NBA Live 15 News Post

NBA Live 15 was shown to GameStop managers last night. Some gamers had an opportunity to play as well, including NBA rookie of the year, Michael Carter-Williams.

I heard from a few people this morning, that the game was pulled from the GameStop Expo show floor, but that wasn't the case. It was only being shown last night. So there were no plans to show the game at all today.

And to that, I have to ask... WHY NOT?!?!?

What a great location to show what you have to the public. Is a three week delay really going to change the way the game is played at this very moment? Doubtful.

Instead of open letters the team should let gamers play the game at these specific events, let them provide real feedback, tweet about their experiences and get more word out about the game.

I want NBA Live 15 to succeed, but they are making it hard for me to believe in them.

NBA Live fans deserve better.

Game: NBA Live 15Reader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS4 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 13 - View All
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Member Comments
# 21 da ThRONe @ 09/10/14 02:26 PM
1st let me say that in the world of marketing I really don't get why EA is so guarded with this game. Almost every step of the way has seen mostly positive comments from the time they released the facial renders to even the showing last night.

With that said some people are drawing way too many grand conclusion off of the least bit of data. Sure the delay is a legit reason for concern. But this approach is what EA thinks is best. Again if they are indeed hiding they can't hide for long and will be exposed. Until we can "pull the curtains back" and see full what we have why not just chill until we have the all important demo?
# 22 The 24th Letter @ 09/10/14 02:29 PM
The user on Instagram said that the game was going to be shown again tomorrow. Unless he didn't know what he was talking about it appears that something had changed. Sucks because I was going to be in Cali tomm.
# 23 nick_sr @ 09/10/14 02:47 PM
why wouldn't they take it down?

if something wasn't a good representation of their game, why would they allow it to be out there?

anybody with instagram knows the videos on there have terrible quality!
# 24 Rockie_Fresh88 @ 09/10/14 02:57 PM
Seems suspicious man
# 25 Steve_OS @ 09/10/14 03:18 PM
Updated OP. Vented on Twitter. I'm done.

This is a prime opportunity for the public to talk about the game and they pack it in. The confidence in their product is lacking.
# 26 Gramps91 @ 09/10/14 03:21 PM
I was having high hopes but it's becoming continuously more difficult to have faith.
# 27 mlp111 @ 09/10/14 03:21 PM
Originally Posted by Scarface844
How is Steve OS an owner and editor of this site? You talk about confidence, where is proper footage of 2K15 gameplay with less then a month before release?

Why aren't you calling out 2K? Please do your research before you post false articles. It was well known that it would only be shown for a day. Clearly its been pushed back because it needs much more polishing/fixing up before it can be shown properly.

Will Live prove us wrong and actually come through this time? Odds are against them but lets wait to play both games (or at least see a good amount of gameplay footage) before we judge. I just want a good basketball game, that's all. It doesn't matter which company makes it.
2k is playable.... has been since gamescom. I thought you did your research before coming to a blog.. Geez, the links you guys go through just to justify or defend is getting crazy!
# 28 snocone @ 09/10/14 03:27 PM
Originally Posted by mlp111
2k is playable.... has been since gamescom. I thought you did your research before coming to a blog.. Geez, the links you guys go through just to justify or defend is getting crazy!
Yeah, we got plenty 5+ minute clips for gamescom taken off of cellphones that 2K didn't try to have taken down.
# 29 rspencer86 @ 09/10/14 03:33 PM
I feel like NBA Live/Elite has generated enough stumbles, blunders, oversights, miscommunications and outright disasters to fill college business, PR and marketing textbooks with case studies to learn from for the next 20 years.

What in the hell is going on over there?

The odd thing is, the game actually looks pretty good in the extremely brief moments (screenshots, 5 second clips, etc.) we get to see it.
# 30 jasonator @ 09/10/14 03:38 PM
NBA Live Team still can't face the reality! They can't accept the fact that they will be burned by gamers again! SMH!
# 31 Rams_3 @ 09/10/14 03:52 PM
EA can't be serious. They're really going to go down this road again. They're really going to alienate what little fans they have left. Damn shame really. We all want live to succeed but they sure know how to make it hard.
# 32 JKSportsGamer1984 @ 09/10/14 04:13 PM
NBA Live has become the biggest joke in sports gaming history. Just give it up already EA. It's getting embarrassing at this point. Even if the game turns out to be decent, they've already alienated so many on the fence potential customers just by the way they choose to go about marketing the game smh. They're shooting themselves in the foot.
# 33 rbfn04 @ 09/10/14 04:47 PM
Originally Posted by mbrancato157
Really makes me question the "positive feedback" this games been receiving if it's coming from mangers that will sell the game. Makes you wonder if they have some incentive to praise it
Ya think!?
# 34 jpollack34 @ 09/10/14 04:56 PM
I don't know if the game is good or bad, and make no judgement in that regard. But one thing is for certain... what a marketing and PR disaster... EA handled this series so poorly. Absolute disaster.
# 35 mlp111 @ 09/10/14 05:40 PM
Originally Posted by Scarface844
I also wanna add another thing. I've been reading this forum for years and every year its the same thing. Excited for Live and EA to make a game, get let down, 2K comes out, gets great reviews, a month later 2K doesn't even work properly and people on this site are ready to boycott it.

Neither company seems competent enough to actually make a proper game that's fresh every year. It's the only reason why im being patient with Live 15, it's because I have no choice. I'll probably get burned again but basketball games desperately need competition.
We have seen more about the other game than this one is all i'm saying. Also you have been reading these forums for yr, BUT you just decided to join this forum in Sept.2014? Why is that sir?
# 36 a walrus @ 09/10/14 06:27 PM
Super damn duper sad!! How can anybody defend a company that deceives them every year like this. They lied, the game is not that great..The End. It's sort of like McDonalds offering free breakfast to kids in order to promote healthy eating. You'll always have people stand up and say.."hey it's not so bad and that was really nice they let little Timmy eat for free" Without realizing if lil Timmy eats this garbage every day, lil Timmy will die. If the team was proud of this product, they would stand behind and show it. This is nothing more then a desperate attempt to sale as many copies of poor product as possible. Hide it before they realize what it is. Hurry up man sale it..Their catching on.
# 37 @marcusjiles @ 09/10/14 06:46 PM
It actually makes sense. It also makes sense if you have something to hide. If you dont, it makes sense because you wouldnt want parts of a game shown that will be (might be) cleaned up before release. When you're in the position of having more to lose than the competitor, that's the game. We have the get use to it and get over it.

If they have something to hide then... well we'll find out either through a demo (which I dont think will be happening) or when the game ships.
# 38 a walrus @ 09/10/14 07:17 PM
Originally Posted by @marcusjiles
It actually makes sense. It also makes sense if you have something to hide. If you dont, it makes sense because you wouldnt want parts of a game shown that will be (might be) cleaned up before release. When you're in the position of having more to lose than the competitor, that's the game. We have the get use to it and get over it.

If they have something to hide then... well we'll find out either through a demo (which I dont think will be happening) or when the game ships.
That's exactly what I'm saying. They would like you to buy it first and then realize how flawed it is. I'm not a supporter of EA on any level ( not since 05) and I have a solid bull**** detector. This is a disgraceful way to treat a consumer. Whatever negative feedback they get, it's absolutely deserved. The lemon law should also apply to software.
# 39 Inzombniac @ 09/10/14 07:59 PM
Originally Posted by Scarface844
The footage we got is garbage. We got nothing that we can actually properly look at, same as Live. Not defending Live. It was clear it was being shown for a day.

Do I agree with showing it for a day? No, they should let people try it out but lets not act like the plan for EA to let people play for multiple days and all of sudden decided not to.

I understand why Live and EA are bashed so much and that's fine but whats with the double standard? 2K is being released in less then a month and we have no official footage. EA at least put out some official footage.

I dont expect Live 15 to be this amazing game. I just dont get how some of you can look at Live's state and be like its hopeless and not say that about 2K.

Because 2K has a track record, Live does not. I think that's what you don't understand. I'm sure there are people who simply want to bash Live to bash Live. The rest of us, WANT the game to succeed and when these constant baffling moves happen, it frustrates us. Steve doesn't have to cover the game at all but he chooses to because I'm sure he wants another basketball game to succeed too. Same with people who post in this section. It could be a ghost town but we all care enough to talk about teh game, good or bad.

2K is not hopeless. 2K is flawed but they have people WORKING on those flaws that have let us know that those flaws are fixed. Instead of posting open letters that they don't respond to, 2K have posted on these very forums answering questions about gameplay from fans. Some of the Live team have done that too but while we have no gameplay from 2K, we were told that the 1 3 1 zone is gone, zig zagging is out and the charge cheese is dead. Release day will tell the tale if that's true or not but 2K are taking care of problems that have plagued the game. Like someone mentioned earlier that vented, Live isn't taking care of problems that have been in the game for not just a couple of years now but for more than half a decade. 2K for all their faults, at least comes out on time every year and have their system down to a tee. You know what you get every year and when you're getting the info. You don't know this with Live and without a track record, people are going to doubt.
# 40 El_Poopador @ 09/10/14 08:09 PM
Originally Posted by Scarface844
Come on. 2K hasn't been any good since 2K11. 2K doesn't have a track record. They have a better one then EA but that doesnt mean they have a "good" one. The standards are simply too low.

2K has been saying for years the zone cheese is dead, the 3pt cheese is dead. Like I said i've been reading this forum for years and its the same thing every year for both games.

2K has the same problems its had since the 2K10/2K11 days. 2K is hopeless without competition and thats what EA brings. Has Live/EA been any better? No but 2K hasn't been any good either. Tired of buying the same game every year with roster updates.
Not agreeing or disagreeing with either side, but can we keep on topic? No need turn it into a Live vs 2k thread.

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