MLB 14 The Show News Post

GameSpot has posted a video comparison between the PS3 and PS4 versions of MLB 14 The Show. Check it out and share your thoughts!

Game: MLB 14 The ShowReader Score: 8.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS Vita / PS3 / PS4Votes for game: 12 - View All
MLB 14 The Show Videos
Member Comments
# 1 BSUFAN @ 04/09/14 01:06 PM
The sharpness and lighting of the PS4 is amazing , well done Romone and San Diego team kudos !!!
# 2 ElroyJetson @ 04/09/14 01:06 PM
Wow what a difference. Color me excited for May 6th.. I'm locking myself in my room for days with this . Haha
# 3 wolfpack23 @ 04/09/14 01:22 PM
The lighting between the two platforms are so much different. It's funny because the ps3 show looks so good...but than ps4 came along. So excited to get my copy on 5/6. Am I the only one though who can't even fathom where they are going to take this franchise in two or three years? I mean look how far they brought the game from '07 to '14 on the ps3.
# 4 burjeffton @ 04/09/14 01:23 PM
The PS4 fidelity and lighting is a nice leap forward. This is going to be a great game this year... but I'm really excited for what the future holds with gameplay/swings/animation potential.
# 5 tnixen @ 04/09/14 01:24 PM
Honestly it's a little hard to see a "big" difference from this very compressed video. And Man I just hate that Home Run camera when Bird hit one out of the park

But yep from what I saw from some of the better videos the PS4 version definitely looks a lot better the the PS3 version just not in this video.
# 6 Bamafan3723 @ 04/09/14 01:36 PM
Originally Posted by tnixen
Honestly it's a little hard to see a "big" difference from this very compressed video. And Man I just hate that Home Run camera when Bird hit one out of the park

But yep from what I saw from some of the better videos the PS4 version definitely looks a lot better the the PS3 version just not in this video.
Not for me. I can tell big differences from this video. Trying to talk myself into not getting a PS4 this year though
# 7 JaFFiTh @ 04/09/14 01:40 PM
Looks like the overboard with facial hair from PS3 will still be in PS4 as Adam Jones had beard in both versions.
# 8 ShowTyme15 @ 04/09/14 01:41 PM
Originally Posted by JaFFiTh
Looks like the overboard with facial hair from PS3 will still be in PS4 as Adam Jones had beard in both versions.
Most of the head/facial scans of these players were done in Spring Training 2013. A ton of these guys obviously had facial hair at that point in time.
# 9 ryanmc564 @ 04/09/14 01:44 PM
the one thing that is killing me with this comparison is that the ps3 version of wainwright looks more like the real life wainwright than the ps4 does.
# 10 Flaxseed Oil @ 04/09/14 01:49 PM
With the rosters being transferable, what's great about the PS4 version is that it will basically launch with a full-minors set - assuming OSFM is done by then, which it probably will be.
# 11 ggazoo @ 04/09/14 02:21 PM
Originally Posted by ShowTyme15
Most of the head/facial scans of these players were done in Spring Training 2013. A ton of these guys obviously had facial hair at that point in time.
As good as it looks, the PS4 version isn't $500 better.
# 12 Bamafan3723 @ 04/09/14 02:22 PM
Originally Posted by ggazoo
As good as it looks, the PS4 version isn't $500 better.
Good thing The Show 14 doesn't cost $500.
# 13 ggazoo @ 04/09/14 02:26 PM
Originally Posted by Bamafan3723
Good thing The Show 14 doesn't cost $500.
Considering that many people are buying a PS4 just to play this, it sure does. To each their own, but I can't justify $500 for a baseball game, especially when the PS3 version is still exceptional.
# 14 Bamafan3723 @ 04/09/14 02:29 PM
Originally Posted by ggazoo
Considering that many people are buying a PS4 just to play this, it sure does. To each their own, but I can't justify $500 for a baseball game, especially when the PS3 version is still exceptional.
That's understandable that you don't want to buy a system for one game. Hold out long enough and the PS4 price will drop. Fact is, The Show 14 only costs $60, not $500.
# 15 RobbieMacc @ 04/09/14 02:41 PM
This comparison is all about the lighting in my opinion. I think Sony has done a remarkable job.
# 16 Cowboy008 @ 04/09/14 03:01 PM
I can tell a difference and just imagine how much better it's going to look when it's on your own television. Watching the videos on youtube won't really show just how much better it looks on PS4.
# 17 Blzer @ 04/09/14 03:01 PM
Why is the PS3 capture so blurry on these comparison shots?

Originally Posted by Bamafan3723
That's understandable that you don't want to buy a system for one game. Hold out long enough and the PS4 price will drop. Fact is, The Show 14 only costs $60, not $500.
I don't know anyone who owns a PS4 who will decidedly choose the PS3 version over the PS4 version, though. So are you then calling it a "free upgrade" if they both cost $60?
# 18 BA2929 @ 04/09/14 03:08 PM
The only issue I have with this video is that they decided to show James Shields hitting AND getting a bomb dropped against him. Way to pick on the poor guy!
# 19 McPizza @ 04/09/14 04:55 PM
The resolution of this video was capped at 720p...at least that was the highest resolution I could select when watching it. (1080p wasn't an available selection) The only fair comparison between the two games would be seeing the PS3 version in 720p and the PS4 version in 1080p.

Even with that in mind...I thought the PS4 version was much more "alive", vibrant, and detailed.
# 20 Bamafan3723 @ 04/09/14 05:13 PM
Originally Posted by Blzer
Why is the PS3 capture so blurry on these comparison shots?

I don't know anyone who owns a PS4 who will decidedly choose the PS3 version over the PS4 version, though. So are you then calling it a "free upgrade" if they both cost $60?
No because it still costs $60 lol. The PS4 version will be an upgrade though, just not free.

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