NBA 2K14 News Post

Of all the PlayStation 4 sports games, NBA 2K14 is the one I have played the most. I have almost exclusively played the new-look My Career mode, where you create an avatar and guide him through the cliché ascent from unknown street baller to NBA champion.

While the premise itself is stale, the mode's presentation is fresh, plus its scope is larger than any previous sports gaming story mode. You'd have to go all the way back to Midway's retired NBA Ballers and Blitz: The League series to find a sports game that put anywhere near as much work into crafting storylines and choreographing cutscenes.

NBA 2K14 My Career Mode Makes and Misses - Read More

Game: NBA 2K14Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS3 / PS4 / Wii U / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 98 - View All
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Member Comments
# 61 thomasg2488 @ 12/11/13 06:39 AM
Done with it. Can't stand the idiotic logic anymore. Played as a SG for the 1st time ever, told Sacramento to eff off basically, told Detroit to draft me. Ellis gets drafted by the Suns, I get drafted by THE PELICANS. Really? Are you kidding me?

2k, put some logic into your damn My Career mode like I said in my earlier post. I'll stick with Battlefield, Assassin's Creed and Madden.
# 62 VDusen04 @ 12/11/13 09:21 AM
Originally Posted by theredfish757
Then I play Jackson Ellis on the rooftop and beat him and we became friends and still no interaction with my agent.
This is one of the most ridiculous statements I've ever heard regarding NBA 2K. And I certainly don't mean that as offense to you, redfish. I just mean, I can't believe the state of NBA 2K (and MyPlayer) has us at a point where we're playing against a made-up rival on a rooftop while waiting for a cut-scene interaction from our agent.
# 63 Gosens6 @ 12/11/13 09:25 AM
Originally Posted by VDusen04
This is one of the most ridiculous statements I've ever heard regarding NBA 2K. And I certainly don't mean that as offense to you, redfish. I just mean, I can't believe the state of NBA 2K (and MyPlayer) has us at a point where we're playing against a made-up rival on a rooftop while waiting for a cut-scene interaction from our agent.

Unbelievable when you really put it into perspective right? Does anyone remember when 2K only cared about delivering a true basketball sim?

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# 64 theredfish757 @ 12/11/13 02:37 PM
Originally Posted by VDusen04
This is one of the most ridiculous statements I've ever heard regarding NBA 2K. And I certainly don't mean that as offense to you, redfish. I just mean, I can't believe the state of NBA 2K (and MyPlayer) has us at a point where we're playing against a made-up rival on a rooftop while waiting for a cut-scene interaction from our agent.
It wasn't about the rooftop play that bothered me, that was cool. I mean in reference to how my agent told me to play well in 10 games (this was still with 15 games left in the season not including the playoffs) and then I would get an endorsement from KIA. The rooftop scene was the last thing that happens before you start the next season.
# 65 RangersCruz @ 12/11/13 02:40 PM
Originally Posted by Gosens6
Unbelievable when you really put it into perspective right? Does anyone remember when 2K only cared about delivering a true basketball sim?

Sent from the Dungeon Of Doom using Tapatalk
you mean 8 years ago?
# 66 RangersCruz @ 12/11/13 02:40 PM
Originally Posted by theredfish757
It wasn't about the rooftop play that bothered me, that was cool. I mean in reference to how my agent told me to play well in 10 games (this was still with 15 games left in the season not including the playoffs) and then I would get an endorsement from KIA. The rooftop scene was the last thing that happens before you start the next season.
is there any scenes after the 1st season?
# 67 jyoung @ 12/11/13 04:19 PM
10 games (this was still with 15 games left in the season not including the playoffs) and then I would get an endorsement from KIA.
I had the same issue with the KIA endorsement not showing up.

I had a cutscene about 60 games into the first season where my friend agent said I needed to win at least 6 of the next 10 games to secure a KIA endorsement.

I won 9 of my next 10 games and then never heard anything from my agent or from KIA.
# 68 bmgoff11 @ 12/11/13 05:19 PM
My accessory shop does have sleeves, pads, and other stuff u put on ur my player. What is the deal with that.
# 69 theredfish757 @ 12/11/13 07:00 PM
Originally Posted by RangersCruz
is there any scenes after the 1st season?
Yes as soon as it sims the offseason your gm asks you how things are going this season! same bs he always says even though I haven't played a game in my 2nd season. Im getting tired of playing every damn game just for the same old BS.
# 70 Coolade @ 12/12/13 02:22 AM
I got my dunk rating up to 90, and equipped a dunk package, and my player still cant dunk. Does anyone have any suggestions? or is anyone else having this problem?
# 71 JasonMartin @ 12/12/13 06:33 AM
Are you still able to work out/practice certain parts of your game and get skillpoints/VC in reward like they had in 2K11?

Or did they take that out completely?
# 72 emelki1968 @ 12/13/13 01:32 PM
I am done.
For the first time ever I had to sell an NBA2k videogame because I can't play it. The old association and now MyGM is what I always play the most. Now, after four tries I decided to stop. Everysingle time, MyGM stop and freeze with one of the conversation with the trainer (I think). A guy in my office, the music as a background and nothing works. I have to quit shutting down the console. Sorry, but although the gameplay and the graphics are just amazing, I can't play the game, as simple as that.
Sold on Ebay, thank you very much 2K.
# 73 tstig78 @ 12/14/13 02:31 PM
I hope this next patch that is being released addresses playing defense in MyPlayer mode. My rating is 85 for on ball defense and my guy still plays defense like he's on skates.
# 74 JazzMan @ 12/14/13 03:10 PM
I personally like the mode. It gives it a fresh feel to it. Ever since 2k11, it's been the exact same game mode every time with tiny little renovations to it. Everyone was asking for something that would make the mode interesting.

Well, you got it. They gave us storylines, cutscenes, etc., which keep me more interested in the mode than the old way, which was just playing a game and having a press conference afterwards.

I don't really care if it's cartoonish, or hell, I don't even care if some of the games are scripted for me to shoot poorly, because in the past games, I could do just about whatever I wanted on the court every game. This adds a nice variety to it, which in a way, is more realistic.
# 75 da ThRONe @ 12/14/13 04:45 PM
Originally Posted by JazzMan
I personally like the mode. It gives it a fresh feel to it. Ever since 2k11, it's been the exact same game mode every time with tiny little renovations to it. Everyone was asking for something that would make the mode interesting.

Well, you got it. They gave us storylines, cutscenes, etc., which keep me more interested in the mode than the old way, which was just playing a game and having a press conference afterwards.

I don't really care if it's cartoonish, or hell, I don't even care if some of the games are scripted for me to shoot poorly, because in the past games, I could do just about whatever I wanted on the court every game. This adds a nice variety to it, which in a way, is more realistic.
I'm certainly never in favor of telling people what they should or shouldn't like. However I take exception to some things in this post.

Adding a story mode bascially locks every player into the samething regardless if thats the story I want to be apart of or not. The minute you do that you turnoff a certain % of players.

For me the story mode kills any replay value. After you played the mode once what's the point of playing it again when you know how everything unfolds?

Scripted events should never effect the results of gameplay.

At this point there are very few things that are realistic about this mode. IMO the only unrealstic aspect of MyPlayer should be the fact that I'm adding myself to the game. That where the fantasy aspect should start and end.
# 76 VDusen04 @ 12/15/13 01:10 PM
Originally Posted by JazzMan
I personally like the mode. It gives it a fresh feel to it. Ever since 2k11, it's been the exact same game mode every time with tiny little renovations to it. Everyone was asking for something that would make the mode interesting.

Well, you got it. They gave us storylines, cutscenes, etc., which keep me more interested in the mode than the old way, which was just playing a game and having a press conference afterwards.
Like da Throne, I completely respect your personal preference in enjoying the mode.

However, I'm not sure if it's completely accurate to sum up people's MyCareer requests as, "Everyone was asking for something that would make this mode interesting. Well, you got it." I do not subscribe to the, "Add anything you want, as long as it's different" policy. I feel there were a lot of ways people felt MyCareer could have been improved within the scope of an NBA basketball simulation title, but I'm not sure that included forced linear storylines and player mimes.

I don't really care if it's cartoonish, or hell, I don't even care if some of the games are scripted for me to shoot poorly, because in the past games, I could do just about whatever I wanted on the court every game. This adds a nice variety to it, which in a way, is more realistic.
Again, regarding your personal preference, I have absolutely no issue. Still, I'm not sure I'd agree that scripts forcing one to shoot poorly could be construed as being more realistic. I believe there's a right way to introduce variety and a bad way. I feel scripts would fall into the latter.
# 77 RangersCruz @ 12/15/13 01:24 PM
Originally Posted by da ThRONe
I'm certainly never in favor of telling people what they should or shouldn't like. However I take exception to some things in this post.

Adding a story mode bascially locks every player into the samething regardless if thats the story I want to be apart of or not. The minute you do that you turnoff a certain % of players.

For me the story mode kills any replay value. After you played the mode once what's the point of playing it again when you know how everything unfolds?

Scripted events should never effect the results of gameplay.

At this point there are very few things that are realistic about this mode. IMO the only unrealstic aspect of MyPlayer should be the fact that I'm adding myself to the game. That where the fantasy aspect should start and end.
Well in the past years just go into the showcase and game after game
Win a ring and then what? its pretty much it boring and not even worth wasting time on it

I like this yrs new MyCareer mode which i was surprised they even switched it up for Next gen it could have been done much better take out the showcase put you through college for 1-2 seasons or have a option to play over in europe or somewhere else then come into the draft as a top prospect
# 78 da ThRONe @ 12/15/13 07:00 PM
Originally Posted by RangersCruz
Well in the past years just go into the showcase and game after game
Win a ring and then what? its pretty much it boring and not even worth wasting time on it

I like this yrs new MyCareer mode which i was surprised they even switched it up for Next gen it could have been done much better take out the showcase put you through college for 1-2 seasons or have a option to play over in europe or somewhere else then come into the draft as a top prospect
Hey MyPlayer has been the only mode I've played the past 2 or 3 years. I'm not sure if there's a person here that was more frustrated with how stagnant the mode had gotten. However there's a laundry list of things that should have been in the game and IMO a scripted fairtale theme should have been on that list.

They could have expanded on player roles that alone would have done wonders for the mode. Not to mention the one feature that's a must for me and that's natural progression.
# 79 terome1 @ 01/07/14 09:57 PM
Originally Posted by Hurst31
My 5'10" point guard has logged more minutes as a shooting guard than he has at his natural position, as my coach frequently matches me up against taller, stronger players like Kobe Bryant (6'6") and Dwyane Wade (6'4").

This could just be because the team is overloaded with pgs and there are only 2 sgs.
my point guard (6'2) got moved to starting center guess how fun that is (PS3) it basically broke it for me
# 80 BA2929 @ 01/07/14 10:16 PM
I enjoy this mode with all the cut scenes. However, the replay-ability is about zero, since each player you make has the same rival, same cut scenes, the same agent, etc. Also, I'm not a fan of how the game forces you to suck at certain intervals of the season. Like "you're going to suck at FTs this game for the cutscene" or "You're going to shoot 24% this game so we can cut scene in a drill".

I do enjoy 95% of the rest of the cut-scenes and actually find myself disappointed when a cut-scene doesn't happen after a big game I just finished.

Pretty good job for the first game on a new console. Lots of room to build from here.

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