MLB 15 The Show News Post

Monday's MLB 15: The Show stream was the longest so far, totaling almost three hours, but despite its length, there wasn't a whole lot of new information shared. Here are all of the details that were discussed:

Uniforms, Head Scans, & Equipment
  • Each MLB team has 10 different jersey slots. There are around 430 uniforms in the game.
  • The Mariners' and Giants' new alternate jerseys will not be in MLB 15: The Show, because there wasn't an available slot to put them into. The developers would have had to replace those teams' throwback uniforms, and Sony San Diego's telemetry shows that gamers are selecting throwbacks too often to justify getting rid of them.
  • In Franchise mode, teams will wear their alternate/throwback uniforms according to their real-life tendencies and schedules.
  • Uniform and face scans files have become so large in size that Sony San Diego is unable to patch new ones into the game after it releases. What you get on the MLB 15 disc is what you'll have all year.
  • There are around 1,500 unique player heads in the game. One head can take a couple of hours to get right, depending on how complicated the hair is.
  • The developers travel to spring training sites to capture minor leaguers' faces before they are called up to the majors.
  • The cameras that were used to scan player faces were also used to scan most of the equipment in MLB 15, though some items had to be modeled from scratch.
Miscellaneous Notes
  • The degree of horizontal/vertical pitch break will be unique for every MLB pitcher and is based on real data from last season.
  • If you decide to use an injured player, his attribute ratings will be negatively impacted, depending on the location and severity of the injury.
  • Every MLB stadium has been improved for MLB 15. There will be a stream later in the month showing off all the ballparks.
  • Historic stadiums are not in the PlayStation 4 version of MLB 15. Sony San Diego believes their return on investment would not be significant enough to make it worth their effort.
  • You can now warm-up pitchers and access your bullpen by pressing up on the d-pad.
  • Fielding "quick shifts" can now be made by pressing down on the d-pad.
  • Road to the Show won't have any new fielding cameras, but the baserunning camera will be less jittery.
  • The MLB's new "pace of play" rules were announced too late to include in MLB 15: The Show.
  • There are about 70 new "third out" animations.
  • Pitchers, batters, and fielders will each have their own unique sets of emotion animations after big plays.
  • Athletes who don't have signature home run celebrations will use a random one from a pool of generic animations.
  • Fans can catch any balls that end up in the stands.
  • George Springer's pre-game dance is in the game.
  • Jason Heyward's batting stance has been updated.

Game: MLB 15 The ShowReader Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS Vita / PS3 / PS4Votes for game: 31 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 x8Tommy8x @ 03/03/15 04:46 PM
So excited for this game!
# 2 Flaxseed Oil @ 03/03/15 04:52 PM
The pitching animations look noticeably better. Still not on 2Ks level, but I am glad they put some time and effort into it.
# 3 seanjeezy @ 03/03/15 04:52 PM
The real data for the dynamic pitch breaks is no different than what you see already on Fangraphs or Brooks Baseball under HMov/x-Mov and VMov/z-Mov - the average horizontal and vertical break of every pitch thrown for pitcher x.

Its basically this

Being turned into this

Its something us pitch f/x guys have been doing for years, glad its finally being applied to the game (although I'm surprised it hasn't been already).

Oh yeah Kluber throws a cutter btw (per Kluber and Indians announcers), I think MLB classifies it as a slider and his slider as a curveball. Just another reason why Brooks is superior to Fangraphs/MLB gameday lol
# 4 vidgames @ 03/03/15 04:59 PM
The justification of not including the new Mariners jersey is not a good one. Why would you keep an eyesore like the Mariners all blue uni and not include the slick new alternate. Doesn't make any sense.
# 5 Russell_SCEA @ 03/03/15 05:12 PM
Doing another stream in 5 minutes
# 6 ShowTyme15 @ 03/03/15 05:13 PM
Originally Posted by vidgames
The justification of not including the new Mariners jersey is not a good one. Why would you keep an eyesore like the Mariners all blue uni and not include the slick new alternate. Doesn't make any sense.
You mean it's not a good one for you right?
# 7 seanjeezy @ 03/03/15 05:14 PM
Originally Posted by vidgames
The justification of not including the new Mariners jersey is not a good one. Why would you keep an eyesore like the Mariners all blue uni and not include the slick new alternate. Doesn't make any sense.
All blue? Are you referring to the throwback one? I agree, the 70's were a very dark time for uniforms...

I think the early 90's home unis are in the game, which is what the new alt is based off of. Probably can just use those, close enough lol
# 8 CivicKZ @ 03/03/15 05:47 PM
We need the ability to interact with the rosin bag in MLB 15 using the d-pad @Russell_SCEA
# 9 baconbits11 @ 03/03/15 06:01 PM
I like many of the improvements but here are things I don't like or understand. I don't get why Sony can't patch new uniforms/and update face scans because of space. They allow you to download the WHOLE game, so how can a piece of the game be too large to download? NBA 2K does it ALL the time.

Also current uniforms should be way more important than classic ones.

The face scans could be solved in part by allowing us to edit hairstyles and facial hair on the current MLB players.

"The Mariners' and Giants' new alternate jerseys will not be in MLB 15: The Show, because there wasn't an available slot to put them into. The developers would have had to replace those teams' throwback uniforms, and Sony San Diego's telemetry shows that gamers are selecting throwbacks too often to justify getting rid of them.
Uniform and face scans files have become so large in size that Sony San Diego is unable to patch new ones into the game after it releases. What you get on the MLB 15 disc is what you'll have all year."
# 10 Ghost Of The Year @ 03/03/15 06:06 PM
Originally Posted by CivicKZ
We need the ability to interact with the rosin bag in MLB 15 using the d-pad @Russell_SCEA
That would be interesting, maybe add a couple points to control or movement,
and a shave a couple MPH's off the speed. Or the other way around, I guess.
# 11 ty5oke @ 03/03/15 10:29 PM
Originally Posted by ShowTyme15
You mean it's not a good one for you right?
Or because they follow up with this:
In Franchise mode, teams will wear their alternate/throwback uniforms according to their real-life tendencies and schedules.
# 12 dazzelle @ 03/03/15 10:55 PM
Is that glove for mlb14 in the side by side really on ps4,that's a big improvement for 15.

I often get patches for games that are over a few gb, got one for ME:Shadow of Mordor not long ago that was around 6 gig that just added the dlc that i cant even use unless i buy it.
So i wouldn't care how big the patches are if it could add updated uniforms or faces.
# 13 dazzelle @ 03/03/15 11:20 PM
Originally Posted by A_Quiet_Pro
I forgot the reason, but in a stream they already said doing faces and unis in a patch aint happening because it's near impossible. Something about it being too huge of a file or something?? IDK (Gotta check the archived vids to see).
Yep,saw that and understand the reasoning and its no big deal to me tbh.

Was just stating that we already get very large patches and imo would gladly dl any sized patch for one of my most played games.
# 14 hogfanhw81 @ 03/03/15 11:41 PM
Originally Posted by vidgames
The justification of not including the new Mariners jersey is not a good one. Why would you keep an eyesore like the Mariners all blue uni and not include the slick new alternate. Doesn't make any sense.
I agree also. Telemetry may show that players are selecting the throwbacks at a high rate thus the feeling not to remove them. But to leave out two teams current jerseys (obviously where no data of use is available) as an expense for not removing them is poor judgment and taking the option of the players hands.
# 15 dazzelle @ 03/04/15 04:14 AM
Originally Posted by Nwo4Life75
I have a question. Does anybody know if you can your opponents uniform still when playing a franchise game? I really liked how you could change your opponents uniform for a franchise game! I would still like that option and hope you can still do it! I don't like in Madden you can't select your opponents uniform in a franchise game! You used to be able to. Does anybody know what I'm talking about? I don't know if anybody on here feels the same way or not. I know it's kinda of a small thing,and probably most people probably could care less about that. It's not a deal breaker. I still love the Show regardless! I've always liked that option.
Yeah positive you still can,I think it was the stream this thread is about that shows off some uniforms from both teams and sure they were in franchise while doing so.Plus don't think they would remove a feature/option unless there was a reason for doing so.
# 16 fallofanempire @ 03/04/15 05:37 AM
With the M's and the Giants being my 2 favorite teams, I'm quite unhappy with the fact that their new jerseys won't be in the game. That along with the lack of retractable roofs has me wondering if the lack of competition is giving these guys a case of Madden-itis.
# 17 HozAndMoose @ 03/04/15 06:06 AM
Originally Posted by fallofanempire
With the M's and the Giants being my 2 favorite teams, I'm quite unhappy with the fact that their new jerseys won't be in the game. That along with the lack of retractable roofs has me wondering if the lack of competition is giving these guys a case of Madden-itis.
Or you could just accept the reasons given for those exact issues.
# 18 Cabish @ 03/04/15 06:22 AM
If the files are too big to be patched in after release.does this mean that the full capabilities and memory of the ps4 has been reached by the show's deh team?.. If so that sad for a system that haven't been out for 2 years properly..means their spearing too much expense making next gen systems,or not developers are using up all resources a system have faster than ever before ?...whatever it is it don't sound good to say...can't add things after the game has been released because of the size of xyZ file..smh makes no sense at all..when u think u have the newest, beast of a technology in your living room & end up can't do the things u could before with less powerful equipment ,graphics seems like all their into..& all that's eating up these systems..
# 19 mrhenry209 @ 03/04/15 07:19 AM
Originally Posted by Cabish
If the files are too big to be patched in after release.does this mean that the full capabilities and memory of the ps4 has been reached by the show's deh team?.. If so that sad for a system that haven't been out for 2 years properly..means their spearing too much expense making next gen systems,or not developers are using up all resources a system have faster than ever before ?...whatever it is it don't sound good to say...can't add things after the game has been released because of the size of xyZ file..smh makes no sense at all..when u think u have the newest, beast of a technology in your living room & end up can't do the things u could before with less powerful equipment ,graphics seems like all their into..& all that's eating up these systems..
I don't think it's abotu maxing out the PS4 as much as it is growing into it. Compare this to growing up as a child-- at any given age, you can max out your full potential, but that full potential and capabilities grows every year as you learn your body. This is like the Show devs learning how to max out the system with every entry. Expect more each year, and each year they deliver more. It may not always be exactly what you want, but they take the advice and considerations of this community pretty well.
# 20 Armor and Sword @ 03/04/15 07:38 AM
Originally Posted by vidgames
The justification of not including the new Mariners jersey is not a good one. Why would you keep an eyesore like the Mariners all blue uni and not include the slick new alternate. Doesn't make any sense.
Their statistical data on uniform usage told them a far bigger majority of Show players use the classic uni's far more than alternates.

They have a great pulse on their games demographic.

I can tell you I am thrilled no classic uniforms are being removed to add a new alternate uniform.

Old School baby. Thank god the old guard of baseball still rules the day with The Show!

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