Madden NFL 15 News Post

Polygon's Samit Sarkar interviewed Seann Graddy, line producer of Madden NFL 15 and asked him why tattoos are making their way back to the Madden series and what was the reason for their disappearance.

Many people figured it was a licensing agreement with EA and the NFL, but that is not the case. According to Seann, it comes down to copyright infringement. The player needs to secure permission from the artist first, which Kaepernick did, before EA can even begin to implement the tattoos into the game.

For now, Kaepernick is the only player who will appear in Madden 15 with his authentic tattoos, because he's the only one who has obtained the permissions from the artists involved. "We want to do this with every player, frankly, and we're hopeful that more players over time actually go out and secure the rights so that we can use their tattoos as well," said Graddy.

If another players wants his tattoos in the game, they need to go through the same process as Kaepernick. Since the game is almost complete, the odds of getting anyone else in the game with authentic tattoos is slim. We'll most likely see more players with tattoos in Madden NFL 16.

Game: Madden NFL 15Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 42 - View All
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Member Comments
# 121 moylan1234 @ 06/05/14 10:32 PM
Originally Posted by IndyColts2
You're missing my point. I'm not saying I don't care in the sense that he shouldn't have an opinion. If you look below that I said the fact that it clearly states as to why they don't have more tattoos because of legal reasons makes his argument look dumb. If you guys want all or nothing cool. But the fact that it is in the game and more are coming as well makes you seem like you're just picking anything to cry about. Tats are back in the game. The photo looks amazing. Why are y'all complaining?
Tats are not back in the game a tat is in the game. I've already said why I don't like it I'm not gonna rehash. I just want to say that we are giving our opinions not just complaining to complain
# 122 JKSportsGamer1984 @ 06/05/14 10:40 PM
Originally Posted by IndyColts2
It's not the fact that you or the other guy don't share my opinion, whatsoever. I really don't care about your opinion. Congrats you don't want 1 guy having tats and nobody else.

It's the fact that
1. we now have tats back in the game yet y'all are complaining now that it's only one confirmed player.
2. The article CLEARLY states that CK literally did this on his own, EA has faced lawsuits from tattoo artists before AND they will be doing more in the future

Complaining about this is childish. You would rather everyone rather than nobody? Congrats. But the fact that you guys can read but don't seem to comprehend is what pisses me off. Read the article again. Comprehend the article. Then speak your "opinion"
Get off your high horse bro. Just because someone doesn't come to the same conclusion as you doesn't mean they don't comprehend smh. You don't care about anyone's else's opinions but you openly admit "it pisses you off" lol. Anyways I digress lol. It's not that serious. Who are you to deem someone else's opinion or complaint childish just because you don't agree with them? Get over yourself bro. Last time I checked this was an open forum.
# 123 JKSportsGamer1984 @ 06/05/14 10:43 PM
Originally Posted by IndyColts2
You're missing my point. I'm not saying I don't care in the sense that he shouldn't have an opinion. If you look below that I said the fact that it clearly states as to why they don't have more tattoos because of legal reasons makes his argument look dumb. If you guys want all or nothing cool. But the fact that it is in the game and more are coming as well makes you seem like you're just picking anything to cry about. Tats are back in the game. The photo looks amazing. Why are y'all complaining?
Again nobody is "crying" lol. All we're saying is it'll look weird with only one player having tatts. Don't be so dramatic bro. Relax.
# 124 Iceman87GT @ 06/05/14 10:46 PM
Originally Posted by IndyColts2
It's like if Adrian Peterson went into EA and told them he wanted his authentic running form to be put in the game and they did it, everyone here would say "why is only his running put in the game? EA did this halfassed they are gonna release a new madden each year with a new running back's form" even though AP was the ONLY guy to do it on his OWN. Give it a rest.
Forget it IndyColts2, its OperationSports.

+1000 if you get the reference.
# 125 moylan1234 @ 06/05/14 10:51 PM
Originally Posted by IndyColts2
But they also said that tats will be implemented in the future. Look I get you're saying why put in his tat now and not in the future with the rest but he literally did this whole process himself. Why would they say nope you can't do it because nobody else cared enough to do it? You obviously don't see the big picture you just see what you wanna see.

Aside from that. Now tattoos are making it's way back in and there's people saying they DONT want generic tats on players??? What kind of sense does that make? First everyone cries for 10 years. Then when it starts to happen they wish it wouldn't happen. That's why I tell all of you to GROW UP.
First of all. You don't get to tell anyone to grow up. that's uncalled for. you're on here discussing a video game just the like rest of us.

Secondly, do I really need to roll out the list of things they said we're gonna happen that never happened?

and last thing is what Jk said
# 126 JKSportsGamer1984 @ 06/05/14 11:00 PM
Originally Posted by IndyColts2
Nobody is being dramatic. It's seriously the same thing every year. They put something in the game and everyone cries "it's a gimmick!" Instead of appreciative a new item in the game and trying to get them to create a real game of football for once. What is the point of having a forum for "simulation sports games" if all everyone cares about is the flashy parts of the game? Look at how the game plays..

I guarantee you look at 1 particular thing I said such as why nobody cares about gameplay and say well I want authentic things like gloves and tats on everyone. Guess what... I do too bro.
You do realize this is a tattoo thread right? Of course we know gameplay is most important but that doesn't mean you can't be concerned about other aspects lol. Anyways you seem to be taking this way to serious so I will end by saying the screenshot looks amazing & I'm looking forward to Madden 15
# 127 Jershy88 @ 06/05/14 11:11 PM
Originally Posted by johnnyg713
Don't feel like reading this whole thread so idk if this has been asked but whose tattoos do you guys want to see? In all honesty I think kaepernick is the only player that I associate tattoos with. I know tons of players have them but what players are you going to look at in madden 15 and be disappointed their ink was left out?
Aaron Hernandez
# 128 champ1997 @ 06/05/14 11:15 PM
Does anyone think they will gve us the chance to ad them to our created player
# 129 Dr. Banner @ 06/05/14 11:53 PM
That's BS, then why don't you let create a player players have tattoos EA?
# 130 apollon42 @ 06/05/14 11:55 PM
I wonder why they don't have the Nike gloves when they had them in NCAA.
# 131 YogurtProducer @ 06/06/14 01:48 AM
Nba games have tattoos because getting permission from 400ish NBA players is easier than the 1500 NFL players.
# 132 inkcil @ 06/06/14 02:39 AM
Originally Posted by Dbrentonbuck
But where does it say they aren't doing that? The only thing I saw was them saying CP will be the only one with "authentic" tattoos. But, why would they go out of their way to say "authentic" if their weren't any inauthentic ones? I am just asking.
No, it's a good question and of course I don't have the answer (until August 26th). But at the same time, why would they have a conversation about tattoos in the game to that extent (referencing old lawsuits, the last time they had generics, etc.) and not mention "hey, we will feature unauthentic/generic tattoos for other players in this years game too." Besides, this is a marketing ploy and so of course they are going to use a buzzword like "authentic" to hype their presentation.

In all fairness I think the second question is a better question. Why talk about their tattoo implementation in pieces (i.e. announce Kap's authentic tats now and the generic tats at a later date)?
# 133 strawberryshortcake @ 06/06/14 02:56 AM
Originally Posted by YogurtProducer
Nba games have tattoos because getting permission from 400ish NBA players is easier than the 1500 NFL players.
I'm confused.... then how about permission simply from 40 NFL players vs 400ish NBA players...? Not all 1500 NFL players sport tatoos.

Side Note: Your username. Do you actually make your own yogurt? I recently found out how to make it myself and have stopped buying store bought yogurt. Essentially the price of a gallon of milk gives me a gallon of yogurt.
# 134 jtmoneyb4u @ 06/06/14 09:15 AM
i thought when pay for the tattoo its yours? so are they saying the artist have the right to comeback and take it? this make no sense to me i guess every player in NBA Live had to get artist permission huh? highly unlikely just make a great game and stop making excuses EA
# 135 apollon42 @ 06/06/14 09:22 AM
I just hope all the player models look as good as CK. I hope they fixed Richaes Sherman, he looked terrible last year.
# 136 KANE699 @ 06/06/14 09:34 AM
Originally Posted by YogurtProducer
Nba games have tattoos because getting permission from 400ish NBA players is easier than the 1500 NFL players.
NFLPA is different than the NBA.... just so you guys understand.
# 137 FINCANEfan @ 06/06/14 09:40 AM
I think its corny to only have his. All or none. Or get permission from the players to place a similar/generic one on instead.
# 138 therealsmallville @ 06/06/14 09:42 AM
Originally Posted by JKSportsGamer1984
We get that it's not all EA. The point is if they couldn't get a majority of the players artist permission, then they should just hold off on adding tattoos in the game until they do. That's all. How odd is it going to look if only a handful of players have tatts in the game? They should just wait until Madden 16 to add them.
Why is it going to look odd? If you play as the Niners, he'll look like Kap. Let's face it, Kap's tats are a big part of his image. Without his tats, "Kaepernicking" makes no sense. I really don'tthink DeSean Jackson is known everywhere for his tats.

And if you don't play as San Fran, how often are you going to see Kap's arms, anyway? Even online, if you're spending your time thinking "man that totally looks awkward!" instead of focusing on your opponent, then you're doing it wrong.

The blind EA hate ITT is beyond ridiculously stupid. You guys say they should do all or nothing? If Kap put in the time (and most likely money) to get waivers signed, then why shouldn't he get to see himself portrayed accurately? Why should he be punished for going the extra mile when other players didn't? And to go with the "all or nothing" logic, what if 90% of the players secured waivers, but 10% didn't? Should EA still leave them out of the game because "it should be all or nothing"? I swear, if this is the worst thing you ever have to worry about, then you're pretty lucky in life.
# 139 GlennN @ 06/06/14 09:48 AM
Couldn't care less about tats. Have them, don't have them, I just don't care. There are so many more important aspects to a football videogame, I can't believe this is even a topic.
# 140 therealsmallville @ 06/06/14 09:48 AM
Originally Posted by Iceman87GT
Forget it IndyColts2, its OperationSports.

+1000 if you get the reference.
Sad, but true. This is why we don't have direct interaction with the developers anymore.

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