The Golf Club News Post

OK - I have just been informed that there will be an email sent over in the next few hours that will provide access to the Golf Club closed beta today. Myself and any others who were lucky enough to gain access will provide what information we can in this thread. Asking questions is not a problem, but understand we may not be able to answer them all. I will post in here as soon as I have the game installed and have spent spent some time with it.

We just ask that you be patient - Thanks!

Game: The Golf ClubReader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS4 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 7 - View All
The Golf Club Videos
Member Comments
# 101 DirtyJerz32 @ 03/06/14 05:42 PM
In the 1st video released I remember seeing an option to put tress all over the course without having to place them one, by one. Is this still the case?
# 102 Lieutenant Dan @ 03/06/14 05:48 PM
Originally Posted by 32
Pretty simple, but seems very deep.
A lot like Bob, especially when he gets philosophical about Ohio

J/k brother....and thanks again for the great info and vids. Much appreciated.
# 103 Pappy Knuckles @ 03/06/14 05:56 PM
Thanks for all of these videos. I wish that they would've done the beta on consoles, but I'm happy to be getting a glimpse into what's in store for us regardless. This title came out of nowhere and found its way onto my most anticipated titles list very quickly.
# 104 DirtyJerz32 @ 03/06/14 06:03 PM

Definitely jumped up on my list of must haves.

What console are most people getting this for?
# 105 Lieutenant Dan @ 03/06/14 06:07 PM
Originally Posted by Pappy Knuckles
Thanks for all of these videos. I wish that they would've done the beta on consoles, but I'm happy to be getting a glimpse into what's in store for us regardless. This title came out of nowhere and found its way onto my most anticipated titles list very quickly.
Public betas can be pretty beneficial. I remember back when there was one for cod4 and it really helped to iron out the code at launch...especially when compared to the rest of the cod games that did not have public betas.

But for golf I don't see it as being as important as it was for a FPS. I do like what we have seen so far and Bob just keeps ramping up my anticipation for this game.
# 106 bluengold34_OS @ 03/06/14 06:07 PM
Originally Posted by 32
In the 1st video released I remember seeing an option to put tress all over the course without having to place them one, by one. Is this still the case?
100% correct - but as with any fine artist I like to work with a blank canvas, a bottle of wine, and a naked chick laying down in the corner -

Originally Posted by Lieutenant Dan
A lot like Bob, especially when he gets philosophical about Ohio

J/k brother....and thanks again for the great info and vids. Much appreciated.
Boom - chalk one up for Daniel son - not a problem Sir!

Originally Posted by Pappy Knuckles
Thanks for all of these videos. I wish that they would've done the beta on consoles, but I'm happy to be getting a glimpse into what's in store for us regardless. This title came out of nowhere and found its way onto my most anticipated titles list very quickly.
No problem Pappy - it would have been nice to do it on the consoles also, but as you stated, I am happy to get early access in some fashion.
# 107 bluengold34_OS @ 03/06/14 06:10 PM
Originally Posted by 32

Definitely jumped up on my list of must haves.

What console are most people getting this for?
I should punch you for asking this - but I shall exhibit control.

PS4 -
# 108 DirtyJerz32 @ 03/06/14 06:20 PM
Originally Posted by bluengold34_OS
I should punch you for asking this - but I shall exhibit control.

PS4 -
Hey man, a guys gotta ask.

But after that, I may get it for the X1.
# 109 bluengold34_OS @ 03/06/14 06:51 PM
Originally Posted by 32
Hey man, a guys gotta ask.

But after that, I may get it for the X1.

Well if you do - hit me up as I will have it for all 3 systems
# 110 Lieutenant Dan @ 03/06/14 07:30 PM
Originally Posted by bluengold34_OS
Well if you do - hit me up as I will have it for all 3 systems
Because Bob's a Boss like dat.
# 111 DivotMaker @ 03/06/14 08:03 PM
Originally Posted by Lieutenant Dan
But for golf I don't see it as being as important as it was for a FPS. I do like what we have seen so far and Bob just keeps ramping up my anticipation for this game.
Going to disagree completely. Tiger would have been a much better in EVERY version of the consoles if they had conducted a private or public beta. This would greatly reduce the need for post-release patches which often take way too long to release.
# 112 DirtyJerz32 @ 03/06/14 08:06 PM
Hahaha. You that much a sim golf finatic Bob? And you must be BOSS like that.

When I dropped $1,000+ in concecutive weeks on the X1 & PS4 my friends called me money bags, BOSS sounds better.
# 113 bluengold34_OS @ 03/06/14 08:21 PM
Originally Posted by 32
Hahaha. 1.You that much a sim golf finatic Bob? And you must be BOSS like that.

When I dropped $1,000+ in concecutive weeks on the X1 & PS4 2. my friends called me money bags, BOSS sounds better.
1. Yes - love playing golf, watching golf, and playing video games of golf.

2. No longer shall you be referred to as 32, but simply BOSS -
# 114 rheller @ 03/06/14 09:08 PM
Thank you for the videos! I've only watched a couple, but they were very informative. Is there a tool that takes away elevation? Example: Making deeper green side bunkers.
# 115 bluengold34_OS @ 03/06/14 09:38 PM
Originally Posted by rheller
Thank you for the videos! I've only watched a couple, but they were very informative. Is there a tool that takes away elevation? Example: Making deeper green side bunkers.
Appreciate it rheller - There is a tool that does just what your asking about. In my video where I choose the raise terrain option, if I would have clicked left just once - the option is right there.
# 116 Lieutenant Dan @ 03/06/14 10:49 PM
Originally Posted by DivotMaker
Going to disagree completely. Tiger would have been a much better in EVERY version of the consoles if they had conducted a private or public beta. This would greatly reduce the need for post-release patches which often take way too long to release.
No argument there. My point was more about online netcode than the game content. I should have clarified that.
# 117 DirtyJerz32 @ 03/06/14 11:18 PM
Originally Posted by bluengold34_OS
1. Yes - love playing golf, watching golf, and playing video games of golf.

2. No longer shall you be referred to as 32, but simply BOSS -
Haha. I'll see if I can Steve or Mill to change my name to Boss.
# 118 bluengold34_OS @ 03/07/14 05:28 PM
New beta build has been released today. Will record new video and have it out in the morning.
# 119 Lieutenant Dan @ 03/07/14 05:58 PM
Sweet! Looking forward to hearing what they improved.
# 120 OnlookerDelay @ 03/08/14 02:46 AM
I've now played three rounds with the new build and it's a significant step forward. First of all, they've gotten rid of a lot of the input lag, which helps a lot on putts and chips. Secondly, the frame rates have improved noticeably. Where I was getting 28 to 30 fps, I'm now getting 32 to 35.

They've got the impact of sidehill lies in play now. I had a shot pull left on a ball that was a foot above my feet, after being hit with a slight fade swing.

The animations are slightly improved which helps with the swing control slightly. They've still got a ways to go with this. The golfer's still don't know how to balance themselves when standing on a side slope. It really looks awkward to see them defying gravity and leaning backwards. I think they're on this though as their animation work is continuing.

Oh, and we now have the ability to search for "ghost rounds" to play along with, without knowing the final score of the opponent. I'm about to try to search now for such a round to play with. Overall though, I'm pleased with the progress they're making and it's clear HBS is listening to the beta testers and the folks posting in their forum!

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