Madden NFL 15 News Post

It shouldn't surprise you that Madden NFL 15 has a penalty problem, in the sense that most penalties are just never called in the game. With the default sliders, it is highly possible you won't see a single penalty called during a game. Most OS'ers agree that more penalties would add to the game and not subtract from it.

The popular theory is that EA doesn't have penalties called in the game because the randomness of penalties would ruin the experience for the average user. From talks I've had with Madden developers past and present, there is some credence to that being the case for the lack of actual penalties in the game.

What is baffling though, is why penalty sliders can't account for more variability where you can get to a more realistic penalty count while keeping the default game as separated as possible from penalties. Next year, it would certainly benefit the game if EA Sports could deliver a set of sliders that more adequately gives users the power to create a game experience more suited to the real NFL with actual 1st and 20s being possible.

Perhaps this could be where the all-mysterious (and oft-useless) AWR rating could finally play a hand in things on a tangible level on the field?

What do you think could be done to balance the needs of casual gamers who may not want a realistic number of yellow flags being thrown with the more hardcore Madden fans who demand more realistic handling of penalties?

Game: Madden NFL 15Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 42 - View All
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Member Comments
# 41 fistofrage @ 11/06/14 04:22 PM
Originally Posted by roadman
Yeah, Charter, you are correct, I should have been a bit more clearer.

The holding calls are very rare compared to past Maddens, starting with 25.

More like.....

# 42 ChicagoChris @ 11/06/14 05:07 PM
This (and lack of kick blocks) continues to be a massive hole in the game. How many PI's do you see in a real NFL game every Sunday? In 2013, there were 7.72 per game.

In years of Madden, i have seen perhaps 3. It really is like playing a basketball game without fouls. Penalties, like them or not, are a huge part of the game and the Madden just completely ignores them.
# 43 etfromsd @ 11/06/14 05:16 PM
I'd really love to see the awareness rating become more useful by somehow being tied to penalties. Maybe we could get some sorta bonehead trait for penalties and offseason problems?
# 44 charter04 @ 11/06/14 06:57 PM
Originally Posted by Rabid_Beaver
EA doesn't care about penalties. The majority of their audience doesn't want them.,.

So pathetic.

I totally agree that it's pathetic. I really don't even care if EA cares about penalties though. I just want them to either quit calling their game a football sim or fix penalties. Can you image a MLB game coming out as a "sim" but, there were no foul balls? Or a SIM NBA game with no fouls? Makes no sense. Even NBA live has a pretty good amount of fouls. It's crazy
# 45 BDawg35 @ 11/06/14 08:42 PM
I finally cranked up my penalty sliders a bit (between 75-100, depending on the penalty). What happened was I got a ton of facemasking penalties called. Until I did that, I was getting one penalty a game.
# 46 Flightwhite24 @ 11/06/14 08:45 PM
Can't deny that I've lost interest in this game and it's due to the lack of realism from penalties. I can play a full 12 min qtr game and not get 1 penalty. Comical!!
# 47 Boilerbuzz @ 11/06/14 09:15 PM
It's funny how we were talking about penalties in the NFL 2K series. Pass interference was called when you rammed your DB into the receiver on a pass. Offsides and false starts would happen when you would spam the cadence button. You'd get holding calls when going away from the original design of a play. Facemask penalties would be called when you tried to turbo tackle a guy and didn't line him up right - making a particular facemask animation play. Some of these, not all but some, are things that EA has YET to put into Madden to an acceptable level after 10 friggin' years! This is why people say that NFL 2K5 is still ahead of this series. The point was that the "randomness" was totally controlled by the user actions. There are MANY great ideas out there in the wild, let alone in a 10 year old game. Yet, Tiburon CHOOSES to not use those ideas. That's why I say screw that game until they get their thumbs out of their asses.

But, people keep buying the game, so this stuff will either change SLOWLY or not change at all.
# 48 Last Gunfighter @ 11/06/14 09:44 PM
Originally Posted by BDawg35
I finally cranked up my penalty sliders a bit (between 75-100, depending on the penalty). What happened was I got a ton of facemasking penalties called. Until I did that, I was getting one penalty a game.
Above 53 and the facemask penalty will be called a ridiculous amount.
# 49 Sheba2011 @ 11/07/14 12:20 AM
Personally it doesn't bother me. I am someone who grew up in an era where penalties were rarely called, especially the ticky tack BS that is called in today's NFL (aka NBA with pads). I like my games to be decided by the players not the refs.
# 50 charter04 @ 11/07/14 10:56 AM
Originally Posted by Sheba2011
Personally it doesn't bother me. I am someone who grew up in an era where penalties were rarely called, especially the ticky tack BS that is called in today's NFL (aka NBA with pads). I like my games to be decided by the players not the refs.
So you grew up in the late 1800's? lol. Penalties have been a big part of Football all through the Super Bowl era. There may be more illegal contact or PI penalties called now than 20 years ago but, it's not some new modern idea. It's fine if it doesn't bother you but, no penalties just isn't a football sim.
# 51 mathteacherct @ 11/07/14 01:51 PM
I think penalties need to be in the game. There is almost no pass interference, and when I've seen it its been a n o-line on a WR (haven't figured how that happens). I would like to see the ability to alter the frequency and type of penalty. How about late hits? It would encourage those really good players to be more precise in their moves. allowing sliders would let crappy players like myself make it a little easier, or harder.
I like the idea of connecting it to AWR. Less awareness = more likely to jump offsides, or hit a guy late. Higher AWR, less likely to do stupid stuff.
# 52 Diehardfan @ 11/08/14 12:31 AM
They don't get it at EA. Never have. Lack of penalties is the single biggest reason why games have to be shortened in length....just way too much scoring. It's not QBs that are too accurate, WRs that don't drop passes or that there are very few punts. It's the fact that drives are NEVER derailed by penalty calls.
# 53 PhillyFan22 @ 11/08/14 06:51 AM
Improper implementation of penalties in Madden are what I believe is hurting the gameplay and causing headaches of things like the sack issue and CPU QB play.

I have been messing with the penalty sliders a lot lately and have been finding encouraging results. Also a theory on how they currently work in this game. Again just a theory so don't bash me or say I am wrong because I know already I might be. Since we already know it is pointless to set them to try and get called I am focusing on removing the penalty aspect and fixing annoying gameplay issues so I enjoy it.

Penalty sliders control how frequently a penalty animation occurs. So for example, face mask at 65 you are more likely for a random face mask animation to trigger than at 50. Or holding clipping etc. Most of us already know that. There is a certain algorithm EA has that once it hits the animation is triggered it happens end of play. This is what can cause weird animation warps and results as they can happen mid animation and "warp". These penalties I like to refer to as trigger penalties (Holding, Clipping, Face Mask, False Start) because you can actually set how frequently you want these animations to occur, not get called but occur. So I think you can mess with and set these however you like for what you want them to do.

The other penalties I like to refer to as thinking penalties. These change how the AI think and react and also still trigger animations. So for example roughing the passer, when a AI defender is barreling at the QB it now has to take in account of getting called for late hit on the passer and again if EA algorithm hits the right number roughing passer is called. This penalty depending on where it is set lowers or increases a defenders aggressiveness when pass rushing. The same thing happens with roughing kicker and punter. It can change how aggressive the punt and kick rushing are.

With these thinking penalties, I have set them to 0 which is off meaning they cannot occur at all. This removes the AI thinking they are going to get called for a penalty and just letting the AI play out naturally. This works the biggest for Intentional Grounding, the CPU AI with this penalty off so far since I have been messing with it just naturally reacts to their ratings and tendencies.

The penalties I don't understand yet are the Interference penalties, they 100% make the AI think but don't really trigger animations. I turned them to 0 as well for messing around noticed some more fluid coverage animations but want to make sure not placebo and test some more.

Again this may all be wrong and I may just be expieriencing placebo with the big changes to gameplay but I really think that a lot of gameplay issues happen in regards to penalties. Until EA fixes the way penalties work with gameplay and sliders and animations I think it is the best choice just to eliminate them from the equation set good sliders and have the best gameplay minus the penalties. Yes this may be an immersion killer but I will take better gameplay.
# 54 Parrish Knows @ 11/08/14 12:25 PM
People can't tolerate a good sim football game. People rather have unrealistic gameplay for actually having fun. Sad but its true, that's why people buy it every year. Even though the game is football, it still lacks a real sim.
# 55 StefJoeHalt @ 11/08/14 01:10 PM
Originally Posted by PhillyFan22
Improper implementation of penalties in Madden are what I believe is hurting the gameplay and causing headaches of things like the sack issue and CPU QB play.

I have been messing with the penalty sliders a lot lately and have been finding encouraging results. Also a theory on how they currently work in this game. Again just a theory so don't bash me or say I am wrong because I know already I might be. Since we already know it is pointless to set them to try and get called I am focusing on removing the penalty aspect and fixing annoying gameplay issues so I enjoy it.

Penalty sliders control how frequently a penalty animation occurs. So for example, face mask at 65 you are more likely for a random face mask animation to trigger than at 50. Or holding clipping etc. Most of us already know that. There is a certain algorithm EA has that once it hits the animation is triggered it happens end of play. This is what can cause weird animation warps and results as they can happen mid animation and "warp". These penalties I like to refer to as trigger penalties (Holding, Clipping, Face Mask, False Start) because you can actually set how frequently you want these animations to occur, not get called but occur. So I think you can mess with and set these however you like for what you want them to do.

The other penalties I like to refer to as thinking penalties. These change how the AI think and react and also still trigger animations. So for example roughing the passer, when a AI defender is barreling at the QB it now has to take in account of getting called for late hit on the passer and again if EA algorithm hits the right number roughing passer is called. This penalty depending on where it is set lowers or increases a defenders aggressiveness when pass rushing. The same thing happens with roughing kicker and punter. It can change how aggressive the punt and kick rushing are.

With these thinking penalties, I have set them to 0 which is off meaning they cannot occur at all. This removes the AI thinking they are going to get called for a penalty and just letting the AI play out naturally. This works the biggest for Intentional Grounding, the CPU AI with this penalty off so far since I have been messing with it just naturally reacts to their ratings and tendencies.

The penalties I don't understand yet are the Interference penalties, they 100% make the AI think but don't really trigger animations. I turned them to 0 as well for messing around noticed some more fluid coverage animations but want to make sure not placebo and test some more.

Again this may all be wrong and I may just be expieriencing placebo with the big changes to gameplay but I really think that a lot of gameplay issues happen in regards to penalties. Until EA fixes the way penalties work with gameplay and sliders and animations I think it is the best choice just to eliminate them from the equation set good sliders and have the best gameplay minus the penalties. Yes this may be an immersion killer but I will take better gameplay.

Tried to Private Message u..I have to agree with ur thought on IG slider at 0..it's been a world of difference be interested to here what else u found out..it appears us Eagles fans continue to prove we are smarter then others lol. Thanks Joe

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# 56 PhillyFan22 @ 11/08/14 04:45 PM
Originally Posted by StefJoeHalt
Tried to Private Message u..I have to agree with ur thought on IG slider at 0..it's been a world of difference be interested to here what else u found out..it appears us Eagles fans continue to prove we are smarter then others lol. Thanks Joe

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Still waiting for my new period so I can post threads and get PMs lol but yeah way different gameplay passing wise for CPU with it set to 0. I really think it eliminates the dumb decisions and helps them play to ratings. I played Vick and the Jets with Eagles and Sanchez earlier. Vick made awesome plays on the ground and through the air I sacked him 4 times however they were all earned sacks it was awesome
# 57 Big J Gleez @ 11/08/14 07:49 PM
Why would anyone want randomness in a competitive game? Makes no sense. If people want to run their franchise with penalties, that's on them. But why would you want to play against someone and lose or win based off of some random penalty?

I think EA should work on fixing the penalty system for non-competitive players, but for tournament players and competitive online play, there should be no penalties that are outside of the user's control.
# 58 jyoung @ 11/08/14 08:29 PM
All Madden needs to do is copy EA's NHL series and add a 0 to 100 "discipline" rating for every player.

In EA NHL, the discipline rating controls how likely an AI-controlled player is to commit a penalty.
# 59 Sheba2011 @ 11/08/14 11:01 PM
Originally Posted by charter04
So you grew up in the late 1800's? lol. Penalties have been a big part of Football all through the Super Bowl era. There may be more illegal contact or PI penalties called now than 20 years ago but, it's not some new modern idea. It's fine if it doesn't bother you but, no penalties just isn't a football sim.
Everyone is allowed to have an opinion. Just because it doesn't follow the status quo doesn't mean it's right or wrong. Personally I don't enjoy penalties in the game. It doesn't make me any less of a "sim" player. I like skill to determine who wins a game not penalties. And actually it is a new "modern era" of football. In this era DB's arent allowed to so much as breathe on opposing WR's without it being a penalty. Defensive players can't touch the QB without it being a penalty. This is the Roger Goodell era where he wants games to be as highest scoring as possible. The best way to do that is give teams free yardage like a 5 yard penalty (incidental contact) wiping out a 4th and 40.

Imagine a Madden game like the Pittsburgh/Arizona SB where you gout screwed out of a win by the ref's. Imagine a game where the opposing WR falls on his own and you are called for a pass interference. Imagine a game like last years Pats/Panthers where your WR is bear hugged in the endzone on the final play and there is no call. That would be true sim and everyone here would be crying all day long about the game cheating and the game being broken. No one here really wants a true life sim, they want certain aspects of it but not all.
# 60 Sheba2011 @ 11/08/14 11:08 PM
Originally Posted by Big J Gleez
Why would anyone want randomness in a competitive game? Makes no sense. If people want to run their franchise with penalties, that's on them. But why would you want to play against someone and lose or win based off of some random penalty?

I think EA should work on fixing the penalty system for non-competitive players, but for tournament players and competitive online play, there should be no penalties that are outside of the user's control.
There would be so many complaints on here if there ever was random penalties from people who lost in that scenario. They would be saying the same exact things everyone here is saying "the game is not sim enough". That has become the battle cry anytime something is wrong with the game.

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