NBA 2K15 News Post

The launch of NBA 2K15 is one of the low-points of the 2014 sports gaming season.

There was so much excitement surrounding the launch, and so much rage when huge chunks of the game failed to work properly thanks to shoddy design decisions to link the game with 2K's unreliable servers. When the launch day rush hit the servers, they melted down quicker than Scott Brook's decision making at key points in the playoffs.

But now?

Now it seems like gamers have begun to really warm up to the game, which is tending to work more often than it isn't. It doesn't hurt that the gameplay and presentation are at or near top-of-class level for sports games of course. Check out the latest poll results from our polling done yesterday:

All in all, most OS'ers agree (in fact a great majority), that NBA 2K15 is either good or great. The results of this poll are actually somewhat impressive given the early reactions towards the game and how people initially felt.

Some guys even smashed their copies of NBA 2K15 in disgust -- I'd hate to be that guy right now for the record.

All in all, the general feeling towards NBA 2K15 seems to be growing more positive as we head into the New Year, something which seemed impossible after the disastrous start for the game. In general, we hope the same mistakes aren't repeated next year, and that the launch period of NBA 2K16 is more of a high mark on the sports gaming calendar.

Are you surprised by how positive the reaction and feelings towards NBA 2K15 are now?

Game: NBA 2K15Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: iOS / PC / PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 64 - View All
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Member Comments
# 41 bumpyface @ 12/31/14 02:11 PM
Originally Posted by spankdatazz22
Out of curiosity, what about this is so great that you'd want to go back to? The Mario running/lack of multiple player interaction? The everyone jump straight up rebounding? The perimeter bump back animations? The complete lack of bounce passes? Those [not very] dynamic rim/ball physics perhaps

I actually liked the crowds and miss how people would walk around - but think I remember some complain it was distracting, so guess that's why it was removed. I'm in no way trying to diss 2K11 because it was great for it's time and I loved it. But this overly romantic/nostalgic view that everything was roses with the game doesn't represent what the game was and what it's evolved to
My biggest gripe is control. Like I said before, cosmetics don't concern me,so I don't even notice head band or shoe issues. I never had any issue doing what I wanted to do with the sticks in 2k11. I want control. I played 2k yesterday and I can't even get into it because of the sluggish controls. Basketball is a precise game. When I'm on the court I calculate my movements without any problems. 2k doesn't do this very well and the new dribble stick isn't as accurate as it should be. I'm not saying 2k isn't sim and doesn't replicate the nba, I'm saying that the gameplay is more frustrating than fun. (IMO at least).
# 42 Mintsa @ 12/31/14 04:11 PM
I love the gameplay. I can play 2k forever. But these disconnects with online ranked matches is driving me to the cliff. It's almost enough to make me stop playing online.
# 43 iamgramps @ 12/31/14 10:03 PM
The game is exceptionally great; however, the fun factor isn't there for me.
# 44 cherone21 @ 01/01/15 11:07 AM
No clue how this game is coded but the ai is very impressive. It punishes mistakes.
# 45 RayRay34 @ 01/01/15 11:52 AM
How can people say great when we still have an incomplete game? I mean when are they going to fix the statistical overlays instead of just having 45 seconds of Commentary with nothing up on the screen and no way of skipping past it. Let's take a look at the season assist leaders...... I'm looking but I ain't seein!!!
# 46 jfsolo @ 01/01/15 12:12 PM
Originally Posted by RayRay34
How can people say great when we still have an incomplete game? I mean when are they going to fix the statistical overlays instead of just having 45 seconds of Commentary with nothing up on the screen and no way of skipping past it. Let's take a look at the season assist leaders...... I'm looking but I ain't seein!!!
This was fixed in the last patch. They come up every time for me now.
# 47 Boilerbuzz @ 01/01/15 12:24 PM
Originally Posted by Dave Suture
Not trying to "troll", or whatever the term is. But shoes will never be a factor in rating a basketball game for me. The gameplay is borderline perfect. Hopefully the passing will be a huge focus on next years game. And of course for all the online players, the servers need to be spot on, so there will be no input lag at all. If i want to play someone online, the game should play exactly how it plays offline.

No game plays exactly online as it does offline. That's a naive and unrealistic standard. Based on your online model, in general, either you have inherent latency (you can't beat physics) with lockstep, or you have warping and corrections that come with client/server. Sports games can't deal well with the artifacts of a client/server model. So you get lockstep and the latency. The thing about it is that under normal conditions, this is more than fine and playable. But if you're going to assume that it should be the same as offline, that's just silly.
# 48 The 24th Letter @ 01/01/15 02:30 PM
Game is a lot of fun for me....even more post patch...

I think the fun factor would return for a lot of guys if they allow to instead of coming here seemingly after every game to drop some hyperbole about how the game is impossible to play,. Feedback is one thing but why even start up a game you don't plan on enjoying? Mind boggling to me.

Anyway, definitely loving the gameplay though.

They really do need to get online together though....at this point I would think it 'd pride thing to be constantly called out on it...
# 49 greenegt @ 01/01/15 03:51 PM
Originally Posted by Armor & Sword
Best console basketball title ever made.

It has taken the mantle away from 2K11, a game I played till the release of this gem. Post patch this game is incredible IMO. The amount of depth in MyLeague is insane. The level of depth in-game is better than any other sports game I have played. The amount of in-game adjustments and level of strategy needed to beat elite teams and very good teams is amazing. And if you fall asleep vs a middling team, they can take you out as well and exploit you.

Bravo Visual Concepts. Flat out awesome effort.
Well said. I love that the teams play like they do in real life and you have to use real basketball tactics to be successful. I just started a MyLeague with the Knicks and it's going to be tough sledding, but I love the challenge.
# 50 Lord Bonium @ 01/01/15 05:39 PM
Originally Posted by The 24th Letter
Game is a lot of fun for me....even more post patch...

I think the fun factor would return for a lot of guys if they allow to instead of coming here seemingly after every game to drop some hyperbole about how the game is impossible to play,. Feedback is one thing but why even start up a game you don't plan on enjoying? Mind boggling to me.

Anyway, definitely loving the gameplay though.

They really do need to get online together though....at this point I would think it 'd pride thing to be constantly called out on it...
I can't speak for everyone but the only reason i play this game is because i love basketball and unfortunately this is the only basketball game available. And no, live isn't a viable alternative.

I voted average, the gameplay just takes the score down for me. Available game modes are good, let's say 8/10. The gameplay, especially online, gets a big fat F from me. Unresponsive controls, slow animations for pretty much everything you can think of (pullups, passes, post up, picks, defensive movements in general), more often then not the game uses the wrong animation when you pass leading to easily avoidable turnovers, wide open teammates making completely nonsensical cuts where they go hide behind the nearest defender, shooters cutting towards the basket instead of staying where they are, non-shooters doing the opposite, the rebounding, etc.... The absolute worst part is how off ball defenders are rewarded online. This game and 2k14 are a huge step back from 2k13, which had near perfect gameplay imo except for the lack of blocks and the turbo cheese which were two things i thought should've been pretty easy to fix.

But it's not that hard to see why everyone likes it, this game is as cheeser-friendly as ever and going by my personal experiences online about 90% is just running around dunking with their 90 contact dunk tendency and posterizer badges and playing off ball defense. So yeah, that explains why the majority loves it.
# 51 The 24th Letter @ 01/01/15 07:04 PM
Originally Posted by Lord Bonium
I can't speak for everyone but the only reason i play this game is because i love basketball and unfortunately this is the only basketball game available. And no, live isn't a viable alternative.

I've heard this before...guess its just a philosophical difference...

I love football, and I haven't been truly happy with Madden in years but I'm a bit too busy to be throwing it in and forcing myself to play it when I don't enjoy it,....goes against the entire point of playing a video game to me...to each his own though.
# 52 countryboy @ 01/01/15 07:10 PM
Originally Posted by RayRay34
How can people say great when we still have an incomplete game? I mean when are they going to fix the statistical overlays instead of just having 45 seconds of Commentary with nothing up on the screen and no way of skipping past it. Let's take a look at the season assist leaders...... I'm looking but I ain't seein!!!
They are there. But if you press "X" on the PS4 (not sure bout Xone) as they are coming up, then the game will sometimes talk about them but not show them.
# 53 countryboy @ 01/01/15 07:17 PM
For me this game is simply amazing. I play on Default All-Star and the variety of games that I see is great. I played 4 games today. Lost to the Blazers by 20 (only scored 77pts), then lost to the Kings by 8 after we had a meltdown for about 3 minutes where the Kings went on a 10-0 run to turn a 4pt deficit into a 6pt lead with 2 minutes to go. Then we traded baskets pretty much. Next I lose to the Hawks after G.Hill and C.J.Miles both get hurt during the game. Follow that up by playing the Clippers at home who had won 5 in a row and I dominate them by 20 without G.Hill, C.J. Miles, and Solomon Hill.

Game is absolutely beautiful. Is it perfect? No, but it is by far the best basketball video game that I have ever played.
# 54 thatruth2015 @ 01/02/15 12:17 AM
Originally Posted by spankdatazz22
Out of curiosity, what about this is so great that you'd want to go back to? The Mario running/lack of multiple player interaction? The everyone jump straight up rebounding? The perimeter bump back animations? The complete lack of bounce passes? Those [not very] dynamic rim/ball physics perhaps

I actually liked the crowds and miss how people would walk around - but think I remember some complain it was distracting, so guess that's why it was removed. I'm in no way trying to diss 2K11 because it was great for it's time and I loved it. But this overly romantic/nostalgic view that everything was roses with the game doesn't represent what the game was and what it's evolved to
Interesting question but almost everything about 2k11 was spot on in gameplay what it lacked in superficial graphics compared to today's post patch 3 gameplay of 2k15. 2k11 you actully controlled your outcome more and felt very little input lag. Fouls were called that were obvious...turnovers seemed appropriate...good shots and high percentage shots had a good chance to go in... rebounds offensive or defensive felt balanced and there was less cheese shooting, charging, zigzag. You're talking eye candy in this video. Hard core gamers should care less about how the game looks and care more about feel and control, after all the game should feel responsive to that next gen controller in your hands. 2k15 post patch 3 is like watching a game on demo mode.... You're not really controlling outcomes. ..just watching 2k's version of scenarios playing out. Its a game...we have controllers. ..let us actually play. We all as ga ers should demand and expect more 4 years after 2k11
# 55 Moses Shuttlesworth @ 01/02/15 12:52 AM
Ya I definitely notice the input lag. My friends hate playing this game because when you compare it to a game like FIFA the level of control is abysmal.
# 56 bumpyface @ 01/02/15 01:19 AM
Originally Posted by thatruth2015
Interesting question but almost everything about 2k11 was spot on in gameplay what it lacked in superficial graphics compared to today's post patch 3 gameplay of 2k15. 2k11 you actully controlled your outcome more and felt very little input lag. Fouls were called that were obvious...turnovers seemed appropriate...good shots and high percentage shots had a good chance to go in... rebounds offensive or defensive felt balanced and there was less cheese shooting, charging, zigzag. You're talking eye candy in this video. Hard core gamers should care less about how the game looks and care more about feel and control, after all the game should feel responsive to that next gen controller in your hands. 2k15 post patch 3 is like watching a game on demo mode.... You're not really controlling outcomes. ..just watching 2k's version of scenarios playing out. Its a game...we have controllers. ..let us actually play. We all as ga ers should demand and expect more 4 years after 2k11
Well put. I say it all the time that 2k took Simulation too far.
# 57 LingeringRegime @ 01/02/15 01:46 AM
I can't play this game anymore. I tried the other night but it is way too unresponsive for me. The other basketball game is even worse though. At least I have PES 2015.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
# 58 thatruth2015 @ 01/02/15 02:24 AM
I'm happy and upset to see other players noticing the lack of user control. I'm sad that others post patch 3 can't see where win, lose, or draw they are sometimes not beating or losing to head to head nor computer AI. You're just in a 2k formula of outcomes scenarios now. When I'm playing with the controller I want to feel I'm a significant part of the equation. But we are not... especially after patch 3. Example of many.... I have seen the basketball curve in mid air to a defender as opposed to my open offensive player. I have seen players move away from open passing lanes to congested lanes leading to turnovers. Example 2 of many, I can't go behind the back dribble but people can lob pass alley oop dunks all day long. I can stay on ground hands up on defense and get called for a foul, but next possession I'm mugged and knocked to ground no foul. Wtf is going on post patch 3? It's a nightmare to play, especially online. The game doesnt reward nor allow sensible outcomes. We all need to Deman more...for next gen. Don't be happy with winning or losing if you're not fully controlling the outcome with the pad in your hands.
# 59 cxgjxjhy @ 01/02/15 02:53 AM
It is a very good game. It's just some things like online connectivity /lag I expected better results
# 60 Lord Bonium @ 01/02/15 07:21 AM
Originally Posted by The 24th Letter
I've heard this before...guess its just a philosophical difference...

I love football, and I haven't been truly happy with Madden in years but I'm a bit too busy to be throwing it in and forcing myself to play it when I don't enjoy it,....goes against the entire point of playing a video game to me...to each his own though.
It's mostly because i can't play basketball in real life anymore (injuries). When i still played i couldn't care less about the video game, however now that i can't i'm looking towards 2k to fill some of that void. Obviously i realize it won't be the same as the real thing but it's just annoying to go from what i considered the best and enjoyable gameplay in 2k13 to the scripted and unresponsive mess in 2k15.

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