NBA Live 14 News Post

EA Sports has shipped NBA Live 14 today. Please play a few games and post your impressions here. As always, we'd like to see how the community feels about the game.

Game: NBA Live 14Reader Score: 4/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS4 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 17 - View All
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Member Comments
# 821 The 24th Letter @ 12/28/13 10:47 AM
They refused to sell it to you? If so you should file a complaint...

If you just left because they discouraged you from buying it you should've told them to STFU and bought your game...
# 822 nate1986 @ 12/28/13 10:50 AM
Originally Posted by PVarck31
I've dealt with this at Gamestop before as well. I don't really go there much anymore, but if they pull that crap then I just say something like "Yeah, I probably have different tastes than you."

Do you have a Walmart or another retailer you can go to to get it? That's where I get my games now. Don't like to deal with people telling me about what games I should like or not like.
Yea I got target, Walmart, best buy, Kmart and meijer within five minutes of my house, I'm just gonna use the gift cards to get Microsoft cards at the store and call it a day

Have any other improvements been made recently, do they update the rosters regularly
# 823 WTF @ 12/28/13 10:57 AM
Rosters are updated for the most part. There are some injured players who are still playing, Kobe, but I hope that will be remedied soon. The tendencies are updated frequently.

I'd say there is a few day to a week delay on rosters for the most part though. Not stellar by any means, but serviceable.
# 824 Marino @ 12/28/13 11:05 AM
Can you guys give me tips for shooting jumpers, I can't make a jumper to save my life and really its the only thing holding me back from truly enjoying the game.
# 825 Pared @ 12/28/13 11:26 AM
Originally Posted by Marino
Can you guys give me tips for shooting jumpers, I can't make a jumper to save my life and really its the only thing holding me back from truly enjoying the game.
Set jump shots, off the dribble or how to create space for shots?
# 826 Marino @ 12/28/13 11:40 AM
Originally Posted by Pared
Set jump shots, off the dribble or how to create space for shots?

all of the above
# 827 GisherJohn24 @ 12/28/13 11:42 AM
Originally Posted by Marino
Can you guys give me tips for shooting jumpers, I can't make a jumper to save my life and really its the only thing holding me back from truly enjoying the game.
I struggle too. I shot 25% with Lilliard 29% with sharp shooters Batum of the blazers missing wide open shots all night. I tried changing shooting in settings to ratings only and didn't seem to affect anything. This game needs sliders so badly.

CPU on the other hand will make 60%-70% with scrubs off the bench. Don't get it
# 828 jaosming @ 12/28/13 12:07 PM
I tried holding it longer than I feel is normal and sometimes it works for some players but not others.....its really inconsistent. Irving's shot timing seems normal, Jordan Crawford's release is pretty much right before he hits the ground again.

There is supposed to be a flash on the indicator showing ideal timing, but that happens maybe 60% of the time for me, nothing to rely on.

I think it boils down to just knowing the players' shot. Hopefully the rumored practice mode will help with that, but I don't know of a consistent way to know a player's shot other than trial & error.
# 829 The 24th Letter @ 12/28/13 12:12 PM
I just had my best shooting game yet with the Knicks...shot 60%...guess I have their releases down lol...

What surprised me was the paint defense in this particular game....there was sill some pump fake dunk nonsense from the CPU but more often than not I made some legit stops in the paint...

I also shot 13/15 from the line with Melo...

It was an all around good game..
# 830 The 24th Letter @ 12/28/13 12:13 PM
I'll ask this again since it kind've got lost in the argument, lol

Do you guys feel you have to get too deep in the paint to trigger a layup animation?
# 831 gmac0322 @ 12/28/13 12:19 PM
Originally Posted by The 24th Letter
I'll ask this again since it kind've got lost in the argument, lol

Do you guys feel you have to get too deep in the paint to trigger a layup animation?
Yup I do sometimes and then I end up under the rim

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# 832 PVarck31 @ 12/28/13 12:30 PM
I can't shoot free throws. wtf am I doing wrong?
# 833 Pared @ 12/28/13 12:33 PM
Originally Posted by Marino
all of the above
Set jump shots: The game seems to reward you being open so I try to draw a second defender on the drive and hit my teammate of the defender who came over. The game seems to adhere to a strict 1-2-2 offense at times so if you take a wing player and drive across the lane you should have two options that free up on the opposite wing. Add a PnR to this and you may have 3 options with the person who set the pick.

Off the dribble: Have to use crossovers to get open. The game does a great job of seamlessly blending jumpers off the dribble so you don't have any delays when you do decide to shoot. Hit the defender with a simple crossover and take a shot leaning towards your dribble hand. Better players are going to do a better job of this, obviously. So your stars of your team will have a higher success with this.

Creating space: This is definitely something you should do with a pick. Use it and as soon as you are over you have enough space to hit an open shot. Swinging the ball around MAY help but it didn't seem to be that successful for me as defenders recovered well. You also want to remember the pump-fake can give you some time as well to get around the defender so as soon as you get a pass, throw a pump fake in the mix. I don't know if the AI will learn your tendencies and adjust so you may not want to abuse this.

In terms of shooting overall, I saw more success with holding the shot a bit longer than what I would think is normal. Not sure if it's the PS4, input lag, whatever but I don't see this in other areas of the game. I remember a Live game way back when that had the same thing: you had to hold until the height of your jumpshot, then release slightly thereafter. I think it was Live '09 where the arc of your shot was dependent on your release point.
# 834 WTF @ 12/28/13 12:52 PM
Also, if you're in position, hold the L1 Modifier button, and use the backboard for the bank shot.

I just shot 51% with the Suns against the Blazers. I agree with 24th too as far as the junk in the paint. I held Lamarcus to 12/30 shooting in the game. It was my best defensive game yet to date. Held Lillard to 5/15 shooting.

I don't have an issue with jumpshooting. I hit 6/10 with Dragic from mid range, and went 12/22 overall with Bledsoe, as well as 5/6 with Goodwin. I think I'm settling with the Suns to play with this year too. Fun scrappy squad with a lot of young talent.

24th, I wish the "zone" for dunking was expanded just a tad. Not too far, but just a little bit.
# 835 PVarck31 @ 12/28/13 01:26 PM
I just got some gift cards from my mother-in-law so I think I'm gonna head to Walmart later tonight and buy it. I liked the demo so with the improvements from the patches everone is talking about, I think I'll really like it.

I will definitely post impressions here tonight.
# 836 louie dogs @ 12/28/13 02:23 PM
I think that eventually the judgment of a game is a very subjective thing, a game can take a very low rating, but if you enjoy playing the game you like and just what counts in the end, I personally find myself almost always agree with the comments WTF because in many ways it is a good game of basketball, obviously improved as all games.
# 837 CMH @ 12/28/13 03:14 PM
Played a really fun game as the Clippers against the Jazz. Not gonna front, actually winning this game added to the fun factor. It's my first win in the game.

But what was fun outside of that was feeling like the Clippers were performing as they should. Had 17-14 with Chris Paul. Blake had 18-14. And Jordan had 18-8 with 6 blocks.

As I get comfortable offensively, I'm beginning to see more of the logic that is making this game a good one for me.

Just thinking to one sequence where I decided I needed to adjust my gameplan - because the Jazz had effectively rendered Paul useless with forcing me into bad shots and not letting me get to the paint - I called for a post up with DeAndre Jordan.

As Paul I move to the wing and Crawford slides to the corner. Paul feeds the ball to Jordan in the post. Quickly Crawford's defender rushes to double Jordan who isn't deep enough in the post to do anything for me.

But Crawford noticing this doesn't just simply spot up at the corner. No. Instead he sets an off-ball screen (I did not call for by the way) and Paul trades places with Crawford. With Jordan I pass to an open Paul and have the option to either bury a three with him as the defender closes in or dish back to the wing to an even more open Crawford. I take the three and "Bang!"

But seeing how aware the AI was for me in that situation was like candy.

Granted I was playing the Jazz so the assignments were less of a nuisance, but I did better defensively by not aimlessly switching to the closest defender before making sure he establishes position. I usually found myself running away from the post player in an attempt to cover him and not realizing my guy wasn't in position to bang down low.

Now I wait that extra second and switch over. Sometimes. Whenever I get the feeling the CPU is in "I'm gonna score no matter what" mode, I let them battle it out together. However chasing guys off the ball can also be just as fun so I never felt left out when doing so.

Sent from my mobile device.
# 838 JazzMan @ 12/28/13 03:24 PM
I just played the demo, and while I believe some of you guys are right when saying that this game is far improved from the demo, I just can't purchase it. Even from recent videos, it looks a little too rough for me.

I am looking forward to Live 15, though. Hopefully there's huge improvements there so there's some legitimate competition.
# 839 taruncheel @ 12/28/13 03:47 PM
Bought at GameStop the other day. Actually found a used one and had my rewards card. Played a couple of games. Still needs some animation improvements. Not a bad game at all. Will need more time to fully decide, but for now I am having fun
# 840 WTF @ 12/28/13 03:48 PM
Originally Posted by CMH

But Crawford noticing this doesn't just simply spot up at the corner. No. Instead he sets an off-ball screen (I did not call for by the way) and Paul trades places with Crawford. With Jordan I pass to an open Paul and have the option to either bury a three with him as the defender closes in or dish back to the wing to an even more open Crawford. I take the three and "Bang!"

But seeing how aware the AI was for me in that situation was like candy.
Welcome to the game

This is the type of stuff that I'm seeing, and that I'm in love with. The CPU teammates for both yourself and the CPU making basketball plays, that aren't called for, but needs to be done.

It takes me back to Inside Drive, with guys setting backscreens, running cuts off ball, etc.

That's one of the biggest things that I absolutely love.

There are occasions that it doesn't do it, but for the most part, the rest of your team is aware, and ready to react intelligently.

For defense, set the defensive settings for the guy that you want doubled in the post. You can manually go down of course, but if you don't, your teammates will adjust and one of them will rotate over for the double team.

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