NBA 2K14 News Post

Virtual Currency (VC) in NBA 2K14 is a problem and if consumers don't voice their concerns, it's going to get worse.

Sure, there are ways to get free VC via the mobile app (if you can get it working), but gamers shouldn't be required to use VC to do simple tasks such as changing a lineup. We can understand using it in MyTeam (as it has been successful for EA Sports and Ultimate Team), but to have it added into other modes really has the community fired up. Customization isn't as fun as it once was, since VC is needed to update accessories and the ratio is ridiculous. Could this be next?

While there are many posts here at OS slamming it, other sites such as NeoGAF and Reddit have also been killing it from day one. PastaPadre has written a detailed article on it and the hate is spilling over.

VGRevolution warned users about it last year. Twitter is filled with complaints from users actually purchasing VC and not receiving it or crashing/freezing in modes, losing what they've earned. With no official word from 2K Sports, this is becoming a very large concern.

Where do you stand on VC?

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Member Comments
# 81 RangersCruz @ 12/11/13 01:18 PM
Originally Posted by eslimm
I can, but I choose not to when I have other important things to prioritize in the game such as my player abilities and signature skills, shot animations and even gm abilities in MyGM so NO while all the others I listed above is what I would prefer to spend VC on I don't have any remaining to pay for tattoos

(Galaxy S4)
You won't be able to do anything with that 200 VC either way
# 82 RangersCruz @ 12/11/13 01:19 PM
Originally Posted by nuckles2k2
I'm not a fan of VC at all, but unfortunately I don't have time to play games like I once did.

So I was starting a MyCareer (the day after I got my PS4...11/16) and I decided to spend $5 to get some VC so I can have a SF with a speed and vertical above a 69 & 45 (silly, and obviously low-balled numbers to promote VC purchase)

Right after the money was taken from the wallet on the PSN, I got a "transaction failed: unknown error" message. Then it said "resolving a prior failed transaction" and after that it said "An error occurred with your VC purchase. This will be resolved at the next available opportunity."

I thought 'alright then..'

Waited 2 days, and that "next available opportunity" never arrived. So I started a support ticket on 2K's support site:

We're 5 days away from a month with this issue, and nothing.

2K needs to take a look at the way they do things from top to bottom. It's one thing to tell me that I'm gonna need to buy VC to play a mode with a dude who can..****n and jump...from the very beginning.

But when I cave in and say "alright, I'll get some VC" and then they take, and presumably receive my money, but I don't receive what I paid for, AND THEN THEY HAVE ME WAITING DAMN NEAR A MONTH FOR RESOLUTION.


I don't even know...

And forget calling them. Over that course of time, I called 4 times. The average wait while I had to listing to that infuriating music, and the recorded "we appreciate your patience, please stay on the line and our next available agent will be right with you"...the average wait was somewhere around 20 mins.

The last time I called, I literally waited 35 mins to have a dude tell me that "my complaint was in the queue, and I'll get an email when they resolve it."

So I got slapped in the face in the game when I created my All-Around SF who apparently can't run, can't jump, is slow as molasses, and has no stamina; and when I spend $5 to correct this situation, they take my money then say "holup, we'll be right with ya...when we damn well please...so yea....wait.."

That's enough to wanna make you elbow someone in the eye.

So there's more than one ugly side to this VC fiasco. But no matter how you slice it, chances are needed.
My Tickets been in there for 20 days and a lot more people had of me im doubting it will ever even be resolved
# 83 eslimm @ 12/11/13 01:22 PM
Originally Posted by VDusen04
With respect, I have always found these suppositions to be much too broad while potentially letting gaming companies off the hook. I would wonder how much DLC and microtransactions some would be willing to explain away simply as, "Well games are getting more expensive so it makes sense." My question would be, is Virtual Currency about 2K's survival and solvency? Or is it simply another money stream for a team who'd already properly budgeted before VC even came into the picture?

Further, I am unquestionably biased toward NBA legends' inclusion in the NBA 2K series. As a fan of the NBA (and of real life NBA replication and simulation) I have found classic teams to be one of the biggest breakthroughs in 2K series history. They're real teams and real players with real history. I feel they fit right in with what an NBA simulation should be all about.

Still, regarding the pay of legends, we don't really have a base upon which to stand. We don't really know how much players are being paid and what effect that monetary total has on the entire 2K brand. Is it a sizable dent in the budget? Or is it merely a blip?

Moreover, I feel there's many other aspects of 2K that'd be ripe for reduction before the inclusion of real life NBA basketball teams. To name two off hand: Euroleague teams and 2K's star-studded soundtrack. I feel as though times couldn't have been too hard if 2K was able to secure Jay-Z and all of his cohorts before VC was ever even introduced. I'd also venture to say 2K's sudden need and urge to sign mega-hit soundtrack stars as opposed to the underground angle they supported for their entire existence up until 2K12 would again suggest 2K's not necessarily fighting for survival and draping their entire product in Virtual Currency only so they may survive.
I understand where you are coming from don't get me wrong I love the implementation of legends, I'm afraid I haven't played with them in Nba 2k14 yet simply because not all rosters are accurately represented. But there are things are give in take 2k is a business and we as consumers want things in the game such as legends. Those people cost maybe some agreed to be in for free but those players cost money. I remember Pippen didn't want to be in the game unless the money was right and they made that happen or Sir Charles, I forgot which one. But with that being said as much as I hate VC, this is what's paying for the soundtracks, the Jay Z, the legends etc. I'm sure they meet and exceed expectations of VC purchases so yes they probably pocket that money too but I do understand where you are coming from

(Galaxy S4)
# 84 nuckles2k2 @ 12/11/13 01:24 PM
Originally Posted by RangersCruz
My Tickets been in there for 20 days and a lot more people had of me im doubting it will ever even be resolved
Welcome to the club.

They can't embed VC as a necessity, then not have the tools or staff in place to take care of any potential problems with it, in a timely fashion.
# 85 VDusen04 @ 12/11/13 01:25 PM
Originally Posted by RangersCruz
People can take it up on the forums but in reality a lot thousands of people out there that just play the game or watch youtube guys like QJB , Smoove ect will buy VC and not care

it's not going anywhere
It will start in the forums and it will carry over to the marketplace, where consumers will begin passing over on NBA 2K. I'm a 2K lifer, bought every 2K on release day since 2K2. I passed on their product this year. I know I'm not alone. From the looks of it, those opting not to purchase 2K in the future will grow exponentially if the current system remains in place.

Believe it or not, there was a time not too long ago where the general consensus was that former basketball powerhouse NBA Live would never be able to be supplanted as king of the virtual hardwood. No one is invincible here.

Originally Posted by RangersCruz
I really don't understand why people want to buy clothes and other useless stuff then complain about the prices
Because... it's a part... of... the game. People aren't purchasing real pieces of clothing here. There's aspects to the game (the game for which they've already paid) they wish to access. And simply playing the game will not allow for an acceptable form of accessibility in many gamer's opinions.
# 86 eslimm @ 12/11/13 01:26 PM
Originally Posted by RangersCruz
You won't be able to do anything with that 200 VC either way
I think you're missing the point. I rather not spend money on visual upgrades if I'm going to spend VC it will be to upgrade my abilities not my looks

(Galaxy S4)
# 87 RangersCruz @ 12/11/13 01:27 PM
Originally Posted by VDusen04
It will start in the forums and it will carry over to the marketplace, where consumers will begin passing over on NBA 2K. I'm a 2K lifer, bought every 2K on release day since 2K2. I passed on their product this year. I know I'm not alone. From the looks of it, those opting not to purchase 2K in the future will grow exponentially if the current system remains in place.

Believe it or not, there was a time not too long ago where the general consensus was that former basketball powerhouse NBA Live would never be able to be supplanted as king of the virtual hardwood. No one is invincible here.

Because... it's a part... of... the game. People aren't purchasing real pieces of clothing here. There's aspects to the game (the game for which they've already paid) they wish to access. And simply playing the game will not allow for an acceptable form of accessibility in many gamer's opinions.
is anybody forcing gamers to buy clothes? no
# 88 willh313 @ 12/11/13 01:28 PM
Ok...this is a valid argument but honestly most of the stuff you do in franchise is purchasable after a few exhibition games(even if you lose on HOF you get 400-500 VC per game)...without spending a single dime of real money...has the micro-transaction thing gone too far...in a word, yes; but by no means does this game REQUIRE you too spend that extra cash(you spending the extra dough or wanting to is matter of your own impatience)...I have not spent any extra money on the game and get everything I want out of it...They only put $h!t like this in the game because a lot of gamers now a days whine about wanting more sooner and if you want that then there's the option. Same thing for Battlefield and it's instant upgrade kits and damn near every other game that is made by people willing to compensate whiners...It used to be that you could buy a game play it and be happy with what you got in the box until something else came along...then people started saying theres not enough levels...we need new this...I beat it so fast that...so now companies bleed you for stuff like this because a lot of you guys are spoiled and can't play game for more than a month without getting tired of it....I'm sorry to be the one who said this but...the main reason the whole dlc thing in general is getting out of hand is BECAUSE of gamers...remember when we used to get Expansions....things that could have almost been whole games of their own....WE RUINED that....The vast number of us who can't WAIT or have to run through a game in one weekend instead of taking the time get everything out of the games we have....I know this wont be popular but I felt it needed to be said....I mean guys you don't even notice that we don't even have cheat codes in the game anymore....developers are probably like ..."why make secrets when they are just going to run through the game and not try everything it has to offer anyway"....again i understand the anger here but you guys gotta realize this kind of stuff is our fault...when what you paid for stopped being enough this is what happened
# 89 RangersCruz @ 12/11/13 01:28 PM
Originally Posted by eslimm
I think you're missing the point. I rather not spend money on visual upgrades if I'm going to spend VC it will be to upgrade my abilities not my looks

(Galaxy S4)
Well then save it and upgrade it nobody is forcing you guys to buy clothes , gear , tattoos or shoes
# 90 MarvinOida @ 12/11/13 01:29 PM
Originally Posted by eslimm
I understand where you are coming from don't get me wrong I love the implementation of legends, I'm afraid I haven't played with them in Nba 2k14 yet simply because not all rosters are accurately represented. But there are things are give in take 2k is a business and we as consumers want things in the game such as legends. Those people cost maybe some agreed to be in for free but those players cost money. I remember Pippen didn't want to be in the game unless the money was right and they made that happen or Sir Charles, I forgot which one. But with that being said as much as I hate VC, this is what's paying for the soundtracks, the Jay Z, the legends etc. I'm sure they meet and exceed expectations of VC purchases so yes they probably pocket that money too but I do understand where you are coming from

(Galaxy S4)
Then what paid MJ at 2K11? Obviously if VC was really a sure pocket money, team USA and Dream Team would still be here. Jay-Z and these legends came BEFORE VC, Jay-Z "produced" 2K13 and that INTRODUCED VC, so your argument involving him is invalid because they had Jay-Z and these legends in the game BEFORE VC. If VC went into the Euroleague, then its not much still cause its on like 14 of the 24 teams in that league.
# 91 RangersCruz @ 12/11/13 01:31 PM
Originally Posted by apollooff320
easy? you won't get that much with ease. First off doing it is a hassle because you only get 600VC most of the time when doing this. It would take a while to get 30,000 VC doing this since it takes a few mins to do the simming thing, and it gets boring after the 3rd time of doing it. You really do try hard to defend this VC crap. Do you work for 2K?
I did it in only a couple of hours was not hard at all it gets boring but oh well
then i just play games and earn 925 VC

I don't mind the VC not defending it but you guys are complaining about this but a few years ago you were asking for it
# 92 VDusen04 @ 12/11/13 01:33 PM
Originally Posted by RangersCruz
is anybody forcing gamers to buy clothes? no
I do not understand how your post relates to my initial response (regarding gamers wishing to have reasonable access to all aspects of the game for which they purchased).
# 93 MarvinOida @ 12/11/13 01:33 PM
Originally Posted by RangersCruz
I did it in only a couple of hours was not hard at all it gets boring but oh well
then i just play games and earn 925 VC

I don't mind the VC not defending it but you guys are complaining about this but a few years ago you were asking for it
But regardless of performance, you're not gaining a lot of VC. You should be rewarded A LOT MORE if YOU ACTUALLY PLAY GOOD.
# 94 VDusen04 @ 12/11/13 01:36 PM
Originally Posted by RangersCruz
You can easily get 20-30k VC just off simming in MyGM and its really your choice to buy it or not nobody is forcing you to press X on purchase
Originally Posted by RangersCruz
I did it in only a couple of hours was not hard at all it gets boring but oh well
To clarify, your solution for consumers wishing to earn enough virtual currency to fully enjoy their purchased product is to "easily" spend multiple hours of banality in an attempt to game the game?
# 95 RangersCruz @ 12/11/13 01:38 PM
Originally Posted by VDusen04
To clarify, your solution for consumers wishing to earn enough virtual currency to fully enjoy their purchased product is to "easily" spend multiple hours of banality in an attempt to game the game?
Did i say you have to simulate it? play it if you want and earn more
# 96 VDusen04 @ 12/11/13 01:40 PM
Originally Posted by RangersCruz
Did i say you have to simulate it? play it if you want and earn more
That's my fault. I didn't understand that you meant you could earn 30,000 virtual coins by actually just playing the games in your MyGM for a few hours without any simming. That seems kind of crazy. How did you pull that off?
# 97 RangersCruz @ 12/11/13 01:43 PM
Originally Posted by apollooff320
I will say BS...because I have done this for a couple hours and didn't get near 30,000VC. More like 14,000VC and I know this because I actually did it last night.
BS? dude i've done it already 3 times go with the Heat..resign the big 3 and pick up Melo
# 98 RangersCruz @ 12/11/13 01:45 PM
Originally Posted by VDusen04
That's my fault. I didn't understand that you meant you could earn 30,000 virtual coins by actually just playing the games in your MyGM for a few hours. That seems kind of crazy. How did you pull that off?
wow...i said in a few hours as in say anywhere from 6-12 you can earn 30k off simulating it alone if you complete the goals which are not hard to do

if you want to play 25-30 games for that 30k VC go ahead im not doing that
# 99 RangersCruz @ 12/11/13 01:46 PM
Originally Posted by apollooff320
that's the team I pick all the time since someone had mentioned this trick a while back.
Are you exiting every 2 seasons and starting over? if you continue onto 2016 and on you won't get anything
# 100 slowdifference @ 12/11/13 01:47 PM
I'll chime in on this one. I have no problem with VC or microtransactions if implemented correctly. Using VC for myteam and mycareer is ok with me. Where 2k needs to put on blast is when they lock basic functions of the game behind VC.

The fact that 2k is attempting to nickel and dime people this way is disheartening.

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