NBA Live 14 News Post

Check out the latest NBA Live 14 screenshots. EA Sports will release information on signature moves, defense and more this week.

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Game: NBA Live 14Reader Score: 4/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS4 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 17 - View All
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Member Comments
# 21 The 24th Letter @ 10/30/13 10:07 PM
I know that they have their own style and everything, but I can't really say these screenshots are impressive considering this is for PS4 and XBO...

I just need to see the game in motion at this point...
# 22 ccoaxum @ 10/30/13 10:12 PM
anybody notice the different character modals for the crowds...the first one that caught my eye was the heavy set women in the bright red shirt and next to is mid size women in a darker red shirt..now that i think of it, it seems like the same person just different size and color shirt lol
# 23 Gramps91 @ 10/30/13 10:15 PM
looks nice. Looking forward to more info.
# 24 Earl1963 @ 10/30/13 10:27 PM
Originally Posted by Jano
The art style in this game is so DIFFERENT in comparison to 2K14. 2K going for that photorealistic look this game not so much.. Don't look downright terrible but it don't look nearly as good.
I'm glad it looks different, need something new. And I actually think it looks really nice.
# 25 coolcras7 @ 10/30/13 10:30 PM
The problem with all of live 14 screens shots is that every thing is way too clean and smooth which makes it look fake.
# 26 Earl1963 @ 10/30/13 10:45 PM
How can anyone complain about a game looking too clean? I love it. Only thing I don't like about those pics is, where is the armpit hair?
# 27 nick_sr @ 10/30/13 10:46 PM
Originally Posted by DonWuan
Good enough for me. Career/GM/association news and I'll be happy

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yessir. better ai would be a plus for me also
# 28 ccoaxum @ 10/30/13 10:47 PM
Originally Posted by Earl1963
How can anyone complain about a game looking too clean? I love it. Only thing I don't like about those pics is, where is the armpit hair?
no game has shown arm pit hair...at least not in basketball games lol
# 29 actuallybrown @ 10/30/13 11:20 PM
Players look velvety.
# 30 yungflo @ 10/30/13 11:42 PM
Originally Posted by shutdown10
EA waited too long to get hype for their game going. I believe the other game has taken over the hype now. I want EA to succeed, but sales numbers are going to be the factor if this game gets to see the 2 or 3 year plan. The photos look alright, but don't have that next gen look.
its not hype. they are trying to slip through undetected so that people will pick it up based on the cover and brand. if this thing had a demo, it'd be canceled most likely.
# 31 exposedaking @ 10/31/13 12:13 AM
I like the screenshots, I admire the fact that it looks like its own game...because if it looked/played like the other game it would be pointless for me to purchase two hoop games this year

Hopefully the gameplay will be decent enough to enjoy

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# 32 Championships @ 10/31/13 12:17 AM
I think they just wanted to get the game out, pretty looking or not.

Can't wait to hear what they've got to say about defense.
# 33 radatdude2 @ 10/31/13 12:23 AM
Looks good but very cartoonish
# 34 coolcras7 @ 10/31/13 12:42 AM
Originally Posted by Earl1963
How can anyone complain about a game looking too clean? I love it. Only thing I don't like about those pics is, where is the armpit hair?
Because humans are flawed, materials are flawed, thats what 2k does it shows the flaws in their player models, bad facial hair, facial scars, not the razor clean line ups, thats the real different in the player models will that and the fact that most live players look like all they do it workout their arms.
# 35 yungflo @ 10/31/13 12:58 AM
Originally Posted by Phreak50
Wow, can I borrow your super powers? You can tell all that based on a few seconds of footage?
Sorry, with great power, comes great responsibility, I don't think you are capable of handling it

[/sarcasm only a joke buddy.]

I'm merely going on past attempts of leaks and such. If EA came out with a demo and it got negative press, so much negative press, they will most have likely cancelled it. How is that a shocking statement? they did it twice, and one year, they didn't even come out with a game. You are acting like what I'm saying is asinine.

That's why imo they are keeping it so close to the vest. They want people to buy and experience it before harping on it. If people tried a demo and didn't like it, they would end up canceling it. Especially if the press was super heat like it was for elite 11

If it plays subpar by anymeans for a NEXT GEN title, of course it would get a lot of heat.

Come on dude.

I'm not saying it will suck, I'm just saying, that's their reasons, IMO. Not fact
# 36 G5XL @ 10/31/13 01:12 AM
Man Dwight's left hand looks weird af. Maybe I'm trippin though.
# 37 vegasplaya @ 10/31/13 02:30 AM
let it go EA!! its over
# 38 yungflo @ 10/31/13 02:40 AM
Originally Posted by G5XL
Man Dwight's left hand looks weird af. Maybe I'm trippin though.
you are definitely not tripping. It looks like he has severe arthritis.
# 39 lakers24 @ 10/31/13 02:58 AM
Looks good, better than the footage they released obviously. I honestly just don't understand why they waited so long to even do this. They should've started marketing this a bit more earlier as they need to get more of the "on the fence" buyers before the other company could get a hold of them with the graphics. Either way, they should def pick it up bigtime after today considering 2k is now doing something daily till release.

Btw, this will be the 1st year where there are 2 really accurate Dwight Howard's on console lol. It's long overdue.
# 40 Artur @ 10/31/13 03:14 AM
Looks terrible! They looks like a dolls. It's not next-gen! Yeah I know that competition is the engine of progress, but obviously not in this case.

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