Madden NFL 15 News Post

IGN posted their full gameplay stream of Madden NFL 15 complete with full gameplay. Here are some thoughts I had while watching the video through. Beware this is an early build of the game and some of the things which don't seem right could easily be fixed by the time of release.

I'd recommend listing anything you find with the hopes it might get fixed by the time release gets here. Here are some of my notes:
  • Kick meter is interesting, definitely inspired by Tiger Woods.
  • QB Run-Outs with real video is quite awesome. Wonder how they'll solve that with franchise draftees/etc.?
  • The game is much smoother now that there aren't any cut-scenes. The transitions are much better between plays.
  • Jump snap seems ok. It's a gamey thing, but it's one of those things Madden's defense has needed for years.
  • The DL/OL interactions are definitely improved. They're still not perfect, but they're definitely the best we've ever seen in a football game.
  • On the first user sack, it definitely looks like the d-lineman worked his way past the OL and left the OL standing there. That needs to be fixed, if an OL lets his assignment through, he's not going to return to blocking air. This actually seems to be a big problem in the trenches, kind of negates the other positives. Oops. Going to chalk this up to being an early build.
  • Switching cameras in game...that's a small but very significant change.
  • The new playcalling system is a huge change. Thankfully EA has left the playcalls by formation and play type in. They've added Coach Suggestions, Concept, and I believe Personnel is new but I'd have to refresh my memory (I'm a play-type guy).
  • For all of the talk of lower QB accuracy, Kaepernick and Wilson certainly don't miss much. I know they're really good QBs, but I was halfway expecting to see a few more 'off' throws.
  • Coverage seems about the same honestly from the couch viewpoint. There wasn't enough to really go off of, and this could be because that aspect isn't fully tuned or possibly because of difficulty concerns. But I didn't see much that seemed too different from previous Maddens.
  • Dropping back 20 yards and throwing still works but it's entirely possible this was on a lower difficulty...maybe.
  • Finally towards the end Kaepernick misses a throw to the corner and its almost picked. He was definitely a bit off balance. Again this could be due to difficulty levels being lower.
  • The matchup stick is actually really awesome. You can see where players have advantages on the field in real time.
  • Overall the game is more fluid than last year and definitely looks better. The defensive mechanics look like they add some new level to the game -- but exactly how much will only be able to be determined by some firsthand playtime.

It's far from bad, also just as far from truly great. Madden NFL 15 will be a Madden game through and through, and as I've said many times you either have to live with that or go without football video games right now if you don't like it -- Madden isn't changing its core style/pacing at this point. This will be another step forward for the series almost certainly, and if the modes offer some interesting/good experiences it could be a good year for the series once again.

What do you all think of the gameplay shown in the video?

Game: Madden NFL 15Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 42 - View All
Madden NFL 15 Videos
Member Comments
# 61 apollon42 @ 06/12/14 09:13 AM
The graphics are good, they look on par with what they showed at E3 last year. I don't think anybody here has a problem with the graphics in this game. The animations are not so good. It seems that Madden is moving backwards in terms of tackling. Remember in the past when we had the "tumbleweed" animation. Now it looks like the first guy engages and the other players just watch the tackle. The animations stick out because the game looks beautiful. The presentation is top notch, the celebrations are great, commentary is meh, animations are poor. It definitely looks better than 25 though.
# 62 testudoaubreii @ 06/12/14 09:30 AM
Originally Posted by johnnyg713
-QB walk up to the line animations looked life-like
-signature throws
-offensive line fidgets really make them look less robotic

When it comes to new animations they have put into this game, it really does look like it can be the game everyone is hoping for. I can only hope they build off and add more of these little details.

He also mentioned they had a shortened development cycle due to madden 25 coming out late on next gen consoles. Can only imagine what the game will look like next year. I actually have a lot of faith in this dev team.
I agree on the QB walk up, but as soon as it transitions to the play it jerks for a quick second. It just doesn't look like a smooth transition to me.

@apollon42: I agree with your statement. This is the thing for me: As far as I can see right now, we have better graphics, better presentation and a few new features. Is it worth the purchase this year? Am I going to play this year's game more than I played last year's? I seriously played one season last year and that was it. I traded it in.
# 63 poster @ 06/12/14 09:46 AM
Originally Posted by johnnyg713
I see the issues with the Seahawks offensive line but user offensive line does a very good job protecting. That's why I believe it's being played at a low difficulty. Take a look at 14:25. IMO the ol/dl interaction as a whole looks just as good as all pro. 2 double teams, one dt is completely knocked down. DE on the right gets cut and the DE on the left does a good job trying to get inside but is held up. Only issue I have is that kap should have been sacked because he went too far back and the DE should have run a better angle. IMO it's being played at pro, maybe even rookie.
I agree that some of it looks well done, but the OL'men quitting when getting beat is the issue I have. It was an issue last year on all skill levels and even with pass block slider at 100, so I would have to assume it is not tied to skill level a year later.
# 64 testudoaubreii @ 06/12/14 10:22 AM
I am just going add on to a few posts that I have read and that I have actually posted. Sorry for the redundancy.

You know what would have been a great announcement? EA: "Hey all of you Madden fans! We would like to let you know that there will no Madden this year. Instead, we will continue to update Madden 25, including roster and technical updates for the next 2-3 years.. Before the boos start, let us just be clear about something. What we are doing is scrapping the code that we have now and building a brand new Madden from the ground up for this new generation of consoles..."

Ahhh...one can dream.

This looks like Madden with a pretty hefty facelift. Don't get me wrong, though. The graphics and presentation actually look pretty amazing. However, when the game starts moving is where I see the Madden of the past rear its ugly head.

To me, the animations still seem herky-jerky, like in the beginning cut scene (coaches and sidelines) and pre and post play. The transition does not seem smooth to me. For instance, when the QB walks from the huddle to the line, it looks great. It is the transition from that point to the line for the play that jerks for a second. In my opinion, animations, locomotion and character interactions are key elements in any game, especially a sports game. Also, I did not see any WR/CB fights or interactions. I don't know how I feel about the little mini QTEs.

The sidelines seem to be like last year...except the gigantic coach's headset. I would like to see if the camera crews actually pay attention to the game instead of looking the other way. It is also be interesting to see if they will be wearing different clothing, instead of looking like they are all going on a group safari.

Oh...I would like to see if the post game "interview" with the player of the game is still conducted by a member of the training staff, equipped with their utility belt and tape. And, while on that subject, I would like to see the play and player of the game to be a play and a player that actually made a difference in the game and not some player that made two tackles.

We will have to see about the crowds. Maybe, they will actually include women and children in the stands this year.

I don't know...I am going to Gamefly this first this year. I have a feeling it is the same Madden, just prettier. I think that we are pretty much at the WYSIWYG stage of production, with the release date mere months away.

However, with all of that stated, I will buy it if EA proves what I saw and what I feel is wrong.
# 65 Armor and Sword @ 06/12/14 10:29 AM
The game looks very nice. It always does.

Things though that I want to see

1. Drastically improved AI (supposedly the defense is going to be a big improvement this year...would love to see that).

2. Auto Subs working properly

3. Formation Sub menu ala NCAA Series vs what we have which does not stick week to week

4. Penalties, penalties, penalties!!!!! Not a word on this yet again. Working Pass Interference, working illegal procedure, working defensive holding.

5. Even more robust GM capabilities and draft presentation within CFM. I am talking player suspensions, dynamic injuries, dynamic play by play and color within your CFM, restricted free agency, far better GM AI for CPU controlled teams

6. Replay system that works to a tee. This is huge in todays NFL it should be huge in Madden football.

I am still playing M25 on the PS3!!! So until all these things are really addressed...I will stick with it and stick with a PS3 console as well for another year minimum.

I always say...it takes 2-3 dev cycles to get sports games really hitting their stride. M25 was pretty much a port from all accounts. M15 seems like the first true step in the true development cycle. I know AI was tweaked and worked on for M25 for the current gen consoles but I hope the AI takes a bigger leap this year.

It looks really good as far as animations (still some wonky stuff) and it looks like Madden. I think you know what your getting. I also play on slow and it does make a huge difference in the animations.

I think online this game will probably shine. But offline I want to see big improvements with things that have not been working for like....forever now.
# 66 extremeskins04 @ 06/12/14 11:00 AM
Originally Posted by treq21
Its the same Madden prettied up. Right now I am leaning towards another no buy...that would be 3 years in a row....for a game i used to buy first day every year. sad...but I can't keep playing the same madden year after year.

This franchise needs a complete overhaul.

They already did a franchise overhaul. This is it. I doubt we'll see another.

Originally Posted by treq21
The absolute worst thing is the tackling....why does one player make the tackle and the others stand around and watch? That completely kills the immersion for me. It seems like tackling was better 4-5 years ago. What happened to gang tackling????

Gang tackling was kind of flawed too. It didn't really work. There was so much suction with all the tacklers that it was painful to watch.

Like I said, I've considerably lowered my expectations for not just this Madden but for ANY future Maddens. EA just isn't the right company to do this. It doesn't matter how many years they try.
# 67 tha_show256 @ 06/12/14 11:05 AM
First off I must say the game looks GREAT from the graphics and presentation stand point. I can see the difference on this stream, which is a big deal in itself considering the quality of the video...with that being sad, I loathe reading some of the impressions people have with games...Madden and 2k basketball seem to have it the worse. Everyone seems to love to complain about these two games. While in other forums, like MLB the show for example I believe they give that team a pass every year!! It's time for something fresh with that series! Anyway, back on subject, I see a lot of good in this video. Is it the best sports game ever? Is it perfect? Of course not, but what can be said is that it's headed in the right direction. I see a lot of things, that can be improved upon, but we already some of these things (like WR DB interaction) we knew that wasn't touched this year so why even harp on it?

I'm not too jaded to say that this even best sports simulation around, but I also chose to take a look on the brightside and see that the team is doing everything that they can to go in the right direction...or so it seems to me, I can only hope that the game brings you all as much as you hope...I just hope you all tender your expectations to reality and not some fantasy island. Did I just date myself with fantasy island reference?? Lol
# 68 wordtobigbird @ 06/12/14 11:19 AM
Originally Posted by treq21
The problem is, its been "heading in the right direction" for years, but it never seems to get there. I play a lot of NHL, and the player movement in that is fantastic. No herky jerky animations like in madden. There is terrible legacy stuff in these games that has been there for years, such as the lack of penalties, the bad stat sim engine...i could go on and on?
Honestly, FIFA and NHL give me hope for Madden because if those games can do it so can Madden. Madden seems like they just decided they wanted to last year. FIFA and NHL have been this 100% authentic SIM path for years and years. Last Madden Dev team was obviously on some bullsht.
# 69 DeuceDouglas @ 06/12/14 11:20 AM
Can anybody familiar with NCAA explain to me how exactly the "Tempo" stuff works in regards to calling plays.
# 70 wordtobigbird @ 06/12/14 11:26 AM
Originally Posted by allstardad
I think Madden's biggest issue over the past several years is that it had several different dev teams that it basically kept trying to start over year after year. Add to the fact that we had different dev teams with different ideas and there was never a "foundation" for the game to build off of.
Exactly. And now this dev team seems to be the right one but they are still building on a foundation of a bunch of other dev teams. So you can clearly see thew new smoother animations but that means the older ones stand out even more. Hopefully they will cycle them out Alpha and the final version of the game. We can only hope. They always claim to add hundreds of new animations, but they never prove it.
# 71 dat boi Q @ 06/12/14 11:30 AM
Originally Posted by charter04
Wouldn't it be easy to hard count and draw them offsides? This was against the CPU on pro or rookie.
If you watch the video, all you have to do is wait for the white circle around your player to turn white and you can jump the snap every time. But you missed the point of my post.
Will jumping the snap automatically get you to the QB. Will a low rated player bowl through double teams just because he timed the snap.
# 72 bxphenom7 @ 06/12/14 11:37 AM
Looks good, but there's still stuff gameplay-wise that they don't have that was achieved on the PS2/Xbox with NFL 2k5. Still, this could be my first Madden since Madden 08, probably pick it up when it drops in price. If not, I actually feel I can look forward to next year's Madden because this should have been the foundation they should have had early last gen.
# 73 wordtobigbird @ 06/12/14 11:45 AM
Originally Posted by dat boi Q
If you watch the video, all you have to do is wait for the white circle around your player to turn white and you can jump the snap every time. But you missed the point of my post.
Will jumping the snap automatically get you to the QB. Will a low rated player bowl through double teams just because he timed the snap.
Obviously not.. look at the video. Just because it says perfect doesn't mean he instantly won the battle and got the sack.
# 74 LovejoyOTF @ 06/12/14 11:45 AM
Originally Posted by DeuceDouglas
Can anybody familiar with NCAA explain to me how exactly the "Tempo" stuff works in regards to calling plays.
well on ncaa you've got:

aggressive - uses less of the play clock and players get set quicker. drains more fatigue.

normal - what you're used to

conservative - chews the play clock up to around 6-7 seconds (?)

it's perfect in those kneel down situations when you get bored sitting there waiting to press A/X on :01 of the play clock.
# 75 DeuceDouglas @ 06/12/14 11:49 AM
Originally Posted by LovejoyOTF
well on ncaa you've got:

aggressive - uses less of the play clock and players get set quicker. drains more fatigue.

normal - what you're used to

conservative - chews the play clock up to around 6-7 seconds (?)

it's perfect in those kneel down situations when you get bored sitting there waiting to press A/X on :01 of the play clock.
Gotcha. Thanks!

Any idea how something like this would work with accelerated clock? If it was set at 13 or 12 seconds, would moving the tempo to aggressive change that or would the accelerated clock negate that function?
# 76 kjcheezhead @ 06/12/14 11:52 AM
Seems like a lot of people saying the same thing. Beautiful looking game of maddenball.

Love the presentation additions and camera angles. Don't love the gameplay.

I know it's a small sample size but cpu Russel Wilson went 4/4 with deadly accuracy. The only thing that stopped him was taking 3 sacks. One with a 3 man rush where (as others pointed out) his lineman barely double team and just seem to give up.

Head to head, maybe this will be a decent game. Vs cpu, it doesn't look like much has changed.
# 77 LovejoyOTF @ 06/12/14 11:54 AM
Originally Posted by DeuceDouglas
Gotcha. Thanks!

Any idea how something like this would work with accelerated clock? If it was set at 13 or 12 seconds, would moving the tempo to aggressive change that or would the accelerated clock negate that function?
it pretty much negates the accelerated clock.

on aggressive you'll get a lot more time. on normal, you'll get what you set in the options, and on conservative it'll milk it down to the last few seconds.

that's how it works in NCAA anyway. who knows how it'll come out in madden. assuming identically.
# 78 Mr_Riddick @ 06/12/14 11:57 AM
Finally, it looks playable at least.
# 79 johnnyg713 @ 06/12/14 12:10 PM
I see the frustration but I want to remind you guys that there is a multi year effort to get madden where the team wants it to be. I ask one question. How does all of the NEW stuff look?

IMO all the presentation additions, post/pre play animations, defensive line moves, QB accuracy, zone coverage, and single tackle animations all look very well implemented (gang tackling isn't there yet). As long as the team keeps all of these improvements in the game, I trust they can improve other areas of the game just as good.

I know this has can be said almost every year but to me the new that's that they've added give me hope for next years game.
# 80 greenegt @ 06/12/14 12:33 PM
Graphics and presentation look great. I like what I heard from the devs in the Press Row interview, so I hope the under-the-hood stuff matches up.

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