Madden NFL 25 News Post

Madden NFL 25 is a lot of fun this year on next-gen consoles, but that doesn't mean the game is perfect. We check in today with a look at some areas within the game which need improvement as we head into next year, tackling everything from big to small issues. Check out our list and let us know what you've found!

Read More - Madden NFL 25: Strategic Areas Which Need Improvement

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Platform: PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 54 - View All
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# 1 cmehustle @ 12/31/13 11:52 AM
Those are all really well thought out suggestions. Here''s a pet peeve of mines since well, since forever. Why is it that you can change any teams playbook to whatever plays that you want?? I know that will anger a lot of people but in what way is that realistic?? The problem that causes is unlike the real NFL Im not playing against the individual match ups like what happens in the real NFL. Im defending against your set of play(s) that you choose to run. The number four receiver from the Lions may not be quite as proficient as the fourth receiver from the Bengals for instance. Yet they run the routes exactly the same way and get open the exact same no matter which team I pick because I just use the same playbook. Or how about on defense when I run a 4-3 with a 3-4 team? Every player is out of place because the 3-4 end is now playing 4-3 end. In the NFL its a totally different position with different responsibilities but on Madden it makes no difference whatsoever. The NFL is a match up league where in Madden its very apparent that's not true. That would be almost equivalent to running the Rockets plays while playing with the Thunder and still getting 20 and 10 with K. Perkins. Sounds dumb right?
# 2 tril @ 12/31/13 12:13 PM
agree with everything said especially

1. penalties have always been my biggest gripe!!!

2. as well as the subbing in and out of different packages. the way it stands now is that they just spawn in and out (that's my best description.) subbing different packages in and out takes time. I ant to see the players coming from the sidelines to the field and vice versa. this would give clock management an entire different meaning. just make it an option. this adds real time elements to the game.

its about time Madden completely becomes real time. if they want to show replays keep the clock moving. bring back the old set up where you could select plays while the replay was playing. on the ps1 and ps2 days. and its also time that Madden gives us teh option of the agme being totally manual controled. on every feature. from hand offs to the rb, to catching the ball etc.
bring back the manual controls on or off .

between this and the subbing of packages time management again becomes important.

I like the bad snaps idea on kicking and should be added to the center/qb aspect also. there are clearly enough button combos too pull this off.
# 3 boxboy99 @ 12/31/13 12:55 PM
Good write-up. Wind direction and Standings should easily be patched, not doing so is developer laziness. Unfortunately, the developers have a history of inaccurate standings and tie breakers.
# 4 AgustusM @ 12/31/13 12:55 PM
extremely good list - I do give EA credit for the fact that Madden is a fun game to play. But in my opinion many of these are easy no brainers that never get addressed from year to year.

a bigger problem, that would take a lot more to solve is the NFL draft. Head Coach 09 had the best scouting\draft system of any game - yet none of those innovations made it into Madden yet. Current Madden drafts are nothing more then a crapshoot.

I understand the concern about the casual gamer, but I believe those concerns are already addressed with the "sign players for me" type of yes\no toggles. a simple scout for me and draft for me toggle would solve all of that.
# 5 DirtyJerz32 @ 12/31/13 01:57 PM
Excellent list and all these elements should be included. With the next gen systems in place there's no reason not be able to add each feature lists above.
# 6 khaliib @ 12/31/13 02:03 PM
Visual upgrades has always been the foundation of EA football games.

Looking at the guts of the CG Installed Game, most of the issues noted go far back as 2007, yet still remain part of the current build/programming of the game.

What the Game Install reveals is that there was really little advancement done to the game throughout the CG cycle.

Also, the metrics used for penalties etc... are just goofy and in many ways show how there was a deliberate attempt to keep the game from performing in a realistic simulation manner.
(on a 100 scale 25% chance a Def PI gets called and <5% chance of a Blocked Kick)

When I saw the same "EXACT" metric numbers in '06, '08, '10, '12, '13 and M25, it confirmed what many have been saying over the course of CG.

And from what I've been told, Next Gen rollout of Madden is following the same cycle as Madden 06 did for CG. (even worse is that EA football is soooooo restrictive now with the CCM garbage)

Why include non-NFL teams as part of the game if you're refusing to give gamers some/any customization access to those non-NFL teams.
Having access to change the colors of these teams Uni's has no impact on CCM Mode at all, but this how/what EA does.

Back to the Installed Game I go....
# 7 asu666 @ 12/31/13 02:17 PM
Great suggestions. The penalty situation really needs to be addressed. It's sad that NFL 2K5's half time show is still the gold standard too. Madden 25 doesn't even really have one. I'd love to see score updates or a ticker like NCAA Football 14's too.
# 8 SVCbearcat10 @ 12/31/13 02:19 PM
They really need to implement NCAA's no huddle system. Only being able to pick from a handful of plays is annoying, especially considering in real life the entire playbook is available for the given personnel on the field.
# 9 jenglund @ 12/31/13 02:21 PM
Funny thing is, these are all annoying in bite size chunks of gameplay, but seeing a comprehensive list makes you think this is the most incomplete of all major sports videogame franchises. Autosubs in particular just drives me nuts!
# 10 LBzrule @ 12/31/13 02:41 PM
They also need a depth chart for special teams to make sure you have the personnel on special teams that you want. I shouldn't look up and see Terrell Suggs on special teams just because I cut another OLB and then have to guess which spot Suggs is at that is causing him to be on special teams. Same with the #2 MLB/ILB. He shouldn't automatically be on special teams. Maybe I want the #3 ILB/MLB. They need to work this out for kickoff, kickoff return, punt and punt return.
# 11 LBzrule @ 12/31/13 02:43 PM
I've already spoken about my ideas for hot routes at least for Xbox 1 anyway. Forget controller interface go with Kinect Voice command: http://www.operationsports.com/LBzru...ame-on-xbox-1/
# 12 badazzleroybrown @ 12/31/13 02:46 PM
they took out the review each touchdown too. like the NFL does after scoring plays, there game is geared for quick play not realizim.

game fatigue needs to be fixed it is broken in franchise but works in the play now mode.
the game needs to give the coaches more things or options that effect things on the field so that madden wont feel so scripted or robotic like it does in it's current state.
penalty system needs to change, give of sliders that work.
# 13 Cardot @ 12/31/13 02:59 PM
The CPU needs to learn when to call a timeout.
# 14 jyoung @ 12/31/13 03:15 PM
Originally Posted by LBzrule
I've already spoken about my ideas for hot routes at least for Xbox 1 anyway. Forget controller interface go with Kinect Voice command: http://www.operationsports.com/LBzru...ame-on-xbox-1/
I would love to see a voice command system where all you have to do is say the player's last name, followed by an assignment.

So you could say:

"Bailey, shade in."

And Champ Bailey plays inside technique on whomever he's covering.
# 15 Gotmadskillzson @ 12/31/13 03:18 PM
Give me the following:

1. WR/DB interaction. Makes no sense that FIFA has had jostling for around 4 years now and Madden still don't have it.

2. Over haul special teams. Special teams is still flat out boring because there is no threat of your kick being blocked on punts or FGs. No threat of the CPU returning a punt a TD either.

3. Give me some BAD snaps. Basketball games have bad passes. Soccer games have bad passes. Baseball games have bad pitches and catches. So why can't Madden have bad snaps ?

4. Penalties.

5. Strip ball fumbles. So far the only fumbles I ever see is from hit stick tackles.

6. On the subject of hit stick, bring back MANUAL control of tackling high or low.

7. More varied tackle animations and better situation based tackles. Tired of seeing smaller defenders tackling up high against bigger runners instead of tackling low. More wrap tackles would be nice too.
# 16 AshamanCarnage @ 12/31/13 03:47 PM
Originally Posted by Gotmadskillzson
Give me the following:

1. WR/DB interaction. Makes no sense that FIFA has had jostling for around 4 years now and Madden still don't have it.

4. Penalties.

5. Strip ball fumbles. So far the only fumbles I ever see is from hit stick tackles.

6. On the subject of hit stick, bring back MANUAL control of tackling high or low.

7. More varied tackle animations and better situation based tackles. Tired of seeing smaller defenders tackling up high against bigger runners instead of tackling low. More wrap tackles would be nice too.
Completely agree 1 billion percent. I hate throwing jump/deep balls just to watch my 6'6 TE just stand there and watch the DB pick it off.
# 17 RACZILLA @ 12/31/13 03:58 PM
Originally Posted by LBzrule
I've already spoken about my ideas for hot routes at least for Xbox 1 anyway. Forget controller interface go with Kinect Voice command: http://www.operationsports.com/LBzru...ame-on-xbox-1/
I like this. Seems like a good way to teach less experienced players as well and could ultimately be a little easier to use.
# 18 spacedog @ 12/31/13 04:09 PM
Originally Posted by Gotmadskillzson
Give me the following:

1. WR/DB interaction. Makes no sense that FIFA has had jostling for around 4 years now and Madden still don't have it.

2. Over haul special teams. Special teams is still flat out boring because there is no threat of your kick being blocked on punts or FGs. No threat of the CPU returning a punt a TD either.

3. Give me some BAD snaps. Basketball games have bad passes. Soccer games have bad passes. Baseball games have bad pitches and catches. So why can't Madden have bad snaps ?

4. Penalties.

5. Strip ball fumbles. So far the only fumbles I ever see is from hit stick tackles.

6. On the subject of hit stick, bring back MANUAL control of tackling high or low.

7. More varied tackle animations and better situation based tackles. Tired of seeing smaller defenders tackling up high against bigger runners instead of tackling low. More wrap tackles would be nice too.
For number 5 I've gotten a few strip fumbles, both were different animations and situations too. I think one was with me making a tackle on a QB and as he was falling, the defender reached in and pulled the ball loose. Another was actually when the CPU caught a pass and was getting tackled and the ball came in contact with CPU teammates' hand and fell loose. And the last one I recall was RGIII making a tackle from behind to club upward underneath my players' arm twice to knock it loose. Strip fumbles are there they're just really rare, so they could probably change it up maybe by increasing the occurrence instead of it being mostly hit sticks.
# 19 Hassan Darkside @ 12/31/13 04:11 PM
Originally Posted by Gotmadskillzson
Give me the following:

1. WR/DB interaction. Makes no sense that FIFA has had jostling for around 4 years now and Madden still don't have it.

2. Over haul special teams. Special teams is still flat out boring because there is no threat of your kick being blocked on punts or FGs. No threat of the CPU returning a punt a TD either.

3. Give me some BAD snaps. Basketball games have bad passes. Soccer games have bad passes. Baseball games have bad pitches and catches. So why can't Madden have bad snaps ?

4. Penalties.

5. Strip ball fumbles. So far the only fumbles I ever see is from hit stick tackles.

6. On the subject of hit stick, bring back MANUAL control of tackling high or low.

7. More varied tackle animations and better situation based tackles. Tired of seeing smaller defenders tackling up high against bigger runners instead of tackling low. More wrap tackles would be nice too.
Agree with all this. I think point 1 needs to just be an overhaul of the passing game altogether including WR/DB interaction. Passing animations, dropback animations, catch animations, pass trajectories, bad throws, etc.

And along the same lines, I'd like to see more "human errors" than just bad snaps. False starts on the center. Fumbled snaps, fumbled handoffs, QBs tripping over lineman, WRs slipping in routes, DBs slipping, not just in bad weather games.

I do see strip fumbles now, but not accompanying strip animations. Sometimes I'll hit the strip button when going in for a tackle and he tackles the player and the player fumbles, but not because of a strip animation.

And in regards to injuries, will we ever see real time injuries? The irony of the demand for a lot of these features is they've been done before (albeit some by other games) but it's not uncharted territory.
# 20 spacedog @ 12/31/13 04:13 PM
I also agree with the WR DB interactions, including pass trajectories, INTs, etc. it seems like it happens less now after the patch but there are still instances where, if the ball were on the proper trajectory (even using players like 99 Montana with high accuracy ratings), DBS and linebackers that get beat by multiple yards can stop and jump 5' in the air and pick it off when it would realistically go over their heads most of the time, or at the most maybe get a fingertip or hand on it. Instead you often get punished for beating DBs since they're so good at undercutting passes where they're practically 5 yards behind the WR.

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