Poll Results from this morning of users still having server related issues in NBA 2K15.
With the release of NBA 2K15, the team at 2K Sports and Visual Concepts promised a much improved experience when connecting online. After NBA 2K14 suffered with connectivity issues throughout most of the game's life cycle, we were told that 2K's top engineers had spent the entire NBA 2K15 development cycle working on network infrastructure. What has been delivered, at least so far, is nothing short of a disaster.
Attempts to connect to the 2K servers and to other users have been met with nothing but frustration through the first two weeks of the game's release. While the experience has been fraught with frustration, it has slowly began to improve over the last week.
However, major issues still persist.
Read More - The NBA 2K15 Online Experience Has Been an Avoidable Mess