NBA Live 14 News Post

NBA Live 14 is available for everyone today. Make sure you check out some of the reviews that have appeared online. As more reviews come in, we'll update this post.

Game: NBA Live 14Reader Score: 4/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS4 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 17 - View All
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# 141 El_Poopador @ 11/19/13 07:22 PM
Originally Posted by ProfessaPackMan
I have the game(and thankfully I didn't pay full price for it)but again, when did Bleacher Report become a credible site when it comes to reviewing Video Games or even Sports Games? Serious question BTW.

If they had gave this game a bad score, would they still be credible is people's eyes? I doubt it.

I will say there is a LOT of hypocrisy in this thread though, which makes for some entertaining reading. Hell, there's one poster here praising the game so HARD that you would think he has the game only to find out he doesn't have it. Yet, he's trashing those that don't have the game but are speaking negatively about it. Kinda ironic, when you think about it? Lol
i didnt say the review was necessarily credible. but it definitely sounds more thought out and in depth than the one from ign. he goes into detail about what he liked and disliked about the game and why.

when compared to the videos ive seen of live 14 the ign review sounds like a completely different game. he says the midrange game is nonexistent and players dunk far too often. yet in most of the games ive seen its the opposite. players have been forced to take bad shots because the defense is not awful. in the hum vs hum game from nadasfan you can clearly see that playing at least somewhat smart basketball actually works and not working for decent shots is penalized. he doesnt really mention ai at all. he says that play art is missing even though its not so that just makes it look like he spent very very little time with the game itself. basically its like hes bashing the game based on the visuals. he said the games controls lag but i havent heard that from anyone else. it sounds more like hes trying to play the game like old versions of live and theyre not instantly doing what he wants because its not physically possible.

thats just the impression that i get from reading the ign review. it didnt seem to be objective at all. almost like he had an agenda. even the beginning of the bleacher report review started out negatively but it was warranted and he did go into what was expected vs what was delivered.
# 142 JBaker1225 @ 11/19/13 08:33 PM
Originally Posted by yg63
Why isn't this thread being updated with the new reviews?
None are coming out. EA probably didn't give the game to reviewers early, for obvious reasons.
# 143 El_Poopador @ 11/19/13 08:36 PM
Originally Posted by xnate128x
Did you take into account that the idiot kid who reviewed Madden 25 for next gen, is just some ghetto loser who failed to do any research before he did his review? I made several comments on his written IGN review. He sounded like a complete moron in his video review. He complained about the running game being too realistic, because he was probably so used to being a cheap cheater online with current gen Madden 25. So I definitely wouldn't take his review seriously at all. I have a lot more respect for Ryan Mcaffrey. He at least seems well educated, and from what I can tell, also does the proper amount of research for his reviews. I welcome the hate.......
i take into account that it was a review published on a gaming website that is well known. if no one said anything about that prior to the review being pushed out then that says enough.

i can't take mccaffreys review seriously when he doesnt really give any reasoning behind his words. you say he does the proper amount of research and yet he couldnt find the simple toggle for play art. he complains about jump shots always being blocked but even in the video review he doesnt show any good examples. the only ones i saw blocked were poor shot selections that should have been blocked. i mean if youre going to do a video review you could at least show relevant examples to illustrate your point. in both reading and watching his review it sounded like he went into it with his mind made up already.
# 144 IACeltics20345 @ 11/19/13 09:00 PM
Rip live, I don't get why people were saying live was going to beat 2k. People saying the spacing is better in live. There is a big difference between cg 2k and ng 2k in the spacing. The spacing I noticed on next gen was better but the players did not react well when the ball handler was double teamed. Only negative for 2k.
# 145 jaychitown312 @ 11/19/13 09:49 PM
I feel sorry for you Live fans because first off I have the game and have had it since friday. All I see are people playing the game and looking for exploits and glitches. Tell me this is 2k14 without exploits and glitches? Ill wait. LIVE fans if u try and play the game like its Live and not 2k u will see the difference. It has things that patches can fix but after playing 2k for the past 3 years I am pleased with Lives return.
# 146 Fist Of Kings @ 11/19/13 10:01 PM
Originally Posted by yg63

If I were Lebron, I'd seriously think about pressing charges. Live's Lebron looks like he and Charlie Villanueva did the dbz fusion dance lol.
# 147 El_Poopador @ 11/19/13 10:09 PM
Originally Posted by yg63
ive heard a lot of people saying things about players standing around too much but i honestly have yet to see it in any of the videos ive watched. if it really is happening often then that is a definite gamebreaker that would need to be fixed. ai is one of the areas live has a chance. the rest of the video doesnt really bother me because i already knew 2k would look better graphically.
# 148 thedream2k13 @ 11/19/13 10:23 PM
Originally Posted by jaychitown312
I feel sorry for you Live fans because first off I have the game and have had it since friday. All I see are people playing the game and looking for exploits and glitches. Tell me this is 2k14 without exploits and glitches? Ill wait. LIVE fans if u try and play the game like its Live and not 2k u will see the difference. It has things that patches can fix but after playing 2k for the past 3 years I am pleased with Lives return.
Please stop your spreading this same garbage on ea forums
# 149 DubTrey1 @ 11/19/13 10:29 PM
Originally Posted by Profit89
It's a $5.99 iOS game.
O snap. LOL!
# 150 Melbournelad @ 11/19/13 10:32 PM
Originally Posted by Fist Of Kings
If I were Lebron, I'd seriously think about pressing charges. Live's Lebron looks like he and Charlie Villanueva did the dbz fusion dance lol.
# 151 GOBLUE_08 @ 11/19/13 10:50 PM
This game is getting roasted right now on twitter lol. Is it really that bad?? I watched someone playing on twitch it didnt look so bad, animations need to be smoothed out though.

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# 152 yungflo @ 11/19/13 10:59 PM
Originally Posted by Fist Of Kings
If I were Lebron, I'd seriously think about pressing charges. Live's Lebron looks like he and Charlie Villanueva did the dbz fusion dance lol.
Lebron was mocapped last year, (he was the covered boy. Orlando sentinel practically confirmed this, by saying scott OG worked with capturing for lebron) Yet they got him wrong this gen. go check out live 13 version of lebron. I don't understand what went wrong
# 153 El_Poopador @ 11/19/13 11:00 PM
Originally Posted by GOBLUE_08
This game is getting roasted right now on twitter lol. Is it really that bad?? I watched someone playing on twitch it didnt look so bad, animations need to be smoothed out though.

Sent from my GT-P7310 using Tapatalk
from the videos ive seen it depends on how you play the game. its night and day from someone who tries to play sim ball vs someone who just runs around and shoots. the few vids ive seen with someone trying to run plays and play smart look really good. a lot of the videos look mediocre at best because people dont play smart and it leads to a lot of awkward looking animations and weird sets.
# 154 swac07 @ 11/19/13 11:00 PM
Originally Posted by GOBLUE_08
This game is getting roasted right now on twitter lol. Is it really that bad??

Sent from my GT-P7310 using Tapatalk

Man you not lying.. they are going IN on nba live 14 on twitter...lol smh
# 155 MontagueBall @ 11/19/13 11:15 PM
Many interesting comments of thanks that EA does not have exclusivity with the NBA. It does make one ponder what the reaction to Madden titles would be if 2K was still in that genre.
# 156 FAM CEO @ 11/19/13 11:42 PM
4.3? Really? Wow that has to be the lowest scored bball game in history. Not sure NBA in the Zone or Pat Riley basketball got worse.
# 157 bastylei @ 11/19/13 11:53 PM
even kyrie irving loves to play nba2k14 rather than live 14
# 158 cepwin @ 11/20/13 12:02 AM
I played the game and I think 4.3 is much lower than I would give it...the 7.8 is closer to my impression. The main omission is a practice/tutorial mode.
# 159 RandomPerson @ 11/20/13 12:07 AM
Has a 48 on metacritic right now.
# 160 El_Poopador @ 11/20/13 12:10 AM
scott og was just doing another live stream. when its played right the game looks really solid.

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