NBA Live 15 News Post

As most of you are aware, the NBA Live team has been getting together with many of the NBA teams during the season and capturing their faces for NBA Live 15.

Marc D'Amico unveils the process the Celtics went through to become real-life characters for NBA Live 15. Check out the video clip that actually has a few facial scans that you will see in the game. We've captured some of them here, but make sure you watch the video to see the technology behind it.

A big thanks to @CelticBoyHooks!!

Game: NBA Live 15Reader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS4 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 13 - View All
NBA Live 15 Videos
Member Comments
# 81 shutdown10 @ 04/14/14 10:59 PM
If the Live crew wants Live 15 to be taken seriously then they need to start with a solid showing at E3, which needs to be promising. They can no longer play hide and seek games with us or we will know they are not as confident once again. Hopefully Live 15 fulfills all these requirements and we all win in the end having both these companies competing for are hard earned green.
# 82 blackceasar @ 04/14/14 11:24 PM
I still think what they leaked to us is what's going to be in the "pre-rendered" commercial, not the actual game you will be playing. Just my thoughts. Again, I'm looking back at Madden 06 and how they got some of you all hyped up for "next gen" with a pre-rendered awesome looking video.

I won't hold my breath on this until we are in the summer and we start seeing hand's on or stories where the media has been invited out to actually see the game itself.. not some super realistic render.
# 83 mrclutch @ 04/15/14 12:02 AM
I would pay at least $200 for a great NBA Live game, I hope they have enough time and resources to make something they can be proud of.
# 84 alphawill @ 04/15/14 12:35 AM
Forget about graphics they need solid gameplay first
# 85 grodbetatted @ 04/15/14 01:21 AM
Soooo back to the actual screen shots, not gameplay, not animations, not 2k is better, not live is crap, but THE ACTUAL SCREEN SHOTS... If that is how Kyrie will look in game, the skin texture is amazing, I can only imagine how much details the courts will have. Let's stay on topic people please and thank you.
# 86 blackceasar @ 04/15/14 12:49 PM
From someone that works in the marketing industry this is what we call "saving face" pardon the pun since the big image we are all looking at is Kyree's face. Let's stop for a minute and do some real critical thinking here...

Had Live 14 been a good game and did not get the avalanche of negative press, feedback, blacklash, etc do you think we would be having a conversation right here right now about this article? Nope because this article wouldn't have existed. EA Sports is doing damage control. I'm by no means saying what they gave us to write an article about is false. I believe what they leaked out for us to see is something we will see somewhere in Live 15. I'm just not sure "where". This could be the cover of the box art.. this could be the makings of their "pre-rendered CGI commercial", or this could be gameplay. Right now we just don't know. What I do know however is their track record and how they use marketing to pull the wool over lesser thinking people's eyes. Again, remember all the posts about Madden 06's commerical? OMG! NEXT GEN! LOOK AT THE GAMEPLAY!... some of us knew better. We knew the difference between what you can do with pre prendered CGI and what you can do with the actual game itself... Madden 06 the game looked far different than Madden 06 the commerical.

So lets back up and talk more about why release this bit of info now? EA Sports Live Team is like the dude who's been neglecting his G/F and only when she truly threatens to break up does he show up with roses and candy. Nice gesture, but you're only doing it to "save face".. again, pardon the pun.

EA Sports knows they have little to no credibility with the sports gaming community today, but just like a good politician, they're banking on some of the sheep out there to cheer and applaud them for the things they have been posting "look guys! we are face capping people for live 14, even though we shoulda did all the before we put the game out and charged you 59.99 for it!".... "ummm..okay well we can see this isn't going to be enough.. hey lookie over here! look at how realistic Kyrie looks! Please start thinking this is going into the gameplay of Live 15! Please sheep, we need you to preach and get the word out ahead of time!".

Notice I've not said one thing about 2k up to the point because well, wether Live makes good game or not has nothing to do with whatever 2k is doing. 2k Can go do whatever they feel like they need to do for 15... we are here talking about NBA Lie.. ummm I mean NBA Live. Right now all I'm looking at when I see those released images of face captures is damage control. Right now, that's all it is until months pass and we really start to see enough to where we can make educated guesses on what's to come of Live 15. Right now, this is a jpeg, of a render of Kyries face..thats all.. nothing more, nothing less. Again.. might just be on the cover of the box this year. Who knows at this point.
# 87 LingeringRegime @ 04/15/14 02:42 PM
I know one thing.

If the other game doesn't have sound when you do uploads to facebook/youtube, I will have the perfect excuse to jump to Live this year.

This picture is real enough for me, and I hope that it will translate well to the player on the court.
# 88 Rockie_Fresh88 @ 04/15/14 05:21 PM
Originally Posted by blackceasar
From someone that works in the marketing industry this is what we call "saving face" pardon the pun since the big image we are all looking at is Kyree's face. Let's stop for a minute and do some real critical thinking here...

Had Live 14 been a good game and did not get the avalanche of negative press, feedback, blacklash, etc do you think we would be having a conversation right here right now about this article? Nope because this article wouldn't have existed. EA Sports is doing damage control. I'm by no means saying what they gave us to write an article about is false. I believe what they leaked out for us to see is something we will see somewhere in Live 15. I'm just not sure "where". This could be the cover of the box art.. this could be the makings of their "pre-rendered CGI commercial", or this could be gameplay. Right now we just don't know. What I do know however is their track record and how they use marketing to pull the wool over lesser thinking people's eyes. Again, remember all the posts about Madden 06's commerical? OMG! NEXT GEN! LOOK AT THE GAMEPLAY!... some of us knew better. We knew the difference between what you can do with pre prendered CGI and what you can do with the actual game itself... Madden 06 the game looked far different than Madden 06 the commerical.

So lets back up and talk more about why release this bit of info now? EA Sports Live Team is like the dude who's been neglecting his G/F and only when she truly threatens to break up does he show up with roses and candy. Nice gesture, but you're only doing it to "save face".. again, pardon the pun.

EA Sports knows they have little to no credibility with the sports gaming community today, but just like a good politician, they're banking on some of the sheep out there to cheer and applaud them for the things they have been posting "look guys! we are face capping people for live 14, even though we shoulda did all the before we put the game out and charged you 59.99 for it!".... "ummm..okay well we can see this isn't going to be enough.. hey lookie over here! look at how realistic Kyrie looks! Please start thinking this is going into the gameplay of Live 15! Please sheep, we need you to preach and get the word out ahead of time!".

Notice I've not said one thing about 2k up to the point because well, wether Live makes good game or not has nothing to do with whatever 2k is doing. 2k Can go do whatever they feel like they need to do for 15... we are here talking about NBA Lie.. ummm I mean NBA Live. Right now all I'm looking at when I see those released images of face captures is damage control. Right now, that's all it is until months pass and we really start to see enough to where we can make educated guesses on what's to come of Live 15. Right now, this is a jpeg, of a render of Kyries face..thats all.. nothing more, nothing less. Again.. might just be on the cover of the box this year. Who knows at this point.
Lol nah . Graphics will be better this year especially with the face scans. I'm more worried about the gameplay. But that's off topic
# 89 nick_sr @ 04/15/14 07:56 PM
Originally Posted by hakeemdaprince
Man how old are you b? The first thing you pull out your bum is the PARKS? I'm from the old school ( EA Bulls vs. Lakers ) and always purchase 2k & Live since 06. Who wants to play the "knock off" version of EA NBA STREET when I own the original? 2k has ripped off every basketball franchise tweaking that same washed up arcade-like game engine. That explains why "you will dunk on my forehead" with an unrealistic animation that can't be blocked right? I applaud 2k BEAUTIFUL ANIMATIONS but you don't control your player just take your hand off the controller! btw nice E3 screenshots Live Team
i'll never forget when I saw a video of a guy doing a between the leg dunk over a defender without running. don't get me started on the unrealistic alleys in that game. don't even know why your wasting your time with these dudes man. these dudes play too much video games to know what a real basketball game is b #nerfhoops
# 90 bran9413 @ 04/15/14 08:21 PM
These screenshots got me excited for Live 15 and I feel like this year is gonna be huge upgrade over Live 14 if they continue to listen to feedback on the game like they have been lately.
# 91 Rockie_Fresh88 @ 04/15/14 10:52 PM
Originally Posted by nick_sr
i'll never forget when I saw a video of a guy doing a between the leg dunk over a defender without running. don't get me started on the unrealistic alleys in that game. don't even know why your wasting your time with these dudes man. these dudes play too much video games to know what a real basketball game is b #nerfhoops
This is why I'm so hopeful for live 15. I love the other game but I'm tired of feeling like I'm not controlling my players.
# 92 The 24th Letter @ 04/15/14 10:59 PM
Originally Posted by nick_sr
i'll never forget when I saw a video of a guy doing a between the leg dunk over a defender without running. don't get me started on the unrealistic alleys in that game. don't even know why your wasting your time with these dudes man. these dudes play too much video games to know what a real basketball game is b #nerfhoops

but you probably forgot Dwight Howard going coast to coast for dunks & crossing guys over, guys during euro step off hand lay ups from 18 ft out, every center turning into Shaq in the post? some thing tells me you forgot that with ease...that's real basketball "b"?

Trips me our when you guys start going down their laundry list of issues in 2k but turn into Ray Charles when it comes to Live...

My bad for getting off topic...just made me laugh...I hope Live puts our a stellar game next year...I just want a good basketball game at the end of the day...
# 93 Rockie_Fresh88 @ 04/15/14 11:12 PM
Originally Posted by The 24th Letter
but you probably forgot Dwight Howard going coast to coast for dunks & crossing guys over, guys during euro step off hand lay ups from 18 ft out, every center turning into Shaq in the post? some thing tells me you forgot that with ease...that's real basketball "b"?

Trips me our when you guys start going down their laundry list of issues in 2k but turn into Ray Charles when it comes to Live...

My bad for getting off topic...just made me laugh...I hope Live puts our a stellar game next year...I just want a good basketball game at the end of the day...
I thought u were talking about 2k lol .

I just want more control and better player movement. With less "stuck in animation"
# 94 shutdown10 @ 04/15/14 11:28 PM
Originally Posted by The 24th Letter
but you probably forgot Dwight Howard going coast to coast for dunks & crossing guys over, guys during euro step off hand lay ups from 18 ft out, every center turning into Shaq in the post? some thing tells me you forgot that with ease...that's real basketball "b"?

Trips me our when you guys start going down their laundry list of issues in 2k but turn into Ray Charles when it comes to Live...

My bad for getting off topic...just made me laugh...I hope Live puts our a stellar game next year...I just want a good basketball game at the end of the day...

That is why I'm SMH at some these posts in here man. At the end of the day we all should want both games to thrive because we will win in the end. The other game has flaws, but they are the juggernaut right now because they are doing something right to have people purchase their games consistently. Live needs to get their house in order and make this franchise get back on that level so we all can benefit at the end of the day. Stop being a fan-bot to either of these companies because all they want is your money when you look at the big picture. I just want both to give their best effort so I always have a tough choice to make every year between the two.
# 95 The 24th Letter @ 04/15/14 11:29 PM
Originally Posted by mars5541
I thought u were talking about 2k lol .

I just want more control and better player movement. With less "stuck in animation"

I think we all do man.....

You didn't see a lot of "stuck on animation" in Live because there weren't enough animations for it to happen lol...that's why paint defense was non existent.

Hopefully both games find a balance next year...IMO, I think we'll be in for a treat from both companies next year...that's why I am glad I don't feel the need to pledge allegiance to a company....best of both worlds..
# 96 DIRK41NOWITZKI @ 04/16/14 12:41 AM
Originally Posted by The 24th Letter
I think we all do man.....

You didn't see a lot of "stuck on animation" in Live because there weren't enough animations for it to happen lol...that's why paint defense was non existent.

Hopefully both games find a balance next year...IMO, I think we'll be in for a treat from both companies next year...that's why I am glad I don't feel the need to pledge allegiance to a company....best of both worlds..
Yeah people need to stop being "fanboys" and trashing a certain game. Instead we as gamers should be wanting both games to succeed which will then lead to good competition and good games from both companies. Look what happened when 2K "thought" they had competition in 2010-2011. It led to one of the most fully-featured and best games IMO from 2K in 2K11. I don't know why people say " oh ea should stop making basketball games" when really that will just lead to them getting a more watered down version of 2K.

Anyways, again I hope the in-game graphics look as close to these screens as possible. I think EA does a better job with their face scans then 2K. Look at UFC and what they did with face scans, hopefully live can do the same. Can't wait for E3 for more info on the game.

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# 97 JBulls @ 04/16/14 01:22 AM
As impressive as the kyrie irving render and those other deleted leaked renders are, at this point it's more like "look what we can do" rather than "look at what this game is going to look like" so I'll have reservations until it's actually released.
# 98 Pared @ 04/16/14 01:39 AM
The Kwame Brown effect starting all over again.
# 99 Moegames @ 04/16/14 02:00 AM
Originally Posted by The_Throne
Uh oh.......I really hope they get 2k up outta here. 2k14 is so trash

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Oh good grief...2k on next gen is not trash...give these launch title games time to mature guys..seriously...first year effort by 2k was nice imho....tons of flaws and bugs and ongoing server issues yeah yeah i know but overall its a pretty decent game of bball with visuals that blew away any other sports launch game.

I just dont understand the need to exaggerate..it ruins a person's credibility as far as their opinions go. Keep it REAL and keep it fair and maybe someone next time might take you seriously...otherwise your just spouting out gibberish, take that as some advice, Rook.

All these next gen titles all felt a bit rushed imho...even non sports games..there really was not one completely polished game come out on X1 or PS4 as of yet...closet to it as been Infamous and boy is it a looker!!

We are talking about games that dev's were use to on completely different hardware...lets give them time ..im pretty ok with what i've gotten so far on PS4...MLB The Show is going to take it to the next level. And besides...we are talking about games that are still considered to be in the "launch" window of these new consoles...with in that 6month period of the launch of these consoles are considered Launch games still.

People are so rotten spoiled these days and flip off at the mouth like whiny girls....child, please lol

The same thing happened with last gen consoles during their launch games....compare them to 2nd and 3rd year titles and its night and day...besides Madden lol
# 100 Behindshadows @ 04/16/14 02:40 AM
The problem with the video is how they labeled it as showing a glimpse of 15 and show us that terrible 14 footage in game.

It's very nice info how they want to discuss things on imaging the faces and stuff. But we already knew this, and showing us renders on a PC, that don't transcend into the game. Means absolutely nothing, until we see the actual 15 in game footage.

Giving us continuous jumps of in game footage using Live 14 is a crappy way of doing it. We've already justified that Live 14 is boo boo in game graphics.

I still have it on my XB1, but I won't sit here like others and the hypocrites who need to knock the competition, to justify why they play Live or want to play Live.

I like Live's gameplay modes in 14 and the challenges, those are reasons I play it, I still hate the limited animations and the sometimes ignorant A.I. system.

But the details that EA does implement on a lot of levels are very impressive, doesn't really justify the fact that the games graphics are still mediocre at this point, or that the repetitive commentary is just straight up

I want to see this game get back on track, so I can experience two types of gameplay each season and see both companies bring their A game in all aspects.

I'm more critical on Live because of all the time they had off from 10 to 14, to get things right..

And if 15 is also a debacle, then I will never buy another EA basketball game again. Their overall word, previews, etc. Will mean absolutely nothing anymore.

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