MLB 15 The Show News Post

MLB 15 The Show has been out a few weeks now and our staff has been playing it non-stop -- foregoing jobs, wives, and even our own children in pursuit of winning a World Series.

Ok, perhaps it's not that bad, but everyone does seem to be enjoying the game still. Check out several rounds of impressions after the jump!

Read More - MLB 15 The Show: Impressions After a Few Weeks of Play

Game: MLB 15 The ShowReader Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS Vita / PS3 / PS4Votes for game: 31 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 sportyguyfl31 @ 04/24/15 11:01 AM
I have a mixed relationship with quick count. I like the briskness of the game, but I actually find that I hit worse, because it kind of sacrifices the rhythm of the at bat. I dont want to sit on pitches and get behind in the count..if I get a pitch early in the at bat that looks like it is hittable, I want to swing at it.
# 2 Chai2112 @ 04/24/15 11:18 AM
I play on the PS3 version and overall I love it. With TNK's sliders, I have very realistic results in my Franchise. My only thing is I wish there were more stats! Don't know if it's the same in the PS4 version, but I can't find out how many Ks my pitcher has during a game unless I go to the box score. This should not be the case, and I'm pretty sure it was different in years past. When I push the right directional button while pitching, it takes me to the screen in the upper left that shows the pitcher's count. Why can't they have this little screen also show the pitcher's current stats like K, BB, H, etc.???? Also, I wish there was a quick-button access to the game's box score. Those two things would make a huge difference for me. I wonder if this is something they can patch in. Maybe I'll start a thread about this.
# 3 My993C2 @ 04/24/15 11:19 AM
The new lighting graphical improvements are simply outstanding and the stadiums are very well done. The combination of these two makes the game a lot of fun to play. But I am somewhat disappointed that features of the game that worked fine in MLB 14 either don't work in MLB 15 or have been completely removed from the game this year. Definitely disappointing, but I will still have fun playing the game this summer.
# 4 TheRealC7R @ 04/24/15 11:32 AM
Originally Posted by Chai2112
Why can't they have this little screen also show the pitcher's current stats like K, BB, H, etc.???? Also, I wish there was a quick-button access to the game's box score. Those two things would make a huge difference for me. I wonder if this is something they can patch in. Maybe I'll start a thread about this.
It was there last year, but removed this year for whatever reason; this year the d-pad input no longer gives K's or BB. Quick access to box score and much more key information was readily available with a click of the touchpad last year too, but that was also removed. Now you have to pause the game and go into the menu if you want this information.
# 5 Chai2112 @ 04/24/15 11:36 AM
Originally Posted by TheRealC7R
It was there last year, but removed this year for whatever reason; this year the d-pad input no longer gives K's or BB. Quick access to box score and much more key information was readily available with a click of the touchpad last year too, but that was also removed. Now you have to pause the game and go into the menu if you want this information.
Thanks for the response. I really wish they would patch this back in, if possible.
# 6 Armor and Sword @ 04/24/15 02:08 PM
The game has not been ejected from my console (except for this morning to set up a 1989 CFM on Madden 15 lol) since it's release.

I can say with 100% certainty it is my favorite sports game of all time no question.

I am playing more modes than every before (Offline Franchise, Offline Season, Diamond Dynasty, Online Franchise, Online Ranked and soon a 1987 full 90 man RTTS career).

The modes are robust, online for the most part has been incredible and a revelation and overall the game plays better than ever.

Of course some minor presentation things I wish were not cut back on....but I have already adjusted to the new broadcast vision. Games are being played quicker (but not so fast it takes away from immersion as on average games are taking me 45-50 minutes per) with QC's coupled with this new more streamlined broadcast presentation. I am not happy about some of the presentation decisions, but it is by no means anything close to a deal breaker. The game is just too good and too much fun for me to whine.....I got over it within a week.


If you have not played Diamond Dynasty and played some online games with players you know and trust will play true to the game, you seriously have no idea how much more your missing out on. It has taken the game to unprecedented levels of enjoyment for me. User Fielding this year has been really tuned well and is a ton of fun....finally!!!

Trust me it will blow you away.
# 7 SDwinder @ 04/24/15 04:45 PM
Just a fantastic version on the PS4 this year. I couldn't be more pleased at how much more to the gameplay and graphics I see over 14. User fielding has really added to my enjoyment, and I am currently looking for a Diamond Dynasty addiction group. It hits that sweet spot of getting baseball cards as a kid, being a GM, and playing the stock market! I haven't even played online this year yet, so looking forward to that now. But The Show Live and DD modes have been keeping me very happy. Pitch physics are improved and more challenging. Batted ball physics are varied. Cameras are great. Fielder reactions and path to balls are great. So much to like in this game that I haven't touched any other game since March 31! That has never happened before.
# 8 raneman85 @ 04/24/15 04:46 PM
Getting better for me as I play and to some extent more challenging. I'm finding out I need to use the outfield shift more to cut down the gaps and slide the middle infielders over to cover the holes. CPU is going more with the pitch but if I miss my spot I'm screwed.
# 9 My993C2 @ 04/24/15 05:32 PM
Originally Posted by artgamer72
In MOM does the AI try to pick off your runner, or has this not been fixed? That was a game killer for me last year as well as the AI not trying to steal, as well as the lack of any real and deep tracking of stats (as is the case this year)
The CPU will never try to pick you off and you can try and pick them off as many times as you want, they will always get back to the bag standing up. But the CPU base runners will attempt to steal on you and depending on your base stealing slider settings as well as the skill of the base runners, sometimes they will succeed and sometimes they will fail.
# 10 Ghost Of The Year @ 04/24/15 05:48 PM
I'm still in the honeymoon period with 15.
For frame of reference, the honeymoon with 14 lasted until mid-winter.
It would have lasted longer but I had a wandering eye towards 15 lol.
# 11 Heroesandvillains @ 04/24/15 06:39 PM
I'm not new here and have absolutely no clue who these people quoted in the article are.

If they are contributors on OS and have handles, could someone post their handles?
# 12 Knight165 @ 04/24/15 06:43 PM
Originally Posted by My993C2
The CPU will never try to pick you off and you can try and pick them off as many times as you want, they will always get back to the bag standing up. But the CPU base runners will attempt to steal on you and depending on your base stealing slider settings as well as the skill of the base runners, sometimes they will succeed and sometimes they will fail.
He knows the answers.
Don't feed him.

I noticed he didn't ask about dirty uniforms or dynamic attendance this time.
He must have found out the real answers to those...but it didn't fit for him.

# 13 Ghost Of The Year @ 04/24/15 06:50 PM
Originally Posted by Heroesandvillains
I'm not new here and have absolutely no clue who these people quoted in the article are.

If they are contributors on OS and have handles, could someone post their handles?
# 14 Heroesandvillains @ 04/24/15 07:02 PM
# 15 fjackson18 @ 04/24/15 07:04 PM
After a few weeks i can say this is a great game of baseball. The graphical improvements alone are incredible. the lighting improvements enhances it even more. I usually get bored with RTTS really quick because i am more of a franchise guy. but i try to play a couple RTTS games each day. the game play itself is very good. i can play this years version the whole year especially if Madden does not add much to their next title.

One thing that bugs me though is the errors. i wish errors were more "user" errors as opposed to the game saying you have to make an error here. example being times when i can move my OF under a ball to make a catch then there is that one time i get just inside the ball icon and the control i have ceases and he makes a lunging move to try to make a catch. On grounders a slow roller toward my first baseman should not all of a sudden accelerate and take a bad hop over his shoulder. Another IF mistake is when i tap to make a throw by no means should it come out the same speed as if i held down the button to rocket it to a base only to over throw it into the crowd or into the dirt. I get it errors like these happen in real life. But these incidents happen every game to me. I avg 2 errors a game in my franchise. Can be frustrating at times.

But so much more positives than negatives in this game.
# 16 sirwoodz @ 04/25/15 10:33 AM
my RTTS player is leading the league in all 3 triple crown categories late in the season

and all it says now is "team leader" and the announcers and the game don't even mention it like in previous years (4th in the league in etc etc...)

franchise does this, but it is completely gone from RTTS this year - i don't like this, other than that the game is great.
# 17 My993C2 @ 04/25/15 10:37 AM
Originally Posted by artgamer72
I do wonder if this is a bug or a design decision. Does the development team know anything about this?
Most likely done on purpose and yes bug reports concerning the issue have been raised.

As an outsider looking in, it's hard to know exactly how much common code exists between the various modes (in a perfect world it is all common code), and I suspect everything surrounding base leadoffs and pickoffs uses common code between Human vs CPU games, CPU vs CPU games and of course MoM games which is just another CPU vs CPU game. Apparently the base leadoffs and pickoffs were not working very well in Human vs CPU games and it was probably easier to just disable the feature rather than patch it. It is possible the whole code base surrounding this area of the game needs a complete rewrite, something that is just not feasible this late in the development cycle. Hopefully the issue is addressed in next year's game?
# 18 geisterhome @ 04/26/15 09:42 AM
After last year has been a bit of a let down for me I have to say I really love this year version of the game!

The graphics took another step towards being a real representation of true next/current gen. The Radio Show is a nice addition-hope they build on it and improve it in the future. Trade logic is improved. Even the commentary seems like it's moving in the right direction. It's the first time I'm saying it but I hope they'll keep Matty V. and continue moving in the right direction.
On top of this there a ton fun teams for franchise mode this year, so a franchise mode guy like me can really have a blast.

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