NBA 2K15 News Post

Having trouble earning particular badges in NBA 2K15? NBA 2K Producer Zach Timmerman has just sent us the requirements for each one of them.

Key Notes
  • Simulating games will not count towards earning badges. You must play the games to meet the requirements.
  • Only one badge can be earned in MyPark / Jordan Rec Center (Swagger).
  • Badges can be earned by playing on any difficulty.
  • Unless specifically noted, any position can earn any badge.
  • Unlike what many believe, having the Cool and Collected or Volume Shooter badges will not prevent you from getting “hot” (which is required to earn Unfazed and Microwave).
  • Getting ejected or fouling out of a game will not impact your ability to earn badges.
  • For the ankle breaker dribble move badges, like Killer Crossover, you’ll generally have better luck earning them if you try the moves when you’re within 25 feet of the basket.
  • When earning a badge requires you to meet the requirements “in a single season”, it means just that. You cannot carry over stats or games played to the next season to earn the badge.
Read More - Earning Badges in NBA 2K15

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Platform: iOS / PC / PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 64 - View All
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Member Comments
# 521 Rockie_Fresh88 @ 05/17/15 10:41 AM
You guys that have created a true big man with no outside shooting how does he fair at the rec?
# 522 ItsJustaGame @ 05/17/15 02:19 PM
Originally Posted by Rockie_Fresh88
You guys that have created a true big man with no outside shooting how does he fair at the rec?

Worked out well for me before the last patch, but now the game it's just too much of a liability to have someone on the court who can't drain open 3's when he has one. Plus shooting free throws is usually a crap-shoot
# 523 Rockie_Fresh88 @ 05/18/15 07:10 AM
Bout to try for acrobat for the third time . It's actually easy for me to get using the Jordan package

It's is stupid that brick wall requires 50 played games to on a center but less than 10 games for a guard of SF
# 524 BellSKA @ 05/18/15 07:02 PM
Originally Posted by Rockie_Fresh88
Bout to try for acrobat for the third time . It's actually easy for me to get using the Jordan package

It's is stupid that brick wall requires 50 played games to on a center but less than 10 games for a guard of SF
I just use Guard animation for reverse layups and unlock acrobat just as fast as with MJ. I thought it made a difference until I tried with another MyPlayer. The trick was figuring out the change of direction layups for me.

I got brick wall for my SG in about 20 games. My SF is taking me well over 50 games. I'm hoping to get it within the new full season. I've gotten brick wall for the C in less than 40.

This is why I wish there was a badge counter for these unmeasurable stat badges. To tell me what is actually helping towards brick wall or deadeye.
# 525 georgepal @ 05/19/15 01:57 AM
Finally managed to get the Dimer badge and like @BellSKA has posted a couple of days ago, only consecutive games counted since the last time i simed. This means that in case you have played 10 games, then sim 1 and then play again 15 no games before the simed one will count and need 10 more in order to get this badge. Pain at last but you can't be sure unless you try :P
I find it hard to get the Post Stepback Pro Badge . I'm following the instructions here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gOiCunRnUZM however despite i post, tap Square + then press Square (and i get a post move notification) my player does not make this jump like in the video. I've tried having the analogue stick to any possible position and he can just not do it. Cannot even do it in training Any tips?
# 526 Jrocc23 @ 05/19/15 04:08 AM
It's very easy for me. I do it sometimes with my 6' PG. I hold the LS away from the basket and tap X (Square for PS4). My control settings are on absolute so it's the same no matter the camera angle.
# 527 georgepal @ 05/19/15 04:36 AM
Does your player make the little jump before the shot just like the video? Cause i can noway make it! Tried from every angle!
# 528 Jrocc23 @ 05/19/15 04:38 AM
Yeah, he does. It's the same thing, but I believe you can select different ones. So, I believe it's in Signature Moves. You can then look for the one you want and the one the guy in the video has will be in there also.
# 529 georgepal @ 05/20/15 02:19 AM
Wow! 4 badges at once hehe! Just after my 25th game & completing my 200+ assist i also got behind the back pro, Stepback Freeze & Spin Kingpin! Nice one Heading fast to eraser since i'm around 78 blocks already! However Concerning Acrobat badge, i understand that you need to attempt 15 reverse layups but for the change shot layup how do you do it? is it my pressing square second time just after shooting?
# 530 BellSKA @ 05/20/15 06:31 AM
Originally Posted by georgepal
Wow! 4 badges at once hehe! Just after my 25th game & completing my 200+ assist i also got behind the back pro, Stepback Freeze & Spin Kingpin! Nice one Heading fast to eraser since i'm around 78 blocks already! However Concerning Acrobat badge, i understand that you need to attempt 15 reverse layups but for the change shot layup how do you do it? is it my pressing square second time just after shooting?
Acrobat was tough for me post Patch 2. I got it on my SG very easily just by going for the dunk/ or layup and right after takeoff I just jammed my right analog all over the place. Either clockwise or counter clockwise and he'd go into the change of direction animation. But since Patch 3 or 4 I've had a rough time.

Some great OS'ers gave me wonderful tips, but it still didn't help for whatever reason. I'll tell you what worked for me on my SF & C on Patch 3&4.

Get the steal at half court and start your fast break to the basket. Once you're at the hoop just STOP. Either slow down & stop or do a jump stop by tapping your shot button. Start your shot with right analog (I used layup), and as soon as you see your player go into shot motion, make your right analog go nuts. Practice in the gym before hand so you don't waste any attempts practicing in game.

Acrobat is obtainable in 1 game if that's all you do.
# 531 Dj_MyTime @ 05/21/15 12:27 PM
Finally earned 'Dead-Eye' badge on Hall of Fame!!!

For those struggling to get this badge, dribble up to free throw, pump fake to get the defense to commit/close in, then shoot.

Another way to insure ''well contested'' shot defense is to post outside, defender will engage, release the post, face the defender and shoot as the defender will be right in your face.

The hard part is making the shots, good luck!!
# 532 georgepal @ 05/21/15 01:30 PM
Do you make the shots only with perfect releases or also with red circle?
# 533 Trini94 @ 05/21/15 06:12 PM
Trying to get dimer with my center, got 104 assists left to go.
# 534 shellsgot86 @ 05/21/15 08:42 PM
Hey folks I need a little advise. I need help getting microwave for my PG? The reason is I've 25 badges my outside is 83 14 and my layup is 89 17 and every time i penetrate in the paint they defense collapse hard on me?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
# 535 Rockie_Fresh88 @ 05/21/15 08:45 PM
Make sure you're on a team with a floor general. Steals /blocks on the defensive end help a ton as well as fast break points
# 536 Davon_A_Brown @ 05/21/15 10:31 PM
Is the criteria the same for earning badges with players in MyLeague?
# 537 Dj_MyTime @ 05/22/15 03:13 PM
Originally Posted by georgepal
Do you make the shots only with perfect releases or also with red circle?
As long as it goes in it counts towards the badge.
# 538 Dj_MyTime @ 05/22/15 03:16 PM
Originally Posted by shellsgot86
Hey folks I need a little advise. I need help getting microwave for my PG? The reason is I've 25 badges my outside is 83 14 and my layup is 89 17 and every time i penetrate in the paint they defense collapse hard on me?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Call Iso's from the wing, use your 'pet move' to get by defenders for easier attempts whether you pull up, or have a clear lane to finish.

For microwave just stay hot, it's usually one of the first badges I get, I have 3 different players.

Worst case scenario lower the difficulty to 'rookie/casual' to earn the badge.
# 539 georgepal @ 05/26/15 01:36 AM
I'm trying to get Acrobat but there is no way i succeed Run from baseline and just before the basket i press SQUARE and just before dunking i spin the right stick. I 've done it more than 20 times and still not getting the badge! I need 15 of those and 4 reverse, right?

Also what about swagger and unpredictable? Can you actually get them or is there a bug on that? Celebrated more than 100 times in the park and still not badge!
# 540 Rockie_Fresh88 @ 05/26/15 02:16 AM
Originally Posted by georgepal
I'm trying to get Acrobat but there is no way i succeed Run from baseline and just before the basket i press SQUARE and just before dunking i spin the right stick. I 've done it more than 20 times and still not getting the badge! I need 15 of those and 4 reverse, right?

Also what about swagger and unpredictable? Can you actually get them or is there a bug on that? Celebrated more than 100 times in the park and still not badge!
It's 15 reverse 4 shot change and swagger is glitched not able to unlock

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