NBA 2K14 News Post

Check out the latest next-gen NBA 2K14 screenshot of LeBron James on the PS4. Click here to view the high definition (5760x3240) screenshot.

Game: NBA 2K14Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS3 / PS4 / Wii U / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 98 - View All
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# 141 yungflo @ 10/14/13 10:58 PM
Originally Posted by MarvinOida
IMO, I would opt for the majority than just Kobe. (And KD for some time.) This is if they can't have an option of jersey types on players. (Tight, Hybrid, Loose)

Tap Taptalking away from my iPhone 5.... C.
I like your proposal. great idea. Different jersey fittings, I'd call hybrid medium though. hybrid make it sounds like its best of both worlds when really, its just a preference lol
# 142 v6volume @ 10/14/13 10:59 PM
Originally Posted by MarvinOida
I believe that's backwards logic. In terms of pointing out and sorting out what would be corrected and what can help improve an area in the game (in this case, art,) complaining is pretty useful as long as one can determine what's useful and what's not.

Tap Taptalking away from my iPhone 5.... C.
I understand what you're saying and there's nothing wrong with what you described. My gripe is people complaining and nitpicking about the size of the photo, the texture of the ball. Really? Some people are commenting like they're on the edge with the buying the game because [insert complaint here].
# 143 MarvinOida @ 10/14/13 11:02 PM
Originally Posted by v6volume
I understand what you're saying and there's nothing wrong with what you described. My gripe is people complaining and nitpicking about the size of the photo, the texture of the ball. Really? Some people are commenting like they're on the edge with the buying the game because [insert complaint here].
Well, I said this earlier with the peoples opinions on what's the most important and what's not. The size thing is just a weird thing, but the texture of the ball would be like shoes and how they look, or the mesh of the jersey, the beard of Harden, how it looks and RL and wanting to have it look as real as you see it.

Tap Taptalking away from my iPhone 5.... C.
# 144 Brooke2011 @ 10/14/13 11:11 PM
So from what I've heard. Nba 2k14 current gen is the best basketball game people have played. Now you add the fantastic visual upgrade and living sidelines..........what is the problem?. Everything I have seen has been positive. Lighting , player models, faces,

If you guys don't think it's good , go and look on the Madden forum and see how much better this game is looking as opposed to Madden.
# 145 yungflo @ 10/14/13 11:12 PM
Originally Posted by v6volume
I understand what you're saying and there's nothing wrong with what you described. My gripe is people complaining and nitpicking about the size of the photo, the texture of the ball. Really? Some people are commenting like they're on the edge with the buying the game because [insert complaint here].
I agree, thi is only the first 2k on next gen. People are acting like this is the last 2k in the series. lol Plus its a team, a large team, some that don't watch ball, so excuse them. if they had rockstar budget and extensive time to work on the minor things, they would get it down pat \
# 146 Brooke2011 @ 10/14/13 11:16 PM
I'm sorry , but even zoomed in the detail is sickAttachment 67416
# 147 yungflo @ 10/14/13 11:20 PM
Originally Posted by Brooke2011
I'm sorry , but even zoomed in the detail is sickAttachment 67416
they mocapped lebron. I'd like to see some of the lesser known players. Ray allen look sick too, from the e3 trailer. I'd love to see wade as well. Maybe they can make wade and james stand next to each other.
# 148 javicd21 @ 10/14/13 11:25 PM
Originally Posted by King_B_Mack
What? That was last year and it's been in the last two games already and was already shown to be in next gen. So what are you talking about exactly?
I meant that they could've changed the Jersey like they did with the road jerseys last year. But it's already confirmed that it was a fault on 2k.

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# 149 yungflo @ 10/14/13 11:28 PM
if 2k could somehow get turner sports to agree to terms to use their likeness on scoreboards, post game interviews and such that would be AWESOME. With post games, they don't even need to be vocal. They can have the same wwe format they use now for the postgame myplayer. Just show lebron being interviewed by Doris and Give us four choices. Mix it up. For regular season games, some podium game presses, and some sideline postgame short interviews.

For Playoffs, depending if Eastern Conf, have them with the TNT crew just the presentation/

TNT is the most asked feature. After 2k5, they have to at least be thinking about it. I hope they work something out. I feel sorry for PC owners. They got CG.When likely their mache are more powerful than the ps4
# 150 youvalss @ 10/14/13 11:28 PM
Originally Posted by jaateloauto
n. A screenshot fabricated by a company to misrepresent the graphics of a game; a combination of the words bull**** and screenshot.

The game is not going to be in 5760x3240... so this is what next-gen 2K might look on a super high-end PC machine when they make a PC version of it. It's not going to look like this on PS4.
I don't know much about the law involved here, but since they put the PS4 logo there - aren't they risking of some kind of a legal action? I mean, wouldn't it be as if they have released a false info about the PS4 (and take a chance of being sued by Sony)?

It's not about the quality of what the game will look like, but the fact that they're using an official logo and showing to the public something that can hurt them.

Maybe someone who knows the law/regulations can shed some light on this.
# 151 I Djm @ 10/14/13 11:28 PM
Originally Posted by krisxsong
What in the world is drueling?

i think he means dueling
# 152 Sundown @ 10/14/13 11:28 PM
Originally Posted by v6volume
I understand what you're saying and there's nothing wrong with what you described. My gripe is people complaining and nitpicking about the size of the photo, the texture of the ball. Really? Some people are commenting like they're on the edge with the buying the game because [insert complaint here].
Not every complaint is meant to bring the game down or threaten a sale. I critique them using the wrong type of ball in hopes that it might be fixed, especially because the rest of the game looks so authentic and has such visual fidelity. It's something that would take a proficient artist 30 minutes in Z-Brush to correct. The ball is also something that we see constantly and getting it correct would make screenshots and replays look that much better.

I mean some people are here picky about the placement of the 6 on Lebron's jersey. It's not something I would notice. Others don't really care about having 5 different jersey fittings and consider that nitpicking. But hey, if it can be fixed, let's get it fixed. If it can't we'll live.

You know what I don't get? Folks who complain about people who complain respectfully. I don't see how that's productive in any way.
# 153 yungflo @ 10/14/13 11:39 PM
Originally Posted by Skopin
But why was it wrong in the E3 video? It's not like the jersey design has changed since they started, or even since they started working on NBA 2k13. And they haven't released any gameplay videos, so this screenshot is all we have to go on for the moment. And I don't see it as nitpicking when I noticed the disparity within 3 seconds of seeing the picture.
Why does it matter? They fixed it. Lol. Thats like saying, What if Lebron Didn't win a ring? He won a ring, hypotheticals are thrown out the window.

I'm sure they will fix some of them, not all, but I didn't say we should stop pointing it out. I'm just saying some posters should stop acting like big babies cause the pinstripe is the wrong color and stop acting like its going to stop them from buying the game. Both games never have 100 pct representation of the nba
# 154 yungflo @ 10/14/13 11:42 PM
Originally Posted by youvalss
I don't know much about the law involved here, but since they put the PS4 logo there - aren't they risking of some kind of a legal action? I mean, wouldn't it be as if they have released a false info about the PS4 (and take a chance of being sued by Sony)?

It's not about the quality of what the game will look like, but the fact that they're using an official logo and showing to the public something that can hurt them.

Maybe someone who knows the law/regulations can shed some light on this.
its been done for gaming generations. It won't change. and Dude, anyone that knows 2k, know they don't relaed bullshots. They even have a messed up screenshot of Chris paul 2k8 while live had a better one[bullshot] and they still owned it. Come on, this is 2k we're talking about
# 155 yungflo @ 10/14/13 11:43 PM
Originally Posted by Sundown
Not every complaint is meant to bring the game down or threaten a sale. I critique them using the wrong type of ball in hopes that it might be fixed, especially because the rest of the game looks so authentic and has such visual fidelity. It's something that would take a proficient artist 30 minutes in Z-Brush to correct. The ball is also something that we see constantly and getting it correct would make screenshots and replays look that much better.

I mean some people are here picky about the placement of the 6 on Lebron's jersey. It's not something I would notice. Others don't really care about having 5 different jersey fittings and consider that nitpicking. But hey, if it can be fixed, let's get it fixed. If it can't we'll live.

You know what I don't get? Folks who complain about people who complain respectfully. I don't see how that's productive in any way.
that's not complaining, that's constructive criticism. And No one should have an issue with that
# 156 Goffs @ 10/15/13 12:39 AM
Originally Posted by eaw913
PC fanboys butthurt by the fact that consoles are finally equal in graphics. Why you would want to play a sports game on a PC is beyond me but hey, that's just my opinion.
I'm not butthurt since the next gen graphics will come out for the PC version next year. Gaming on the PC is a better experience since we get the missing players via mods while you guys get stuck with an alien version of Parsons.

So next gen graphics with modding capabilities.....yeah I look forward to seeing next gen Barkley and Miller on the PC version.
# 157 chsviking2005 @ 10/15/13 01:35 AM
So far 2k14 has the BEST next gen graphics I have seen!! Better than Killzone, Ryse, anything!! You look at that screenshot and your jaw hits the floor

PS-4 Weeks away!

Xbox refugee......on the way to Playstation Nation!!! 4 > One

Greatness Awaits
# 158 blingballa333 @ 10/15/13 01:36 AM
That looks REALLY good.
# 159 Melbournelad @ 10/15/13 02:01 AM
Originally Posted by SimBaller
This is an older approved screenshot. Our current build has the uniform correct as well as the addition of his new tattoos (come on people, you're slipping!).
Off topic, but out of curiosity is "simballer" the lone staff member in charge of Association? Or is it someone else?
# 160 DamnYanks2 @ 10/15/13 02:09 AM
17 pages for one screenshot, how in the hell

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