Madden NFL 16 News Post

EA Sports has released a couple new screenshots that tie together with the previously discussed notion of being a playmaker in Madden NFL 16.

There is not much new info within EA's latest post, but there is a mention of "dynamic goals and achievements" based around what you do as a playmaker. It's purely speculation, but perhaps this means there will be more focus on the "Be a Pro" portion of the game, or at least there will be more ways for you to reach certain benchmarks that make each game a bit more unique.

Check out the screens at the attached link or click on them below.

Madden NFL 16 screenshot gallery - Click to view Madden NFL 16 screenshot gallery - Click to view Madden NFL 16 screenshot gallery - Click to view Madden NFL 16 screenshot gallery - Click to view Madden NFL 16 screenshot gallery - Click to view Madden NFL 16 screenshot gallery - Click to view Madden NFL 16 screenshot gallery - Click to view
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Member Comments
# 1 scitychamps87 @ 05/21/15 06:24 PM
They look okay...Not too much of an improvement over 15 though...I'm kind of disappointed.
# 2 DeuceDouglas @ 05/21/15 06:34 PM
They gotta tone down that yellow tint on those afternoon games. It's almost like that blue tint they had on rain games some years back. Overall they don't really look much different that 15. Equipment has been beat to death but I was hoping for maybe a surprise today but to no avail.
# 3 Jrocc23 @ 05/21/15 06:38 PM
Curious about the playmaker highlight reel/player spotlights.
# 4 ggsimmonds @ 05/21/15 06:44 PM
What is with EA's infatuation with playmaker? Seems like every 4 years they incorporate being a playmaker into a primary marketing slogan.
# 5 scitychamps87 @ 05/21/15 06:44 PM
I just don't understand how another game at EA can have top-flight visuals and this one can't....The lighting in the Antonio Brown picture makes the players looked washed out....Like the sun or stadium lighting doesn't reach the field. The colors just don't pop. However, the dome lighting looks a little bit better.
# 6 bcruise @ 05/21/15 06:47 PM
Originally Posted by scitychamps87
I just don't understand how another game at EA can have top-flight visuals and this one can't....
If you're comparing football to basketball/hockey keep in mind that there are 22 on-field players as opposed to 10/12....that matters when you're talking about graphic detail and how smoothly the game runs.

Edit: posted before you edited to focus on the lighting/colors.
# 7 scitychamps87 @ 05/21/15 06:55 PM
I understand your point clearly. I don't think detail is really too much of an issue as player faces with the new scans look pretty good...I'm just saying the colors don't pop, the jerseys have no physics whatsoever....The helmets don't even shine that much anymore. There's some screens of Madden 25 that look much better than Madden 15/16 in terms of lighting...The player models from 15/16 do look a little better. It's just colors and lighting look not up to par compared to even their past games, their hype trailer from E3 a few years ago (I know it was CGI) or other games in the industry. Something else with Madden that I've noticed is the scaling of players, stadiums etc...doesn't seem on par. Other sports games truly highlight the magnitude and sheer size of these sporting venues...I'm not sure if Madden really hits on that.

Edit: It could just be camera angles. I'm no expert
# 8 SnakeEyez @ 05/21/15 07:00 PM
EA will not attempt to upgrade the graphics again until another new console generation... because they don't have to. They need to, but don't have to for the product to still be successful.
# 9 jpdavis82 @ 05/21/15 07:11 PM
Looks like the fans have signs in the AJ Green shot.
# 10 scitychamps87 @ 05/21/15 07:14 PM
Originally Posted by jpdavis82
Looks like the fans have signs in the AJ Green shot.
I think I see the signs too. Is this when "LIVING WORLDS" will finally make an appearance?
# 11 Find_the_Door @ 05/21/15 07:18 PM
Looks darn near indistinguishable from Madden 15, I've fallen for close up gimmicks in the past and won't here. If they really had something new and innovative to show off with WR/DB interaction off the line they'd be showing rough animation footage, but instead we get shown screens of the same beat press animations we've seen for years now.

Very very underwhelming, and this may be the worst case of EA'ing we've seen yet. Shame that I got my hopes up because they've been more reserved than in years past with releasing info.

EDIT: Side note - the flat numbers on the static jerseys look atrocious as per usual.
# 12 jpdavis82 @ 05/21/15 07:26 PM
Originally Posted by Batum Shaka Laka
Looks darn near indistinguishable from Madden 15, I've fallen for close up gimmicks in the past and won't here. If they really had something new and innovative to show off with WR/DB interaction off the line they'd be showing rough animation footage, but instead we get shown screens of the same beat press animations we've seen for years now.

Very very underwhelming, and this may be the worst case of EA'ing we've seen yet. Shame that I got my hopes up because they've been more reserved than in years past with releasing info.

EDIT: Side note - the flat numbers on the static jerseys look atrocious as per usual.
You can't judge wr/db animations off of screenshots man, come on now.
# 13 scitychamps87 @ 05/21/15 07:29 PM
Originally Posted by jpdavis82
You can't judge wr/db animations off of screenshots man, come on now.
One thing we can judge is these graphics...And, I'm not seeing too much of an improvement. These systems are so powerful...This is the 3rd Madden game of the new generation...C'mon now
# 14 jpdavis82 @ 05/21/15 07:33 PM
Originally Posted by scitychamps87
One thing we can judge is these graphics...And, I'm not seeing too much of an improvement. These systems are so powerful...This is the 3rd Madden game of the new generation...C'mon now
If the game looks better in motion, nobody will complain about the graphics.
# 15 roadman @ 05/21/15 07:36 PM
I'm glad there are others who will comment good bad or indifferent regarding screen shots. I just have a low hype meter every year when the screen shots start coming out. I just don't have an eye for that type of stuff.

Maybe because it looks the same every year. I don't know, when I watch NFL on TV or go to a game, I really don't pay that much attention to mouth guards, sleeves, spikes, etc.... The only color that pops out at me is the pink in October.
# 16 scitychamps87 @ 05/21/15 07:37 PM
Originally Posted by jpdavis82
If the game looks better in motion, nobody will complain about the graphics.
I think you have a great point. Madden will seem a lot better if the motion is better. However, that's not an excuse for lacking lighting improvements. If I am correct, the art director is not working on player movement all year long. I was hoping to see improvement in both areas...Though, I do believe we'll get one
# 17 jpdavis82 @ 05/21/15 07:40 PM
Originally Posted by scitychamps87
I think you have a great point. Madden will seem a lot better if the motion is better. However, that's not an excuse for lacking lighting improvements. If I am correct, the art director is not working on player movement all year long. I was hoping to see improvement in both areas...Though, I do believe we'll get one
The description in the article does say improved time of day and lighting for greater player likeness, so we'll see what that ends up meaning.
# 18 StormsWarning @ 05/21/15 07:41 PM
meh, i been looking at madden since 1998 man, i don't see anything ground breaking, same ol same ol, it's almost routine with madden, personaly i have 15, i liked it better than the previous installments starting from 12. i prolly wont go heads in on this title unless i see something that makes me like it more than 15. there's just way to many games coming out or already out to be bothered with this. it's the same ol hype they do every year, and the same people defending or disagreeing with the game every year. bottom line if you like it, get it, if you dont, dont buy it, but i really hope we dont see another countless threads, about the same ol.
# 19 jpdavis82 @ 05/21/15 07:42 PM
Here's the actual sentence from the Madden Website about the lighting.

"Improved time of day and lighting helps highlight Madden NFL 16's updated player likenesses."
# 20 scitychamps87 @ 05/21/15 07:44 PM
I am a big Madden and NFL fan...I just think as fans we deserve improvement relative to the rest of the industry. And if they really improved lighting in a significant way, wouldn't we be able to tell? Most comments are expressing the fact that this looks like Madden 15.

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