NBA 2K15 News Post

GameInformer has posted an article listing "29 Reasons Why MyGM May Be the Future of Franchise Modes," going over the new conversation system, GM tools, scouting, player progression, offseason, and much more in NBA 2K15's MyGM mode.

Here are some tidbits from the article:
  • On Virtual Currency: "Visual Concepts is distancing itself from its controversial approach to injecting VC into the MyGM experience last year. In NBA 2K15 the VC is nearly stripped out of the mode in favor of a leveling system where you accrue XP for every action you take."
  • On Total Control: "In response to last year's backlash regarding basic functions being hidden behind the upgrade system, Visual Concepts has surfaced the vital skills that form the backbone of the GM experience. Every GM has full control of trades, free agency, player rotations, coach firings, etc. right from the start. "
  • A new Sim feature: "Strategy-minded players who prefer a hands-off approach should check out SimCast. This new system allows you to manage rotations, strategies, sliders, and points of emphasis before hitting the start button on a sim."
  • New Scouting System: "A new pro scouting system analyzes how your team stacks up against your next opponent. Feedback includes areas of weakness you can exploit in the rival team, an analysis of their biggest threats, the team stats, and suggested points of emphasis."
  • New Draftee Storylines: "Visual Concepts plans to surface several storylines throughout the year based on research it did on the last 20-30 draft classes. The various types of players you could encounter include flash-in-the-pan players who may be at their full potential already on draft day, late bloomers who rise up the draft board at the last minute, players with serious injury concerns that you may not know about unless you him in for a visit."
  • College Stats: "For NBA 2K15 Visual Concepts built an engine to simulate an entire college season, giving you the ability to look at the stats of all draft candidates."
  • Draft Combine is in: "NBA 2K15 adds the draft combine to the mix this year, where you may find out that a school is playing fast and loose with the height and weights they list in their game programs."
  • Better Player Progression: "Visual Concepts has done a significant amount of work on player progression this year. Before, all you could do was train them in the offseason. This year that progression is split between the offseason workouts and in-season training."
  • Better Offseason Logic: "Visual Concepts says the CPU-controlled teams in NBA 2K15 have improved logic this year when managing their roster balance. Teams should better recognize that they don't need to spend on another point guard if their team already has a viable starter and will know to use their resources elsewhere."
Be sure to check out the full article for many more details on MyGM mode.

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Member Comments
# 101 Altimus @ 09/04/14 05:55 PM
Injury 2.0 sounds really interesting but I hope it isn't an overkill where by ASG weekend half the league's starters are injured.
# 102 justanotherguy @ 09/04/14 06:03 PM

Really trying not to get to excited here, but this sound awesome! I loved simulating into the future in MyGM, and with 80 years for me to work on a specific franchise, I already know this is going to be great.

I especially like the thought of the owner changing, proving that now the game will acknowledge that time is passing. I can revive an organization, start a dynasty, retire those players, go through the dark ages and return to relevance a bunch of times now. Not to mention we'll be getting narratives with each draft class, college stats and injury concerns. We could even potentially lose our franchise player to injuries. So much stuff to think about with each move we make to insure that we can guide a franchise to the promised land. I don't know when I'll be able to put my controller down once I get my hands on 2k15.

I'm going to be a hardcore couch potato this winter!

# 103 davez @ 09/04/14 06:04 PM
Originally Posted by quehouston
Please tell me storyline and combine are gonna be in MyLeague too????

This mode is sounding amazing on paper, but at the end of the day, once again, trade and FA logic is gonna make or break it.
Yes; prospect storylines, combine and pre-draft workouts will be in both MyLEAGUE and MyGM.
# 104 stillfeelme @ 09/04/14 06:07 PM
Originally Posted by davez
Yes; prospect storylines, combine and pre-draft workouts will be in both MyLEAGUE and MyGM.
Euroleague stats are in it too? I know there are prospects from Europe or elsewhere do they immediately come over or stay in their country to play?
# 105 davez @ 09/04/14 06:15 PM
Originally Posted by jeremym480
Davez! My man!

Here's the thread you started in November last year. http://www.operationsports.com/forum...wish-list.html

It's amazing how many of those things made it into the game this year. I don't know know who all to thank for this coming together like this. You, Leftos, etc. but this game is looking like a dream come true to me. I can't wait to get my hands on it.
A *lot* of people had input into both modes. The primary people involved in coming up with most of the designs and feature sets are Erick (overlord of all), Leftos (features engineer, newbie that's already a rockstar, and "the hairy beast"), Tim (lead franchise engineer and one of the main engineers from the College Basketball games) and myself (old 2K vet from the NFL/APF days, who left for 5 years, and came back last year to be the lead designer/producer on the franchise modes), but many others are involved and deserve credit. Scott Kohn (engineer for MyTEAM), for instance, had the idea to do simulated college stats and Abe Navarro (designer for MyTEAM) did the design for the injury system -- which is based on and has improvements on his injury system designs from APF and NHL.

Oh, and OS also deserves a lot of credit, as we based a lot of our plans on feedback from 2K14.
# 106 davez @ 09/04/14 06:19 PM
Originally Posted by tril
the simulate dollege season sounds nice!!!!.
is all of this included in the PC version also.. If so MY order will be placed this weekend.

2k, all day!!!!
PC version will be the same as PS4/Xbox One. I think it's only missing one feature, which cannot be talked about at this time (but, it's not any of the things we've announced for MyLEAGUE and MyGM, so don't worry about that).
# 107 davez @ 09/04/14 06:20 PM
Originally Posted by stillfeelme
Euroleague stats are in it too? I know there are prospects from Europe or elsewhere do they immediately come over or stay in their country to play?
International prospects will have simulated stats.
# 108 stillfeelme @ 09/04/14 06:29 PM
Originally Posted by davez
A *lot* of people had input into both modes.
Shot out to to the people working on the menus GUI looks much cleaner
# 109 davez @ 09/04/14 06:29 PM
Originally Posted by Altimus
Injury 2.0 sounds really interesting but I hope it isn't an overkill where by ASG weekend half the league's starters are injured.
For MyGM and MyLEAGUE with default slider settings, you'll see about 300-450 total injuries per year.

We found some data on NBA injuries over a 10 year span and tried our best to model our system as closely to the data as possible with respect to which body parts gets injured the most and the frequency of each type of injury. Though, it's worth noting that the 300-450 is about half of what the per year average was for that 10 year span. We just felt this was enough.

If you're not happy with the tunes, MyLEAGUE has sliders to tweak these (MyGM does not). Both allow you to start with existing injuries on, however...
# 110 asu666 @ 09/04/14 06:31 PM
"Visual Concepts is distancing itself from its controversial approach to injecting VC into the MyGM experience last year. In NBA 2K15 the VC is nearly stripped out of the mode in favor of a leveling system where you accrue XP for every action you take."

Christmas came early this year. Thank you 2K!
# 111 stillfeelme @ 09/04/14 06:33 PM
Originally Posted by davez
For MyGM and MyLEAGUE with default slider settings, you'll see about 300-450 total injuries per year.

We found some data on NBA injuries over a 10 year span and tried our best to model our system as closely to the data as possible with respect to which body parts gets injured the most and the frequency of each type of injury. Though, it's worth noting that the 300-450 is about half of what the per year average was for that 10 year span. We just felt this was enough.

If you're not happy with the tunes, MyLEAGUE has sliders to tweak these (MyGM does not). Both allow you to start with existing injuries on, however...
Yeah the injuries, small minor will play a huge factor to the immersion. I like that you guys used actual data the game sounds deep.
# 112 Sundown @ 09/04/14 06:45 PM
Featueing Andrew Bogut and a relatively accurate map of his injury risk.

This. Is. Awesome.

I'd upgrade his right elbow to red though. That's the elbow he shattered horrifically after a dunk. The again, he doesn't really reinjure, but it definitely affects his shot and he's protective of it.
# 113 Superman38134 @ 09/04/14 06:50 PM
I saw that Draft Combine is back. Is this feature back in MyCareer as well in a playable form?
# 114 BluFu @ 09/04/14 06:54 PM
Originally Posted by davez
If you're not happy with the tunes, MyLEAGUE has sliders to tweak these (MyGM does not). Both allow you to start with existing injuries on, however...
on the topic of injuries, how well do they correlate with the new Coach Gameplan hub? in years past, getting star players to average solid minutes was nigh impossible because even one starter getting injured makes the entire teams rotation change (and when said player returns, the rotation remains). is that fixed this year?

also, have the simulation stats been improved from past years?

if you say yes, I'll go pre-order another copy right now
# 115 jmaj315 @ 09/04/14 07:01 PM
Originally Posted by davez
For MyGM and MyLEAGUE with default slider settings, you'll see about 300-450 total injuries per year.

We found some data on NBA injuries over a 10 year span and tried our best to model our system as closely to the data as possible with respect to which body parts gets injured the most and the frequency of each type of injury. Though, it's worth noting that the 300-450 is about half of what the per year average was for that 10 year span. We just felt this was enough.

If you're not happy with the tunes, MyLEAGUE has sliders to tweak these (MyGM does not). Both allow you to start with existing injuries on, however...
so if i upped the injury slider... (or is it more than 1 slider?).. Would i just get more nagging injuries? or would i get a proportionate amount of season ending ones, or 'major' injuries?

I would love if injury frequency and severity were 2 different sliders
# 116 jeremym480 @ 09/04/14 07:01 PM
Originally Posted by davez
For MyGM and MyLEAGUE with default slider settings, you'll see about 300-450 total injuries per year.

We found some data on NBA injuries over a 10 year span and tried our best to model our system as closely to the data as possible with respect to which body parts gets injured the most and the frequency of each type of injury. Though, it's worth noting that the 300-450 is about half of what the per year average was for that 10 year span. We just felt this was enough.

If you're not happy with the tunes, MyLEAGUE has sliders to tweak these (MyGM does not). Both allow you to start with existing injuries on, however...
Can you start MyGm with the real life draft picks?
# 117 davez @ 09/04/14 07:12 PM
Originally Posted by BluFu
on the topic of injuries, how well do they correlate with the new Coach Gameplan hub? in years past, getting star players to average solid minutes was nigh impossible because even one starter getting injured makes the entire teams rotation change (and when said player returns, the rotation remains). is that fixed this year?

also, have the simulation stats been improved from past years?

if you say yes, I'll go pre-order another copy right now
The Coach Gameplan has some options for Bench Depth and Bench Utilization that should help give you more control over how the CPU rebuilds your rotation when you automate things.

We did a lot of tuning to try and improve the simulator stats, so I feel they're a lot better this year (the league leader will often actually get double digits in assists per game, for one).
# 118 lgxjames @ 09/04/14 07:12 PM
Originally Posted by davez
Yes; prospect storylines, combine and pre-draft workouts will be in both MyLEAGUE and MyGM.
Can you clarify something...When you say "conversations" are MyGM only are you also referring to the "media interviews" or are those in MyLeague aswell?
# 119 apbuitron @ 09/04/14 07:13 PM
Will There be new injury animations indicating the type of injury?
# 120 davez @ 09/04/14 07:14 PM
Originally Posted by jmaj315
so if i upped the injury slider... (or is it more than 1 slider?).. Would i just get more nagging injuries? or would i get a proportionate amount of season ending ones, or 'major' injuries?

I would love if injury frequency and severity were 2 different sliders
We don't have one for severity (good idea for 2K16...). But, we do have ones for CPU Injury Frequency, User Injury Frequency, Career-Ending Injury Frequency, User Injury Effects, CPU Injury Effects.

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