who buys a console for 1 game? A console is a 5-7 year investment, you know ps4 had massive third party support and many games coming, ps3 support is dwindling down.
I bought the PS4 solely for the Show. On the PS3 I only played two games, the Show and Fifa but no longer play Fifa because I suck at it (I only play both games strictly online). Now I will disclose that my kids do play other games on the PS4 but if it wasn't for the Show my kids wouldn't have PS4 :-D.
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Install base often means little, look at infamous, Gt6 sales....Games sell a lot early in a consoles life cycle as there is pent up demand for games. First resistance is also a good example, sold way more then the rest on vastly bigger insall bases.
I don't think it "often" means little. In fact, just the opposite. Usually, the larger install base accounts for the majority of sales.
Obviously this is a simplification...but let's consider a case where the larger install base only accounts for say 40% of sales. If half those sales are lost due to lack of development support. That's a 20% drop in sales! Dire in any business.
That's disappointing. One of my pet peeves from last gen, but I knew it wasn't possible due to RAM. Figured it would be a pretty simple fix on PS4. Next year?
Looks nice on both consoles. One thing to keep in mind is that the PS4 version is the first installment for Next gen compared to what, 3 or 4 installments on PS3. PS3 version at its peak.
like...all stats they are misleading. Current Gen would sell more now...because people are on the fence to see the first wave of games to come out. After people see Destiny, Titanfall, COD, NBA2k14, UFC, The Show, Batman, Infamous...etc. They will go wait...there are some cool games on the system. I will shell out the cash. I did not even think about buying the PS4 until I saw UFC and The Show in action.
Support for consoles usually goes another 2-3 years before it is dropped. The first year is almost HD Upgrades anyways for most games that go cross-platform.
Support for consoles usually goes another 2-3 years before it is dropped. The first year is almost HD Upgrades anyways for most games that go cross-platform.
You got to admit that the PS3 still looks pretty damn good on a machine that is considerable less capable. Movement wise, I really didn't see a difference; it was all in the lighting and fine tuning of the models.
Either system you go with this year, you're still in for a treat.
2-3 years??? No, by the end of 2014 there wont be any last gen games, even now most are ps4, x1 pc, or cross gen, with many next gen titles already. by 2015 last gen will be dead except a few low budget JRPG's.
Maybe maybe not. As long as it's profitable?
MLBTS 12 was the first version available on PS3 only, and that was 5 years after they started making the series for PS3.
MLBTS 12 was the first version available on PS3 only, and that was 5 years after they started making the series for PS3.
Yep, that and the fact FIFA 14 even released on PS2! (granted, that is EA) The focus will shift more and more towards this gen, but the will happen over the course of... about 2-3 years. It's all about where the userbase is.