MLB 15 The Show News Post

If you missed Thursday's extra innings, hour-and-a-half stream of MLB 15: The Show, and you don't have time to watch the entire event in full, here are some handy cliff notes covering everything that was discussed on Sony San Diego's latest demo session...

Read More - MLB 15 The Show: Recapping the First Full Game Stream (Pirates vs. Cubs)

Game: MLB 15 The ShowReader Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS Vita / PS3 / PS4Votes for game: 31 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 nemesis04 @ 02/21/15 09:30 AM
Nice recap!

The SCEA crew got photobombed by a Cubs player, lol.
# 2 My993C2 @ 02/21/15 09:46 AM
Definitely looking forward to the improved lighting graphics where evening games in July will look different than the games in September.

From the list of changes:

"The commentary in Franchise mode will talk about your last 8 to 10 games, plus it will discuss how well your team is doing in the season standings."

Hopefully this will also include season mode games?
# 3 rkocjay @ 02/21/15 09:46 AM
Watched the stream on Thursday and great stuff
# 4 Knight165 @ 02/21/15 10:10 AM
Originally Posted by nemesis04
Nice recap!

The SCEA crew got photobombed by a Cubs player, lol.

There is a Benedict Cumberbatch sighting!

# 5 asu666 @ 02/21/15 10:42 AM
The wait is killing me. I just hope there's no game/soul crushing bugs at release.
# 6 NAFBUC @ 02/21/15 10:47 AM
Originally Posted by nemesis04
Nice recap!

The SCEA crew got photobombed by a Cubs player, lol.
Hey nemesis04........I will not ask you about the boxscore / stats this year.
Thanks for always answering my PM's and being a part of the SCEA / OS team.

MLB just announced pace of play rules, including how a manager will stay in the dugout this year when challenging an umpire's call. I understand the 'pace of play' changes will not make the cutoff this year, but was curious how the manager reacts in MLB 15.

Nevermind.........reread the bullet points.

# 7 cch99 @ 02/21/15 10:57 AM
• You can now check your pitcher's energy while you are batting by pressing the d-pad. This will make it easier to decide whether or not to pinch-hit for a tired pitcher

You know one thing I wish they would do instead of just having an energy number would be to take something from an old game I used to play called Earl Weaver Baseball. To get an idea, beyond performance, of how a pitcher was doing you would do a mound visit. A window would pop up and you'd get a line from both the pitcher and catcher about how they felt. For example one I remember vividly. Pitcher: Arm Feels great. Catcher: He's got good stuff. But sometimes you'd get the pitcher saying he could fight through and the catcher saying he was done. It was really cool without just breaking it down to a number.

I would enjoy something like that a little more ambiguous. You would likely be able to check it while batting because the pitcher would be in the dugout.

Looking forward to this game on the PS4 this year. My first Show on the PS4.
# 8 Will I Am @ 02/21/15 11:07 AM
Why don't they get rid of all the "dropped third strike's gotta throw to first to get him out" happens way way to often.
# 9 nemesis04 @ 02/21/15 11:10 AM
Originally Posted by Will I Am
Why don't they get rid of all the "dropped third strike's gotta throw to first to get him out" happens way way to often.
Isn't that relative to how you pitch? If you try to bury pitches low in the zone on 2 strike counts, you are going to see more of those situations pop up.
# 10 Will I Am @ 02/21/15 11:13 AM
Originally Posted by nemesis04
Isn't that relative to how you pitch? If you try to bury pitches low in the zone on 2 strike counts, you are going to see more of those situations pop up.
Yes you'll see some but there are way to many, catchers don't drop everyone.
# 11 nemesis04 @ 02/21/15 11:14 AM
Originally Posted by Will I Am
Yes you'll see some but there are way to many, catchers don't drop everyone.
They are not necessarily drops, many are bounced balls.
# 12 Will I Am @ 02/21/15 11:24 AM
That's possible. Maybe they could have it so the catcher does a quick tag of runner at home plate as this is what generally happens. The throw down to 1st doesn't take a lot of time but just adds more unnecessary time to a game.
# 13 MatrixTN @ 02/21/15 01:12 PM
Originally Posted by Peter_OS
I also didn't see an option to view the boxscore after simming the game from the Franchise menu.
I presume you still can after hitting X.
# 14 ajblithe20 @ 02/21/15 01:51 PM
Originally Posted by Go Yankees
In my experience with the show, low pitches sometimes barely out of the strikezone end up being in the dirt especially on 3rd strikes, overall the game looks super fun to play, the one thing i didn't like about the stream was when they talked about parity across ps4, ps3 and ps vita, i just dont understand why?
They did say they like to keep feature parity when they can. I don't think they're holding anything back on PS4 for the sake of PS3 and Vita. I do hope that devs for all games start focusing on the new gen much more. Seems like most of the ceilings have been reached on last gen consoles.
# 15 Russell_SCEA @ 02/21/15 03:29 PM
Originally Posted by Go Yankees
One more question if anyone knows, in the stream they talked about a new format for homerun derby, but i think they forgot about it so does anyone know what the new homerun derby will be like this year?
See fact sheet
# 16 Knight165 @ 02/21/15 06:20 PM
Originally Posted by takemejoehome
Only thing I wish is you could pinch head ahead of time, am I correct in saying that you can can't pinch hit hafway through a AB? well on the Show I have always been able to pinch hit someone that might be 0-2 in the count and bring someone else in, that play I pretty sure is illegal to do
You can bring in a pinch hitter at any time of an at-bat....IRL as well as in the Show.

I do wish we could queue up our pinch hitters like we can a RP.....

# 17 Knight165 @ 02/21/15 06:31 PM
Originally Posted by takemejoehome
I didn't know that I thought only if a player was injured.. but a RP must face 1 batter though right?

yeah that's where I was getting at too I wish we could queue up pinch hitting and a messages comes up saying are you still sure. in case you change your mind.
Yes...a RP must face one batter unless he is injured.

# 18 HozAndMoose @ 02/21/15 11:51 PM
Originally Posted by Nwo4Life75
I have a question about the alternate uniforms particularly the selection. I'm hoping you can still pick the opponent's uniform as well as your own in a franchise game as well as exhibition game. I really have always liked that option in franchise mode in the Show! Does anybody know what I'm talking about?
Its not very often something like that gets taken out.
# 19 joel6 @ 02/22/15 05:13 AM
"Licensed equipment will only show up in-game on PlayStation 4 this year, due to memory restrictions on the PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Vita" Friggg, kinda figured this would be the case. Now us sad ps3ers will have to look at the same old boring generic batting gloves and such. In my head i was thinking, if madden football on ps3 has the memory to show licensed equipment on all there players(nike gloves and cleats)why cant the show do the same.
# 20 LastActionHero @ 02/22/15 05:36 AM
Originally Posted by joel6
"Licensed equipment will only show up in-game on PlayStation 4 this year, due to memory restrictions on the PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Vita" Friggg, kinda figured this would be the case. Now us sad ps3ers will have to look at the same old boring generic batting gloves and such. In my head i was thinking, if madden football on ps3 has the memory to show licensed equipment on all there players(nike gloves and cleats)why cant the show do the same.

Hey if my wife can fit a size 32 doesn't mean yours can too

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