NBA Live 14 News Post

It was reported on the EA Sports NBA Live Facebook Page that we will finally get our first glimpses of 5-on-5 gameplay this Friday. For now, here's a quick teaser.

Game: NBA Live 14Reader Score: 4/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS4 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 17 - View All
NBA Live 14 Videos
Member Comments
# 61 Optik @ 10/16/13 08:01 PM
I'm sorry, am I just dense, or is there something magical that people know about that can happen between now and Friday that would make what we saw actually look like a next-gen game?
# 62 magicman32 @ 10/16/13 08:02 PM
That snippet just didn't scream next gen. It seems to be live 09 with enhanced graphics. Is this the Ignite Engine at work? The movements still look stiff. Looks bland. When I watch it I can't help but think to myself...

"Same old NBA Live".
# 63 Lakers24win @ 10/16/13 08:03 PM
Man, it hurts to watch this trailer... Player movement just weird. And that screen with lillard has me convinced they spent all that time on bounce tech and ignored other parts of fundamental basketball.
# 64 Vni @ 10/16/13 08:03 PM
Looks pretty bad. No competition for 2K this year it looks like.
# 65 Jay Jay @ 10/16/13 08:03 PM
Originally Posted by tsbmolina
Am I the only one that noticed the ball stopped spinning as soon as it went through the hoop, lol. Just pack it up EA it's over. I always wondered what it would be like to witness your own burial.
The ball clearly stopped spinning when it hit the net like it suppose to.
# 66 scottyp180 @ 10/16/13 08:07 PM
Graphically I am unimpressed. I don't get a next-gen, can't be done on current gen impression from it like I did from 2ks videos. It makes me wonder why EA or any other company chooses to use pre-rendered videos when announcing games when it is just going to create unattainable expectations and make the final product look worse in comparison.

Ill wait for friday to gain a fair impression but as of right now I'm not expecting much from this game
# 67 WaddupCouzin @ 10/16/13 08:08 PM
Horrible! Wow, Live fans can't defend this.
# 68 magicman32 @ 10/16/13 08:13 PM
Also why do the player models look different in the latest trailer and screens? Either EA is trying to pull a "fast one" or Friday we will be wowed.
# 69 sooperb @ 10/16/13 08:17 PM
NBA Live 14:Rise Of The Robots.
# 70 DirtyJerz32 @ 10/16/13 08:18 PM
I'm not worried about a 9 sec clip. If it plays anything like Live 10 I'm in.
# 71 joec63 @ 10/16/13 08:18 PM
Originally Posted by RateSports
I really get a kick out of these sentences. Someone always has to say it. Face facts man, its never actually come true before.
True...lots of conspiracy theorists out there...lol
# 72 joec63 @ 10/16/13 08:20 PM
Think there's going to be a huge let down when that other game video drops also....just sayin
# 73 Vni @ 10/16/13 08:21 PM
Originally Posted by 32
I'm not worried about a 9 sec clip. If it plays anything like Live 10 I'm in.
Don't forget to set your p'n'r defense to double team everytime because seeing how Lilliard gets beat by a 39 years ol steve nash jogging around the screen it's gonna be hard to play defense.

It looks like a port from a 2003 game.
# 74 Dogslax41 @ 10/16/13 08:21 PM
Wow. That looks awful. So this week we've had... Madden - looks terrible, live - looks terrible, watch dogs - delayed, nba2k - another screenshot. Next gen is shaping up really well right now. But I guess I would be concerned if there wasn't so much time before the systems launched...oh wait.
# 75 joec63 @ 10/16/13 08:21 PM
Originally Posted by 32
I'm not worried about a 9 sec clip. If it plays anything like Live 10 I'm in.
Same here...looking for a change of pace anyway
# 76 SageInfinite @ 10/16/13 08:22 PM
Glad they released something, even if it is a small dose. Gotta wait to see more. I hate the bench and courtside though. Way too empty.
# 77 joec63 @ 10/16/13 08:22 PM
Originally Posted by Vni
Don't forget to set your p'n'r defense to double team everytime because seeing how Lilliard gets beat by a 39 years ol steve nash jogging around the screen it's gonna be hard to play defense.

It looks like a port from a 2003 game.
You better go take another look at games in 2003
# 78 DirtyJerz32 @ 10/16/13 08:22 PM
Originally Posted by Vni
Don't forget to set your p'n'r defense to double team everytime because seeing how Lilliard gets beat by a 39 years ol steve nash jogging around the screen it's gonna be hard to play defense.

It looks like a port from a 2003 game.
Hey thanks for letting me know!
# 79 barimanlhs @ 10/16/13 08:25 PM
Originally Posted by joec63
Same here...looking for a change of pace anyway
Thats a fair point and when this finally comes out it should help out the consumer since we will have multiple games to choose from and they will both fight to improve and have the best game out there. This looks better than Elite did but it still looks like ithas those nagging issues that plagued Live during the 360 and PS3 era....lets see friday
# 80 RipCityAndy @ 10/16/13 08:26 PM
I think it looked awesome. I'm glad to finally see some game footage. Feeling hyped!

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