NBA 2K15 News Post

(Promoting this post to the homepage, written by Mike Wang, Sr. Game Designer for NBA 2K15)

Let me clarify up the design of the shot meter. In previous 2K's, shot timing was just another factor within a huge list of other things that spit out a final shot % which we then rolled dice against. So really, it was Real Player % with a bit of help from the user. But the skill of the user had a minimal impact.

In 2K15, all factors that make up a good vs. bad shot get rolled up into a value that then scales the timing window for your jump shooter. So now, timing is a much more crucial factor in whether you make or miss. This puts the onus on the user to execute with more precision and separates the skilled users from the lucky ones. It's actually very similar to the design of Free Throw shooting. You can make the shot if you manage to get perfect timing but your % falls the further you are from the ideal release point. If you're way off, it's a guaranteed miss.

It's also a much more useful feedback system. If you're unfamiliar with your players, it's much easier to get a sense of their timing by glancing at the meter. Also, it's much easier to see how close or off you were with your timing after the fact to help you learn... much more useful than the letter grade system (which is still an option btw.)

My intention was never to make shooting a "meter game." The most successful people in the office are the ones who still watch the shot animations for visual cues of when to release, using the meter only for feedback or for occasional guidance.

I knew there would be some concerns, so let me try to address those now:

- No, you cannot "master" the meter and hit every shot you take
- Yes, you can turn it off in the options menu
- Yes, Real FG% is still an option
- Yes, it is very difficult to get "perfect timing," especially on the higher levels

Hopefully that clears some things up. IMO, shooting is much more engaging now and I think you guys will like the feature.

Game: NBA 2K15Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: iOS / PC / PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 64 - View All
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Member Comments
# 61 Beluba @ 08/15/14 09:27 PM
Originally Posted by eko718
Thanks for clarifying that Beluba. I guess what is confusing me a bit is how exactly the shot animation and the meter are tied together.

I heard you mention that the meter grows and shrinks and the way I am now interpreting it is that the sweet spot of the meter corresponds with the ideal release point of the particular shooting animation...is that correct?

If this is correct, that the sweet spot of the meter corresponds with the ideal release point of the particular shooting animation, I am trying to understand how I would get different results if I applied the same shooting animation and timing to Curry and Perkins.

When you say that Curry will have an easier window to time than Perkins, do you mean that with Curry, good and fair shots may go in sometimes whereas with Perkins only perfect shots will go in?
The mechanics of the jump shot are the same as last year. That is, the timing and feel won't change. The ideal release point essentially maps to last year's excellent release point. The window that I've been talking about scales around this release point. So you have more freedom to miss the perfect timing point and still make a shot the larger the window is.
# 62 23 @ 08/15/14 09:31 PM
Originally Posted by Beluba
The mechanics of the jump shot are the same as last year. That is, the timing and feel won't change. The ideal release point essentially maps to last year's excellent release point. The window that I've been talking about scales around this release point. So you have more freedom to miss the perfect timing point and still make a shot the larger the window is.
Question for you....

Is it possible to hit shots even though you release faster than the idea top of the jump release....

also next year do you think you could add in a double pump jumper somehow... if you dont know what I mean I'll find a video for you
# 63 thedream2k13 @ 08/15/14 09:33 PM
Originally Posted by Beluba
The mechanics of the jump shot are the same as last year. That is, the timing and feel won't change. The ideal release point essentially maps to last year's excellent release point. The window that I've been talking about scales around this release point. So you have more freedom to miss the perfect timing point and still make a shot the larger the window is.
I think we would all benefit if you made another short video showing this in practice mode. this will be easier to show than explain because it's confusing for some
# 64 alabamarob @ 08/15/14 09:40 PM
Originally Posted by Leftos
A perfect release doesn't magically mean the player can actually make that shot. I can release that scrap of paper perfectly any time from my desk, still can't make the trash can 4 feet away.
Good to know. Thanks.
# 65 eko718 @ 08/15/14 09:40 PM
Originally Posted by Leftos
A perfect release doesn't magically mean the player can actually make that shot. I can release that scrap of paper perfectly any time from my desk, still can't make the trash can 4 feet away.
Originally Posted by Beluba
The mechanics of the jump shot are the same as last year. That is, the timing and feel won't change. The ideal release point essentially maps to last year's excellent release point. The window that I've been talking about scales around this release point. So you have more freedom to miss the perfect timing point and still make a shot the larger the window is.
Great! Thank you both, that answers my question.
# 66 rbfn04 @ 08/15/14 10:12 PM
Thanks Mike, makes me feel much better about it
# 67 stillfeelme @ 08/15/14 10:24 PM
I think most are getting worked up over this and it will not be that bad. I think it will be easy to hit your target FG% if you get your meter timed perfectly that is how it should work for good shooters. The bad shooters it will be harder.

As long as open % meter perfect meter = what the shooter hits when open and it goes back to the ratings I don't see an issue here. We don't need any bonuses. I mean isn't how real % should work?


If you tune this right the games should be nice.

FYI Curry shot 50% on open spot up jumpers and 47% on contested jumpers.
# 68 Eman5805 @ 08/15/14 10:26 PM
Is there some kinda visual cue besides the meter to when you hit that sweet spot in the timing window? Like players leaving their hands up longer?
# 69 Hartenberg @ 08/15/14 10:33 PM
Appreciate the confirmation here. Seems like it's going to be a fun feature!
# 70 thedream2k13 @ 08/15/14 10:56 PM
Originally Posted by stillfeelme
I think most are getting worked up over this and it will not be that bad. I think it will be easy to hit your target FG% if you get your meter timed perfectly that is how it should work for good shooters. The bad shooters it will be harder.

As long as open % meter perfect meter = what the shooter hits when open and it goes back to the ratings I don't see an issue here. We don't need any bonuses. I mean isn't how real % should work?


If you tune this right the games should be nice.

FYI Curry shot 50% on open spot up jumpers and 47% on contested jumpers.
I wish it wasn't a "meter" . it draws attention away from the shot release and people just stare at the players feet like everyone did in the last Sony basketball game
# 71 Tybudd @ 08/15/14 11:01 PM
Originally Posted by quehouston
How will shot contests affect %'s?

Edit: After reading close, I've found my answer.
Some elaboration is needed.

- No, you cannot "master" the meter and hit every shot you take
Why, what makes it master proof?

- Yes, Real FG% is still an option
Still an option, maybe the community can help me on this one, where is this option right now on Next Gen?

- Yes, it is very difficult to get "perfect timing," especially on the higher levels
As long as player ability makes a difference as well, after all we did just see Duncan in a Vid draining 3's, don't make good timing with D'Andre Jordan translate to him doing Damian Lillard style stepback 3's.

Yes no, yes no doesn't help us w/o something for it to stand behind.
# 72 turty11 @ 08/15/14 11:04 PM
@23 you talking like a power hop into the jumper?
# 73 stillfeelme @ 08/15/14 11:08 PM
Originally Posted by thedream2k13
I wish it wasn't a "meter" . it draws attention away from the shot release and people just stare at the players feet like everyone did in the last Sony basketball game
Yeah I get that but we can always turn that off. You have to remember this game is trying to appease to some of those casual players. This teaches them to make them better and then they become more Sim more realistic. In the end they become better sim players and play to their strengths. I realize some of this can be learned in practice but everyone is not going to use practice.

After a while you get the timing down you are not looking at no meter. They use to have a flashing indicator it might still be there but you know what I don't even look at it. I am a purely animation based shot stick user. So I will let the meter watchers have their fun and it just might be even. They still shouldn't be able to play above their ratings.
# 74 23 @ 08/15/14 11:15 PM
Originally Posted by turty11
@23 you talking like a power hop into the jumper?
sort of yeah
# 75 turty11 @ 08/15/14 11:25 PM
Originally Posted by 23
sort of yeah
this is all i could think of

# 76 24ct @ 08/15/14 11:43 PM
Originally Posted by Leftos
There's no controller window that would allow those guys to make those kinds of shots with any consistency.
I hope this means no more size ups and crossovers too...

Too many times in 2k14 players like Kendrick Perkins would have the ball setting up for a play but as he moves he does an auto step back because step back is tied to moving back your player...

I could never understand why everybody had the same step back dribble using the left stick. It makes bigs dribble the same as guards...

This meter seems you guys are working on these little sim things to eliminate cheese. Glad to here they have no window to make shots they can't...

No more game winner jumpers by role players just by having a perfect/near perfect release
# 77 turty11 @ 08/15/14 11:54 PM
i would guess its a rating for shot fatigue influence or a bade
# 78 Sundown @ 08/16/14 12:31 AM
Originally Posted by Beluba
We did not implement the meter for FTs. Technical difficulties. I would like to re-visit that next year.

Yes, fatigue impacts the meter.
I do think a visual representation of fatigue affecting your shot is very welcome. NBA players often talk about losing a bit of their legs late in game, sometimes after focusing on defense, and it'd be nice to see it represented. I still often forget I'm missing shots because I'm tired.
# 79 Coach2K @ 08/16/14 12:50 AM
The main problem I've had with shooting from a defensive point of view is that basically there are those spots on the floor that always go in and good players just get to those spots with any player and it's a bucket even on HOF sim sliders assuming a shot contest was not directly in front of the shooter. You get to where you just guard the spot and not the man.

And then if you put that into a quick match situation where they flat out run around to get to them and it has no affect on the shot, it seems odd that the success rate, currently is just as high.

I've been literally torched by Durant from three with an absolute obscene number of threes before.

The other thing that appears to be true - and may not be - is it feels that you have a higher chance of hitting a shot after a stick move to escape than a normal set shot.

All of this sounds good and all (especially the fatigue part which will probably lead to double and triple timeouts in a row lol), but I think a lot of it will be determined by the shot release a player is assigned. I've felt some teams and players have been "handicapped" with tougher releases where other teams (New York) get the benefit of easier releases.

I could hit threes all game with Orlando Johnson just because he was easier to shoot with the release he was given and I think that's what some of the posters above were eluding too.

The shot release given to a player might still play the biggest factor.
# 80 grodbetatted @ 08/16/14 12:55 AM
there is no reason for a shot meter this is next gen we should be able to learn the players shots through trial and error... and if you are going to incorporate a shot meter, only use it in tutorial. imo

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