NBA Live 14 News Post

It was reported on the EA Sports NBA Live Facebook Page that we will finally get our first glimpses of 5-on-5 gameplay this Friday. For now, here's a quick teaser.

Game: NBA Live 14Reader Score: 4/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS4 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 17 - View All
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Member Comments
# 101 Sundown @ 10/16/13 09:56 PM
Originally Posted by youvalss
OK, here's something I have noticed: around 0:05 (the closeup), Steve seems to dribble to much while runnin/skating such a short distance. As if he's running in place at a weird angle (diagonal) while hardly moving. But it could be some slow-mo trailer effect or something. Need to see it from distance.
The dribbling... it looks... kinda lame.

Wait. Wait. That's BOUNCETEK? That's Ignite?

Dribbling is supposed to be Live's huge, next-gen super-advanced feature. But it looks just as bad as everything else: jerky, slidey, with weird-looking foot planting.

Maybe Bouncetek only works with the guys they mo-capped. Everyone else gets bad dribbling animations of someone at the YMCA.
# 102 aholbert32 @ 10/16/13 09:57 PM
Originally Posted by Profit89
lol @ incredibles. Remember there's a lot of EA shills that hit these boards hard and they will promote the game no matter what. That's what they get paid for.
Stop it with the "shills" talk. Look, there are ppl who are going to love Live no matter what because its different. There are ppl who are going to love 2k because its what they are used to and they are made at EA for canceling Live in the past. There are ppl who will play both games and have a preference based on what they want in an NBA game.
# 103 RayRay34 @ 10/16/13 09:58 PM
Ok I am not officially waving the white flag on Live, I want another basketball game but....... I went through it frame by frame and I have a few more observations.

The screen Gasol sets..... There is no impact there what so ever... None.... he doesn't even touch the defender. The defenders just stops...because the coding says he should. Then Gasol rolls.

I don't see much sliding which is great but you only see a total of three steps in this teaser.

It seems like everyone is wearing very stiff back braces because there is no natural movement there from the waist up. No natural movement at all.

I am loosing hope. Fast..... Show me something on Friday EA. Please !!!
# 104 Flightwhite24 @ 10/16/13 10:00 PM
As I've stated before, get ready for the 3 YEAR PLAN from EA. Happens every time.

Gonna hold final judgement until this Friday but initial thoughts are not good.

Sent from my iPhone
# 105 blingballa333 @ 10/16/13 10:00 PM
The video in the OP is really low quality. Idk if you guys have been watching this one or that one. But here ya go.


But still, game looks a little off. But not bad.
# 106 Sundown @ 10/16/13 10:01 PM
I'm kind of amazed this doesn't even look as good as current-gen 2K.

Sure some of the detail is a little better as is some of the lighting. But good? No.
# 107 CaCHooKa Man @ 10/16/13 10:05 PM
Originally Posted by aholbert32
I dont give a **** about success. I want both games to resemble NBA basketball. I want both games to even get the little things right. Only one does that so far,

Also for people who say that Live has "the arenas right"...they dont. The Rose Garden doesnt have railings on the first level. The only thing "right" about it is the court and the lighting. Again its the little things.
there are railings.. you just cant really see them in real life since theres more people in the crowd and arent as tall as they are in the game

# 108 Vni @ 10/16/13 10:06 PM
If that's really what they have in stores I can see them cancel it one more time. Animation wise it's from the past. It looks 10 years old animations wise. Everybody is stiff, no collisions.
# 109 blingballa333 @ 10/16/13 10:07 PM
I'm not sure where all the bickering about the P n R defense is coming from. I thought the rotations looked fine, just the fact that Lillard was moving around the pick so awkwardly threw me off.
# 110 Sundown @ 10/16/13 10:08 PM
Okay, positives:

Pau's set pick animation isn't bad.

The bench has nice poses with real personality.

And I really, really, like that ball.

Okay, that's all I got.
# 111 aholbert32 @ 10/16/13 10:09 PM
Originally Posted by Profit89
And there are shills that work these boards.. To deny would be denying the truth.
Like I said, you need to chill with the "shills" talk. Thats considered trolling and you wont be here for much longer.
# 112 aholbert32 @ 10/16/13 10:10 PM
Originally Posted by CaCHooKa Man
there are railings.. you just cant really see them in real life since theres more people in the crowd and arent as tall as they are in the game

Great catch. I take what I said back.
# 113 WetBeaverNeeded @ 10/16/13 10:10 PM
Yikes... i hope they got something better by friday.
# 114 Earl1963 @ 10/16/13 10:10 PM
I'm a big NBA Live fan and that short vid left a bitter taste in my mouth. Who is that white guy dribbling the ball in slo-mo? I wanna cry.
# 115 coolcras7 @ 10/16/13 10:11 PM
Originally Posted by blingballa333
The video in the OP is really low quality. Idk if you guys have been watching this one or that one. But here ya go.


But still, game looks a little off. But not bad.
Dude it looks the same
# 116 King_B_Mack @ 10/16/13 10:11 PM
Why is the bench so off? There's like four thousand chairs set up. Everybody are so far from each other on the bench and then the bench is hugged up right against the scorers table. No fans sitting courtside at all there.

I hate when people say this, but I've never seen anything where it should be truer than here. That can't be what they're releasing. Friday it's going to be something completely different to get people hyped up. They can't possibly think this is good. Even hockey guy is sitting somewhere looking at this like "what the hell?"
# 117 NINJAK2 @ 10/16/13 10:12 PM
Originally Posted by Optik
I'm sorry, am I just dense, or is there something magical that people know about that can happen between now and Friday that would make what we saw actually look like a next-gen game?
Just keep looking at it Optik you will eventually appreciate it. Try standing 5-10 feet away from the screen and squinting your eyes that may help

Lighting looks good and I like the subtle changes in expressions on Nash's face but it seems like they put next gen models over ancient Live animations/movements which really hurts it imo.
# 118 Playboy™ @ 10/16/13 10:14 PM
Nash looks more like a younger version of Arnold Schwarzenegger.
# 119 RayRay34 @ 10/16/13 10:15 PM
Guys I ain't gonna lie..... I'm thinking about canceling my pre order of my PS4 all together. Nothing from 2k yet, Live is looking disappointing, games are being canceled and Madden looks the same...... Seriously considering it!

That's an extra 650 or so back in my pocket (system, extra controller and games)
# 120 8and9 @ 10/16/13 10:19 PM
I'll save my thoughts for Friday..

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