MLB 15 The Show News Post

Monday's MLB 15: The Show stream was the longest so far, totaling almost three hours, but despite its length, there wasn't a whole lot of new information shared. Here are all of the details that were discussed:

Uniforms, Head Scans, & Equipment
  • Each MLB team has 10 different jersey slots. There are around 430 uniforms in the game.
  • The Mariners' and Giants' new alternate jerseys will not be in MLB 15: The Show, because there wasn't an available slot to put them into. The developers would have had to replace those teams' throwback uniforms, and Sony San Diego's telemetry shows that gamers are selecting throwbacks too often to justify getting rid of them.
  • In Franchise mode, teams will wear their alternate/throwback uniforms according to their real-life tendencies and schedules.
  • Uniform and face scans files have become so large in size that Sony San Diego is unable to patch new ones into the game after it releases. What you get on the MLB 15 disc is what you'll have all year.
  • There are around 1,500 unique player heads in the game. One head can take a couple of hours to get right, depending on how complicated the hair is.
  • The developers travel to spring training sites to capture minor leaguers' faces before they are called up to the majors.
  • The cameras that were used to scan player faces were also used to scan most of the equipment in MLB 15, though some items had to be modeled from scratch.
Miscellaneous Notes
  • The degree of horizontal/vertical pitch break will be unique for every MLB pitcher and is based on real data from last season.
  • If you decide to use an injured player, his attribute ratings will be negatively impacted, depending on the location and severity of the injury.
  • Every MLB stadium has been improved for MLB 15. There will be a stream later in the month showing off all the ballparks.
  • Historic stadiums are not in the PlayStation 4 version of MLB 15. Sony San Diego believes their return on investment would not be significant enough to make it worth their effort.
  • You can now warm-up pitchers and access your bullpen by pressing up on the d-pad.
  • Fielding "quick shifts" can now be made by pressing down on the d-pad.
  • Road to the Show won't have any new fielding cameras, but the baserunning camera will be less jittery.
  • The MLB's new "pace of play" rules were announced too late to include in MLB 15: The Show.
  • There are about 70 new "third out" animations.
  • Pitchers, batters, and fielders will each have their own unique sets of emotion animations after big plays.
  • Athletes who don't have signature home run celebrations will use a random one from a pool of generic animations.
  • Fans can catch any balls that end up in the stands.
  • George Springer's pre-game dance is in the game.
  • Jason Heyward's batting stance has been updated.

Game: MLB 15 The ShowReader Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS Vita / PS3 / PS4Votes for game: 31 - View All
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Member Comments
# 21 Pared @ 03/04/15 08:29 AM
This is disastrous. I only play with the M's and Giants so not having these jerseys in the game makes it broken to me.
# 22 Will I Am @ 03/04/15 08:57 AM
WS champs 3 of 5 counts for nothing I guess. Why not dump a uni from two crappy teams like the Yanks and RedSox instead.
# 23 chezel78 @ 03/04/15 09:10 AM
SeanJeezy are you going to do pitch edits again this year?
# 24 zfarrow @ 03/04/15 09:22 AM
Originally Posted by Pared
This is disastrous. I only play with the M's and Giants so not having these jerseys in the game makes it broken to me.
"Broken". I don't think this word means what people seem to think it means...

That's like saying a car that's built with 2 cup holders instead of 4 is "broken". Its not broken - its a design decision that you strongly disagree with. I can understand why that would bum you out (Nats fan here and I dealt with the incorrect blue road socks for several years); however, it doesn't make the game broken - for you or for anyone else. It makes it a game you don't want to play (or so it sounds like).

Anyways, just had to insert some semantics.
# 25 SoxFan01605 @ 03/04/15 09:22 AM
Originally Posted by Pared
This is disastrous. I only play with the M's and Giants so not having these jerseys in the game makes it broken to me.
I think there should be a special collector's edition just for you. It would come with a complimentary straw so you could suck it the **** up.
# 26 HypoLuxa13 @ 03/04/15 09:27 AM
Originally Posted by zfarrow
"Broken". I don't think this word means what people seem to think it means...

That's like saying a car that's built with 2 cup holders instead of 4 is "broken". Its not broken - its a design decision that you strongly disagree with. I can understand why that would bum you out (Nats fan here and I dealt with the incorrect blue road socks for several years); however, it doesn't make the game broken - for you or for anyone else. It makes it a game you don't want to play (or so it sounds like).

Anyways, just had to insert some semantics.
I think he was being facetious... sarcastic... poking fun at the folks who say they won't play the game this year because of some minor, cosmetic, or un-impactful thing.
# 27 zfarrow @ 03/04/15 09:38 AM
Originally Posted by HypoLuxa13
I think he was being facetious... sarcastic... poking fun at the folks who say they won't play the game this year because of some minor, cosmetic, or un-impactful thing.
Hahaha well that's wonderful then! I guess I'm so used to seeing that kind of talk here that I just assumed it was serious... Go OS!

Don't you love the next guy that wasn't joking at all though?

Seriously though, where's the sarcasm font when you need it?
# 28 THESHAMISASHAME @ 03/04/15 09:38 AM
Just wondering I thought when they got on the ps4 we would possibly be able to see the real team colors in the player edit screen instead of the standard show colors ? Just not a priority ? Thanks to anyone who can answer this .

Oh and has Quick counts been redone ? all counts are 1-1 now ? so how it played last year has been rewritten ?
# 29 HypoLuxa13 @ 03/04/15 09:49 AM
Originally Posted by zfarrow

Seriously though, where's the sarcasm font when you need it?
Well, the entire internet needs a sarcasm font. But hey, 50% of the internet is arguments (the other 50% is P0rn), and I'd guess 9 out of 10 of those arguments could be avoided if there was a sarcasm font.
# 30 Russell_SCEA @ 03/04/15 10:43 AM
Originally Posted by THESHAMISASHAME
Just wondering I thought when they got on the ps4 we would possibly be able to see the real team colors in the player edit screen instead of the standard show colors ? Just not a priority ? Thanks to anyone who can answer this .

Oh and has Quick counts been redone ? all counts are 1-1 now ? so how it played last year has been rewritten ?

As with all things priorities and resource allocation.
# 31 Dolenz @ 03/04/15 10:54 AM
Originally Posted by THESHAMISASHAME
Oh and has Quick counts been redone ? all counts are 1-1 now ? so how it played last year has been rewritten ?
I think they are only 1-1 at all times for pitchers so that they could have a chance to bunt. If you have watched the few games where they had quick counts turned on you would have noticed a variety of starting counts.
# 32 LastActionHero @ 03/04/15 11:04 AM
Originally Posted by Cabish
If the files are too big to be patched in after release.does this mean that the full capabilities and memory of the ps4 has been reached by the show's deh team?.. If so that sad for a system that haven't been out for 2 years properly..means their spearing too much expense making next gen systems,or not developers are using up all resources a system have faster than ever before ?...whatever it is it don't sound good to say...can't add things after the game has been released because of the size of xyZ file..smh makes no sense at all..when u think u have the newest, beast of a technology in your living room & end up can't do the things u could before with less powerful equipment ,graphics seems like all their into..& all that's eating up these systems..

Uhm the PS4 allready was old hardware when they announced it. They wanted the entry price to be more accessible this generation.

Having said that they probably don't want to release roster updates with face scans that are a few gb, not very user friendly.
# 33 bigwill33 @ 03/04/15 11:11 AM
I think that they were referring to the amount of space on the disc as opposed to the console. The files for faces and uniforms are stored on the disc and they take up a ton of space, apparently, being very large files.

Hence not being able to update them via a patch during the season.
# 34 Armor and Sword @ 03/04/15 11:18 AM
Originally Posted by Pared
This is disastrous. I only play with the M's and Giants so not having these jerseys in the game makes it broken to me.
LMFAO!!!! Too much LOL.
# 35 ShowTyme15 @ 03/04/15 11:23 AM
Originally Posted by fallofanempire
With the M's and the Giants being my 2 favorite teams, I'm quite unhappy with the fact that their new jerseys won't be in the game. That along with the lack of retractable roofs has me wondering if the lack of competition is giving these guys a case of Madden-itis.
# 36 ajblithe20 @ 03/04/15 12:47 PM
Originally Posted by CJ10
All current uniforms should be in the game. If that means leaving out some throwbacks, so be it. Plain and simple.

I hardly ever use throwbacks, so I personally would not mind this. But there are a lot of people who enjoy using the throwbacks. Plus people who create old time rosters use throwbacks for their entire seasons with those rosters. That's 162 games vs the 15-20 times you may use them... You can't act like everyone wants the exact same thing as you

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
# 37 seanjeezy @ 03/04/15 12:48 PM
Originally Posted by chezel78
SeanJeezy are you going to do pitch edits again this year?
Yeah, but I need to see how the new dynamic break thing affects a few pitches, particularly the 4 seam fastball
# 38 baconbits11 @ 03/04/15 12:48 PM
Originally Posted by Armor & Sword
Their statistical data on uniform usage told them a far bigger majority of Show players use the classic uni's far more than alternates.

They have a great pulse on their games demographic.

I can tell you I am thrilled no classic uniforms are being removed to add a new alternate uniform.

Old School baby. Thank god the old guard of baseball still rules the day with The Show!
Is there a New York Giants uniform from 1901 they could remove? Does anyone really play with the old pillbox cap type unis?
# 39 bigwill33 @ 03/04/15 12:57 PM
The best hope in moving forward with uniforms and choosing which should be in the game is to find a way to reduce the file size so that they can implement more slots for more uniforms. That will not be easy and might coincide with new player models or uniform models.

The good thing is that if they ever decide to try and tackle that it will hopefully open up many doors for us, the users. Maybe they might be able to do dynamic patches on the uniforms (Postseason/ASG etc.) or have button and pullover style jerseys. Perhaps they can finally allow players to have buttons undone on their jerseys as well.

But, until this happens (if ever), we are kind of at the mercy of what we have and the limitations of space on the disc. You might poll 10,000 people and 5,000 would want the new alternates in and 5,000 would want the throwbacks in. There is no simple solution, unfortunately.
# 40 Dolenz @ 03/04/15 01:00 PM
Originally Posted by CJ10
All current uniforms should be in the game. If that means leaving out some throwbacks, so be it. Plain and simple.
Yeah, it's not that plain or not that simple. Just because that is how you believe is should be does not make it so. As soon as you remove Historical Jerseys to have every current alternate uniform then a whole different group of fans will start complaining.

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