NBA Live 15 News Post

A couple of NBA Live 15 gameplay videos have popped up on Instagram this morning.

Video #1

Video #2

Thanks to @tdawgsmitty!

UPDATE: Looks like the videos have been deleted.

UPDATE #2: NotYourAverageFlight has uploaded the videos to his YouTube channel.

Game: NBA Live 15Reader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS4 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 13 - View All
NBA Live 15 Videos
Member Comments
# 161 23 @ 09/11/14 12:05 PM
That's still no reason for it.

What coach or team has this as an offense in the nba?

Nobody is going to run an iso offense for an entire game
# 162 El_Poopador @ 09/11/14 12:07 PM
Originally Posted by 23
That's still no reason for it.

What coach or team has this as an offense in the nba?

Nobody is going to run an iso offense for an entire game
That's why I'm torn lol. In real life, that would never happen. But in the video game world, where the off-ball movement is a result of AI programming, too many mistakes happen. In any case, even if it is made an option, auto-motion should absolutely be enabled by default. No idea why they would make it the other way around.
# 163 El_Poopador @ 09/11/14 12:10 PM
Originally Posted by aholbert32
This typically doesnt happen if you call plays or run pick and rolls.
Well, that leads into other issues. Plays tend to not develop quick enough, and they're not run very smoothly to work properly most of the time. And the pick and roll has its own set of problems: you can't choose which side the screen is set on, and sometimes the other off-ball, non-screeners do still make bad moves like I mentioned above.

Of course, these are all issues that can be remedied with better AI programming, so there really is no reason to just say "CPU, you no move until I tell you."
# 164 King_B_Mack @ 09/11/14 12:32 PM
Exactly. I get it, you may not want to run plays because the play call system isn't exactly stellar or plays maybe breakdown too easily as you're trying to run them. But the offense should always be moving whether you call plays or not. That's just basketball man. Even playing pick up games at the park guys are moving off ball even if you aren't exactly running an offense or even know any of the guys you're playing with. There's no reason for an option to turn that off and certainly no reason for it to even be off by default.
# 165 bigeastbumrush @ 09/11/14 12:43 PM
Originally Posted by El_Poopador
Oddly enough, I have mixed feelings about the auto-motion. In one respect, it's weird and not realistic to have players stand around and doing nothing, unless you're running an iso. And even then, they should still be looking for opportunities to get open.

On the other hand, I can't count the number of times I beat my man off the dribble, or draw another defender inside that would have been perfect for a drive and kick, only to have my AI teammate make a bonehead move off the ball (or at least a move I didn't want them to make), leading their defender into me or getting themselves out of position for an open shot.
Having motion within a set should not prevent you from driving and kicking.

Not sure I'm following because even Live 14 had that (the Steve Nash trailer).

Game was crap but the defensive rotations were proper.

The point is...a gamer shouldn't have to trigger motion unless they're calling a play IMO.
# 166 Blue12 @ 09/11/14 01:19 PM
They should have taken last year off and built the game from the ground up. They have improved visuals, but from the broadcast cam the player models and animations still remind me of Live 10.

I was really starting to buy in, but seeing these videos just showed me that the core engine is just not appropriate for this generation. I know people on this board don't like to discuss this, but there is no comparison in fluidity of the animation compared to 2k. Live will never get to that point with this current engine.

Before you say Live needs to focus on being their own game and not compete with 2k, I agree to a point but a basketball game is nothing without gameplay. The gameplay will never be right without proper animations.

I didn't writer this to bash EA or the Live developers. I know their not trying to make a bad game on purpose. I have really been rooting for Live, but seeing the small sample of gameplay showed me everything I needed to see.
# 167 da ThRONe @ 09/11/14 02:11 PM
Originally Posted by ClevelandinDistress
I feel myself actually getting frustrated with your point of view. It's been stated many times that you are the only one who thinks this way. When six people don't agree with you, that means you're WRONG, But you just can't accept that, can you.

Off ball movement and sliders are not even in the same galaxy of conversation. Just like Aholbert32 has said MANY times. That dude has been around since 2002! Your argument and point of view hold little credibility to his. Not to mention several others have laughed and pointed out the flaw in your argument.

Off ball movement should not be an option. That is something key and crucial that needs to be there. This shouldn't even be a debate. Unless NBA Live is trying to make a hybrid NBA Jam/NBA simulation then there's no need to toggle off ball movement. Run plays? Sure. But having your players stand around like statues is not what basketball is. Not even going to try and understand what the developers were thinking on this one.

Seriously Da Throne, you seem like an alright dude, but you need to drop this argument before everyone on this board starts avoiding you like the Ebola virus

1st I'm not going to change my opinion just because I'm the odd man out and shame on people for trying to force someone to buy into groupthink. Think like everyone else or face alienation. Really?

2nd are you even reading my post? I clearly state I have no idea why this would be in the game. I have only disagreed on really two points. Those are that you shouldn't need sliders in order to make the best "SIM" game possible and that "realistic" is far more universal than the masses here seem to think.

The point I'm making is if you are saying to me customer X should have the right to as many options as they can have and I shouldn't have the right to limit customization how is this different? If I can adjust a slider to play a game as unrealistic as I want. How is that different from giving someone the option to do something equally as unrealistic or undo it at the click of a button?

Sliders are far superior because they are so more far reaching and impact so many different areas of the game. However if you are going to tell me I can't dictate what's "SIM" to another person then later say an option should never be in the game because it's not "SIM". Where is that line? When shouldn't an option like this be in a sports title? I'm just trying to get clarity on the subject. I have no idea why somebody would want to not have realistic movement in the game. Likewise I have no idea why somebody would want to turn the slider on 3pointer all the way and never miss a 3 in the half court.
# 168 aholbert32 @ 09/11/14 03:09 PM
Originally Posted by da ThRONe
1st I'm not going to change my opinion just because I'm the odd man out and shame on people for trying to force someone to buy into groupthink. Think like everyone else or face alienation. Really?

2nd are you even reading my post? I clearly state I have no idea why this would be in the game. I have only disagreed on really two points. Those are that you shouldn't need sliders in order to make the best "SIM" game possible and that "realistic" is far more universal than the masses here seem to think.

The point I'm making is if you are saying to me customer X should have the right to as many options as they can have and I shouldn't have the right to limit customization how is this different? If I can adjust a slider to play a game as unrealistic as I want. How is that different from giving someone the option to do something equally as unrealistic or undo it at the click of a button?

Sliders are far superior because they are so more far reaching and impact so many different areas of the game. However if you are going to tell me I can't dictate what's "SIM" to another person then later say an option should never be in the game because it's not "SIM". Where is that line? When shouldn't an option like this be in a sports title? I'm just trying to get clarity on the subject. I have no idea why somebody would want to not have realistic movement in the game. Likewise I have no idea why somebody would want to turn the slider on 3pointer all the way and never miss a 3 in the half court.
Sigh...so I guess we should add options to turn off rebounding. Lets add an option so that no one can steal the ball. We can also add options to turn off any kind of special dribbling because some people may find it difficult to do or defend against.

Stop acting like there cant be a line. There is a difference between eliminating fundamentals of a game and tweaking things to make a game less or more realistic.
# 169 tha_show256 @ 09/11/14 03:24 PM
Well, for me, based off of these short videos that we've been shown. I can't really say that I'm impressed. They almost had me with the improved visuals trailer...then they released the short vids, and now these short vids. It looks like it suffers from the same thing as last year, lack of animations, no where near enough off ball movement, etc, etc...Man, I really want to give this series a chance. I want to have the option of having 2 great basketball games to chose from...but, it doesn't seem viable at this point.
# 170 bkluvsm3 @ 09/11/14 03:29 PM
I'm not a fan boy of NBA live series or 2k I like both will be buying both as I always do but it just funny how much ppl analyze NBA Live gameplay we can do the same for both games 2k is a great tittle but it's has its flaws as well .....we need competition so let's not bash 1 game and not the other 2k is like madden their only great because it's the only game out live drop the ball yes they deserve everything but we as consumers win if we can get 2 great basketball games do let's look at this in positive prospective
# 171 Money99 @ 09/11/14 03:35 PM
I own 2K12 and 2K13 and while I liked those games, I actually had more fun with Live 10.
I'm not a diehard and I barely watch basketball. But I've always found the video games to be enjoyable.

I hope Live can get back to where it was.
# 172 WTF @ 09/11/14 03:40 PM
Live is back to where it was. It's ahead of where it was. Do NOT base your opinion on what was shown here. There is a reason that a lot went into the onboarding process. GO through it, learn the controls, and enjoy.

And before you all say it, I know, you're basing it on the only thing that you have to base it on currently. I'm just saying, wait for the rest of the coverage coming out. Hell, wait til release and I can stream the game.
# 173 da ThRONe @ 09/11/14 03:47 PM
Originally Posted by aholbert32
Sigh...so I guess we should add options to turn off rebounding. Lets add an option so that no one can steal the ball. We can also add options to turn off any kind of special dribbling because some people may find it difficult to do or defend against.

Stop acting like there cant be a line. There is a difference between eliminating fundamentals of a game and tweaking things to make a game less or more realistic.

So who determines where that line is though? Sure we can agree that this option should be no where near a videogame. My point again is what if somebody disagrees with both of us and would love to play this motionless game(for some ungodly reason)? What makes you or me the authority on where that line should be? The fair opinion should be the exact one I share of sliders. I don't care if it's in so long as it doesn't set back the "SIM" style of play that the Live team continues to tell me they are trying to create. Personally I have no use for anything outside of the best possible simulation a game developer can deliver.

It's funny because even though we debating each other we really again only share a very small difference of opinion. I just think you misunderstood my point(as initially I may not have expressed myself well enough) and have taken a defense stance on points I'm not trying to argue against. I'm ok with the principles of sliders and I think this whole option to turn off motion is a waste of any amount of development time.
# 174 aholbert32 @ 09/11/14 04:00 PM
Originally Posted by da ThRONe
So who determines where that line is though? Sure we can agree that this option should be no where near a videogame. My point again is what if somebody disagrees with both of us and would love to play this motionless game(for some ungodly reason)? What makes you or me the authority on where that line should be? The fair opinion should be the exact one I share of sliders. I don't care if it's in so long as it doesn't set back the "SIM" style of play that the Live team continues to tell me they are trying to create. Personally I have no use for anything outside of the best possible simulation a game developer can deliver.

It's funny because even though we debating each other we really again only share a very small difference of opinion. I just think you misunderstood my point(as initially I may not have expressed myself well enough) and have taken a defense stance on points I'm not trying to argue against. I'm ok with the principles of sliders and I think this whole option to turn off motion is a waste of any amount of development time.
No thats not it at all. Your point has evolved as the conversation has gone on. This was your original post about sliders:

"I don't know why on a new gen system in 2014 why we would need sliders in the 1st place."

Then you spent 4 more posts trying to defend that point.

Now its "The game should be use stats to be Sim at default but give people sliders if they want to tweak the game".

Its not a misunderstanding....your position changed slightly.

I'm not gonna discuss the offball motion anymore because I've stated several times that there is a difference between tweaking a fundamental aspect of the game and completely eliminating it. Might as well give people the option to turn off dribbling.
# 175 aholbert32 @ 09/11/14 04:02 PM
Originally Posted by WTF
Live is back to where it was. It's ahead of where it was. Do NOT base your opinion on what was shown here. There is a reason that a lot went into the onboarding process. GO through it, learn the controls, and enjoy.

And before you all say it, I know, you're basing it on the only thing that you have to base it on currently. I'm just saying, wait for the rest of the coverage coming out. Hell, wait til release and I can stream the game.
Come on man. What are you basing this on? Gameplay wise, Live 10 was a better game than Live 14 even after the patch. We've only seen less than 2 minutes of 15 game play so how can you say its "ahead of where it was"? What are you basing that on?
# 176 WTF @ 09/11/14 04:14 PM
Cmon, aholbert32, look at my username color

I'm well aware that Live 10 played better than 14. I'm also stating that imho, Live 15 will play better than Live 10.

2 minutes of gameplay or not, I'll base my opinion on other things.
# 177 da ThRONe @ 09/11/14 04:14 PM
Originally Posted by aholbert32
No thats not it at all. Your point has evolved as the conversation has gone on. This was your original post about sliders:

"I don't know why on a new gen system in 2014 why we would need sliders in the 1st place."

Then you spent 4 more posts trying to defend that point.

Now its "The game should be use stats to be Sim at default but give people sliders if they want to tweak the game".

Its not a misunderstanding....your position changed slightly.

I'm not gonna discuss the offball motion anymore because I've stated several times that there is a difference between tweaking a fundamental aspect of the game and completely eliminating it. Might as well give people the option to turn off dribbling.

Again I meant I don't know why sliders are need to produce the best simulation possible. It was a lazy comment and I owe that. My argument may seem like it "evolved" but that's only because I didn't express it as clear as I should have. As the discussion progress I was able to correct that mistake. You are the one that are holding on to that one comment to try and discredit everything I have said after.

Also saying motion is as important to the game as dribbling is hyperbole. We have had basketball videogames for years with dribbling and without motion yet we have never had a basketball videogame with motion and without dribbling.
# 178 aholbert32 @ 09/11/14 04:15 PM
Originally Posted by WTF
Cmon, aholbert32, look at my username color

I'm well aware that Live 10 played better than 14. I'm also stating that imho, Live 15 will play better than Live 10.

2 minutes of gameplay or not, I'll base my opinion on other things.
LOL. Totally forgot that you are a Game Changer.
# 179 aholbert32 @ 09/11/14 04:18 PM
Originally Posted by da ThRONe
Again I meant I don't know why sliders are need to produce the best simulation possible. It was a lazy comment and I owe that. My argument may seem like it "evolved" but that's only because I didn't express it as clear as I should have. As the discussion progress I was able to correct that mistake. You are the one that are holding on to that one comment to try and discredit everything I have said after.

Also saying motion is as important to the game as dribbling is hyperbole. We have had basketball videogames for years with dribbling and without motion yet we have never had a basketball videogame with motion and without dribbling.
I only have your posts to go off of. But I will say, typically when people make a mistake in one post, they dont try to defend that point for three more posts before "clarifying" it. LOL. They usually recognize the misunderstanding after they see how people are reacting and say "Oh, I didnt mean that we should eliminate sliders".

It shouldnt take 3 more posts to get there if thats what you originally meant.
# 180 aholbert32 @ 09/11/14 04:20 PM
Originally Posted by ThaLiveKing
The last update of Live 14, they fixed the rebounding logic, but in the leaked footage, it wasn't in there. O;Brien told me on Twitter during the Q and A said that everything updated in Live 14, will be in Live 15. This is one thing I'm going to hammer I'm if I don't see it in 15. Lol
Why isnt that rebounding logic in the Gamestop clips? That game is 15 and assumedly has all of the additions the patch for 14 added, right?

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