
  • 2015 Top 20 MLB draft Prospects in FA1
  • hundreds of new players, equip edits and position changes
  • up to the minute transaction updates
  • features all SCEA created players from updates
  • SCEA ratings adjustments are in as well as OSFM formulas used in past rosters
This is not another opening day set rather based on current season or within last few days.

In the vault
#OSFM2015 V2

Game: MLB 15 The ShowReader Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS Vita / PS3 / PS4Votes for game: 31 - View All
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Member Comments
# 301 RidinDwnKingsley @ 06/27/15 09:36 PM
Originally Posted by Lefthandedpickup
First off, I love the OSFM rosters and use them for my 30 team franchise every year... I realized the legends have been overwritten in the version I downloaded and I'm wondering if there is a way to import them back into my OSFM roster? It has really thrown me off and I'm torn on what it is that I can do to obtain the roster that I want to use. Any help will be greatly appreciated.

V1 has legends thats all u can do

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# 302 eneas @ 06/28/15 03:12 AM
Guys there is a way i can get a link to save the roster in a usb? Thanks
# 303 CWood2 @ 06/28/15 08:04 AM
Originally Posted by CWood2
I just had a similar "is it me" moment when going through the Red Sox. I can't find Rafael Devers, who just made Keith Law's new top 10 list with all the recent call ups. Other talented prospects, like Michael Chavis, their 1st rounder a draft ago and Javier Guerra who all made the opening day set are gone.

Just looking for the context of what changed from V1 to 2. Was it a decision to nail AAA and AA by leaving out some A ballers? Mistake on Devers since Margot is still in? Truly grateful for another incredible roster, just trying to understand why top 100 prospects are out of the more recent and improved set.
Anyone got anything on this scenario?
# 304 RidinDwnKingsley @ 06/28/15 08:23 AM
Originally Posted by CWood2
Anyone got anything on this scenario?

Devers and all top 100 are in the newest update.

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# 305 jimgossett @ 06/28/15 07:04 PM
Braves top 10 prospect Tyrell Jenkins has been left out of the last several updates you've uploaded. He is a Southern League (AA) all star this season. He is a free agent in your roster update. His pitching motion should also be changed to Scott Kazmir.

# 306 CWood2 @ 06/30/15 09:34 PM
Originally Posted by RidinDwnKingsley
Devers and all top 100 are in the newest update.

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Thanks Ridin, is it the same file name or 2.something?
# 307 RidinDwnKingsley @ 06/30/15 09:36 PM
Weekly update #5

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# 308 forme95 @ 07/27/15 07:03 PM
Curious question really. By adding the personal equiptment, like Nike shoes, LS bats, etc. I was wondering if they had any attribute effects in the game. Like when you add equiptment to your RTTS player, you get a rating boost. Does any of this boost OSFM roster players?
# 309 Bobhead @ 07/31/15 09:41 PM
Originally Posted by RidinDwnKingsley
Weekly update #5

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Does this version still have the pitch edits? I'm trying to track down the most up-to-date version (in terms of transactions) that still has all the edits and whatnot.
# 310 WaitTilNextYear @ 07/31/15 09:44 PM
Originally Posted by Bobhead
Does this version still have the pitch edits? I'm trying to track down the most up-to-date version (in terms of transactions) that still has all the edits and whatnot.
I would say that's a negative. Pretty sure there aren't any rosters that have both updated transactions (the deadline was just today after all) and pitch edits.
# 311 Bobhead @ 07/31/15 09:51 PM
Originally Posted by WaitTilNextYear
I would say that's a negative. Pretty sure there aren't any rosters that have both updated transactions (the deadline was just today after all) and pitch edits.
I wasn't expecting anything up to today, the post I quoted was from june. I was asking if that june... release had the pitch edits, or what the most recent pitch-edit release is?

Edit: I just don't want to go and use a April 30th release if theres a May 30th release out there somewhere....
# 312 nikogreeko @ 08/02/15 03:51 PM
Does anybody have copies of the players for this roater?
# 313 dshelm19 @ 08/03/15 10:21 PM
Why are the salaries so off??? Like ridiculously off. Is t really that hard to just put the right amount of salary? Just go to Cots Contracts or something. Like A-Rod making 11 mil a year in the game but 21 or whatever in real life. Why is it so different?
# 314 MatrixTN @ 08/04/15 12:20 AM
Originally Posted by dshelm19
Why are the salaries so off??? Like ridiculously off. Is t really that hard to just put the right amount of salary? Just go to Cots Contracts or something. Like A-Rod making 11 mil a year in the game but 21 or whatever in real life. Why is it so different?
MLBPA won't allow the actual #s or something to that effect.
# 315 RidinDwnKingsley @ 08/04/15 12:23 AM
Originally Posted by dshelm19
Why are the salaries so off??? Like ridiculously off. Is t really that hard to just put the right amount of salary? Just go to Cots Contracts or something. Like A-Rod making 11 mil a year in the game but 21 or whatever in real life. Why is it so different?

Some contracts will break franchise so adjustments have been made. These are just the regular OSFM rosters with updated transactions... People need to chill lol

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# 316 dshelm19 @ 08/04/15 08:55 AM
lol yea I didn't mean to go after you specifically I just didn't know how else to vent. I've changed a lot of the contracts in edit player and it hasn't messed up franchise mode t all for me
# 317 dshelm19 @ 08/04/15 08:59 AM
it's just kinda annoying like Joe Mauer makes 5.6 mil a year in the game when in real life he's making 23 mil. Lol like at least come close, like make it like 15 or 16 mil. And I'm talking to like the game developers not you if you're not one.
# 318 Bobhead @ 08/04/15 09:08 AM
Originally Posted by dshelm19
lol yea I didn't mean to go after you specifically I just didn't know how else to vent. I've changed a lot of the contracts in edit player and it hasn't messed up franchise mode t all for me
Originally Posted by dshelm19
it's just kinda annoying like Joe Mauer makes 5.6 mil a year in the game when in real life he's making 23 mil. Lol like at least come close, like make it like 15 or 16 mil. And I'm talking to like the game developers not you if you're not one.
For whatever reason, the MLB Player's Association views player salaries as private and personal information, and does not allow the salaries to be accurately represented in a video game.

So SCEA has no choice but to just make them up. Channel your anger towards Commissioner Manfred. Maybe send him a tweet!
# 319 dshelm19 @ 08/04/15 09:15 AM
Originally Posted by Bobhead
For whatever reason, the MLB Player's Association views player salaries as private and personal information, and does not allow the salaries to be accurately represented in a video game.

So SCEA has no choice but to just make them up. Channel your anger towards Commissioner Manfred. Maybe send him a tweet!

That's weird that they view it as private cause it's really easy to just look up online.

I understand if you're not allowed legally but couldn't they at least come close. A lot of contracts are just embarrassingly off
# 320 Arizito Sports @ 08/04/15 12:57 PM
Originally Posted by RidinDwnKingsley
Some contracts will break franchise so adjustments have been made. These are just the regular OSFM rosters with updated transactions... People need to chill lol

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Are you releasing the trade deadline update ?

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