NBA Live 14 News Post

To gear up for the release of two next-generation consoles in the next two weeks – and the first release of an NBA Live title in four years - Episode 56 of the Press Row Podcast features a complete, unedited recording of host Rich Grisham’s (@richgrisham) sit-down with three NBA Live development team members for the first hands-on play time with the game. You’ll hear Executive Producer Sean O’Brien’s (@seanobs) take on the state of the franchise, producer Ryan Ferwerda (@ryanferwerda) go through all of the game’s features, and designer Scott O’Gallagher (@scottogallagher) take Rich through the controls and play a couple of games. It’s a fascinating peek into how the game is slowly breaking out of its mystery-shrouded shell as it prepares for release on November 19th.

NOTE: Sean mentions the demo will be available at launch of the PS4, that was later corrected. The NBA Live 14 demo will arrive on the same day it hits store shelves, November 19th.

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Enjoy the show!

Run Time: 1 Hour, 18 Minutes

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Game: NBA Live 14Reader Score: 4/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS4 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 17 - View All
NBA Live 14 Videos
Member Comments
# 21 ccoaxum @ 11/11/13 11:29 PM
Originally Posted by Joba15700
Not anything like 2k! Why do you guys settle for second, why don't you all give me your 64.00 bucks I'll feed you a lot of crap too! From what I see and hear 2k is worth my money, live is not! I understand some of you live guys no nothing about basketball, you like crowds, commentary, how the court looks but not gameplay!!! Why don't you all just go back in time and buy double dribble because that's what live is going to be like...... Ha
Smh so lame
# 22 grodbetatted @ 11/11/13 11:30 PM
Originally Posted by Joba15700
Not anything like 2k! Why do you guys settle for second, why don't you all give me your 64.00 bucks I'll feed you a lot of crap too! From what I see and hear 2k is worth my money, live is not! I understand some of you live guys no nothing about basketball, you like crowds, commentary, how the court looks but not gameplay!!! Why don't you all just go back in time and buy double dribble because that's what live is going to be like...... Ha
So I'm assuming you're basing your opinion on live based on your 2k bias opposed to being completely open minded to two good basketball video games. Then calling people live fans because they wouldn't mind for EA to come out with a decent game. You sound more of a fanboy than anyone
# 23 Atax1s @ 11/11/13 11:53 PM
I'll definitely give the demo a shot. Although I've been playing 2k for years, I've always enjoyed NBA live and as a realist,I know that this year is just a foundation for what's to come. If I have fun with the demo, I'll have no problem owning both next gen basketball games. Thanks Rich! Great stuff!
# 24 RipCityAndy @ 11/12/13 01:16 AM
Originally Posted by richgrisham
Sure. While the game played smoothly from possession to shot as you move across the court, I noticed that things got a bit shaky camera-wise and animation-wise during the moments when players were going for rebounds. That seems to be when the absolute most is happening on the screen at once and was the roughest part of my time with the game. If they're able to smooth that out post-launch, that will address my biggest concern.

Based on what I played, though, I am excited to have my hands on the full game. There's a lot going on, and, as you can tell, the guys are passionate about their game.

I love NBA 2K too, and more than anything I am excited for two next-gen basketball games. Perhaps that's coloring my opinion a bit, but everyone will have it in their hands in a week. So there's that!
Thanks for chiming in, Rich. Keep up the good work with the podcast!
# 25 hesko @ 11/12/13 01:42 AM
Originally Posted by grodtooreal
Well I like how people listened to bits and pieces of the podcast and only picking out the bad. 2k fans want live to fail so bad why can't w have two good basketball games
why can't we have two good football games?
# 26 King_B_Mack @ 11/12/13 02:06 AM
I mean....seriously though...PS4 drops in three days and we have to listen to them showing someone the game like it's the '30s or something. Everybody gather round the radio for today's edition of NBA Live coverage. It's crazy when you stop and think about it.
# 27 rockchisler @ 11/12/13 02:30 AM
Originally Posted by Joba15700
Not anything like 2k! Why do you guys settle for second, why don't you all give me your 64.00 bucks I'll feed you a lot of crap too! From what I see and hear 2k is worth my money, live is not! I understand some of you live guys no nothing about basketball, you like crowds, commentary, how the court looks but not gameplay!!! Why don't you all just go back in time and buy double dribble because that's what live is going to be like...... Ha
Gotta love the new guys that Join..Kind of adorable when they talk..
# 28 Boilerbuzz @ 11/12/13 03:04 AM
Originally Posted by King_B_Mack
I mean....seriously though...PS4 drops in three days and we have to listen to them showing someone the game like it's the '30s or something. Everybody gather round the radio for today's edition of NBA Live coverage. It's crazy when you stop and think about it.
This is true. I can't listen to someone playing a video game. You may as well have just written it.
# 29 BQ32 @ 11/12/13 03:20 AM
Originally Posted by Joba15700
Not anything like 2k! Why do you guys settle for second, why don't you all give me your 64.00 bucks I'll feed you a lot of crap too! From what I see and hear 2k is worth my money, live is not! I understand some of you live guys no nothing about basketball, you like crowds, commentary, how the court looks but not gameplay!!! Why don't you all just go back in time and buy double dribble because that's what live is going to be like...... Ha
We "NO" nothing about basketball lmao, because we are excited that this game is shaping up well. It sounds like they are addressing fundamental areas of gameplay core to the basketball experience that the other franchise has always struggled with i.e. Passing, dribbling, getting stuck in animations. We don't know how well that this game will turn out if good at all, I for one am very optimistic and hyped. But what we do know is that you made yourself sound like an idiot. Peace.
# 30 PVarck31 @ 11/12/13 03:21 AM
He's been dealt with. Lets get back on-topic.
# 31 yungflo @ 11/12/13 03:21 AM
you have to give them credit. Overall ratings don't really matter. Glad to see real data being used. Player rating should be extinct this gen. Its too vague to get an idea of a how a player really reacts or plays. I'm hoping they can execute this to a T
# 32 yungflo @ 11/12/13 03:24 AM

this is why next gen sports marketing has been horrible. if they are hiding something then its something flawed their hiding.
# 33 BQ32 @ 11/12/13 03:32 AM
Not sure about where you guys are finding the negativity in this podcast because to me it sounds fantastic.

1. Bombshell on the passing system being like fifa and picking your pass. I have been begging for this in a bball game every year. Not relying on the cpu to make a proper decision and the added depth is a game changer for me if it works well.

2. Freedom of movement, also has me VERY excited. One of my pet peeves for years with 2k is getting stuck in those dumb gameplay error animations like going backcourt because I wanted to dribble behind my back, as well as all the warping because of the heavy animation system.

3. Pick and Roll. The most utilized play in the game of basketball and the driving force behind most offensive schemes. Live 10 had a great system giving the player excellent control and this sounds the same or even better.

4. Momentum and change of pace affecting ball handling abilities and being used to set up moves. Again an area stolen from Fifa but sounds awesome and could really lead to some creativity and depth of gameplay. LIke skill moves in fifa, many players just sprint up and down, but to the players that take the time to learn the moves and are able to control their pace it opens up a whole new world of fun and creativity.

We know there is no way it will compete graphics wise with 2k, but man it sounds like they are addressing all the gameplay gripes that I have with that game year after year. I will buy both games 2k for a graphical showcase but I can see myself devoting the time to this game. It could flop, but it also sounds like it could be special.
# 34 bumpyface @ 11/12/13 04:10 AM
I took Live out of my delivery slot in Gamefly. I'm sorry but if EA is reluctant to release 5 vs 5 gameplay then this game can't be worth the time of day. Why even release the game if you're ashamed of it? I can't believe this game has been in development as long as EA claims.
# 35 MEEKS973 @ 11/12/13 05:05 AM
This was filled with many good/great things and because one guy says he is "proud and not satisfied" y'all make it seem as if the game isn't good.

What he meant, IMO, was he is proud they have a functional and fun game out and it's something to build on for the future. Not satisfied because it might not be an amazing game yet or it's not up to the competition level. And maybe y'all missed the fact that he said 13 compared to 14 was terrible.

But back to the "proud" part. He stated that the team are/will be looking forward to 2015/2016. This to me isn't a bad thing regarding live 14. This is there first game since 2010 and it's on next gen. They're are glad they have a good game coming and they're not giving up at making it a great game for the future.

This podcast was great. I loved every bit of what was being said and discussed. Can't wait to get my hands on the game next week.

The commentary sounds great. Audio is amazing as usual coming from the Live team. I really want to see the camera shake or player animation that rich mentioned when players go up for a rebound. It doesn't sound like its a deal breaker though. It seems like a patch could fix that.
# 36 MarkWilliam @ 11/12/13 06:32 AM
I am at a point where seeing the 5 v 5 gameplay doesn't bother me any longer..... we have come this far and its that close, suddenly it doesn't bother me so much.

I will say this, as they were playing and walking through the basics, you could sense some great depth in this game.

I anticipate weakness being graphical and animations, but EA seem to have focused on the guts of it in terms of gameplay based on whats been said and whats been read......

In depth pick and roll, player tendencies from Synergy, Bounce Tek and foot planting.....

To use OKC and come hard at a defender with Westbrook and have a defender aggressively back pedal allowing you to pull up suddenly for a mid range J with Russ would be a fantastic thing...... and it would open up one on one play, closing out qtrs, games, shot clocks would have a big element of fun. Creating space for good looks.....forcing baseline with the Bulls, playing Ice pick and rolls etc..... each teams feel now gets distinguished on a whole new level (potentially)...

If we can get past weaker animations, things as mentioned above could just keep EA in the fight.....

Saying that, we could go as far as to anticipate weak reviews, with the ever evolving things with this game, day by day etc.... this definitely seems like users need to give it time to see its strengths.....

A reviewer may score it differently after 3 months for example.....

All of this is hopeful speculation (I am a 2K fan I will say - but more so, a basketball fan).....but if EA managed to get the depths of these gameplay elements to a certain level, this game could be fun and very strategic.....
# 37 Guapo516 @ 11/12/13 06:37 AM
People come on here with their agendas, I don't get it, I read the comments before listening, and it sounds like yal are wishful listening. Yal wish live the worst just because it's ea and you like 2k, I think it's odd people spread hate like that, but wat can you do?? Dude seemed to enjoy what he saw, it's like that jayz verse, did you really listen to the podcast or just skim throught it?
# 38 El_Poopador @ 11/12/13 09:39 AM
Originally Posted by yungflo
you have to give them credit. Overall ratings don't really matter. Glad to see real data being used. Player rating should be extinct this gen. Its too vague to get an idea of a how a player really reacts or plays. I'm hoping they can execute this to a T
my only question about player ratings going away is how it will be handled when playing franchise mode. obviously my individual franchise will be different than whats happening irl, so there will need to be some kind of base rating system in place to work from. im actually surprised he didnt ask about that when they were talking about getting rid of ratings completely and not being able to edit player ratings manually.
# 39 El_Poopador @ 11/12/13 09:41 AM
Originally Posted by bumpyface
I took Live out of my delivery slot in Gamefly. I'm sorry but if EA is reluctant to release 5 vs 5 gameplay then this game can't be worth the time of day. Why even release the game if you're ashamed of it? I can't believe this game has been in development as long as EA claims.
i think it has more to do with visuals than anything else. they want people to play the game rather than watch someone else do it. they obviously cant compete with 2k right now when it comes to visuals so they are relying on whats under the hood to make their game stand out. you cant see a lot of that by watching someone else play the game and gameplay videos will only be picked apart based on how they look graphically. we saw that just on the few trailers they released.
# 40 fluent2332 @ 11/12/13 01:09 PM
I don't mind rough visuals, as long as the gameplay is on point. From what I've heard so far, I'm confident the game plays a sim-style basketball game. Proper spacing, intuitive pick and roll, deep controls, team-specific play-calling, etc., wrapped up in the blanket of Synergy DNA. This game should be a hardcore hoops fan's dream.

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