MLB 15 The Show News Post

We have captured a bunch of MLB 15 The Show screenshots from the trailer that was released yesterday. While the quality isn't going to be as good coming from a video, these will have to do until we get actual in-game screenshots.

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Game: MLB 15 The ShowReader Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS Vita / PS3 / PS4Votes for game: 31 - View All
MLB 15 The Show Videos
Member Comments
# 21 BSUFAN @ 12/10/14 02:07 PM
" Debbie " has come to the forum early this year.
# 22 Strings74 @ 12/10/14 02:53 PM
I love the game and buy it every single year and will almost certainly do so again this year, but I do agree with some of the comments in this thread.

I'm kind of underwhelmed by the trailer and featured additions. Plus the close ups on all the gear seem to indicate that gear is going to be the big pimped feature vs. graphical improvements. It's cool but ultimately not that big a deal to me.

The graphics are definitely showing their age when compared to the other sports franchises on PS4 right now. It is what it is.

I'll take gameplay over graphics any day of the week but still waiting for that next-gen pop in the visuals.
# 23 Sip_16 @ 12/10/14 03:26 PM
Originally Posted by Strings74
I love the game and buy it every single year and will almost certainly do so again this year, but I do agree with some of the comments in this thread.

I'm kind of underwhelmed by the trailer and featured additions. Plus the close ups on all the gear seem to indicate that gear is going to be the big pimped feature vs. graphical improvements. It's cool but ultimately not that big a deal to me.

The graphics are definitely showing their age when compared to the other sports franchises on PS4 right now. It is what it is.

I'll take gameplay over graphics any day of the week but still waiting for that next-gen pop in the visuals.
I, like many other people have no idea what all to expect when this game drops on March 31. Do some digging around even on this site and you would have noticed on the PS Nation podcast, that there will be more additions this year then any other The Show game, including graphically.

Its like the MLB offseason, a lot of fans get upset on Dec 10 that their team hasn't signed or traded for players even tho the offseason isn't over for 3 months.

Wait until all information is out and you see a complete build of the game/additions.
# 24 PsychoBulk @ 12/10/14 04:21 PM
Originally Posted by nemesis04
Probably best to take the trailer at face value, showing your cover-boy and branding. I know everyone likes to do forensics on every visual morsel but I bet we are basically looking at 14's visuals at the moment.
I certainly hope so Nem, because i think it would take an ultra Show fanboy to deny those screens dont look nigh on identical to '14.

Ive still got faith in SCEA, theyve never let us down over the years, but i can only say what i feel from what we have seen to this point.
# 25 merchant1874 @ 12/10/14 06:02 PM
Honestly hooe you guys are right and I am eating a huge crow pie when we get to see this years game.

We will see
# 26 Factzzz @ 12/10/14 11:14 PM
Originally Posted by merchant1874
Honestly hooe you guys are right and I am eating a huge crow pie when we get to see this years game.

We will see
Doubt they're right.

Every year, the earliest screenshots released look the exact same as the game come release day.

You can just look at the first screenshots released last year, nothing changed.

The most i can see changing is some lighting improvements, but probably 0 improvements will be made to player models, where it is most needed IMO.
# 27 JODYE @ 12/10/14 11:58 PM
I was just going to say, when was the last time that the first trailer looked drastically different from release? And it seems like it's the same people every year saying wait and see.

And if they DID overhaul the visuals, why would they balk at the opportunity to show off those new visuals in the first trailer of the year? Really doesn't make any sense and would be pretty poor marketing to not display your visual overhaul at the earliest opportunity. It's what people connect to the quickest, as we obviously see here.

What we see, is most likely what we're going to get, and that is indeed disappointing. 2nd year into the next-gen consoles, and every other sports developer has visually overhauled their game, and the Show gets a couple lighting tweaks, some more crowd scans, beards and some outfield wall textures.

Don't get me wrong, this series is by far the best on the market and it is not even close, but visually it's fallen to about dead last. Animation packages that have been hanging around for like 7 years, poor field and cloth textures. I mean it's going to be 2015 and jerseys still look like they are frozen with starch and hover over players bodies. I could keep going but no need to rant. Guess we'll wait and see.
# 28 JODYE @ 12/11/14 12:12 AM
I definitely remember, just seems questionable that nearly a year later we wouldn't have some tangible visible evidence of that in the first trailer release of the cycle.
# 29 seanjeezy @ 12/11/14 12:44 AM
Listening to Ramone on the ps nation podcast, it sounded like they were not expecting to show anything at all at PSX and this was something that was whipped up really quick to show off the cover and cover athlete.

Now if the actual feature trailer ends up looking similar than we've got some problems lol.

I just don't see that being the case when '08 was a monumental leap over '07 and the PS4 being much simpler to code for than the PS3.
# 30 Blzer @ 12/11/14 12:55 AM
13, I'm going to do something I don't do often and err to the side of optimism on this. SCEA is never at an event this early, and this wasn't to promote the new stuff so to speak. This was to show people a baseball game, maybe people who haven't seen it before. I don't really think this trailer was for us.

I don't know what a year development cycle actually looks like, and I'm not going to pretend like we are going to get some insanely different polygon count (or new player models)... but I think there are changes on the horizon that simply aren't revealed in this trailer. The lighting is obviously the big one, and even though it was night time I can already tell that something was changed because there was actually a fully pitch black sky, which did not happen last year (on the horizon it was always a bit brighter). New animations, hoping for new grass/dirt, and other things really can make the appearance change.

However, I don't think this game will be graphically much studlier than last year's game outside of that. The rest is really in the gameplay, I suppose. I've already brought that up in another thread, but the point remains that... I think we should at least wait a little while. I am disappointed in "next-gen" stuff overall (not this game, but this generation as a whole) in terms of what to expect because I forget that everything is still rendered and coded by humans, and they only have so much time every cycle.

I'm rambling. I'll stop.
# 31 JODYE @ 12/11/14 01:14 AM
Well Blzer, I'll hop on board with you here. I honestly hope that I eat the biggest plate of crow, but I'm just envisioning more incremental tweaks, other than the overhaul to animations/all textures/physics this game really needs.

I guess we will see.
# 32 Jimmydm90 @ 12/11/14 02:46 AM
I'm hoping the trailer was just a rush job and that they'll at least have improved textures and city backgrounds to help bring the game to life. I'm sure the enhanced lighting will be a big help.

Still I think the player models that we saw in the MLB 14 teaser trailer back in November 2013 (which was 7 months out from release instead of 15's 4 months) look way better than anything we've seen since.
# 33 BSUFAN @ 12/11/14 07:37 AM
# 34 Blzer @ 12/11/14 08:29 AM
Originally Posted by 13
Well Blzer, I'll hop on board with you here. I honestly hope that I eat the biggest plate of crow, but I'm just envisioning more incremental tweaks, other than the overhaul to animations/all textures/physics this game really needs.

I guess we will see.
Ah, I see. I should actually tone down a bit, then. I'm not expecting overhauls, but I am expecting directorial shifts.

One thing Russell commented on in the PSNation podcast (as he does often) is was regarding "year one" of a developmental stage for player personalities. They have done this a lot with a lot of different features and modes. Unlike other companies/franchises, SCEA doesn't innovate, scrap, re-innovate, etc. They build on foundations, and they are exceedingly consistent in doing so.

With regard to certain visual things, this is sometimes hard to do. I asked perhaps one of the most important interview questions that can be asked once... whether developers ever tackle things over multiple years without our knowledge and then finally put it in several years later. The answer went two ways: sometimes it's put in and then built over many years (certain modes like RttS and DD, then things like ball physics), and some things get thrown in once realized (player models, lighting engine, even getting the glove to close and probably getting roofs to close, etc).

I think this game's graphical fidelity will remain unchanged. That was my first disappointment of MLB 14 last year because I was expecting a re-envisioned style of art, among other things. Instead, we kind of got a higher resolution version of what was in the PS3 (and PS2) versions. I mean it's good, but we know what it can be and it might not quite be there. In this case, I'm thinking as you're thinking: adding layers to its current breed of polygons and textures isn't going to sway one's thinking on how the game looks in the end, as it will largely look the same.

That being said, some of the small things can mask things to look significantly different, from the camera angles to the score bug (presentation package), and from the lighting engine to the physics engine (hard-coded systems). These can change. Will all of them? I don't know, this development cycle probably wasn't as long as next year's will be.

I think I'm allotting myself to be more defensive because I know it's early December, and I also didn't own MLB 14 (not enough time to play it), so I know I'll be owning MLB 15 (still won't be much time to play it, but I'll start taking care of franchise carry-over). Honestly, the only thing that could start to pull me away this year is if directional hitting became the only option and it acted exactly as it does in games like MVP. I tend to think that won't be the case, though.
# 35 ryanmc564 @ 12/11/14 11:05 AM
Originally Posted by Blzer

I think this game's graphical fidelity will remain unchanged. That was my first disappointment of MLB 14 last year because I was expecting a re-envisioned style of art, .

that statement is perfect. earlier this year I was mention something similar about art direction when the pics and videos of the ps4 version was starting to come and quite a few were very disappointed that it looked slightly better than the ps3's version, when you have the same art team year after year, things are going to look similar. That is why games like call of duty always look like call of duty and uncharted games look like uncharted, etc. etc. same developer same art team same art style.

I believe a you and I and a lot of people here were expecting just that a (re-envision art style) for this new gen but unfortunately I don't think we will ever see that unless SCEA dumps their art staff and re-staff starting all over from scratch and lets face it that isn't going to happen. So for those looking for a totally different looking baseball game better hope that another developer like EA or something starts making baseball games again. The Show is always and forever is going to look like The Show. As long as they keep taking strides and improving things here and there, I'm completely fine with that, it could be worse we could of been stuck playing 2k baseball games or no baseball games at all for that matter.
# 36 Strings74 @ 12/11/14 11:43 AM
Originally Posted by ryanmc564
that statement is perfect. earlier this year I was mention something similar about art direction when the pics and videos of the ps4 version was starting to come and quite a few were very disappointed that it looked slightly better than the ps3's version, when you have the same art team year after year, things are going to look similar. That is why games like call of duty always look like call of duty and uncharted games look like uncharted, etc. etc. same developer same art team same art style.

I believe a you and I and a lot of people here were expecting just that a (re-envision art style) for this new gen but unfortunately I don't think we will ever see that unless SCEA dumps their art staff and re-staff starting all over from scratch and lets face it that isn't going to happen. So for those looking for a totally different looking baseball game better hope that another developer like EA or something starts making baseball games again. The Show is always and forever is going to look like The Show. As long as they keep taking strides and improving things here and there, I'm completely fine with that, it could be worse we could of been stuck playing 2k baseball games or no baseball games at all for that matter.
While I don't really disagree with what you are saying, have you seen the leap Uncharted 4 is about to make in the visuals department?

To wit:

# 37 ryanmc564 @ 12/11/14 11:58 AM
Originally Posted by Strings74
While I don't really disagree with what you are saying, have you seen the leap Uncharted 4 is about to make in the visuals department?

To wit:

I have not seen that picture, I did however watch the 15min game play video of uncharted 4 and to me it looks like uncharted with some improved/ new animation and better resolution but it still the same formula and gameplay,and still looks like a naughty dog game. I do believe character model in The Show will change some throughout the years with different body types and finer details among everything else in game , but I guess what I'm getting at that we won't ever see a completely different looking/playing game. it will always look like a game made by the same developers.
# 38 Strings74 @ 12/11/14 12:32 PM
Originally Posted by ryanmc564
I have not seen that picture, I did however watch the 15min game play video of uncharted 4 and to me it looks like uncharted with some improved/ new animation and better resolution but it still the same formula and gameplay,and still looks like a naughty dog game. I do believe character model in The Show will change some throughout the years with different body types and finer details among everything else in game , but I guess what I'm getting at that we won't ever see a completely different looking/playing game. it will always look like a game made by the same developers.
I agree. the NBA 2k series did a good job of up****** it's visual style while maintaining its identity. I'm sure The Show will get there eventually.

It's interesting how The Show kind of drove the other games for a time and now it may be the reverse.
# 39 Blzer @ 12/11/14 12:49 PM
Originally Posted by ryanmc564
I have not seen that picture, I did however watch the 15min game play video of uncharted 4 and to me it looks like uncharted with some improved/ new animation and better resolution but it still the same formula and gameplay,and still looks like a naughty dog game. I do believe character model in The Show will change some throughout the years with different body types and finer details among everything else in game , but I guess what I'm getting at that we won't ever see a completely different looking/playing game. it will always look like a game made by the same developers.
I'd say the majority of development time for platformers and sandbox games are on story elements and environments. Remember, baseball games largely use the same rules (as it is for that sport anyway), venues, rosters, and commentary. Other games have to revamp all of that for each new iteration.

The rest of it would be devoted to what you're talking about, and then some: character models, AI, online play, game design features, etc. Of course, they have more development time... but I just think most of that is done in pre-alpha, then they have to really go through the entire map of the whole game and make sure everything goes as expected.
# 40 seanjeezy @ 12/11/14 12:54 PM
I'm really hoping that improvements were made to created player generation, 99.9% of draftees look pretty whack lol. There also needs to be a few weighted parameters, like equipment style, names to birthplace, etc.

I'm optimistic that the new skin tones also means higher quality skin textures on par with the face scans.

Also, I don't know if anyone has mentioned it yet but it looks like the bloom has been toned down or (hopefully) removed. It got downright horrendous at points last year, like glowstick-esque. Hoping that the new lighting model has ambient occlusion in some form.

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