NBA 2K15 News Post

Check out the latest NBA 2K15 video (Shaky-cam), featuring the Miami Heat vs. San Antonio Spurs, from the Tokyo Game Show.

Thanks jayman504!!

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NBA 2K15 Videos
Member Comments
# 21 Bowinkle08 @ 09/23/14 08:50 AM
Originally Posted by Steve_OS

Check out the latest NBA 2K15 video (Shaky-cam), featuring the Miami Heat vs. San Antonio Spurs, from the Tokyo Game Show.

Thanks jayman504!!
please tell me your trolling
# 22 DBMcGee3 @ 09/23/14 09:35 AM
I really hope that I'm able to rekindle my interest in this game once I get some hands-on time with it, but I feel like I'm suffering from 2k fatigue at this point. I'm sure there are plenty of subtle improvements, but visually it's just gotten stale to me. I really hope EA can get their sh!t together and make a decent game this year. Even if it weren't quite as good as 2k, I'd probably buy it just for a taste of something new. Anyone else feel this way or am I just a whiny biotch?
# 23 Junior Moe @ 09/23/14 10:16 AM
Originally Posted by DBMcGee3
I really hope that I'm able to rekindle my interest in this game once I get some hands-on time with it, but I feel like I'm suffering from 2k fatigue at this point. I'm sure there are plenty of subtle improvements, but visually it's just gotten stale to me. I really hope EA can get their sh!t together and make a decent game this year. Even if it weren't quite as good as 2k, I'd probably buy it just for a taste of something new. Anyone else feel this way or am I just a whiny biotch?
I get what you're saying. But the gameplay in NBA 2K is pretty stellar already. Not perfect, put pretty dang good IMO. I'm not sure why they would change up the formula now. All they really need to do is continue to tweak the gameplay (get rid of exploits) and add content. The game outsold Madden last year. But you get tired of ice cream and cookies after a while too, so I get your bend. NBA Live may be a nice change up for you if for no other reason than its a fundamentally different experience. It may not be the better overall game, but it could provide that "new" experience you seek.
# 24 Muzyk23 @ 09/23/14 10:16 AM
I like the variety in passing and passing animations. Agree that 2 metres from basket jump shots need to go. There seems to be no more of the akwardness in player movement in post-play cuts, which adds to immersion. Absolutely love the replays. Player movement looks snapier.
# 25 pdx_24 @ 09/23/14 10:57 AM
Originally Posted by DBMcGee3
I really hope that I'm able to rekindle my interest in this game once I get some hands-on time with it, but I feel like I'm suffering from 2k fatigue at this point. I'm sure there are plenty of subtle improvements, but visually it's just gotten stale to me. I really hope EA can get their sh!t together and make a decent game this year. Even if it weren't quite as good as 2k, I'd probably buy it just for a taste of something new. Anyone else feel this way or am I just a whiny biotch?
I feel the same. I had high hope that graphically the game would look a lot better than it is, but it's been disappointing to me. My main gripe is with the players models. Every yeah 2K improves a little bit on players faces and accessories, but players physiques hasn't been improved at all and might have gotten worse (the skinny arms and pointy shoulders).

It really is in excusable to me that at this point we still have basically one body type (just 3 different sizes) for all players. If you don't look at the players faces, you can't tell the difference in any of the player physiques (because it's all the same).

I'm rooting hard for the other guy to give 2K some competition. I already like their players models better than 2K's, but they have a lot of catching up to do in order to win me over.
# 26 23 @ 09/23/14 11:13 AM
We need to be able to let the devs talk at this point.

I'd rather discuss gamelay changes and ideas for a week than my career no offense to mc players but is no real reason to spread info for this mode or through an entire week
# 27 pdx_24 @ 09/23/14 11:14 AM
Originally Posted by ImaFreeThinker
Different physiques would make all of the difference in the world visually. Do we know if the have new ones?
Doesn't look like it to me. Even the skinny arms and pointy shoulders haven't been fixed.
# 28 El_Poopador @ 09/23/14 11:21 AM
I'm only about 25 seconds into this video, but I'm already seeing more than any other video I've watched. I like the addition of some of the transition animations, and the foul on Chalmers at the beginning looked good, with how he kind of wrapped himself around; looked very life-like.

It's hard to get a feel for spacing at all since the people playing have no idea what they're doing, and just keep charging the paint.

I liked the sequence at 2:12. Parker got the step on Bosh, and Bosh actually had to body up the hip leading to a foul. Last year, he would have slid in front of Parker, stopping him completely.

Still seems like the wide shoulders/skinny arms are an issue.
# 29 DBMcGee3 @ 09/23/14 11:41 AM
Originally Posted by pdx_24
I feel the same. I had high hope that graphically the game would look a lot better than it is, but it's been disappointing to me. My main gripe is with the players models. Every yeah 2K improves a little bit on players faces and accessories, but players physiques hasn't been improved at all and might have gotten worse (the skinny arms and pointy shoulders).

It really is in excusable to me that at this point we still have basically one body type (just 3 different sizes) for all players. If you don't look at the players faces, you can't tell the difference in any of the player physiques (because it's all the same).

I'm rooting hard for the other guy to give 2K some competition. I already like their players models better than 2K's, but they have a lot of catching up to do in order to win me over.
Agree completely about the player models. That McRoberts one is so bad that it's almost jarring to see him close up, kind of like the Varejao model. For whatever reason, 2k struggles with hair.

Live seems to have the player models down this year, but I haven't seen anything too promising from an animations perspective. Time will tell, and unfortunately my love for the NBA will force my hand on buying one of the two.
# 30 JKSportsGamer1984 @ 09/23/14 11:44 AM
Originally Posted by pdx_24
I feel the same. I had high hope that graphically the game would look a lot better than it is, but it's been disappointing to me. My main gripe is with the players models. Every yeah 2K improves a little bit on players faces and accessories, but players physiques hasn't been improved at all and might have gotten worse (the skinny arms and pointy shoulders).

It really is in excusable to me that at this point we still have basically one body type (just 3 different sizes) for all players. If you don't look at the players faces, you can't tell the difference in any of the player physiques (because it's all the same).

I'm rooting hard for the other guy to give 2K some competition. I already like their players models better than 2K's, but they have a lot of catching up to do in order to win me over.
I totally agree about the player models. Why can't we get 3D body scanning to go with the face scanning? I'm surprised that a game as detailed as Nba 2K has not mastered player models by now. Some of their models look great (LeBron, Iggy, Kobe, etc..) but a lot of their models are off & arms are too skinny. I like Live 15's player models too (although players backs are shaped weird in Live). Hopefully 2K can step it up in this area going forward.
# 31 Vni @ 09/23/14 11:51 AM
I don't get why 2K let theses shaky videos played by non basketball fans be the only videos of 2K15.

I think it's more than time for them to release their own... A full quarter in HD played by some sim players (czar preferably).

# 32 Ghostf4cekhila1234 @ 09/23/14 12:09 PM
all i got was that 2 cheeses tried to abuse the baseline and couldn't that's good for me
# 33 stos5363 @ 09/23/14 12:10 PM
I wish the guy playing knew what he was doing
# 34 pdx_24 @ 09/23/14 12:49 PM
Originally Posted by DBMcGee3
Agree completely about the player models. That McRoberts one is so bad that it's almost jarring to see him close up, kind of like the Varejao model.
Yeah, it's almost cartoonish looking. The one scene with Parker going to the freethrow line, his arms look like teenage girls arms. The upper arms are the same or even smaller than the forearms. Parker is pretty lean, but he definitely doesn't have the physique of a teenage girl.

The skinny arms are perfect on Durant (although he has narrow shoulders, not wide like the body type in 2K), but that's why his physique is unique and easily recognizable. 2K has the Durant arms for all of the players (even the bigger players have the skinny arms relative to the body, i.e., D. Howard, Pek, Big Baby, etc.).

Live seems to have the player models down this year, but I haven't seen anything too promising from an animations perspective. Time will tell, and unfortunately my love for the NBA will force my hand on buying one of the two.
Same here.

I used to absolutely hate Live body models (hunch backs and all), but it looks like they improved it a ton this year. Better proportion (although a bit too bulky) and muscle definition. Players movement (this is where 2K excel, IMO) is still too stiff, unfortunately.
# 35 jayman504 @ 09/23/14 12:57 PM
Originally Posted by Vni
I don't get why 2K let theses shaky videos played by non basketball fans be the only videos of 2K15.

I think it's more than time for them to release their own... A full quarter in HD played by some sim players (czar preferably).

Your ABSOLUTLEY right...what about that annual game the LD2k and Ronnie play when is that going to go down? tired of seeing BAD basketball from these dudes mannn!
# 36 pdx_24 @ 09/23/14 01:15 PM
Originally Posted by JKSportsGamer1984
I totally agree about the player models. Why can't we get 3D body scanning to go with the face scanning? I'm surprised that a game as detailed as Nba 2K has not mastered player models by now. Some of their models look great (LeBron, Iggy, Kobe, etc..) but a lot of their models are off & arms are too skinny. I like Live 15's player models too (although players backs are shaped weird in Live). Hopefully 2K can step it up in this area going forward.
3D body scanning would be amazing, and would without a doubt take this game to another level. To be honest, that was what I expected 2K "next gen" basketball game to be. Perhaps my expectation was too high, but 2K on last gen isn't far off from this one.

If they can't/won't do 3D body scanning, I'd be happy with a bunch of different body types (instead of the only one we have now). We also need to be able to adjust (small and many increments, not just 3 steps) thickness (neck, chest, shoulders, waist, arms, and legs) and length (neck, shoulders, torso, arms, and legs) of each body type. That would add so much to the realism (visually) of the game without having to do 3D body scanning, IMO.

Graphically speaking, the game will truly have arrived if we can recognize the players just by their physiques.
# 37 Muzyk23 @ 09/23/14 01:19 PM
Originally Posted by MLBTheShowShortStop
for real? they gonna post this video of two guys who don't know how to play lol..that was awful...

who is they?
# 38 stillfeelme @ 09/23/14 01:49 PM
  • The best thing I saw was the paint is protected very well.
  • The overall defense played by your CPU teammates was very well and this was on pro difficulty I would think
  • I noticed this on the Gamescom videos but they added a bunch of contesting shot animations in the paint that causes players to miss very realistic
  • It looks like you are going to have to run some plays to score free styling doesn't seem to be working that well.
# 39 RyanFitzmagic @ 09/23/14 11:34 PM
Originally Posted by stillfeelme
It looks like you are going to have to run some plays to score free styling doesn't seem to be working that well.
Some teams in real life don't run very many plays. I think I remember Rick Carlisle saying that in 2011, Jason Kidd ran set plays maybe 20% of the time he was on the floor.
# 40 VDusen04 @ 09/24/14 12:06 AM
Originally Posted by RyanFitzmagic
Some teams in real life don't run very many plays. I think I remember Rick Carlisle saying that in 2011, Jason Kidd ran set plays maybe 20% of the time he was on the floor.
I think that's true and false. I recall that Carlisle line, where he references just calling "Flow", which didn't have a super exact set of directions every play. It was predicated a lot off of reading and reacting. However, it was still very much structured and based off the ideas, timing, and movements that come from running plays. And, as I am certain you are aware, it had little in common with what it looks like when we do not call plays on the streets.

For the most part, virtually every team has a plan for every aspect of the game. Even transition play often follows a general set and idea, as opposed to just pushing and seeing who happened to be running where.

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