Madden NFL 15 News Post

Prior to E3, we got a chance to talk with Rex Dickson, Creative Director for Gameplay for Madden NFL 15.Rex was candid and very detailed as to what Madden fans can expect from the game on the field this year, be sure to read through the interview and comment on which aspect of the gameplay has you most excited to see in action this week on the show floor!

Read More - Madden NFL 15: In-Depth Gameplay Interview With Rex Dickson

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Member Comments
# 61 Eski33 @ 06/09/14 11:37 PM
I like the sound of the new features. I agree with the fear of imbalance. However I like the direction. To hear that there will be new and improved WR/DB interaction.
# 62 Aggies7 @ 06/09/14 11:38 PM
Originally Posted by GiantBlue76
LOL, come on guys, this has nothing to do with being fair. It's purely a business decision. There are still tons of gamers on the last gen systems. Those are sales they need and there is no way they are going to alienate that customer base. It's a sound business decision even if it is a bit of a frustration point for those of us who have upgraded.

I think we both agree with you. I miss typed when I originally said it. EA will probably say it's to be fair because they would not come out and directly say it's so we can get money from all of you regardless of system.
# 63 DNMHIII @ 06/09/14 11:55 PM
Originally Posted by GiantBlue76
LOL, come on guys, this has nothing to do with being fair. It's purely a business decision. There are still tons of gamers on the last gen systems. Those are sales they need and there is no way they are going to alienate that customer base. It's a sound business decision even if it is a bit of a frustration point for those of us who have upgraded.
It's a sound business decision if you're incapable of developing for two systems. I'm pretty confident that with a clearer strategy you could develop for both systems and give consumers what they pay for regardless of system, unfortunately it appears you think just like EA and that's too bad.

In addition, it wouldn't surprise me one bit if the next gen game is just a port from last gen for almost the entire console and it's never even developed as a next gen game and on the side they working on the next gen game that they'll roll out right before they phase out the PS3 and then rinse and repeat for every console release. Every next gen game could most likely just be a port from the previous console and that would explain a lot.
# 64 Demoncrom @ 06/10/14 12:02 AM
Originally Posted by Legend Killer
As of right now I'm worried about the D and AI on D been so over powered it ain't funny. It was bad enough in Madden 25 as the AI had hands of glue. Now the AI can even more aggressive to get more ints and force fumble. The offense side of the ball is going to get boring real quick. You just can't make every team in Madden a high power D like the Seahawks and Panthers. It just ain't real in the NFL. There is some teams that have weak Ds and some good and a few real good. But I have a feeling this is going be a arcade type Madden. Just not feeling so far. Need to see more actual game play to decide.
EA is so full of crap. Just make the players adhere to their stats. No trickery is needed. Weak corners lose the battle to a good wideout unless you make sure they have help over the top. Which means you need good play calling. That would be a better system then rubber banding and making the AI know your play call. Allowing one receiver to be open for a second and then using a speed boost to allow the db to jump the route. Between that and missed blocks in situations where the play was properly setup, those 2 bugs alone are enough to make the eye candy in Madden feel like ****e.
# 65 CM Hooe @ 06/10/14 12:28 AM
Originally Posted by GiantBlue76
Listen to his interview, some of the things he says are music to the ears of simulation community players. His exact words were along the line of, "Our goal is 100% authenticity and simulation". That nips in the bud any controversy around whether or not Madden is marketed as a simulation game.
Speaking as a person who - based on what I've seen on the final disc each year - admittedly has been a bit confused as to what the direction of the Madden series was (and I've stated my opinion as the vision of the game being in the opposite court in many respects), this is both refreshing to hear and also changes a bit the lens from which I look at and evaluate the game going forward.

I still think Madden as-is (based on the last disc release) has a way's to go in being an accessible game which teaches new players how to play and play well (and thus being a truly good video game), and I still think that that is very important. That said, there's no reason Madden can't be both that and a game which represents real life as closely as possible. Arguably doing more to address the latter concern of realism can help in augmenting the former as well.
# 66 johnnyg713 @ 06/10/14 12:38 AM
Originally Posted by CM Hooe
Speaking as a person who - based on what I've seen on the final disc each year - admittedly has been a bit confused as to what the direction of the Madden series was (and I've stated my opinion as the vision of the game being in the opposite court in many respects), this is both refreshing to hear and also changes a bit the lens from which I look at and evaluate the game going forward.

I still think Madden as-is (based on the last disc release) has a way's to go in being an accessible game which teaches new players how to play and play well (and thus being a truly good video game), and I still think that that is very important. That said, there's no reason Madden can't be both that and a game which represents real life as closely as possible. Arguably doing more to address the latter concern of realism can help in augmenting the former as well.
Stuff like showing hints in pre play art has been a great addition to the franchise and I hope they continue to build off of it in order to make the game emulate real football. I personally love making sure I know where the read/pitch man are before I snap the ball when running a triple option in NCAA. Stuff like that has actually taught me the game of football. Pushing that kind of teach as you play is something that will only encourage new comers to purchase the game.
# 67 charter04 @ 06/10/14 01:12 AM
Originally Posted by N51_rob
No not at all. The point of an audible is to recognize the defense is in a formation or personnel that is more likely to stop your called play and you counter that by changing the play.

You come out in 3WR 1TE and a RB with a called pass and you see the defense is in Dime with the CBs giving 10 yard cushions you would probably audible to a draw or dive to take advantage of having 6 blockers vs 5 defenders within 7 yards of the LOS.

And to add to it real NFL QB's don't audible a lot. They call two plays in the huddle and go with the first and might fake calls or kill the first and use the second. I've heard Bill Walsh say that if the QB has to audible much they failed in their game plan. Lol. That's why I hate the way guys do it online. It's so unrealistic to hot route every receiver or audible every play. I'm so happy to hear they're changing it.
# 68 johnnyg713 @ 06/10/14 02:02 AM
I love the fact that they addressing defensive line play by giving the user more moves. The jump snap feature or whatever they are calling it is something that will draw offsides. What I want to know is with the defensive line getting all these moves, what does the offensive line have to counter? Will they have their own moves? Can these moves lead to holding penalties?

I've been saying for years, give the user/AI more control and degree of effectiveness to actual football mechanics and you will see a better game and also penalties that actually make sense. Give the user and AI ability to hold and you see holding calls. Give the user the ability to jostle with a WR running downfield and you get PI.
# 69 BigDaddyHolmes @ 06/10/14 03:09 AM
I hope they didn't ruin the zoom cam. They finally had it almost perfect last year. Hopefully they didn't zoom it any further out, or elose its just a standard cam. If they went a lot closer, then it won't be useable. They should leave it where its at. I know I won't buy this game if Im forced to these sky cams again.
# 70 brza37 @ 06/10/14 06:45 AM
WIth Chip Kelly and multiple other teams running some form of the blur offense did Madden finally adopt the hurry-up offense that NCAA had implemented? That was perfect. In NCAA the hurry-up was balanced for offense and defense and realistic. In Madden its just cheese because its too fast and you are limited to either calling the same plays over and over or doing a bunch of hot-routing to have some type of variation.

It wasn't ridiculously fast like in Madden where players run to the line so quick its easy to get offsides penalties on D-lineman who don't make it back onsides in time. It also allowed the full playbook for both sides which is also more realistic than just 4 options per formation. Teams use signals and headsets so just because its hurry-up doesn't mean coordinators are limited in playcalls as long as the personell is the same.

RIght now the hurry-up is banned in our sim league because its so unrealistic in Madden. But its ashame because the hurry-up has become such a staple of NFL offenses in recent years and NCAA got the mechanics right on the money.

The fact that he only mentioned that audibles take longer seems to mean that they didn't implement NCAA's system. I hope someone at E3 can get their hands on the game and confirm this.
# 71 mWolfe @ 06/10/14 07:06 AM
OS: Will fatigue play a role in how aggressive or conservative a player can tackle? In late games, will the AI play more aggressively and attack the ball more if they are losing?

RD: Fatigue affects a lot of things in the game. Everything from injuries, stamina, substitutions, etc. However, we do not change player behaviors based on fatigue. We do have a variety of ‘under the hood’ adaptive AI behaviors that can trigger things like defenders going for more strip balls, or being more aggressive going for interceptions vs. playing the man when down late.
Shouldn't fatigue be stamina, and stamina should dominate fatigue, injuries, and substitutions. Whats in red means a lot because fatigue does affect the players behavior, anyone that has ever sports when you are fatigue, tired, you get beat, you get bowled over. All he has to do is watch on Sundays, when the D-line is fatigued and tired out, the O-line will dominate at the line, when the rest of the D is tired out their behavior changes as well, they are out of position, can't make tackles, and do stupid things because they are wore out. Fatigue is so much more important than what Rex Dickson, is making it out to be, because it affects everything on the field, and one day they will understand that.
# 72 thisisasticup @ 06/10/14 10:20 AM
Will we see pass interference?
# 73 N51_rob @ 06/10/14 10:40 AM
Originally Posted by thisisasticup
Will we see pass interference?
The prevailing thought is no. Penalties are not "fun" according to EA.

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# 74 dghustla @ 06/10/14 10:55 AM
Originally Posted by mWolfe
Shouldn't fatigue be stamina, and stamina should dominate fatigue, injuries, and substitutions. Whats in red means a lot because fatigue does affect the players behavior, anyone that has ever sports when you are fatigue, tired, you get beat, you get bowled over. All he has to do is watch on Sundays, when the D-line is fatigued and tired out, the O-line will dominate at the line, when the rest of the D is tired out their behavior changes as well, they are out of position, can't make tackles, and do stupid things because they are wore out. Fatigue is so much more important than what Rex Dickson, is making it out to be, because it affects everything on the field, and one day they will understand that.

That could be taken in more than one context. I took it to mean that when a player is tired he will still play to his traits but be less effective. For example and Ball Hawking SS will still play the ball but be less likely to complete the interceptions.
# 75 PRIDE_NOW1190GOD @ 06/10/14 01:14 PM
Players should not wait until Madden NFL 16 for players obtain their rights to put tattoos on them as well!!!!!!!!!
# 76 SageInfinite @ 06/10/14 01:30 PM
Originally Posted by N51_rob
The prevailing thought is no. Penalties are not "fun" according to EA.

Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
Hope that changes with this regime since they are doing so much "sim" talk.
# 77 mWolfe @ 06/10/14 04:01 PM
Originally Posted by dghustla
That could be taken in more than one context. I took it to mean that when a player is tired he will still play to his traits but be less effective. For example and Ball Hawking SS will still play the ball but be less likely to complete the interceptions.
It can be I don't think it is, because he plainly stats "we do not change player behaviors based on fatigue" which in turns means that even if they are fatigued they will not change how they play field, a Ball Hawk will still be a Ball Hawk no matter how tired or fatigued he is.

Also this right here


Will we see more jostling for position/hand fighting from the offensive and defensive players on pass plays?

RD: Due to the impact of the overhauled coverage AI, you will see defenders in much better position to make plays on balls. This includes jostling for position and aggressively moving towards the catch point. We definitely have some major plans around WR/DB interaction coming in the near future in addition to the great work that has been done this year.
This should have been taking care of years ago, they have had the exclusiveness for 9 years since Madden 06, why it takes till Madden 16 or 17 to get better play out of the CB and WR i cannot fathom. We have been asking for years to get this right and we still have to wait?
# 78 walliworld @ 06/10/14 06:38 PM
These developers are soooo freaking behind, it's 2014 and they're bringing shyt that should've been in the game 8 years ago... genius!!
# 79 charter04 @ 06/10/14 07:31 PM
Originally Posted by walliworld
These developers are soooo freaking behind, it's 2014 and they're bringing shyt that should've been in the game 8 years ago... genius!!

These guys weren't working on the game 8 years ago. So how is that relevant?
# 80 Beelzebot44 @ 06/10/14 08:40 PM
Originally Posted by DNMHIII
It's a sound business decision if you're incapable of developing for two systems. I'm pretty confident that with a clearer strategy you could develop for both systems and give consumers what they pay for regardless of system...
Exactly. They are going about it backwards. Don't limit what you can do on current gen to match last gen. Push the current gen as far as it can go, and then just remove whatever won't work on last gen. The last gen game won't be as good, (and it shouldn't be) but it will be as good as it can be for the hardware.

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