Madden NFL 15 News Post

The Madden NFL 15 livestream discussing Connected Franchise should be beginning any minute now (5pm ET). You can alternatively check out the stream at this link if it's not working for you above.

UPDATE: If you missed it, here is the archive.

Let us know what you think as you watch the stream!

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Member Comments
# 221 charter04 @ 08/08/14 02:55 PM
Originally Posted by Sheba2011
Ahh I thought someone said he was a FB, I was trying to be hopeful that EA didn't mess this up lol. Always try to be optimistic with them, always regret it in the end though.

I was wrong about #29. It never shows his position. I hope he's a FB. Lol
# 222 crenk @ 08/08/14 04:16 PM
Originally Posted by drewdavi
They basically confirmed this on the livestream
So every player will become a superstar if you devote x p to them. No Jamarcus Russell types that come in with great promise and physical skills but simply are not capable of being a star no matter what?
# 223 MajorSupreme @ 08/08/14 04:24 PM
Originally Posted by crenk
So every player will become a superstar if you devote x p to them. No Jamarcus Russell types that come in with great promise and physical skills but simply are not capable of being a star no matter what?
Yeah, but then they said you'd pay for because the rest of your team would be crap. Or something along those lines...
# 224 HoundsOfHowl @ 08/08/14 04:24 PM
Originally Posted by crenk
So every player will become a superstar if you devote x p to them. No Jamarcus Russell types that come in with great promise and physical skills but simply are not capable of being a star no matter what?
If you suck at the game then yes. Plus if you throw multiple INT's your confidence will continue to take hits, or have bad games, so that will eventually effect your ratings.

But the true answer to your question is no.
# 225 Gman 18 @ 08/08/14 04:49 PM
Has anyone heard if injuries will occur in practice or not?

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# 226 kcchiefs1984 @ 08/08/14 05:14 PM
Originally Posted by thudias
I can t believe we are forced to go another year without any way to organized scouted players before the draft. How can this continue to be omitted? No big board, No war room draft board with stacked grades....

So scout players go to the draft and search through the phone book.

I use a spreadsheet on the laptop. Would be nice if I could scout the player and select "Add to draft board" though. Hit R1 and slide from scouting page to draft board page to arrange players. I'm a bit of a genius though so I don't expect too many people to think of stuff like that...Riiiiight (sarcasm, just so we are all on the same page)
# 227 fancyclaps @ 08/08/14 05:29 PM
Originally Posted by crenk
So I have not played madden in a couple of years so I have a question regarding xp. They gave the example of having Manzeil getting experience while Hoyer gets the start this year. Is it possible to apply points and not get results? Or will it work that no matter who you apply points to you will get results. So basically you can make anyone a superstar as long as you apply enough points. Do we know this?
Basically, but you'll be spending a lot of time on that one player. By the looks of it you can get xp for only 1 or 2 players per week.

But if a players develop rating is low and you do crappy on the drill it'll take a long time to build up a player, and if you ignore the rest of your team you're screwed.

It's actually a pretty balanced system.
# 228 Bull_Dozer @ 08/08/14 05:57 PM
Can anyone tell me if QB's will scramble when I'm using coach mode? Also will I have to do kicks/punts myself?
# 229 jpdavis82 @ 08/08/14 06:04 PM
Originally Posted by Bull_Dozer
Can anyone tell me if QB's will scramble when I'm using coach mode? Also will I have to do kicks/punts myself?
I believe it skips 4th down now when you play as a player
# 230 DNMHIII @ 08/08/14 06:14 PM
Sorry if it's been posted already, but does anyone know if a YouTube clip of this has been posted?
# 231 KingTocco @ 08/08/14 06:15 PM
Originally Posted by DNMHIII
Sorry if it's been posted already, but does anyone know if a YouTube clip of this has been posted?
Of the stream? It's on the first page of this thread
# 232 DNMHIII @ 08/08/14 06:17 PM
Originally Posted by kobebryant824
Of the stream? It's on the first page of this thread
I saw that thanks, I'm on my ipad though and it requires flash
# 233 jpdavis82 @ 08/08/14 06:59 PM
Originally Posted by DNMHIII
I saw that thanks, I'm on my ipad though and it requires flash

# 234 DNMHIII @ 08/08/14 08:14 PM
Originally Posted by jpdavis82
Thanks a lot JP
# 235 OhMrHanky @ 08/08/14 09:16 PM
Yeah, I think they could do a lot more with a draft board situation as others are mentioning. In fact, I imagine that could be a nice spot for smart glass, actually. Having to switch back and forth in some of the menus to see different team items has always been a pain. Throw some part of it on smart glass, in particular, a straight up draft board would be fantastic.
# 236 Sheba2011 @ 08/09/14 03:05 AM
Originally Posted by thudias
I can t believe we are forced to go another year without any way to organized scouted players before the draft. How can this continue to be omitted? No big board, No war room draft board with stacked grades....

So scout players go to the draft and search through the phone book.
The game automatically creates your big board of every guy you scouted. I take it a step further though, I bought a notebook and some colored pencils. I go through my depth chart and I rank each position by needs: immediate, future and none. I assign each one a different a color. I then assign each one of the recruits I scouted a color grouping based on how long I project it will take them to be starters: immediate, 1 year, 2-3 years, never (special teams). It takes me an extra 15-20 minutes but it helps me feel like a real armchair GM. I go into a little more detail than this but won't bore with you the rest lol.
# 237 Sheba2011 @ 08/09/14 03:21 AM
Sorry for the double post the server timed out on me when I was replying.
# 238 Sheba2011 @ 08/09/14 04:09 AM
Originally Posted by jeremym480
I don't think it's a problem if there was a trade. However, if they've traded 4 of their 11 offensive starters, then that would be a big problem. I'm not saying that is the case, but with the way things looked it could be.

EA could stop all of this speculation if they would let us know what happened or put out another stream. Instead in typical fashion they just let it go unresolved for us to figure out ourselves. At least the EA Access guys should be able to let us know about this before the 26th.
You mean like in a matter of one season the Tampa Bay Bucs cutting Josh Freeman, Tiquan Underwood and Carl Nicks and trading Jeremy Zutah and Lagaratte Blount? That's just the offensive side of the ball that doesn't include cutting Revis the best CB in the NFL.

It sounds fish when you see it in the game but when you compare it to the real NFL you just never know what a GM will do. Maybe the Bears finished 3-13 and the GM decided he wasn't going to win anything with the current roster and decided on a wholesale rebuild, we have seen that plenty of times in the real NFL where teams have a fire sale. It could be EA messed up the logic or it could be they actually made it like the real NFL. Either way they will never please everyone.
# 239 Sheba2011 @ 08/09/14 04:12 AM
Originally Posted by crenk
So I have not played madden in a couple of years so I have a question regarding xp. They gave the example of having Manzeil getting experience while Hoyer gets the start this year. Is it possible to apply points and not get results? Or will it work that no matter who you apply points to you will get results. So basically you can make anyone a superstar as long as you apply enough points. Do we know this?
This is the reason why it costs so many hours for the drills so that you can't make your entire team into superstars. You have to pick and choose how you want to go about it. Do you want to turn Manziel into a 95 OVR and completely ignore the rest of your teams development or do you want to turn Manziel into 85 OVR and spend time developing a young RB, WR and OL as well. It's all about balance in this new mode. Hopefully the days of making your entire team All Pros with XP are over.
# 240 Sheba2011 @ 08/09/14 05:14 AM
Originally Posted by charter04
I was wrong about #29. It never shows his position. I hope he's a FB. Lol
Let's all hope he is a FB lol. With the way EA he is probably a CB....

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